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Un Luogo Solitario (Teaser)


release date: 26-Dec-2014
difficulty: challenging
duration: medium

average rating: 7.68
review count: 14
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file size: 92.20 MB
file type: TR4
class: Venice

author profile(s):

The Fiama Nera has not been active since Lara defeated its leader, Marco Bartoli… until now. When Lara Croft learns of their resurfaced activity, she tracks them to their current location, Venice, and finds out that they were trying to uncover a powerful artifact hidden somewhere in a mysterious abandoned mansion. However, there is more than meets the eye in this eerie mansion. With a manor shrouded in mystery and the threat of a deadly artifact in the wrong hands, Lara has no choice but to continue and obtain the artifact before the Fiama Nera (or at least whats left of them).