Egypt & Beyond

The Complete Adventure




Official Walkthrough by Moonpooka for

Opening Notes


Please do not use the level manager for this game. Apart from the fact you do not need to, doing so may cause some issues; such as Lara not being able to draw her weapons in the Lair of The Serpents level. Just unzip the downloaded file and click the exe to play the game.


There are 17 levels in this adventure. The first 5 levels are the old Egypt & Beyond levels. The remaining levels are the new Egypt & Beyond levels. There are also 3 Bonus levels. You need 5 Mystery Stones from the old levels to access Bonus levels 1 & 2. You need 3 Pentagrams from the new levels to access Bonus level 3. To learn more about the bonus levels and how to open them, please refer to the read-me that came with the download. You do not have to play the old levels, but if you skip them you will not be able to access Bonus levels 1 & 2.


There are a total of 63 secrets. If you play the old & new levels, you can collect all 63 secrets including 5 Mystery Stones to access Bonus levels 1 & 2. If you play only the new levels, you can collect 26 secrets plus 3 secret Pentagrams to access Bonus level 3. During your visit to The Aqueduct, there are 3 points of entry into Limbo and Bonus levels 1 & 2. Because of the set-up in these levels, the secrets will not be numbered again until you have finished the Lair Of The Serpents level.

The Walkthrough

The walkthrough is in two sections. The Old & New Levels walkthrough is for Raiders playing the complete adventure Map The New Levels Only walkthrough is for Raiders playing only the new levels Map Both walkthroughs include all secrets and any Bonus levels that you can access via the route you have chosen to take. When playing the Old & New levels adventure, The Aqueduct level has three routes; each incorporating Limbo and/or Bonus levels 1 & 2. Each route has its own walkthrough and this will all be explained when you reach that part of the game. This walkthrough was meant as a guide only. Some levels have more than one way of doing things, so it would have been impossible to add each and every scenario to the walkthrough. If you need more help with these levels, please visit the stuck forums at

Choose Your Walkthrough

Old & New Levels ~ New Levels Only


Old & New Levels

Health ~ Ammo ~ Weapons

Essential Items

Secrets ~ 63


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Arrival

Old & New Levels ~ The Quest For The Sacred Birds

Old & New Levels ~ The Hidden Tinnos Temple

Old & New Levels ~ Ye Obelisk Sequence

Old & New Levels ~ The Torch Challenge

Old & New Levels ~ Gauntlet

Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct Plus Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Old & New Levels ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths

Old & New Levels ~ Lair Of The Serpents Plus Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Old & New Levels ~ Bonus Level 3 ~ A Tribute To Luis Martins

Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

Old & New Levels ~ The Tinnos Tower

Old & New Levels ~ Back To Egypt

Old & New Levels ~ Calm Before The Storm

Old & New Levels ~ The Final Showdown


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Arrival

Lara will begin her adventure in Limbo. If you take a look through the barred windows you will get a beautiful view of what is to come. Start by heading to the north transporter, but don't jump into it because that is for the "New Levels Only" game. Collect the LMP nearby, and then make your way over to the south transporter and pick up the Flares. Now step inside the transporter and begin the adventure.


Old & New Levels ~ The Quest For The Sacred Birds

7 Secrets ~ Including 1 x Mystery Stone

2 x Tomb Key. The Revolver. The Laser Sight. Water Passage Key. 4 x Sacred Bird. Escape Key. The Scroll. Guardian Key. Sanctuary Gem.

The Egyptian Ruins & The 1st Tomb Key

Lara will begin this adventure by sliding down sand dunes into the beautiful ruins of an ancient Egyptian settlement. Take a look around the sandy courtyard. In the NW corner there is a keyhole with a lighter coloured floor-tile below it. In the SW corner there is a closed gate. Walk behind the central ruins and spot a receptacle for a pyramid key on the north wall. On the south wall inside the ruins, there are 4 Sacred Bird receptacles. Lastly, up on the south sand dunes you can see the 1st Tomb Key.

Start by nipping up onto the SW corner of the ruins, then run-jump up to the south sand dunes and pick up the 1st Tomb Key. Slide to ground, head to the NW corner of the room and use the Tomb Key on the north wall keyhole. The floor-tile below your feet will crumble away and Lara will fall into a pool in an underground chamber.

The Large Pyramid Room

After the splash-landing, quickly swim to the central pyramid and pull up onto it before the lurking anaconda sniffs you out. If you can see the anaconda, pick him off now or he'll pester you later on. Now we are going to explore the outer areas of the pyramid.

Make your way up to the next tier and shoot the pots on the corners of the pyramid. The NE pot has Flares inside and the SW pot has a SMP. Now head all the way to the top of the pyramid, drop down inside the hole in the floor and pick up a pack of Flares. That's all the pick-ups taken care of.

Pull out of the hole and face east. Drop down three tiers, then head north to the end of the tier. Face east and spot the break in the railings on the east wall balcony. Run-jump to the break in the railings and pull up onto the balcony. Run to the wall-lever at the end of the balcony and use it to open a gate below the pyramid; don't head there yet though because we have a secret mission to do first.

The 1st Secret & Setting Up The 2nd Secret

Drop down from the balcony and swim down under the pyramid. Locate the uw-lever on the east wall and use it to open a gate in the outer east wall (NE corner) of the pool. Swim to the newly opened gate, but go up for air before entering it. Swim inside the gate and when you reach the first hanging plant, swim up into the hole in the ceiling. Locate a carefully hidden uw-lever on the west wall and use it to open a second gate out in the pool wall (east wall SE corner).

You can set up the 2nd secret now but you won't get it until later on. There are two levers to open the gate to the next secret. One lever is inside the pyramid, the other lever is at the end of this passage. So, swim east to the end of the passage, then swim down into the hole in the floor and pick up the pack of Flares. Swim up into the hole in the ceiling, locate the uw-ceiling-lever and use it. Now watch the cut-scene showing you a gate opening inside the chambers of the pyramid. That's it, you now have access to the second lever and that's all you can do for now.

Return to the pool and swim to the SE corner. Enter the newly opened east wall gate and the secret bell will chime. Swim through the passage, collect the 1st Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ Revolver Ammo ~ SMP ~ LMP from the passage floor, then return to the pool.

Heading Inside The Pyramid

Swim down under the pyramid and through the gate in the north wall. Swim up inside the small water chamber and pull out on the east side. Now, this can get a bit confusing because there are four floors within the pyramid: ground floor - first floor - second floor - third floor. There are also a number of levers to find, so we will take one floor at a time.

The Ground Floor

Run ahead, ignore the upper passage and make your way eastwards to the T-junction. Take a right turn (south) and head to the end of passage. Enter the crawl space to your right, collect the Flares from inside and then return to the passage. Go R - R and use the skeleton-lever to open a gate on the ground floor of the pyramid.

Return to the passage, head past the crawl space and go back to the T-junction. Go straight ahead (north) and make your way to the end of the passage. Take a left turn (west) and go straight on until you reach another T-junction. Continue on (west) to the end of the passage, then go left (south) into the next passage. At the end of the short passage, go left through the newly opened gate and use the wall-lever inside to open the first of three gates on the second floor of the pyramid.

Return to the passage and make your way back to the T-junction. Go right (south) and nip into the alcove to your left for a SMP. Head back outside and go left to the water chamber. As you approach the water chamber, the south gate will open. Drop into the water chamber, pull out on the south side and enter the gate. Run to the end of the following passage and use the wall-lever at the end to open a gate on the first floor. Return to the water chamber, drop in and pull out on the east side. Head a short way into the east passage and then pull up to the first floor.

The 1st Floor & Opening The Secret Gate

Go left of the wall-torch, enter the crawl space and make your way to the open gate at the end. This is the gate you opened with the uw-ceiling-lever in the water passage outside. Use the wall-lever inside the gate to open the secret gate on the second floor of the pyramid and then return to the wall-torch. Nip over into the south passage and go left. Use the wall-lever inside the passage to open the second of three gates on the second floor of the pyramid.

Head out of the passage and go straight ahead into the west passage. Make your way around the passage until you come to a crawl space to your right (east wall) and crawl through to a small central room. Use the wall-lever to your left to open a gate on the ground floor, then nip into the south passage and pull up to the second floor.

The Second Floor & The 2nd Secret

Face east, jump over the hole to the open gate and go through for the 2nd Secret ~ 10 x Normal Arrows ~ LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Revolver Ammo.

You can't do anymore up here for now because you need to open a final gate. So, drop down to the first floor and make your way through the crawl space. Go left down the passage and make your way to the end. Now go left and drop to the ground floor.

The Ground Floor Revisited

Head west, drop into the water chamber and pull out on the west side. Enter the west passage and make your way to the end. Locate the wall-lever on the east side of the central block and use it to open the third door on the second floor. Make your way back to the water chamber, drop into the water and pull out on the east side. Head into the east passage and pull up to the first floor.

The First Floor Revisited

Enter the south passage and make your way to the end. As you did before, go through the crawl space and into the small central room. Enter the south passage and pull up to the second floor.

The Second Floor Revisited

Head right, make your way to the end of the passage, then take a right turn into the east passage. Go to the end of the passage, then head right into the south passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and use the skeleton-lever to open the ceiling-hatch nearby. Now pull up through the ceiling-hatch and enter the third floor.

The Third Floor ~ The Revolver & The 2nd Tomb Key

Shoot the two boxes and collect The Revolver and the 2nd Tomb Key. Your task here is complete, so you can now head back to the ground floor and return to the main pool outside.

