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BtB2011 - Ghostbuster Volume 1: Let there be Water


release date: 24-Aug-2011
difficulty: challenging
duration: short

average rating: 8.96
review count: 35
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file size: 59.78 MB
file type: TR4
class: Steampunk
Hall of Fame

author profile(s):

Dear Ms. Croft,
Zudotakikato Takatojinkato, the famous show-Ninja was taken prisoner of two nasty ghosts! He came to our city to inaugurate the brand-new windmachine with one of his performances but yesterday, at the final rehearsal he suddenly vanished! While looking for him everywhere we suddenly heard screaming noises coming from the abandoned mines...What we saw there left us speachless: A brand new structure appeared and on the floor it said: Lourah Croft! (I am sure they meant you though) The core of this structure is a door leading to the ninjas cell, but in order to open this door, 4 watertanks below this structure have to be filled. We already did most of the work, as we wanted to free him ourselves but the ghosts are really serious that they want YOU to solve this puzzle - no matter what we do now, they appear and make it undone. Please help us as soon as possible and free Zudo!

Yours sincerely
Sir Rudolph Dickson Delahunt III, major of Antropolis

Lara: Winston, prepare everything I need for the journey to Antropolis. Zudo saved my life back then in Egypt and now he got to feel the wrath of the wraiths - the wraiths he rescued me from.

Winston: Alright Ms Croft, and dont forget them how to write your name properly...