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The Experiment


release date: 15-Feb-2003

average rating: 7.91
review count: 30
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file size: 262.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

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The story will be revealed in-game. But for the start: Lara is on the vacation. She enjoys her new small swimming-pool. Then the buttler cames out and tells her, that the phone is ringing, but he is unable to answer, because Lara has activated the quest-house mode switch which changes the house into a training place. But she doesn' matter. The phone doesn't stop, so she decides to answer it anyway. After completing the puzzles, she switches house back to the normal-house-living mode. On the other side of the telephone wire is a well known archaeologist, telling her that he had some problems on the excavation site; it is in a place surrounded with mountains (Well, I don't know where, probably England, but I don't know where this could be). The excavators found a hidden mine, they somehow managed to restore the electricity, so the lights now work. But after that the excavators don't want to work there anymore. They don't feel very well near the mine opening. They're reporting of sudden fear and bad feeling when near it. And he felt the same. He knows the history of Lara and her strange adventures. So he asks her if she would like to explore the mine and find the sorce of that unpleasant feeling, because he wants to continue the excavation. He also explains that he knows how stupid this is to hear, but also some of her quests were just unbelievable. Well, Lara is on vacation, ofcourse, but her adventurer spirit isn't... She visits the caller, gets some informations and is given a key to the mine. Archaeologists had closed it to be sure that no one goes in anymore. Lara is at the place, but she has no luck. The key is missing. (Well I don't know why yet. There are three possibilities: 1.She left it at the office. 2.She went back home to prepare the stuff and forget the key at home. 3.When she steps on the bridge, she accidentally drops the key into the water. Choose the one you like.) Anyway she doesn't intend to go all the way back for a small key. Maybe there's one in those huts. Only if there isn't, she'll go back.