Back At The Main Pool

Swim to the north side of the pool and pull up into the north wall alcove. Use the Tomb Key on the keyhole to open the nearby door, then head through the door and enter a small tomb with a central pool.

The Tomb Pool Room

Note the closed door to your right and the high ledge above. You will deal with those later on. Dive into the pool, enter the east passage and stop just inside. Note the L-shaped pool in the next room and the uw-lever to your left. The uw-lever is timed to a gate at the end of the L-shaped pool in the next room, but before using the lever, swim a short way into the next pool and note the closed gate in the pool wall to your right. This is another timed-gate which you will use later on.

Return to the uw-lever and use it to temporarily open the gate at the end of the L-shaped pool. Swim into the L-shaped pool and go all the way to the end. You will see the timed-gate in the pool wall ahead. Quickly get through the gate before it closes, then swim left and go up for air.

The Movable-Block Room

Pull out of the water and take a look inside the small room. Note the four patterned floor-tiles and the brown floor-tile in the SW corner. You will be raising a movable-block to place on the patterned floor-tiles shortly and this will open the floor-hatch on the east side of the room. We need that movable-block first though, so swim back down into the passage and go left at the end. Locate the uw-lever on the south wall, use it to raise the movable-block in the previous room and then swim back to the movable-block room.

It doesn't matter which order you place the movable-block onto the patterned floor-tiles, just as long as you don't leave the movable-block on the tile next to the water-hole because you are going to be doing a timed-swim through there soon.

Ok, let's move the block. I chose to place the block in this order. The tile by the door, NW corner - NE corner tile - Central tile - SE corner tile. When the movable-block has been placed on all four patterned floor-tiles, the floor-hatch will open and you will have access to the lower passages.

The Timed-Swim ~ The Laser Sight & The 3rd Secret

Drop down into the passage and note the ladder behind you, the closed floor-hatch and the wall-lever. You will deal with the floor-hatch later on, but for now, head to the wall-lever and prepare for another timed-swim. The lever will temporarily open the gate you noted at the start of the L-shaped pool; and believe me, this timed-run is tight.

Use the lever and you will get a shot of the gate at the end of the L-shaped pool. Do not try to make the timed-run yet though. Wait for the camera shot to finish and the lever to rise, then when you use the lever again you will not get the camera shot. This will give you a few more seconds to achieve the timed-run. So, use the lever, run to the to the ladder, climb up and back-flip with a twist into the upper room so that Lara lands facing into the room and she is ready to run to the water-hole. Drop into the water-hole, swim out of the passage and go right. Enter the L-shaped pool, make your way back to the beginning of the pool and go left through the gate (which will now stay open).

Inside the new passage, swim immediately up and use the uw-lever on the east wall to open the floor-hatch back in the timed-lever passage. Swim back out to the L-shaped pool for some air, then return through the gate and swim down into the lower passage. At the end of the passage, swim through to the underwater chamber and pick up The Laser Sight from the SE corner.

Return to the L-shaped pool and swim back to the movable-block room. Drop down into the lower passage again and find the floor-hatch is now open. Drop down through the floor-hatch and raid the underground passages for the 3rd Secret ~ Revolver Ammo x 2 ~ Flares ~ LMP ~ SMP.

The 1st Sacred Bird

Return to the upper passage and head to the west end of the passage. Pull up to the left into the higher passage, then head thorough to the stairs at the end. Collect the LMP from the right side of the stairs, then make your way to the top of the stairs and stop by the wall-lever.

This is another timed-run so to speak, but this time you will be testing your shooting skills rather than your nifty foot work. The lever will temporarily open a gate inside an elevator and inside the gate there is a gargoyle-gem. Shooting the gargoyle-gem will activate the elevator.

Start by combining your revolver and laser sight, and then holster your weapon and save your game. Use the lever, then run to the right and draw your weapon whilst running. At the end of the short passage, go R - L and run ahead into the elevator. Stop just inside the elevator, look up in the south wall for the open gate and quickly shoot the gem in the gargoyle's mouth before the gate closes. A successful hit will activate the elevator and Lara will be taken to the top of the shaft.

Enter the north passage and note the two closed gates either side of you. Walk ahead and stop at the top of the long slope. There are two lava-traps on the slope, so you need to take care when you slide down. Run onto the slope, slide down (as you begin to slide you will hear one of the upper gates open) and jump the lava-traps to get to the bottom of the slope.

You have now arrived on a balcony in the pyramid room. Run ahead past the closed gate and enter the passage in the east wall. Head up the slope to the tiny chamber above and take the 1st Sacred Bird from the pedestal. The east wall gate on the balcony will open when you take the Sacred Bird, but before you leave the room, shoot the pot in the NE corner and collect a SMP from the shattered remains.

The 2nd Sacred Bird & The 4th Secret

Head back down to the balcony and enter the newly opened east wall gate. Light a flare in the dimly lit passage and make your way to the end. Climb up to the right and make your way to the top of the following passages. At the top of the passages, note the room to the west and then drop down into the hole at the east end of the passage. Use the wall-lever inside the hole to lower a rope in the west room, then pull out of the hole and walk to the entrance of the west room.

Jump to the rope and swing to the west balcony. Shoot the two pots for Flares ~ Revolver Ammo, then face east and spot the gargoyle-gem on the east wall. Shoot the gargoyle-gem to open a gate in the west wall below you. Turn around, hang drop and grab the ladder on the west wall below you, then climb down until you are above the alcove in the west wall. Drop from the ladder, grab the ladder below the alcove and pull up inside the alcove. There's a wall-lever here and it's timed, so save your game before proceeding.

The lever will temporarily open a gate in the west wall below you. To get inside the gate, you will be using some collapsible-tiles in the lava pool. Use the lever, then quickly jump back from the alcove ledge and drop onto the slope below the ladder. Slide and back-flip to the collapsible-tile behind you, then quickly face slightly left (SW) and stand-jump to the collapsible-tile in the SW corner of the room. Now quickly nip over the collapsible-tile to your right and run left through the gate before it closes.

Make your way through the following passage, enter the room at the end and a cut-scene will kick in showing you the areas ahead. Pay particular attention to the gargoyle-gem and the crawl space at the bottom of the shaft. Now spot the central pole and jump to it. Slide to the bottom of the pole and drop off onto the ledge. Face south, jump to the passage in the south wall and make your way to the end. Drop down the hole at the end of the passage and Lara will fall into a pool in a lower chamber.

As you can see, the pool you have landed in has a flooded corridor leading off from it; but ignore that for one moment and dive down under the ledge in the pool. Locate an uw-ceiling-lever hidden between the trailing plants under the ledge and use it to lower a block at the end of the flooded corridor.

Swim into the flooded corridor and make your way to the last pillar on the right (don't swim past the pillar). Note the closed gate in the north wall ahead (to the right of that is the block you lowered a moment ago). Swim to the right in front of the pillar, then swim left and use the uw-lever on the west wall to open the north wall gate. Swim around to the newly opened gate and head through. Now swim up, pull out of the water and take the 2nd Sacred Bird from the pedestal.

Return to the flooded corridor and head back to the pool. Pull out on the right side of the south ledge, then pull up to the higher pillar. Look up into the hole in the ceiling and spot the ladder inside. Stand-jump to the ladder and climb to the platform above. Shoot the pots in the water for Flares ~ LMP, then pull up onto the east pillar and save your game by the wall-lever. Yes, it's another timed-run.

Use the wall-lever to open the gate at the end of the flooded corridor, then back-flip into the central hole and fall into the pool below. Quickly swim north into the flooded corridor and make your way to the end. Go R - R - L, swim up through the timed-gate and swim to the end of the following passages. Swim down for a pack of Flares, then swim up, pull out into a rocky cave and grab the 4th Secret ~ Revolver Ammo ~ SMP ~ Flares ~ LMP from the pedestal.

The 3rd Sacred Bird

Return to the flooded corridor and swim back to the pool. As you did before, use the ladder inside the hole in the ceiling to get to the upper platform, and then pull up onto the east wall pillar again. Face west, spot the ladder up inside the hole in the ceiling and run-jump to it. Climb to the top of the ladder, then shimmy right and drop off into the passage to your right. Head to the end of the passage and jump to the ledge at the bottom of the pole.

You now need to get to for the crawl space at the bottom of the shaft via the collapsible-tiles. This is not as difficult as it sounds, so don't stress. Start by facing east, and then stand Lara at the back of the ledge. Jump back from the ledge and drop onto the first collapsible-tile. Quickly side-flip left onto the next collapsible-tile below, and then quickly turn slightly to the right and stand-jump to the collapsible-tile on the east wall. Immediately roll, run-jump to the right, grab the crawl space in the west wall and pull up inside.

Turn around to face the shaft and crawl forwards to the edge of the crawl space. Load up your revolver and laser sight and shoot the gargoyle-gem to raise a block in the room at the end of the crawl space. Now head through to the room at the end of the crawl space and spot the newly risen central block.

Shoot the box in the SW corner of the room for some Revolver Ammo, then climb the central block and spot the jump-switch on the east wall. Use the jump-switch to open the east gate, then head through the gate and make your way to the top of the passage. You will come to a wall ladder; but leave it alone for now. Look up on the wall opposite the ladder, spot the jump-switch and use it to open a hatch at the top of the ladder. Now climb to the top of the ladder and pull up into the passage above.

The hatch will close on your arrival and you are now inside a small maze of passages. Pull up into the east passage, then head around into the tiny north room and take the 3rd Sacred Bird from the pedestal.

