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TR Forge Advent Calendar 2015 - The Forge


release date: 23-Dec-2015
difficulty: easy
duration: short

average rating: 9.13
review count: 17
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file size: 45.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal
Hall of Fame

author profile(s):

The "Crystal of Creativity" (TM) usually keeps "The Forge" from getting sucked into a black hole. But lately its energy level is frightingly low. Can you help Lara reactivate the "Crystal of Creativity" (TM)?

This is a "peaceful" level. No enemies, no traps, no drowning. Yay! But you can fall to death, get bullied and sucked into black holes.

Side effects:
Vertigo, visual diabetis and confusion about the laws of gravitation and aspiration. Over-analyze at your own risk.