Levels by Michael Bender
Levels released: 11-11-2004
Video Walkthrough by JoeTheCrazyGamer can be found here
Authorized walkthrough by Gerty
Lara starts next in a corner of a very desolate looking village.
Go left (N) and on the left is an opening into a house. Pick up the shotgun
ammo on a crate. Go out again and there is a small pool. NE is a ladder and
almost on the top, back flip. Climb into the opening
right (W) and take a running jump to the next roof (W), at the end is a jump
lever. Jump back to the ledge you came from and go south. A guard will shoot
you but it is easier to kill him when you are down again so for now, jump to
the next ledge and get some shotgun ammo. Jump back and climb down, and
now you can kill the guard, he leaves a small medipack.
Go around the pool as in the SE corner a blue door opened. Jump on the
crate and from there up to the roof. Get the shotgun ammo and jump to
the next roof (W). Pick up the flares. Climb out and line yourself up
for a jump to the next roof. Jump on that slightly raised roof and into the
opening there, to find a lever (cut scene of another blue door). You either go
back the way you came, or slide off the roof with a safety drop. Go back under
the arch (S) and immediately left and in this small room with crates, around
the corner is that door.
Shoot that prayer wheel for some shotgun ammo and use the lever
there (cut scene of an underwater door). Get out and go back to the pool and
swim through the door. Follow through and once around a corner almost at the
end of that stretch, swim up to get SECRET #1, LASER
SIGHT and shotgun ammo. Jump in and swim further (S) and climb out at the
Climb the ladder in the corner and watch out as a guard starts shooting.
Jump over to the ledge where that guard was and get the arrows.
A running jump to the SW, near that palm tree is next. And at the end a
standing jump to the SE. Pick up that small medipack there. Go inside
and turn around and use that jump lever. There is a cut scene, so get back and
jump into that courtyard where the palm tree is and follow that corridor in the
SW corner and enter the open door. Watch out for a guard and under that prayer
wheel you find some arrows.
Go upstairs and get the shotgun ammo. There is also a jump lever (S)
that raises a block so you can get into the opening there. Jump down and end up
next to the bike. Around the corner is a guard and he leaves some shotgun
ammo. At the other side is a jump lever that will show you a block being
lowered with behind it some goodies. You either get then now or you can do that
after you drive the bike through the wall and that means getting into the pool
again, as this is SECRET #2, medipack and CROSSBOW.
Once outside, there are guards roaming around so take care of them.
Drive under the arch (N) and take a right in front of the pool (E) and drive
through that wall to the next level.
Keep on driving, go into the cave, take care, there is a deadly pit at
the end. So steer left and follow through, around some corners, under an arch
and keep to the right and jump that other pit. Drive even further till you come
up to a building and a guard there leaves some flares. Get off the bike
and go north. A running jump to the rock in the corner right and shimmy to the
left almost at the end as there is a place you can stand up. From there a
running jump to the small corridor in between the buildings and left you can
climb in the building. Find a small medipack there and climb down a
Turn to the south ands take the first left and open that door there.
Watch out as this underground compound is being guarded. Find the shotgun
ammo on a crate and get out. Back to the hall and keep going left, find
some crates and climb up as in the NE corner is an opening with a crawlspace.
Get down and into another crawlspace and yet another one. At
the end climb up, SECRET #3, SHOTGUN. After picking up the
weapon, the door is open, shoot the guard (to the left are the crates you
climbed earlier) and go to the right (SE), where a wall torch is burning, as in
the corner is an opening in the floor. Climb down the ladder and pick up some arrows.
Climb the opening and shoot the guard. There is an opening with a swinging blue
ball, immediately on the right where you jumped in this room, use the Crossbow
and that will open the blue door.
On a crate grab the NITROUS OXIDE FEEDER, kill the guard and get
out off here. Go north, that door is open now and find
that crawlspace. A running jump with grab and shimmy to the left. At the end
pull up and jump with roll. Use the lever (cut scene) and go back to the
shimmy, through the blue door (S) and find a ladder and climb it. Go north and
to the crates and before the ladder there is a corridor on your left (pass the
burning wall torch), through the blue door, around corners and climb the ladder.
There is a jump lever on the wall (E) and you hear a door opening,
that is the double door outside. Do pick up that small medipack
as that triggers the opening of that bleu door.
Get outside and place the Nitrous Oxide Feeder on the bike. The big gate
is open now so using that feeder, jump over that big gab (or if you are in dire
need of some flares, go and have a look at the abyss and find to the
left (S) a ladder).
