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BtB2011 - Vanilla Sky


Ward Dragon
release date: 24-Aug-2011
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.16
review count: 37
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file size: 55.60 MB
file type: TR4
class: Steampunk

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Ninja pirates have been using a luxury airship as a cover to smuggle antiquities of dubious origin. It is suspected that they may even be smelting some of the artifacts down to extract their valuable metals. The Natural History Museum needs to get those items back but all of their attempts have failed thus far, leaving them desperate enough to hire a legendary tomb raider to retrieve the stolen artifacts.

Lara Croft books herself a ticket under an assumed name and patiently waits in her room until the shipment has been loaded and the airship is on its way. Her plan is to wait until the time is right so that the ninja pirates will be far enough away from port that they cannot summon reinforcements. At that point, she will begin to thoroughly explore the ship, dispatch all of the ninja pirates, and commandeer the vessel so that she can fly the antiquities back to the museum.

Of course, thats assuming things go according to plan...