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The Mayas Treasure


spooky shadow
release date: 21-May-2010
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.04
review count: 28
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file size: 33.28 MB
file type: TR4
class: South America

author profile(s):

Many stories and rumours have been always told about Mayan civilization. Indeed some say that advanced techniques used by the Maya in those times were not normal from their era. Some say that they were helped by extra-terrestrial forces. Nowadays, an archeologist called Lara Croft decides to travel to Mexico in order to find out the truth about this enigmatic civilization. She manages to find a valley inhabitated by the Mayans. A few constructions have appeared in the last years in this valley, where supposedly nobody had been for centuries. Lara walks into the valley with the intention to shed light about all the mysteries...