The Water Passage Key

When you take the 3rd Sacred Bird, a gate will open back in the pole room. This is the exit gate, but we won't be heading there just yet. Drop back to the lower passages and head to the end of the south passage. Pull up into the upper east passage, then pull up to the higher passage and take the Water Passage Key from the pedestal.

The 4th Sacred Bird

Drop back down to the lower passage again and head to the end of the north passage. Enter the crawl space and make your way around to the lower east passage. Turn around, pull up into the west passage above and head around to the left. A gate will open on your arrival giving you access to the rest of the south passage. Note the route ahead of you (south), but ignore it for now and head left. Approach the central shaft and jump to the pole. Climb up until the grated ledge is behind you, then back-flip to the grated ledge and pick up the LMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo.

Jump back to the pole and slide down until the open north wall gate is viewable. Line Lara up with her back towards the gate, and then back-flip into the passage beyond the gate. Run north out of the passage and find yourself on an outer balcony in the large pyramid room. Go left (west) on the balcony, use the Water Passage Key on the keyhole at the end of the balcony and a gate will open nearby. Head through the gate and dive into the pool at the end of the passage.

There's a flooded corridor in the south wall and inside the corridor there are three uw-levers. Using all three uw-levers will open a ceiling-hatch at the end of the corridor. Once inside the corridor, Lara will be swept away by a strong current and will be unable to surface for air until she has opened the escape hatch.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim inside the corridor and go left at the closed gate. Go left at the T-junction, then take a right turn and swim up the passage. Take a second right turn and use the uw-lever on the west wall to open the gate back at the start of the flooded corridor.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim back down to the start of the flooded corridor, then swim inside the newly opened south gate and use the uw-lever on the south wall to open a gate at the top of the flooded corridor.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim back up inside the passage and make your way to the top (where the 1st lever is). Swim past the 1st lever, and then head left into the upper south passage. Go left through the open gate and use the uw-lever on the west wall to open the ceiling-hatch nearby.

Swim out of the gate, go L - R and swim up through the newly opened ceiling-hatch. Pull out of the water and run to the open gate ahead. This is the gate that opened at the top of the slope after the elevator ride, so you will find yourself back in the passage with the slope to your left (which is now blocked by a gate) and the elevator to your right.

Note the gate that opened as you entered the passage and head through it. There are two slopes ahead. At the top of the first slope there is a wall-lever. At the top of the second slope there is a ladder with a ceiling-hatch above it. The wall-lever is timed to the ceiling-hatch.

Use the lever, then run to the top of the second slope, climb the ladder and get through the hatch before it closes. A successful task will lead you to an upper passage with a series of slopes at the end. Slide down the slopes and Lara will arrive in a passage below. Run to the end of the passage, the gate ahead will open as you approach and you are led into a damp and creepy lower chamber.

It really is quite eerie in here isn't it? Start by noting the gates up in the north, south and east walls, the ladder on the wall inside the central structure and the jump-switch opposite the ladder. In the SE corner of the chamber there is a closed floor-hatch, on the east side of the central structure there is a movable-block and in the corners of the chamber there are some pots.

Let's deal with the jump-switch first. Go to the ladder, grab it and let Lara bring her feet up onto it. From this height, you can reach the jump-switch behind you. Back-flip with a twist from the ladder, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. This will open the floor-hatch in the SE corner of the chamber.

Ignore the SW corner pot (it contains an anaconda), head around to the NE corner pot and shoot it for a pack of Flares. Make your way to the movable-block on the east side of the central structure and move it towards the central structure once; so that it's sitting on the either of the lighter coloured floor-tile between the two walls. Now head to the SE corner of the room and drop down inside the floor-hatch. Crawl inside the low passage and go right. At the end of the passage you will find a wall-lever. Use the lever and four things will happen. 1 ~ The two lighter coloured floor-tiles below the movable-block will rise. 2 ~ The movable-block will be elevated to a higher level. 3 ~ A block will rise to the right of the movable-block. 4 ~ The block in the wall of the central structure (to the left of the movable-block) will lower.

Crawl out of the passage, note the closed gate at the end of the passage to the right and head back up to the movable-block. Nip up to the movable-block and push it southwards into the hole in the wall of the central structure. This will open the gate in the south wall of the chamber. Drop down and make your way to the newly opened gate in the south wall. Pull up inside the gate, pick up the Revolver Ammo and then run to the end of the passage. Turn around, look up to see a jump-switch up on the north wall and use it to lower a block in the wall of the central structure (it's to the right of the movable block). Return to the movable-block and push it northwards into the hole in the wall of the central structure. This will open the gate in the north wall of the chamber. Now drop to ground, head to the north gate and pull up inside.

Run to the end of the passage and arrive in a small chamber with a series of slopes leading up through the chamber. You need to negotiate the slopes to get to the top of the room where a jump-switch is situated. This is a tough task, so good luck!

Start by facing south, and stand Lara here Screenshot Back-flip onto the slope, then curve-jump right so that Lara lands on the SW corner slope. Bounce from here to the SE corner slope, then bounce to the NE slope and slide-jump to the NW corner slope. Now bounce and press the "action key" so that Lara grabs the gap in the south wall ahead. Shimmy left to the end of the gap, and then pull up onto the slope above and back-flip to the slope behind you. Bounce forwards, grab the gap in the south wall and shimmy right until you are at the end of the gap. Pull up onto the safe ledge above, walk to the edge of the ledge and face NE. You can see the jump-switch over on the east wall. Take a right curved running jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. This will open the east wall gate back out in the chamber. Keep the "action key" pressed as you drop from the jump-switch and Lara will grab the slope on the south wall. Now safely drop onto a block that has risen and head back out to the main chamber.

Make your way to the newly opened east wall gate and pull up inside. Head to the end of the passage, collect the 4th Sacred Bird from the pedestal and see the gate back in the tomb pool room opening.

The Escape Key

Make your way back to the floor-hatch in the SE corner of the chamber, and then crawl through the low passage again. Ignore the lever passage to the right and head around to the left. The gate is now open at the end of the passage, so go through and head to the end of the passage. A gate will open as you approach the end of the passage; and you might recognise the gargoyle on the wall to your left. It's the one you shot in the elevator near the start of the level.

Drop down into the elevator and leave via the east passage. Head through to the end of the passage and arrive back in a familiar place. Run down the steps and head into the north passage. At the end of the passage, drop down into the lower passage and make your way to the ladder at the end. Climb the ladder to the upper passage, then back-flip into the movable-block room. Drop into the water-hole and swim all the way back to the start of the L-shaped pool. Now swim through to the west pool, pull out of the water and enter the newly opened east wall gate.

Note the pillar on the east side of the room, the jump-switch and wall-lever on the north wall, a closed gate up in the south wall and the four grey floor-tiles. Also note the ledge above the entrance door because that's where the Mystery Stone is placed.

Start by taking the SMP from the skeleton on the south side of the room, then head to the wall-lever on the north wall. Use the lever to raise a movable-block in the NE corner of the room and then head over to the movable-block. Place the movable-block onto all four grey floor-tiles and a block will raise next to the pillar at the east end of the room. Climb the block to get onto the pillar, then run-jump towards the jump-switch on the north wall, grab it and pull it down. The pillar will now lower and reveal the Escape key.

The 5th Secret ~ 1st Mystery Stone

When you take the Escape Key, the south wall gate will open. Climb the ladder to the south wall gate and pull up inside. Use the wall-lever to your right to raise the pillar again and lower a rope back in the pillar room. Nip back down to the pillar room and climb onto the pillar. Note the rope hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the room, then face south and spot the collapsible-tile on the south wall. Run-jump towards the collapsible-tile and grab it. Shimmy around to the left until Lara is facing west, and then pull up and take a right curved running jump to the rope Video Help Now swing to the far west ledge and grab the 5th Secret ~ 1st Mystery Stone.

Return To The Large Pyramid Room

Drop to ground, head back up the ladder and pull up into the south wall gate again. Make your way to the end of the passage and go right (west) at the T-junction. At the end of the passage, nip up onto the ledge and pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo. Return down the passage, head east and make your way to the end of the passage. A gate will open to your left with a water-hole inside it. Ignore the gate and water-hole for now and head around into the passage to the right. There's a wall-lever at the end of the passage and it's timed to a hatch below the water-hole back in the previous passage. Use the lever to temporarily open the hatch, then sprint through to the previous passage, drop into the water-hole and swim through the hatch before it closes.

Swim through the passage, nip past the lurking anaconda and pull out at the end. Walk ahead and Lara will be facing a slope/fire/lava/crashing-wall/collapsible-tile passage. Oh yes, it's all here, so I suggest you save your game now!

Line Lara up with the slope ahead, time the fire-emitter and crashing-wall, run-jump towards the slope and grab the edge of it. Shimmy left or right; so that you stand a better chance of clearing the following crashing-wall, then pull up and slide-jump to the ladder on the following slope. Climb up the ladder, but don't pull up over the top of the slope yet. Wait for the fire-emitter to subside, and then pull up, slide-jump to the next slope and then slide-jump to the collapsible-tile ahead. Now quickly run over the three collapsible-tiles and into the safe passage ahead.

The 6th Secret

Turn around and walk to the edge of the deadly passage. Look down into the lava and spot an opening in the north wall. The area in front of the opening is safe, so step back once from the edge of the passage and turn left and face the north wall. Side-jump right and Lara should land just in front of the opening. Now swim to the end of the passage, pull out into the small upper chamber and collect the 6th Secret ~ LMP (inside the pot) ~ Flares ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo.

