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The Castle of Training


Gold Dragon
release date: 18-Aug-2004
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 7.09
review count: 14
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file size: 9.83 MB
file type: TR2
class: Castle

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Note: To hear any music when playing TR2 custom levels put the 'Tomb Raider 2' or 'Tomb Raider 2: Gold' CD in your CD-ROM while playing.

The level this inspired inside a castle by the heart of a volcano located in a place that Lara did not want to comment. The legend says that there are a silver mask of Zaimatxu. One says that the owner of this mask was the brother of the first owner of mask of gold of tr2 gold. The power of this mask is a Streght tremendous, able to move mountains. Zuimatxu, a leader of tribe with many valuable possessions, never separated of his mask. It was his life, its appraised treasure but. And with that terrible streght, Zuimatxu began to feel superior to all. The fortune teller of the village knew that Zuimatxu abused its power, reason why it was forced to snatch it to it. Zuimatxu fell in a great depression that I end its life. The power of chewed it could make change to the people, reason why the fortune teller tube that to lock up chewed it in a place where single somebody with a pure heart could arrive. I am constructed a castle where it was buried to Zuimatxu, with all its great valuable possessions and appreciated his it chewed. The only way to arrive at chewed it was to pass the three tests: The test of the body, that it put your abilities on approval physical. Its symbol was a body. The test of the mind, that it put your talent and intelligence on approval. Its symbol was a head. The test of the fight, that it put your defense against enemies on approval. Its symbol was a fight. Years later, Lara would find in India a plane that spoke of chewed it. Interested it was in his search. I enter by a hole of the volcano and begins the adventure.