NOTE: you can jump the abyss, without the bike, a running jump without grab
does the trick.
You can leave the bike but apart from one other pit you have to jump, it
is a rather easy drive. At the end, leave the bike and look for a block to
climb on the East wall. A running jump to another block North, follow through
go right and you end up at a lake with a fish statue. Shoot the croc and get in
the water. Swim behind that fish statue and find a crawlspace and pick up the CROWBAR.
Get out of the water as you might hear a croc coming. Near the building you can
find some shotgun ammo and in the NE corner are arrows. If you
look up you see an opening. Go to the fish statue and jump over the water to a
block there (E) and from there a running jump NE.
Walk through and at the end you see water way down, with a croc in it
and in front of you a crack. A running jump a bit to the
right did it for me, and shimmy to the right and around a corner. Take a
running jump to the west and shimmy left and pull up, jump and roll to a ledge
on the other side. You can see a lever on the west wall, so either walk around or jump to the next ledge. A running jump will
get you to that jump lever. Another croc appears, nasty critters, and swim
through the opening back to the building. The gate is open so enter. Under the
prayer wheel is a small medipack and go up the stairs to the next level.
You are in a courtyard and there are ninja’s in here. On the left is a
closed iron door and at the end on the right are some vases, the small one
hides a small medipack.
Around the corner is a fountain area with an opening North and South and
a receptacle for a Hand in the SW corner. The right vase South has some shotgun
ammo. Enter that part of the building, up some steps and down some other
ones, you come to a bridge and you better save. Walk carefully as the bridge
has traps. You get twice some knifes and from that point hop back and a running
jump to land just before the spikes. Save again and watch carefully the spikes.
A standing jump the second the spikes go down, wait till the spikes go
down again and hop backwards, the ball will roll by and hit the forward arrow
so Lara stands on the place where the ball rolled. Keep repeating this till you
are one save ground again (4 times in all). After the spikes walk over the next
bridge (trap) and watch out as a Harpy comes swooping down. Climb a few steps
and jump into the opening east and get a medipack and shotgun ammo.
Follow the stairs again and pick up the GUARDIAN KEY.
Save on top of the ramp and look up, yup a ball. So run and at the end
jump and grab. After the ball is down, pull up and jump with roll to grab the
slope and let go and grab again so you can shimmy to the left and around a
corner. Pull up and face West and a standing jump with grab will get you there
and another standing jump with grab to the NE. Follow through and place the
Guardian Key in its slot. Both doors open. The door in the North leads you to
the fountain room of this level so go through the other one. Go left and left
and at the end climb up and get the shotgun ammo. Retrace your steps and
go east into a room with a big vase. Climb up onto a ledge in the SW corner;
get the shotgun ammo and a standing jump with grab to use the monkey
climb to get to another ledge.
Go west first to push the button there, and then go north down a ramp
and at the end use the monkey climb to get to the HAND OF SIRIUS. Take a
safety drop and go back to the other iron door in the North. Go left and once
in the room with the fountain, go to the opening North.
Straight ahead, across a courtyard with two palm trees, in the building,
is the receptacle for the Hand of Sirius. Once in, go left and get flares
and a second GUARDIAN KEY. Now you can go to the other side and use the
crowbar on the door there. You are in another courtyard and take the opening
where the ninja came from. Under the vase you find shotgun ammo. Go back
to the big vases and behind the right one (N) pull out a block so you have
access to the corridor behind it. Now enter the opening. At the end pull up,
turn around and again pull up. At the end take a running jump with grab to the
other side (a bit to the right) and climb on the roof.
Jump east and again and then again to the other side on that ledge. Now
face east and get on that balcony. In the room there, place the Guardian Key.
Go to North wall and push that block as far as it will go and at the end of
this small room is a lever (cut scene). Climb the stairs and get into that
opening. At the end do two safety drops and go back through both iron doors to
get to the courtyard with the palm trees. In the SW are blocks, jump on them;
watch out, Harpy alert and a running jump with grab gets you to the now open
Use the lever there (cut scene). Get back down and into the building
where you used the Hand and go left, through the opening and you arrive in a
room with many levers.