The Scroll & The 7th Secret

Leave the secret room via the south steps. The gate at the top will open as you approach it and you can make your way back to the deadly passage. Go right in the passage and head out onto the outer balcony in the large pyramid room.

Things to note out on the balcony: A floor-hatch will lower to your right giving you access back up to the balcony should you happen to fall down into the pool below, or for if you forgot something down there. The keyhole for the Escape Key is over on the north balcony. To the left of the keyhole there is a wall ladder with a closed gate at the top.

Pick up The Scroll lying nearby and read it. It says "Three bones you must shatter but do not fear, shoot them all and the path back will be clear" Ok, so you know that you must find three sets of shootable-bones. But before we go searching for bones, take a look up in the roof above the large pyramid and spot the shootable-ball suspended from the ceiling. Combine your revolver and laser sight and shoot the ball to open the gate above the ladder on the north wall. Run around to the north balcony, climb the ladder and head inside the north room.

Note the shootable-bones in front of the deadly pool, but leave them alone for now. Look down in the NE corner of the lava pool, spot the gargoyle-gem on the north wall and shoot it. This will open a gate up in the north wall above the pole. Jump to the pole and climb up until the collapsible-tile is behind Lara. Back-flip with a twist from the pole to the collapsible-tile, and then run-jump into the north wall passage. Use the skeleton-lever at the end of the passage to turn the lava to water, then drop into the pool and swim down into the floor-hole in the NE corner. Swim down through the passage into to an underwater chamber and collect the 7th Secret ~ The Crossbow ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ SMP.

Shooting Bones

Swim back out to the pool and pull out of the water. Approach the shootable-bones (1) in front of the pool, then either shoot them with your revolver and laser sight, or stand on the lower grated flooring, crouch and shoot them with your pistols.

Leave the room, make your way back down to the balcony and head over to the west wall balcony. Locate the next set of shootable-bones (2) at the end of the balcony and shoot them.

Note the closed west wall gate and then return to the north balcony. Use the Escape Key on the keyhole inside the north passage to open the gate at the end of the passage. Head through the gate and out onto the balconies above the tomb pool room. Enter the east passage, make your way to the end and stop. Light a flare, spot the next set of shootable-bones (3) in the dark area at the end of the passage and shoot them. A gate will now open at the end of the west passage.

The Deadly Slope

Enter the west passage, head to the newly opened gate at the end and enter it with caution. Pick up the Flares from inside the gate, then walk towards the slope and stop at the bottom of it. There are a few things to note about the slope: There is a safe path to follow on the slope. The path is marked by slightly differing textured-tiles which are easy to see, but you can also light a flare to assist you. If you stray from the safe path, Lara will burn. When you reach the upper areas on the slope, falling-debris will hinder your way and you will need back-track down the safe path.

Follow the safe path until Lara takes a right turn on the path, then walk to the west wall. Face south and walk up the safe path until you are two tiles up. You will now trigger the first piece of falling-debris. Quickly turn tail, run down the safe path and go right to avoid the falling-debris. Return to the safe path and head up until you can take a left turn. Walk to the east wall, and then hop back quickly to avoid the next piece of falling-debris. Head back to the east wall and continue on southwards up the safe path until Lara can take a right turn. You can now see a ladder on the west wall, but don't approach it yet. Walk towards the ladder, and then when you are one tile away from the ladder, roll onto the final tile then roll back to avoid the final piece of falling-debris. Now climb the ladder and shimmy left until you are above the south wall passage.

You can see that the passage below you is trapped with lava and fire-emitters and the tile below you is sloped. Time the fire-emitter, then drop onto the slope and bounce forwards onto the fire-emitter tile. Jump up, grab the monkey swing and carefully make your way to the end of the deadly passage. At the end of the monkey swing, drop and grab the crawl space and pull up inside.

Go left in the crawl space and make your way to the end of the passage. Note the ladder up inside the hole in the ceiling and the north passage. At the end of the north passage there is a closed floor-hatch. You will open the floor-hatch shortly, but you only need to use it if you have forgotten something and need to return to the lower chambers again. You can also pick up a LMP from the end of the north passage.

Head up the ladder and pull out into the sandy room above. You are now back at the Egyptian ruins at the start of the level, but you are sealed in behind the gate you saw when you first entered the level. There is a wall-lever on the south wall which will open the floor-hatch in the north passage below the central hole (should you need to return to the lower chambers). Also note the gem receptacle on the east wall and the closed west gate.

The Guardian Key & The Sanctuary Gem

Approach the north gate (it will open as you approach) and head out to the ruins. Head inside the ruins and place the 4 x Sacred Bird artefacts into the receptacles on the south wall. Doing so will trigger a cut-scene. All entrances and exits are now blocked and two egyptian-demigods will arrive. Take out the nearest demigod, collect the Guardian Key that he drops and then deal with the second demigod and collect the Sanctuary Gem that he kindly leaves for you.

Opening The Transporter

Your final task is to open the way to the transporter. Make your way to the back of the ruins and place the Guardian Key in the receptacle on the north wall. This will open the exit gate in the SW corner of the room. Enter the exit gate and place the Sanctuary Gem in the receptacle on the east wall. Doing so will open the west gate and activate the transporter inside the gate. Now head through the newly opened gate, nip into the transporter and zap yourself off to the next location.


Old & New Levels ~ The Hidden Tinnos Temple

4 Secrets ~ Including 1 x Mystery Stone

4 x Holy Gem. The Torch. 6 x Cog. 2 x Golden Key.

Arrival ~ The Main Pool Room

Lara will arrive in the beautiful Hidden Tinnos Temple. Start by running ahead to the main pool outside and note the large central pyramid. We will visit that shortly, but first we will collect a few goodies from the pool floor.

Dive into the water and swim to the north side of the pool. Face the central pyramid, dive down on the right hand side of it for some Revolver Ammo and then swim to the NW corner of the pool for a LMP. In the SW corner you will find a SMP and in the SE corner you will find a pack of Flares. Ok, that's the pool pick-ups taken care of. Swim to the east side of the pool, pull up to the central pyramid and run through to the central pyramid chamber.

The Central Pyramid Chamber

To start with, let's note a few things. In the SE corner you can see a pillar on a ledge with a keyhole to the left of it. Below the central platform there are six columns. Between the north columns there is a patterned floor-tile. In the SW corner of the room there is a wall-lever on the east wall and in the NW corner there is another wall-lever on the east wall. There are also four doorways. The east doorway is the one you entered here by from the main pool room. The other three doorways lead out to bridges. At the end of each bridge there is another chamber. On the west wall inside the central platform, there is a jump-switch.

Lower A Pillar

Head to the SW corner of the room and use the wall-lever on the east wall. This will lower the pillar on the ledge in the SE corner of the chamber and reveal a wall ladder.

Using The Jump-Switch

Make your way to the SE corner of the chamber, climb onto the ledge and then climb the ladder to the upper balcony. Note the pillars, ladders and the wall-lever at the end of the balcony. Ignore the wall-lever and walk to the break in the railings to the left of the wall-lever. Run-jump to the top of the central platform and head over to the north side. You can see the jump-switch below you on the inside wall of the platform. Line Lara up with the jump-switch, then hang drop from the platform, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. You will now see a cut-scene showing you a gate opening in the wall below the central pyramid.

Visit The Chambers Beneath The Pyramid

Leave the chamber via the east doorway and drop into the main pool. Swim to the south side of the pool, then face the central pyramid and spot the open gate in the north wall. That's where we are heading now; but before you enter the gate swim up for air.

In the maze type passages beyond the gate, you need to find and use four levers. Three uw-levers and one wall-lever. First you will be opening a ceiling-hatch in the NW corner of the maze, and then you will be opening two gates and another ceiling-hatch. You need to move fast or Lara will run out of air, but you can swim back out for air at any time.

Swim inside the gate and go R - R - L - L - R - L - L and pick up a LMP from the alcove. Swim out of the alcove, go L - R - R - L - L - L and spot the closed ceiling-hatch ahead. Swim to the hatch then go R - L and pick up the pack of Flares from the alcove. Swim out of the alcove and go L - R - L - L and use the uw-lever on the south wall to open the ceiling-hatch you passed a moment ago.

Swim out south from the lever, and at the end of the passage go R - L - 2nd R and pull up through the ceiling-hatch.

You are now inside a small dark room. Light a flare to see the wall-lever on the north wall, and then use the lever to open gate-1 in the maze. Drop back into the water and swim east to the end of the passage. Now go R - R - R - L - L - 2nd R - L - R - R - L - L and swim back out in the main pool.

Grab some air then re-enter the maze. Swim to the end of the north passage, then go L - L and through the newly opened gate. Use the uw-lever inside the gate to open gate-2 in the maze, then swim out from the lever passage and go R - L - R into the east passage. At the end of the passage go L - R and pick up the pack of Flares from the alcove.

Swim west and spot the newly opened gate ahead. Swim through the gate, note the closed ceiling-hatch and swim around into the passage to the right. At the end of the passage, go left and use the uw-lever to open the ceiling-hatch you just passed. Now swim back to the ceiling-hatch and pull up inside it.

Dark Passages

When you arrive in the upper passages, the hatch will close behind you and a LMP is waiting for you in the north passage. Also note the lit wall-sconce in the north passage (where you will be lighting the Torch later on). Head through into the east passage and make your way around to the end. There's a route to the left (east) and a crawl space to the right (west wall). Ignore the crawl space for now, head into the east passage and go left for a LMP. Return to the passage and go left into the following east passage. Run past the two closed gates to your right and pick up the LMP from the end of the passage. With the gates behind you, run into the north passage, and then go left (west) into a small chamber with a central water-hole.

