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BtB2010 - Palace Dionysus


release date: 01-Jan-2010
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.61
review count: 33
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file size: 55.62 MB
file type: TR4
class: Venice

author profile(s):

Legend has it that above a bath of wine, the Greek God Dionysus will bring any person back to life at the cost of their heart. Bartoli's men have saved his heart for this very purpose, and they intend to resurrect their leader beneath the next full moon. Lara catches wind of the rumors and decides to head to Venice to prevent any such thing from happening. She's also heard rumors of the legendary Pan's Rose surfacing within a nearby Dionysian cult. Lara will have to deal with both Bartoli's men and the cult members in order to escape Venice alive.