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The Lost Soul of Maria


release date: 21-Oct-2006

average rating: 9.34
review count: 24
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file size: 208.83 MB
file type: TR4
class: Castle
Hall of Fame

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A disturbing news headline indicates that an eight-year-old girl has suddenly gone missing. Her parents are worried sick and are wondering where their little girl has gone. They appeal to the public for help. The news spreads quickly and comes to Lara's Home. Lara decides to offer her assistance and goes in search of Maria, the lost girl. Lara sets off and visits the Dashul (Maria Dashul) household to get some answers. No one knows of Maria's whereabouts. Her worried parents fear the worst. During her journey to the Dashul residence, Lara starts to get severe head and chest pains, and she crashes her jeep into a gate at the side of the road. Her body smashes through the windscreen and lands on the gravel. After regaining consciousness, Lara looks around in disbelief. She stands in front of some castle gardens filled with hatred. There is no one around. No sounds. No atmosphere. No nothing. The only sound she can hear is the cry of wolves and laughter. Lara decides that the only way to survive is to look for Maria, the lost girl. Lara visits an oracle. The oracle tells Lara that the only way to save Maria, is to enter her dreams and bring back her soul...