Draining The Flooded Chambers

Drop down inside the water-hole and find yourself inside the first of many flooded chambers. You will shortly be draining the chambers, but first you need to find three uw-levers to open the gate to the passage that leads to the draining-lever.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim to the lower chamber and note the closed east gate. This is the dungeon gate and you will open it later on when you have the Torch. Swim around to the south side of the chamber (don't go through to the large south chamber yet), Locate the uw-lever (1) up inside the hole in the ceiling (it's above the west wall) and use it. You will get a shot of a closed gate in a passage elsewhere.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim into the south chamber, then swim to the south wall ladder and swim up into the hole in the ceiling for some air. Note the two passages above you. The gate you need to open is through the south passage, but you still need to find the other two uw-levers. So ignore the upper passages and swim back down into the large chamber.

Swim inside the south wall opening (that's situated below the ladder), then swim into the east chamber. Swim ahead into the following east chamber and then swim left into the north chamber. Swim up into the hole in the ceiling and find uw-lever (2). When you use the lever, you will get a second shot of the closed gate.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Return to the large chamber outside, swim up into the hole in the ceiling and grab some air. Swim down into the large chamber again, and then swim inside the west wall opening. Swim around to the right, then swim up into the hole in the ceiling and use uw-lever (3) to finally open the gate.

Draining The Chambers

Return to the large chamber and swim up into the hole in the ceiling again. Pull out into the upper passage and head through the newly opened south gate. At the end of the passage, take a right turn at the T-junction and make your way to the end of the passage. Locate the wall-lever on the north wall, then save your game for a timed-run.

The lever is timed to a gate at the other end of the passages (and you need to move fast). Use the lever, and then sprint to the end of the passage, turn left into the next passage, sprint to the end and head inside the timed-gate before it closes. Now use the skeleton-lever inside the gate to open the gate opposite the timed-gate and head through. Take the Flares from the pedestal and use the wall-lever on the west wall to drain the chambers.

Moving Five Blocks To Get The Torch

You now need to find five movable-blocks and place them onto five trigger-tiles to open the gate to the Torch.

1st Movable-Block

Head back to the now drained water-hole and the gate will close in the passage behind you. Drop down into the large chamber and note the patterned floor-tile in the SE corner. Locate the movable-block on the north side of the room (it's to the left below the entrance) and place it onto the patterned floor-tile. Each time you place a movable-block onto a trigger-tile, you will see a shot of the Torch gate.

2nd Movable-Block

Climb the south wall ladder and pull up inside the south chamber. Drop down into the lower chamber and head into the south chamber and place the movable-block in the NW corner onto the patterned floor-tile in the SE corner.

3rd Movable-Block

Leave the chamber via the east doorway and head through to the next chamber. Note the wall-sconce on the south wall, and then nip up into the upper east chamber. Drop down into the small passage below and note another wall-sconce on the south wall. Head inside the east chamber and shift the movable-block in the NW corner onto the patterned floor-tile on the east side of the room.

4th Movable-Block

Nip up into the north chamber and drop down beside the next movable-block. The patterned floor-tile is to your right. Pull the movable-block back once, and then use the south wall ladder to get back up to the doorway. Drop down on the other side of the movable-block and push it forwards onto the patterned floor-tile.

5th Movable-Block

Head to the west wall and note the two wall-sconces. Climb up into the opening in the west wall, and then head north to the end of the passage. Go right, into the east chamber, note another wall-sconce on the east wall and then place the movable-block to your right onto the patterned floor-tile in front of the entrance. You have now opened the Torch gate.

The Torch

Leave the chamber via the west doorway and make your way back to the large chamber. Climb up into the north chamber and head to the north side. Climb up onto the higher ledge to your right, then face west and jump to the wall ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, then back-flip to the passage above.

Head into the east passage, then take a right turn and head to the gate at the end of the passage. Note the closed secret gate ahead, then enter the gate to the right and pick up a Torch. There are two Torches in case you happen to lose one.

Lighting The Torch

Head out of the Torch gate and go left along the passage. Keep going until you reach the T-junction, and then go right into the next passage. Continue on around the passage until you arrive back at the closed floor-hatch you entered these passages by, and then nip into the north passage and light the Torch on the burning wall-sconce.

Lighting Wall-Sconces

You now need to locate six wall sconces and light them: Lighting one of them will get you the next secret. Lighting the other five will open the gate to the dungeons.

1st Wall-Sconce & The 8th Secret

Head back through the east passage and return to the T-junction. Don't go through the left passage yet though. Go to the end of the passage you are in and spot the crawl space in the west wall. Stand Lara with her nose to the crawl space wall, then hit the "weapons draw ~ space bar" to throw the Torch inside the crawl space. Now enter the crawl space, crawl to the Torch and use the "action key" to pick up the Torch. Face the following part of the crawl space and throw the Torch through until it arrives in the tiny chamber at the end of the crawl space. Inside the tiny chamber, light the wall-sconce (1) to open the other gate in the east passage, and then throw your Torch back through the crawl space and return to the passage outside. Keep your Torch with you at all times!

Enter the east passage and head to the end. To your right you will see the newly opened gate in the south wall (to the left of the Torch gate). Drop your Torch for a moment and nip inside the gate for the 8th Secret ~ Flares ~ SMP.

Your next task is to open the gate to the dungeons. You will do this by finding and lighting the remaining five wall-sconces.

2nd And 3rd Wall-Sconces

Return to the passage and pick up your Torch. Head straight on into the north passage, then make your way to the end of the passage and go left into the west chamber. Walk to the central floor-hole and hit the "number 1 key" to drop the Torch into the hole. Climb down the ladder to the lower chamber and pick up the Torch. Note the closed dungeon gate up in the east passage. This is the gate you will open when you have lit all five wall sconces.

Stand-jump with the Torch to the upper south blocks, then drop down into the large south chamber. Head to the west side of the chamber and light the two wall-sconces (2 & 3) on the west wall. See a shot of the dungeon gate.

4th Wall-Sconce

Enter the west wall hole and make your way to the end of the passage. Enter the east chamber and light the wall-sconce (4) on the east wall. See another shot of the dungeon gate.

5th Wall-Sconce

Return to the large chamber and jump onto the block in front of the south wall ladder. Take a running jump up to the south wall opening, drop down inside the lower chamber and light the wall-sconce (5) up on the south wall. See another shot of the dungeon gate.

6th Wall-Sconce

Jump up into the east wall opening, drop down inside the chamber below and light the wall-sconce (6) on the south wall. You will now see a shot of the dungeon gate opening.

On To The Dungeons

Ok, you no longer need your Torch, so leave it here and head back to the large chamber. Climb up into the north chamber again and head around to the east side of the chamber. Head through to the end of the east passage and drop down through the dungeon gate. Now drop down to the right (south) and make your way through the following passage until you come to a chamber with a water-hole.

Drop into the water-hole, swim through to the following chamber and grab some air. Head down into the passage ahead and stop at the end. Swim up into the hole in the ceiling, locate the uw-lever on the east wall and save your game for a timed-run.

Use the lever, then swim down and into the south passage. Swim to the end of the passage and pull out into the upper passage. Run to the end of the following passage, drop down into the lower passage and quickly nip through the gate ahead before it closes.

The 1st Holy Gem

Yeah, it's spooky in here and it's going to get even spookier when the inhabitants hear of your arrival. To make matters worse, the gate will close behind you and you will be locked inside the eerie dungeons with no escape.

Check out the first passage ahead. Note the closed gate in the west wall at the end of the passage and the closed gate up in the north wall. Turn right into the next passage and head to the end. Note the closed gate in the east wall, and then head around to the right into the next passage. At the end of the passage, turn right into the next passage and make your way to the end.

Load up a fast-shooter (the revolver works best) and enter the north cell. An alien-mutant will appear from the end of the cell, so gun it down as soon as you can or it will not only poison Lara, it will wade in with vicious swipes and take your health in an instant. When the enemy is down, re-enter the cell and note the three gates in the east wall. The left gate is open, but the middle and right gates are closed. Head through the open gate into the small east cell, note the closed gate in the east wall and then use the skeleton-lever inside to open the right gate.

Make your way to the newly opened gate and head inside. Quickly roll, draw guns and take down the alien-mutant who comes bounding through the gate. Now use the skeleton-lever nearby to open the middle gate.

Head out of the cell, enter the middle gate and then quickly roll and deal with the next alien-mutant. Use the skeleton-lever inside the cell to open a gate up in the wall of the dungeons, and the head back out to the dungeons and make your way around to the penultimate passage. Now spot the newly opened gate up in the north wall and pull up inside.

Head to the top of the passage and climb the ladder at the end. At the top of the ladder, back-flip with a twist, so that Lara grabs the ladder above the slope behind her, and then head to the top of the ladder. At the top of this ladder, wait until you can see a passage behind Lara, and then back-flip into it. Head through to the following passage and make your way to the end. It seems like a dead-end here but it isn't. Look up to your right (east), spot a higher passage to pull up into then make your way to the end of the passage.

You will now arrive at a slope. Turn Lara's back towards the slope and then back-flip onto the slope, spring forwards, grab the upper passage and pull up. Make your way to the end of the dark passage (I know, you think something is going to jump out on you, but I promise it wont) and take a right turn into the short east passage. Collect the pack of Flares from the end of the passage, and then head out and make your way west to the end of the passage. There's a slope here and a hole in the ceiling. Back-flip onto the highest part of the slope, then spring forwards, grab the edge of the hole and pull up.

