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Levels listed...
TR5 - 32
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TR3 - 178
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TR1 - 64

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3543 (99.7%) walkthroughs
446 Hall of Fame levels
1228 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


The Last Trident


release date: 31-Aug-2006

average rating: 7.34
review count: 14
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file size: 21.50 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

author profile(s):

After coming home with Excalibur after her 7th adventure Lara browses through the library in Croft Manor and comes across a book that reports about a 5th trident in the Catacombs below Alexandria. At once, Lara orders Winston to pack her bags again and arranges a meeting with Jean-Yves so that he can bring her to the entrance of the ruins. But Von Croy's men are also already looking for the artifact...