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Dark Skies 3/4 - Incantations / Subversion


release date: 17-Feb-2002
difficulty: challenging
duration: medium

average rating: 8.30
review count: 29
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file size: 126.30 MB
file type: TR4
class: Base/Lab

author profile(s):

From the world within Earth Lara finds her way to places beyond knowledge, crossroads to three worlds not of our realm. Here she will find creatures simular to our own, even soldiers... so they appear. But as in the previous subterrainean stronghold, there are other creatures around, but more importantly are the creatures not found yet. Something or someone is missing from the airship... but what? Let's just hope the key to capturing the eye and hand lie within these worlds... time is running low...And now, beyond the doors, Lara has landed on this desolate ruin of a forgotten civilization, awakened by the stirring powers of the Gods Apollo and Deimos. Here is that mythical mountain, within lie the Alabronicus Hall, where the Eye is held guarded. Lara must find the darker half as well, hidden somewhere else on the mountain, taken from it's southern location. Before someone else binds these two powers, Lara must secure them, and use the power to close the gates to our world for good.