You are now inside a small chamber in the corner of the main pool, and on the central pedestal you will find the 1st Holy Gem. When you take the Holy Gem, you will see a shot of the gate in the dungeon cell opening.

The 1st Cog

Head back down into the lower passages and make the long trip back to the dungeons. Return to the final cell and enter the newly opened east gate. At the end of the passage, pick up the 1st Cog from the pedestal and a gate back in the upper passages of large chamber will open.

The 2nd Holy Gem & The 2nd Cog

So you thought that was easy did you? Well, just wait until the locals find out that you have been pilfering their cells. Head back out to the dungeons and make sure you are heavily armed. As soon as you approach the first water-passage, a cut-scene will kick in showing you the result of your antics in the dungeons and three angry alien-mutants are heading your way. In fact by the time the cut-scene ends, they will be right on top of you and you will already have been poisoned. Quickly gun down the happy trio and then top up with a health and make your way to the alien-mutant's cell in the west wall of the dungeon. Run inside the dark dwelling and take a SMP from inside. Now head to the exit gate in the south wall (which is now open) and make your way up to the passages above the dungeon.

At the end of the passage, drop into the water-hole and swim all the way back to the start of the water-passages. Now pull out of the water, head back outside to the small chamber and make your way into the large south chamber.

Go to the ladder on the south wall and climb up on the left hand side. When you can't climb any higher, shimmy right and then climb into the passages above. Head into the west passage, make your way to the end and then go L - L and pick up the 2nd Holy Gem from the pedestal. At the other end of the passage, enter the newly opened gate and take the 2nd Cog from the pedestal inside.

Back To The Surface

The lower chambers have become flooded again and a new gate is now open in the water-hole. Make your way back to the water-hole and spot the newly opened gate in the north wall (just below the ladder). Drop into the water, swim through the gate and then swim towards the north gate. The gate will open as you approach it, so go through and then go L - L and swim back out to the main pool.

Visiting The Outer West Room

Swim around to the east side of the pool and pull out onto the central pyramid. Head through to the central pyramid chamber, then leave the chamber via the west wall doorway. Now head over the bridge and enter the room at the end.

Note the four closed wooden doors, the floor-hatch, the keyhole and the closed gate. We will be back here later on to deal with those. Climb the ladder on the north wall and pull up to the room above.

The Timed-Hatch Sequence

As soon as you arrive on the upper floor, a cut-scene will kick in showing you your next task. Pay attention because this is a tricky one. Note the path that the cut-scene shows you. It will lead you around various levers and hatches, then end up to a closed ceiling-hatch. Your objective, is to use the levers (in the correct order) to raise the hatches and get access to the ceiling-hatch. Oh and one last thing, the following task is timed!

Brief Description Of The Route

North wall lever ~ Opens the ceiling hatch.

SW corner lever ~ Raises the east wall hatch.

East wall lever ~ Raises the block.

Upper east wall balcony lever ~ Raises the south wall hatch.

In-depth Description Of The Route

Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the ceiling-hatch. Roll and run to the SW corner wall-lever and use it to raise the hatch on the east wall. Run to the wall-lever on the east wall and use it to raise the block in front of the closed west wall gate. Roll and run to the block, then jump onto the left side of it so that Lara is ready to take a running jump to the east wall hatch. Run-jump towards the east wall hatch, grab the edge of it and pull up onto the east wall balcony. Quickly head right and use the wall-lever on the south wall to raise the hatch on the south wall. Step back once, side-step right and then turn to face the south wall hatch. Stand-jump to the hatch and then run-jump with a right curve towards the west wall pillar and grab the top of it. Now pull up, face north and stand-jump up into the room above. The hatch will close behind you.

The 1st Golden Key

You will now find yourself on the lower outer balcony on the west wall of the main pool room, and if you look eastwards you can see the central pyramid in all its glory. Its lovely isn't it?

Start by heading to the floor-lever by the east railings, and then use it to open a gate down on the bridge below the balcony. If you look down south over the balcony, you will see the bridge. Before we head there though, make your way to the north side of the balcony, step up onto the wall to the right of the closed gate, look northwards and spot a key on a ledge. Take a running jump to the ledge, pick up the 1st Golden Key and then see a shot of the west wall gate on the previous balcony. This is the exit gate, but don't head there yet because it's time for another secret.

The 9th Secret

From the Golden Key ledge, face NE, light a flare and look down towards the pool. You can just make out a partially visible floating-tile. There are three floating-tiles to negotiate, and you can also use your binoculars to see the tiles more clearly. Here are the co-ordinates for the floating-tiles. NE - NE - NW, then run-jump to the north balcony; but don't use the "action key" because Lara can't grab the edge of the balcony. Now nip down onto the balcony, drop inside the floor-hole and collect the 9th Secret ~ SMP ~ Flares ~ LMP ~ Revolver Ammo.

The 3rd Cog

Now that you have your secret reward, pull back onto the outer wall of the balcony and light a flare or use your binoculars to see the floating-tiles. Here are the co-ordinates of the floating-tiles for the route back. South - SE - SW, then run-jump to the ledge where the Golden Key was. Now run-jump onto the central balcony.

The west wall gate is now open, so nip inside and stop at the floor-hole. Turn around with your back to the floor-hole, and then drop back through the hole and climb down the ladder inside the hole. At the bottom of the hole, note the closed gate with the timed-hatch room beyond, and then head west up the passage. At the top of the passage, go left and use the wall-lever at the end of the passage to open the gate to the timed-hatch room. Now head back through the passage and enter the newly opened gate.

You are now back in the timed-hatch room (but don't stress, you will not be doing that timed sequence again). Head through the south gate (which you opened with the skeleton lever up on the balcony a moment ago), then run over the bridge and enter the room at the end. Climb down into the room and prepare for another naughty timed-sequence.

The Timed-Hatch & Slope Room

Ok, so here we are facing another dilemma. The bad news is that you have some more timed-hatches to raise in order to reach the Cog pick-up at the top of the room. The good news is that you can save between the task and not all parts are timed.

Start by noting the wall-lever on the east wall (SE corner of the room), the light coloured-tile in the NW corner of the room and the hatch between the two sloped ledges. The lever will temporarily raise a block where the lighter-coloured-tile is and also raise the hatch. This is the first part of the timed sequence, and then you can save your game after this part.

Use the wall-lever on the east wall to temporarily raise the block and hatch, then head to the NW corner of the room and jump onto the block. Quickly roll and run-jump to the raised hatch, then immediately run-jump into the alcove to the SE. Save your game!

Use the wall-lever inside the alcove to temporarily raise two hatches over on the south wall (SW corner of the room), then quickly hop back and run-jump with a slight left curve onto the slope on the north wall. Bounce from the slope to the slope behind you, then bounce forwards and grab the long west wall slope. Quickly shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up, back-flip to the slope behind you and bounce forwards with a left curve to land on the two raised hatches on the south wall. Quickly roll and run to the end of the hatches, then jump onto the east wall slope, slide-jump with a slight right curve and grab the wall ladder on the north slope. Climb to the top of the ladder, back-flip to the slope behind you, then slide-jump to the west slope ahead and grab the edge of it. Note the closed ceiling-hatch above you, and then shimmy right as far as you can. Pull up onto the slope and slide-jump with a slight right curve to the slope on the west wall. Now slide-jump to the small north ledge and save your game.

Walk to the edge of the ledge and stand-jump to the ladder on the pillar ahead. Shimmy right around the ladder until you can drop off into the north wall alcove. Save your game!

Use the wall-lever on the north wall to temporarily open the ceiling-hatch on the south side of the room. Quickly roll, nip forward a tiny step, stand-jump onto the slope ahead and slide-jump to the next slope. Slide-jump to the final slope, spot the open ceiling-hatch above and slide-jump while using the "action key" so that Lara grabs the ceiling up inside the hatch. Now pull up into the room above, take the 3rd Cog from the central pedestal and see a gate open elsewhere. A floor-hatch has also opened on the north side of the room.

A Long Task For The 4th Cog

Head to the open floor-hatch and climb down the ladder inside. Below you is the timed-hatch and slope room, but you don't need to go there again. So, drop and grab the top of the lower ladder, then pull up inside the passage between the two ladders. Head through the passage to the long bridge and make your way over to the timed-hatch room. Now nip down to ground level and head back to the central pyramid chamber.

Get Yourself A Movable-Block

You now need to place a movable-block on the patterned floor-tile that's situated between the columns below the central platform, but first you need to get the movable-block down from the upper balcony.

Go to the NW corner of the chamber and use the wall-lever on the east wall to raise a block at the end of the south wall ledge. Make your way to the SE corner of the chamber and use the Golden Key on the keyhole on the south wall. This will lower a block in the wall above the ladder.

Climb the ladder to the upper balcony, then face west and spot the ladder on the west wall. To the left of the ladder there is a pillar and above the pillar you can see the block you lowered a moment ago. Climb to the top of the ladder, then shimmy left onto the smaller ladder above the pillar. Drop off onto the pillar, nip inside the west wall alcove and locate the movable-block ahead of you. Pull the movable-block back once and a gate behind the movable-block will open (revealing a skeleton-lever).

You can't access the skeleton-lever yet. So, turn around on the pillar, face east and spot the gap in the far east wall. Take a running jump towards the gap, grab it and shimmy left until you can pull up into a gap in the east wall. Head through the opening in the east wall and go out onto the balcony. Go left on the balcony and make your way to the end. Take a left turn onto the next balcony, and then head to the end and stop. There's a jump-switch ahead of you on the small roof above the bridge. Run-jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. You will now see a hatch rise in the central pyramid chamber and the pillar below the movable-block will lower.

