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TR Forge Advent Calendar 2008 - Changzhug Monastery


release date: 20-Dec-2008

average rating: 7.43
review count: 20
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file size: 19.83 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cold/Snowy

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Aloft in Tibetian highland you can find the Changzhug Monastery. It has a golden roof which was contructed by order of the 5th Dalai Lama 400 years ago. The monastery's most important treasure is a with perls embroidered thangka the princess Wen Cheng made. It depictures her as white tara. After a streak of bad luck in the monastery, came out that the thangka is reserved with a curse. A monk who is a good friend of Lara and who still know her from the Barkhang Monastery calls her and begs her to take the thangka out of the monastery because the monks are too scared of it. On the ground she asserts that some mercenarys remarked that the monks don't want their treasure any longer. So they benefit the chance and mug the whole monastery. They mustn't get the thangka, because they can do things with it that can cause great damage to the Changzhug-order. The monks already already flew of the monastery because they can't defend against gatecrasher like the the Barkhang or Denbonche-monks.