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Tomb Raider 5 - Rome Hub


release date: 08-Nov-2021
difficulty: challenging
duration: very long

average rating: 7.39
review count: 7
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file size: 124.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Rome/Greece

author profile(s):

Lara Croft goes on one of her first adventures. Her dear friend Jean-Yves asks her to meet in his appartment in Rome where some events uncover bit by bit the secret place where the philosopher's stone is kept. Jean-Yves tells her that it's not going to be a very hard task but Lara Croft seems to think otherwise...

This adventure is a re-imagined version of the official release. Instead of having 3 seperate levels, the set is composed of one big hub interconnecting the streets of Rome
Discover all new challenges, level mechanics, places to explore and riddles to solve within new but also familiar and iconic environnement from Tomb Raider Chronicles.