Lara is now down on one of the connecting bridges leading into the central pyramid chamber. Head back into the central pyramid chamber and climb the ladder again to get to the upper balcony. Head north towards the wall-lever, but don't touch it yet. Jump over to the central platform and walk to the NE corner. You can now see the hatch you raised a moment ago below a wall ladder on the east wall. Run-jump to the hatch and save your game for a spike/slope run.

Climb the ladder, but don't pull up over the top yet. Shimmy left as far as you can go, then pull up and slide-jump with a left curve so that Lara lands on the slope to your left. Slide-jump and grab the slope ahead, then shimmy left as far as you can, pull up and back-flip to the slope behind you, slide a short way and curve-jump right so that Lara can grab the edge of the west passage. Now pull up into the passage and head inside.

A Timed-Run For The 10th Secret

Note the two closed gates and the wall-lever inside the passage. The lever will do four things. 1 ~ Lower a block on the other side of the room (giving you access to the skeleton-lever). 2 ~ Open a timed-gate to the next secret (which is in an alcove above the skeleton-lever). 3 ~ Temporarily raise two hatches to connect the following passages. 4 ~ Open two gates inside the passages.

Now be warned. Once you have used the wall-lever it can not be re-set. If you miss the timed-gate, you will lose the secret pick-up. However, you will still be able access the passages and use the skeleton-lever. Save your game before using the wall-lever, then you will be able to re-load if you are unsuccessful in reaching the secret-gate. Ok, let's keep this as easy as possible.

Use the wall-lever, watch the cut-scene showing you the route ahead and get ready to run as soon as the cut-scene ends. As soon as you have control of Lara again, run left to the open gate, then run-jump and grab the raised hatch on the west wall. Pull up onto the hatch, run-jump to the south passage and grab the edge of it. Pull up into the passage and sprint to the end. Jump onto the slope in the next balcony area, then slide-jump with a right curve so that Lara lands on the raised hatch on the south wall. Now stand-jump inside the east passage, quickly nip into the gate to your left before it closes and pick up the 10th Secret ~ Flares ~ SMP ~ Revolver Ammo ~ LMP.

Alternatively: If you missed the timed hatches and you are not interested in gaining the secret, you still need to access the skeleton-lever. To do so, use the wall-lever and watch the cut-scene. There's no need to hurry now because the skeleton-lever-gate will remain open, but the hatches will lower. To re-activate the hatches, drop down from the passage onto the block below and the trigger-tile on the block will open the gate back up in the passage. Pull back up into the passage and step inside the gate opposite the wall-lever. The trigger-tile inside the gate will temporarily raise the hatch on the west wall. Run-jump towards the raised hatch, grab it and pull up. Run-jump into the south passage and head to the end. If the hatch on the south wall has lowered, drop down from the passage onto the block below and the trigger-tile on the block will open a gate back up in the passage. Pull back up into the passage and step inside the gate. The trigger-tile inside the gate will temporarily raise the hatch on the south wall. Now run-jump to the slope in the next balcony area, and then slide-jump with a right curve so that Lara lands on the raised hatch on the south wall. Now stand-jump inside the east passage.

Get A Movable-Block To Ground

A block has lowered beneath the secret-gate (giving you access to the skeleton-lever and the movable-block). Drop down into the lower passage and use the skeleton-lever to raise the pillar on the other side of the movable-block. Push the movable block forwards once so that it's sitting on top of the pillar, then use the skeleton-lever again to lower the pillar and the movable-block. The movable-block is now resting on the lower balcony, but you need to lower it once more so that you can use it on the ground floor.

Leave the small passage, drop down eastwards and Lara will land beside the movable-block on the lower balcony. Head to the wall-lever on the north wall at the end of the balcony and use it to raise the pillar below the ladder. Place the movable-block on top of the raised pillar, then use the wall-lever again to lower the pillar and the movable-block.

We're nearly there! Make a safety drop to ground through the break in the railings next to the wall-lever, and then head over to the movable-block that's sitting on the south ledge. Pull the movable-block back once to the middle of the ledge, then go around the other side of the movable-block and push it westwards to the end of the ledge. Nip down to ground level, head to the NW corner of the chamber and use the wall-lever on the east wall to lower the block beneath the movable-block. The movable-block is now at ground level.

Place the movable-block on the pattered-tile between the columns below the central platform. The room will now tremble and something has happened inside the room. Head to the SW corner of the room and see what all the commotion was about. A floor-hole has opened up, so nip down inside it and pick up the 4th Cog. As you do so, you will see a hatch rise on a balcony outside.

The 2nd Golden Key

Return to the upper balcony via the south wall ladder. Climb the west wall ladder and pull up inside the passage where you moved the block from. Turn around to face the east wall, and then take a running jump to the east wall gap again. As you did before, shimmy left as far as you can and pull up into the east wall. Head through the opening in the east wall and make your way onto the balcony. Stop outside the opening, face south and spot the newly risen hatch ahead. Run-jump towards the hatch, grab it and pull up. Run to the end of the balcony, and then head around to the right. At the end of the following balcony, climb the wall ladder and make your way to the top of the pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid there is a deep central floor-hole with a chamber below it. Use the ladder inside the floor-hole to get to the lower chamber, then drop onto the block and nip down into the chamber.

On the east wall you will see a keyhole, but you don't have the key for it yet. Examine the block you dropped onto from the ladder and find that it is in fact a movable-block. Push the movable-block off the tile it's sitting on and reveal the 2nd Golden Key.

The 5th Cog

Have your guns to the ready when you pick up the Golden Key because something nasty is about to pay you a visit. It's an alien-mutant and he's not too pleased with Lara. After gunning the creature down, locate the patterned-tile in the SW corner of the chamber, place the movable-block onto it and a LMP will appear on the grated-floor. Ok, that's all very nice, but how do we get out of here? Well, there's no need to go back to the top of the pyramid unless you have forgotten something, but should you need to, you can move the block under the wall ladder and climb up out of the chamber.

All being well though, use the Golden Key on the east wall keyhole lock and a transporter will appear on the grated-floor. DO NOT save your game whilst using the key on the lock or the transporter will not appear!!! Run into the transporter and Lara will be taken to one of the high outer balconies in the main pool room.

Apart from the fact you need to gather a few items up here, there's a lovely view over the main pool room. Start by noting the closed floor-hatch and the pedestal nearby. Head to the pedestal, pick up the 5th Cog and the floor-hatch will open.

The 3rd Holy Gem

Head to the floor-hatch and climb down the ladder to the lower balcony. Light a flare, locate the jump-switch on the south wall and use it to conjure up the 3rd Holy Gem (which will appear on the grated-floor behind you). As you take the Holy Gem, you will see a shot of a block lowering in a wall next to another holy gem.

The 11th Secret ~ 2nd Mystery Stone

Head to the NW corner of the balcony and run right of the wall ladder. Head over the balcony to the following balcony and find yourself back on the middle balcony you visited a while ago (when you collected the Golden Key). You have already used the skeleton-lever nearby, so ignore it and head left into the west gate (taking care not to fall down the floor hole in the passage). Jump over the floor-hole to the other side of the passage, then head to the end of the passage and go left. Now make your way up the following passages until you arrive on the highest balcony above the main pool room.

Walk over to the east side of the balcony, take a look over the room and spot the secret mystery stone on a ledge above the central pyramid. Now note the two cog-mechanisms on the west wall (one at each end of the balcony). Each mechanism needs three Cogs, but as you are one missing there is no need to interfere with either mechanism yet.

Make your way over to the north side of the balcony, and then walk to the edge of the balcony and stand at the break in the railings. Light a flare (or use your binoculars), look out over the room and spot the path of floating-tiles leading to the Mystery Stone. Here are the co-ordinates for the floating-tiles. SE - SE - SW - SW - SE - SW - SE - NE, then jump to the central ledge and collect the 11th Secret ~ 2nd Mystery Stone from the pedestal. Now all you need to do is get back to the outer balcony. Here are the co-ordinations for the return journey over the floating-tiles. SW - SW - NW - NE - NW - NE - NE - NW, then jump onto the balcony.

The 4th Holy Gem

Note the two passages in the west wall (next to the cog-mechanisms). Enter the right-passage and climb down the ladder inside the floor-hole. Use the wall-lever inside the dark west wall alcove to open the east gate behind you, then roll and head left into the north passage. Run all the way down to the end of the passage, arrive out on a lower balcony in the main pool room and collect the 4th Holy Gem from the central pedestal.

The 6th Cog

Head back through the west passage and make your way to the top. Take a left turn through the east gate and drop down to the lower balcony. Take note of the camera change as you run out onto the balcony. It will show you a jump-switch on the side of the balcony. Walk to the north edge of the balcony where you see the break in the railings, then turn around and line up above the jump-switch on the side of the balcony below you. Drop back from the balcony, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to open a hatch below the balcony.

Lara will splash land in the pool below and the open hatch is nearby. Swim south and go right of the column. Spot the open hatch hanging beneath the balcony floor and pull up inside it. Enter the chamber above, then run ahead to the two pedestals and take the 6th Cog and a pack of Flares. When you take the Cog, a floor-hatch will lower nearby.

Placing The Six Cogs

Now that you have all six Cogs and all four Holy Gems, you can use them to open the way to the next level. However, you will return to The Tinnos Temple later and open another transporter. For now though, make your way behind the ladder at the west wall, climb to the top and pull up into the upper chamber.

