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Levels listed...
TR5 - 32
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TR3 - 179
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TR1 - 64

72520 reviews (20.4/level)
3543 (99.6%) walkthroughs
446 Hall of Fame levels
1229 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Arctic Hole 1


release date: 23-Jul-2003

average rating: 7.22
review count: 25
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file size: 23.50 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cold/Snowy

author profile(s):

Lara`s falling through a crevice into a strange world under the ground. Through a cover of glass she`s able to look at a blue key, which will open the exit. But the way to the exit has some difficulties....On the way she finds 3 secrets. After escaping the ice Lara knows, she has to go back. These strange boxes - what do they contain?