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446 Hall of Fame levels
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TR Fan Site


The Canyon / First Cataract


release date: 29-Mar-2001

average rating: 8.61
review count: 20
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file size: 31.46 MB
file type: TR4
class: Coastal

author profile(s):

...Lara's final destination is southern Egypt where she's almost sure to find the legendary Amulet of Horus, the lost key for Seth's tomb. But, she is now in Cairo and the only egyptian guide she could almost trust is not available yet, probably stuck in some artefact-dealing business...The first two levels take place in a desertic canyon in the middle of Sinai. The first level is hardly a routine stroll for Lara, that will have to use her muscles and brains more than her weapons to reach the secret areas and to get to the second level, where wild animals keep the first high cliff leading to Salomon's Mines...