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BtB2020 - Beyond the Caves of Nyalam


release date: 14-Jun-2020
difficulty: challenging
duration: long

average rating: 8.89
review count: 23
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file size: 143.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Oriental

author profile(s):

There has been a rumour about the ancient temple deep behind the caves of Nyalam, which is said to be inhabited by a huge monster. The few people who live near the temple didn't feel safe. Lara decided to investigate. She managed to find her way through the caves, to meet a monk named Shin. Shin told Lara that she must pass a test to prove herself worthy, so that she can get inside the temple. After doing this, Lara managed to defeat the monster and trap it inside the ancient box. Now, she is having a pleasant time, relaxing in the nearby house of her new friends, before she returns home. Shin wrote a story about her adventure and he is about to read it to them, so that they can all relive the tale once more.