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Dream Raider: Prelude - The Dream Lake


release date: 11-Dec-2001

average rating: 6.26
review count: 18
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file size: 16.80 MB
file type: TR4
class: Coastal

author profile(s):

Lara is driving to China for a tour. When she is by way of a little city, an unco feeling lead her to an untrod place. Here's a mysterious lake named Dream Lake. Thus Lara is strange here, but she feel acquaintance. While she is in puzzle, a rantankerous Japanese ninja appears hereabout. But after he discerns the feature of Lara, he flee helter-skelter... ...Lara finds out the Cave of Latent Dragon hidden in the Dream Lake, but what is the secret inside? Adventure-natured Lara enters the cave without hesitate. She doesn't know what waiting for her is the supreme challenge in life. Her adventure now begins...