Scottish Mysteries

The official walkthrough

Level by Benjamin Howard (phms2010)

Walkthrough written by the builder and originally posted on his own site:

-Run forward and into the small cave. Vault up the grassy hill and make a running jump towards the metal hole. Drop down and light a flare. Run down the dark hall and stop at the angled wall. Take 2 steps back and aim a running jump through the lowest part. Continue forward to the sloped area ahead. Near the middle there is a part sloped lower than any others. Walk up to it, take 2 steps back, and make a running jump to the top. DO NOT press action or Lara won’t make the jump. Run down into the water and follow the tunnels. You can ignore the darts and any poison effects as they don’t really work in this game.

-Climb out of the water and walk forward until the slam door appears. SAVE! Walk until you get close and wait for the door to close. As soon as it begins to open press the roll button and it will stop once you reach the other side. Pick up the flares.

-Run into the room with the boxes with your guns drawn. 2 dogs will attack. Once they have been dealt with you have two options: *Run to the far side of the room and climb up the boxes. Make jumps to the farthest set of high blocks and jump into the rocky halls. OR *Make your way onto the first tallest blocks. Jump onto the rope and swing your way to the farthest set of tall blocks. Jump into the rocky hall.

-Run down into the hall that forces you to slide down. Once you reach the bottom SAVE again. Run into the brightly lit hall and be prepared to run. Once the new camera shot appears run to the left. Climb up the ladder of boxes in front of you. At the top light a flare. Find the small alcove at the left where SECRET 1 is located. Return to the room and find the crawlspace at the far side of the room.

-Crawl to the end and HANG to avoid the spikes. Shimmy right and press the crawl button/up to gain access to the other crawlspace. Go to the end and drop down. Draw your guns and shoot the hungry rats. SAVE. DO NOT try to reach the Uzis. It is impossible!

-Run through the hallway that shoots out spikes. DO NOT WALK, CRAWL, OR SPRINT. If you simply run forward the spikes will not harm Lara. Slide down and jump into the water. Turn around in the water and you’ll find the hallway containing SECRET 2. Swim through the middle of the blades and pick up the goodies.

-Return to the main well and make your way past the 3 blades in the long underwater hall. Swim up and turn right to avoid a smashing ball. Swim to the other side of the large room. You’ll find an exit near a well lit area. Make your way to the top and climb out. In the flowery hall run down to the fire and light a flare. Crawl through the small area and make your way to another hall with fire.

-Draw your guns and kill 2 more rats. Run to the right, and to the left of this hall SAVE. Walk forward until another slam door appears near a fabled Indiana Jones cameo. Make 2 jumps back and as the doors close make a running jump through the doors. This may take a few times, but I’m sure you will figure it out. Run all the way down, bump into the wall, roll, and do a standing-jump forward to the next alcove. Make running jumps over the blades and crawl into the large outside area.

-Climb on the stone to the right or left and hop down to the area below. Run all the way across to the protruding stone walls and find SECRET 3. Make your way back to the spiked catwalk and climb up one of the tall sides near the red ivy. At the highest level of stone make a standing jump, grabbing the ivy to monkey swing. Get across the spikes and drop into the water well.

-Swim to the end of this well and climb out. SAVE. Jump into the greenish/bluish hall and run forward like in the first spiked hallway. DO NOT WALK, SPRINT, OR CRAWL. Continue up the sloped hall. Once you reach the end, climb up and turn around to the dark hall. Sprint down if you are in a hurry and drop into the water to the right.

-Swim to the opposite side of the room and into the ivy covered passage. Swim up into the opposite hall. Near the iron walls you will find a SMALL MEDIPACK. Swim to the other side and climb out. Run out of this small room and into the sunlit area. Go up into the ivy covered crawlspace and drop out of the other end. SAVE.

-Roll to face the huge room and run forward. DO NOT STOP! Jump to the rope once you reach the end of the platform and avoid a spiked ball. Run to the end of the next platform to a small wooden block and walk to the end. It doesn’t matter which side you take BUT if you take the LEFT side you will be able to get a LARGE MEDIPACK.

-So, walk to the edge, hop back and make a running jump to the lower area. Make running leaps over the blades to the end where a bookcase rests. If you have enough health, you can simply run through the spikes and jump onto the higher wooden block this saves some time. If not, climb onto the books and make your way to the block.

*IF you took the left side you can climb over to the right side and retrieve the LARGE MEDIPACK.

-While on the small wooden block surrounded by spikes, it is suggested that you again SAVE. Make a running jump to the middle risen block. Collect the SMALL MEDIPACK. Make another running jump to the area full of spikes. Run to the end of this area and watch the spikes disappear. Hop down into the water and swim to the other side of the well. Swim up the long hall and pull out.

-Jump onto the white blocks and nab the HAND OF THE SCOTS. Run into the bookcase hall and get out your preferred gun. Blast the dog that waits in the corridor. Once that is done with climb up the bookcases and into the hallway above (Behind Lara/climb on the sides of the walls!). Be prepared for a big battle………


-Get out the shotgun and enter the large area. Blast the dog and start firing at the Scotsmen. Try to aim at their hearts, as this is their only weak spot. After enough shots they will die. OR…

*Run down the staircase to avoid the enemies; they cannot follow Lara into the dark area below.

-Climb into the air duct and crawl to the end. Drop out and run to the other side where you can place the HAND OF THE SCOTS. Go back to the hall where a door once was and enter the artifact room. Run (or walk to savor the moment) and collect the HAND OF RATHMORE.

-Jump over the pedestal and run to the door. It will open automatically. Slide down and drop into the water. This is SECRET 4. Collect the stuff and follow the underwater halls to the end. You will end up back in the artifact room. Jump to the water and swim through the doorway.

-Go all the way to the end of this sloped hall and climb out to the dark excavated area. Light a flare if necessary. Find the next rocky hall and climb your way to the slope that ends in water. Swim through the large area with the sloped ceiling and climb out to the open air.

-Enjoy the music or run to the jeep and end the level.

The end