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BtB2011 - The Book of Four Elements


release date: 24-Aug-2011
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.23
review count: 33
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file size: 60.98 MB
file type: TR4
class: Steampunk

author profile(s):

Gregory Pawlaczyk, a Polish archeology professor of the culture and science palace Warsaw, has disappeared last week. He became famous for his discovery of a Victorian time machine for lost spirits which he tried to get working again. His work was strictly criticized in the science community because it could have fatal consequences for human kind. Supposedly, there is an old script called The Book of Four Elements in which it is written how the mysterious time machine is used. This book is located at a still unknown place where only he can enter who passes the legendary examination rooms of the four elements. Some even tell that dark creatures, monsters and dragons guard this highly attractive book. It is assumed that there is a connection between these rumors and the disappearance of Gregory Pawlaczyk. The professor was last seen near the coal mine in Suszec, in the south of Poland. It is temporarily closed off because of landslides and cave-ins after an intensive storm. The airing vent is the only way now to access the mine.
After receiving notice about her former archeology professor, Lara is determined to search for him and the book of four elements. A new and thrilling adventure in Poland begins...