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The City of Wonders


Ben Best
release date: 04-Oct-2001
difficulty: medium
duration: short

average rating: 6.88
review count: 19
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file size: 20.50 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

Having retrieved the Ankh from the Chambers of Wonder, Lara takes it to Jean-Yves, who deciphers the inscription. Lara learns that there is a second, more elaborate underground city built by the same architects who designed the Chambers of Wonder. This time, the city houses the legendary Scepter of Wonders. The inscription on the Ankh also refers to an artifact that will unlock the entrance to the city. Unfortunately, when Lara makes enquiries concerning this artefact, she learns that it has recently been stolen from a Cairo museum. Fortunately, the Ankh provides enough information about the location of the city. Unfortunately, so would the stolen artefact. So Lara sets out to Egypt (once again), where she drives to the location of the underground city, hides her vehicle, and lies in wait for the thieves to put in an appearance. When they noisily drive up, Lara decides it is time to emerge from her hiding place. Little does she know (yet) that the thieves have back-up coming hard on their heels...