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Baptism of Fire 2 - Tinnos Revisited


release date: 27-Apr-2007
difficulty: medium
duration: short

average rating: 7.40
review count: 25
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file size: 85.20 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cold/Snowy

author profile(s):

Bored of the dry sands of North Africa and the steamy jungles of South America Lara remembers Tinnos, the lost city buried beneath the frozen wastelands of Antarctica: “Huummm”, she muses. “I did leave in rather a hurry the last time I was there. I suspect that there is more to that city than I have already seen...” And with that thought Lara makes up her mind to revisit Tinnos: “Winston! Pack my thermal underwear. I’m going to Antarctica!”