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Search for the Mystic Stones


release date: 26-May-2003

average rating: 8.80
review count: 26
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file size: 46.10 MB
file type: TR4
class: City

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In an old book Lara found in her elaborate library at the Croft Mansion, Lara reads about the mysterious Mystic Stones. During her research she learns that the Mystery cult has already found two of the artefacts. The members of the cult have taken these two artefacts to a town somewhere in the Netherlands, where they have hidden them in two different locations. While guarding the artefacts they have started to tear the town apart in search of the remaining three artefacts. Lara's search starts out in City at Night where she will have to find the two artefacts hidden by the cultmembers. She also has to find the entrance to the second level Into the Sewers to retrieve the third artefact. Returning to City at Night she finds a gate, which had been locked before, opened by the ultmembers. This gate gains access to Wierd Science where the cultmembers have already secured an area in which the entrance to the catacombs where a weird machine can be found. Lara finally has to find the fourth and last Stone, return safely to the outside world and get out alive.