First use the lever on the left (SE) turn around and enter the opening
left. Pull that block out as far as so you can enter and find the HAND OF
ORION. Go back and now use the lever on the North wall that lowers a block
in the SW corner, Get into the crawlspace and find SECRET #4, the SCROLL OF
Examine the Scroll:
Imprisoned for centuries
under much water and stone
the three whose task was set
guards against my return
and keep me lost in memory
Leave the building and go to the fountain area. And use the Hand of
Orion that opens a wall West. Use the crowbar on the
door and enter.
Follow through and go up the ramp. You are in the Palace now. On the
left is a cage, and right a structure that looks like a fountain/pool, but it
has no water in it.
On the west wall are two vases, shoot them to find a button and some shotgun
ammo (cut scene). Jump down and go to the East wall. Push the block in once
and get out. The door on top of the stairs is open now. In there climb up twice
and you are on a ledge over the fountain area.
Go to the opening North and you see four different looking tiles. Go to
the West wall and behind the right tile is a push block. Pull it out once and
push it south to the different tile. (cut scene) than pull/push it for the last
time to the tile in the East (cut scene and secret chime) Go downstairs and
leave the fountain room as you can get the GUARDIAN KEY. Turn around and
go back to the button you pushed earlier and from there jump into the alcove
Go back upstairs and place the Guardian Key on that block in the middle
(looking N), the gate behind you is open, so push the button.
This fills up the fountain and if you are brave, try
to jump, if not take the stairs to get down and jump in. On the North wall is a
lever, not much else to do than to get out. A gate has opened downstairs North
on the left.
Block puzzle
In this room are blocks to push/pull. Use the lever first. This lowers a
block left so there is some room to maneuver. The block next to the lever is
the first one. Face the block while looking South and pull once, run around and
push twice (facing N). A block right lowers. Now take
the block right of the lever and pull (facing W). Around the
block and pull once (facing S), again a pull but now facing the block west.
Around to the other side (facing E) and push. See another block lowering. The
block you pushed before (NW corner), take that one out and push it in the new
opening that is next to it.
Go back to the lever and use it again. Now go East next to the lever as in the
corner (facing N) is another block, push that one as far as it goes. The block
next to it lowers revealing a button.
Lots of noise, something must be amiss. The cut scene shows a gate being
opened and that one is upstairs.
So go upstairs again but a knight is walking around now. You can kill it
but only with the shotgun while they are walking, not when they are using their
sword. Shoot it in the chest about 5-7 times, wait a bit as the knight might
collapse (I had a hard time killing any of them and between the first volley
you might wait a second to see if the knight dies because if you don’t wait,
your shots will keep him upright and then it will be much harder to take him
out). There will be 2 more so better save after each kill. In the SW corner
a gate has been opened, go and get the HAND OF ORION. In the corridor to
that room you can get more shotgun ammo under the left vase. Place the
Hand on the block in the middle and use the button when the gate opens. Cut
scene shows you something underwater so down the stairs again and in the water.
One wall has openings, so swim to the NE and take that opening, straight
ahead, down and right, follow through and up, here is a breathing hole. Take a
breath and dive down and down again and left is an underwater lever, pull that.
The cut scene shows a door opening, but we still need something so swim up and
left and go to the pool and get some air.
Face the opening and now take the left top one and swim straight, around
a corner, keep going straight and up, another breathing hole. Down again and in
the opening (N), down again and around a corner, go left and find at the end
the GOLDEN SUN. Find your way to the breathing hole
and from there go to the pool and get out.
NOTE: if you missed the shotgun you can still get one, get into the
water and take the middle hole, at the end is a closed door, but before that is
an opening down. Around the corner is the SHOTGUN on the floor, do a
roll and take the way back (that is shorter) and get out of the water.
The gate is in the room north, so place the Golden Sun there.
Another knight will bother Lara. You can kill him or not, that is your
choice. Dive in the water and swim through the middle opening, keep going,
around some corners and end up in another pool. Climb out and find a door South, use the crowbar.
Another knight is waiting, this one you have to kill as he leaves
another GOLDEN SUN behind. Near the entrance is a ladder and around the
corner there place the Golden Sun.
An earthquake occurs so get down the ladder and
the South wall has collapsed. Get through to the gate and on the left is a
In the next room get the SUN GODDESS and a scroll called REQUEST
and in the left corner push another button to open the door. Slide down and go
north, there the level ends.
Writing on the Request Scroll:
Across the sands of time, have I been buried here.
Would you now having found me, take me from one prison to another?
I saw your name as you approached, Lara head my request.
Do not take me across the great sands into Cairo
But return me instead to the Isle of Sun.