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TR Legacy - Secret of Babylon


Lady Croft Team
release date: 24-Nov-2007

average rating: 6.94
review count: 16
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file size: 51.61 MB
file type: TR4
class: Coastal

author profile(s):

The whole story is about an Ancient Book where it is written how to release the demon of underground. Because it would be a really dangerous weapon in wrong hands, the book was protected by the order of light (Lux Veritatis...does it remind you of something?). It was safe for centuries. But what if there is a traitor inside the order? Then he must be stopped, right? And if so, what will you do, if that traitor is someone you love, someone who´s really important to you? Will you stay on the side of light? Or you´ll help him, although it may cause the apocalypse? This is the first decision that one of the heroes from our story has to make.