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Spell of the Twelve Caves - Cavern II - Tomb of Amonthep II


release date: 25-Jan-2022
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 5.47
review count: 8
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file size: 368.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

The Spell of the Twelve Caves depicts a series of caverns, each with a varying number of deities inhabiting them. The deities of the underworld were ancient Egyptian Gods charged with punishing the damned souls.

Spell of the Twelve Caves - Cavern Deities Part 1 was released in April 2021.

While loosely based on Part 1, in this level Lara is in the Tomb of Amenhotep II where she is looking for his skull, an ancient artifact to add to her legacy. While finding his skull is simple enough, the real challenge for Lara is finding a way to Cavern Three while battling through the spells of the caves.

An optional side mission can also be enjoyed by collecting 10 X Rosetta Stone puzzle pieces to place into their puzzle holes to hear Lara read an ancient hieroglyphic story.

Secrets: 4 (Must have found a previous secret for the 4th secret to be available)