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446 Hall of Fame levels
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Pearl of Kojada


release date: 27-Nov-2017
difficulty: challenging
duration: long

average rating: 9.36
review count: 28
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file size: 226.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cold/Snowy
Hall of Fame

author profile(s):

Lara Croft follows a trail of a wondrous treasure - Pearl of Kojada. Ancient ruins were found at a dig site high in the mountains. Archeologists found many reliefs that are telling the legend about Kojada. Perhaps that is the final resting place of this magnificent jewel.

Important note:Tomb Raider: Pearl of Kojada - Mongolian Foothills has been born in 2007. It was meant to be a team project, but unfortunately it has been abandoned and cast aside. Every member of the group was supposed to create his own, independent set of levels. Some time ago I have stumbled upon my part of the project, and I thought that it would be a great idea to finish a game that is in a such advanced state.