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The Skribblerz Stonez 2 - Over the Rainbow


release date: 29-Dec-2007

average rating: 8.17
review count: 25
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file size: 151.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Nordic/Celtic

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Note: Combined download package for all 5 levels of Skribblerz Stonez 2. GMac's Level One World not listed for reviews, as it is now included in the Lake of Fire NG package.

In her quest to locate all the Skribblerz Stonez Lara Croft researches the world's mythologies looking for clues to their whereabouts. During her research she comes across an old Viking legend which tells that Odin; the God of wisdom and war; gave the Valkyries a gift of a Skribblerz Stone for all their hard work in guiding the souls of the warriors fallen in battle to Valhalla. But Loki; the God of mischief and strife; stole the Skribblerz Stone and hid it. Odin''s anger shook Asgard to its foundations but no-one could find the Skribblerz Stone...
In Norse Mythology, a rainbow called Bifroest connects the realms of Asgard and Midgard, homes of the Gods and humans, respectively.