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Tomb Raider - Realms of Destiny


Skyler Ortega
release date: 28-Mar-2009

average rating: 7.08
review count: 13
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file size: 187.94 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Previously...Natla recked havoc by recreating the scions using them to lure Lara to use them to open the Realm of Destiny. Natla died in the process, but successfully tricks Lara.

Now, the Seals of Destiny are harnessing power from their surroudings to power themselves. These withdrawls are causing rifts in the Earth's dimensions where sudden teleportations can occur when approached. The Seals or crystals teleport a person to its realm location. But some evil force is ahead of Lara harnessing the Crystals powers. Who may it be? Whoever it is, they are moving quickly and the crystals, Yamato, Kilomojui, and Nasaeb are erupting with great power for all to use.

Lara's Notes: The first location was spotted by a Phendranian climber climbing the mountains when his group vanished when they tried going into a Blue Door. I wonder if the environment has anything to with the crystal's Realm location?