You know this chamber. It's where you did the timed-hatch sequence in the room above and you are now standing by the four wooden doors and the keyhole. You still don't have the key for the keyhole, but you don't need it yet anyway. The wooden doors and the west gate are also redundant for now. So, make your way up the ladder on the north wall and pull up into the room above.

Head inside the west wall gate, then turn around and climb up the ladder inside the hole in the ceiling. At the top of the ladder, pull up, turn around and jump over the floor-hole. Head to the end of the passage, then take a left turn into the next passage. Make your way up to the top of the passage and run out onto the upper balcony in the main pool room.

The first cog-mechanism is to your right. Use 3 x Cogs on the mechanism to lower the block at the west wall and reveal a wall-lever. Use the wall-lever, and then watch the cut-scene showing you two of the wooden doors in the lower west chamber breaking open.

Run to the north side of the balcony and use the remaining 3 x Cogs on the second cog-mechanism. A block will lower at the west wall and reveal another wall-lever. Use the wall-lever, and then watch the following cut-scene showing you the other two wooden doors in the lower west chamber breaking open.

Placing The Four Holy Gems

Run to the south side of the balcony and head through the west wall passage. Run to the bottom of the passage, and then go right and head to the floor-hole. Climb down the ladder inside the hole and drop into the lower passage. Head through the east gate and run out into the timed-hatch room. Drop down to the lower chamber and arrive at the four wooden doors.

Enter each of the wooden doors and place a Holy Gem in the receptacles inside. When you place the final Holy Gem, you will see a cut-scene showing you an activated transporter.

A Break From The Hidden Tinnos Temple

Lara is now going to take a break from The Hidden Tinnos Temple, but she will be back here later on to open the way to another level. So, head out of the chamber via the east doorway and make your way back to the main central chamber. Head to the south doorway and make your way out onto the bridge beyond. Run to the end of the bridge, enter the south chamber and nip into the transporter to zap yourself off to the next location.


Old & New Levels ~ Ye Obelisk Sequence

5 Secrets ~ Including 1 x Mystery Stone

5 x Dragon Mask. Sun Disk. 2 x Golden Key. 2 x Silver Key. The Torch.


The transporter will drop Lara off inside a small sandy chamber. Note the closed south gate with a pile of Torches behind it. You will be taking the Torch back to The Tinnos Temple and that is your final objective here. Also note the closed north gate with a large medi-pack behind it and the closed gate in the east passage. You will come back to these gates later on.

Head into the east passage and go left past the gate. A gate will close behind you and Lara is trapped inside the passage. At the end of the passage, drop into the water-hole and swim down into the lower passage. Swim around to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out of the water.

Note the closed gate to your right with a large medi-pack behind it, then run around into the railed-passage and note the goodies behind the railings to your left (which you will collect later on). Now head to the end of the railed-passage and climb the ladder up inside the hole in the ceiling, but don't go all the way to the top. Climb about half way up the ladder, then back-flip into the passage behind you. Now head to the end of the passage and enter the glass-pyramid chamber.

The Glass Pyramid Chamber

You are now over-looking a large chamber with a central structure. On top of the structure you can see an artefact inside glass pyramid. The artefact is the Sun Disk and you will collect it later on. There are also three openings in the outer walls. South - West - East. Also take note of the skeleton-lever on the NW ledge and the ledge below the closed south wall gate.

Open The Hieroglyph Chamber

It's the skeleton-lever we want first. So, face SW, run-jump towards the ledge below the south wall gate, grab the ledge and pull up. Face north, run-jump towards the skeleton-lever ledge, grab the edge of it and shimmy left as far as you can. Pull up onto the ledge and use the skeleton-lever to open the gate to the hieroglyph chamber. The gate is at the top of the ladder you entered this chamber by, and there are two ways to reach it.

The Hard Way To The Hieroglyph Chamber

Drop to ground and go top the west side of the chamber. Stand on the red hieroglyph-tile below the central structure and face west. Stand-jump towards the west pillar, grab it and pull up. Turn around and spot the passage over in the east wall. You will shortly be making a timed-run to the passage and entering a gate at the end, but first you need to find the lever to open the gate.

Turn around, drop inside the west chamber and note the obelisk hanging in the chamber. This is one of three puzzle objects that you will be moving later on. Also note the uw-lever on the east wall inside the south wall alcove. It's one of three levers that you will be using after you have flooded the chambers later on. So, ignore all of this for now and pull up onto the ledge above the uw-lever. Pick up the SMP from the end of the ledge, then drop to ground and head to the north side of the chamber. Nip inside the north wall alcove, then face east and pull up onto the upper ledge. Now head to the wall-lever on the east wall and save your game for a timed-run.

The lever will temporarily open a gate at the end of the east passage outside (but don't worry the timed-run is not that tight). Use the wall-lever, and then hit the "look key" to kill the shot of the gate opening. Run to the right, then nip left onto the next corner ledge. Stand-jump with a left curve into the east wall opening, then run diagonally left off the pillar and fall into the glass-pyramid room. With the central structure to your right, run east to the blue hieroglyph-tile below the central structure, then nip up onto it and run-jump inside the east wall passage. Now sprint to the end of the passage, go R - R and spot the timed-gate ahead. If you have time, pick up the LMP from in front of the gate, and then head through the gate. Don't worry if you didn't manage to get the pick-up, you can collect it later on.

You are now back in the passages near the start of the level. Ignore the water-hole to your left and head right into the railed-passage. Make your way to the ladder at the end of the passage, climb to the top and pull up into the passage above. Turn around, jump over the ladder hole and head through to the hieroglyph chamber.

The Easy Way To The Hieroglyph Chamber

From the skeleton-lever, run-jump back to the south ledge, then run-jump into the east wall passage. Climb to the top of the ladder at the end of the passage and pull up into the passage above. Now turn around, jump over the ladder-hole and head through to the hieroglyph chamber.

The Hieroglyph Chamber & The Hieroglyph-Buttons

Start by taking the Normal Shotgun Ammo from the north side of the chamber, and then note the three hieroglyph-buttons on the south wall. From left to right  1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red. Also note the closed north and west gates.

Your first objective is to open the west gate that leads to a hub chamber, and you will do that by pushing the correct combination on the hieroglyph-buttons. Later on you will return to the hieroglyph-buttons and open the various gates in the sub-chambers that lead off from the hub-chamber.

The north gate leads to the punishment chamber; and by that I mean you will face a gruelling trek through a lava chamber. If you use the incorrect combination on the hieroglyph-buttons, you will open up the north gate and have no choice but to face the wicked elements beyond because you can not re-set the hieroglyph-buttons. It's not all bad though as you will get a small reward for your bravery and a bit of a laugh too. After you have visited the punishment chamber, the gate will have its own combination. You will learn more about this further down the page.

The Punishment Chamber

Note: This chamber is optional.

If you haven't visited any of the other chambers yet, use any combination (other than left to right 1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red) and the north gate will open. There's no going back now as you can not re-set the hieroglyph-buttons until you have completed the punishment chamber.

Walk inside the gate and stand-jump up to the ledge ahead. Note the closed hatch down in the hole ahead, then stand-jump up to the ledge on the other side of the hole. Doing so will trigger the hatch to open. Turn around and look down into the hatch hole. Below you is the open hatch, and below that there is a fire-emitter in the wall opposite a ladder. Now stand-jump towards the lower passage beyond the hatch hole and Lara will grab the wall above the hatch hole.

Climb down the wall, then drop and grab the ladder below the passage. Time the fire-emitter and climb down the ladder towards it. Climb down until you can climb right on the ladder and note that you are now above a deadly lava pool. Make your way along the ladder until you see a fire-emitter to your right, then time the fire-emitter to get past it. Proceed along the ladder until the camera angle changes. You will see an alcove behind Lara with an active fire-emitter inside. Ignore the alcove for now because you can't access until the fire-emitter is turned off. Time the second fire-emitter to your right, then climb past it, make your way to the end of the ladder and back-flip into the passage behind you.

Pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo from the start of the passage (your small bravery reward), then note the two wall-levers on the east wall and the closed west gate. The wall-levers are guarded by two flame-emitters, but that doesn't mean you can't get past them. Stand Lara here Screenshot wait for both fire-emitters to temporarily lower, then stand-jump to the far right corner beyond the second fire-emitter Screenshot

Wait for the fire-emitter to temporarily lower, then quickly face the wall-lever and press the "action key". Lara will shift to the right, use the wall-lever and the fire-emitter in the lava pool passage will extinguish. Don't hang about for too long though, quickly nip right into the safe areas between the two fire-emitters, then face the east wall, time the first fire-emitter and side-flip past it to the start of the passage.

Jump back onto the ladder, time the fire-emitter to your left and shimmy left until you can see the alcove behind you. Back-flip off to the alcove and use the wall-lever inside to extinguish the first fire-emitter in the lever passage. This will give you access to the other wall-lever. Make your way back to the lever passage and use the newly accessible wall-lever to open the west gate. Now time the fire-emitter in front of the gate, run past it and head through to the end of the passage beyond.

Devilish Humour

As you enter the passage, note that your health-bar replenishes. I wonder why? Drop down into the lower passage, note the four explosions that take place and then watch your health-bar diminish. That wasn't very nice was it? Ok, well you can top up with that LMP in the next chamber, or can you? He-he! Actually, there isn't any need to top up with health and you will see why in a moment.

Note the wall-lever on the west wall behind the fire-emitter, then time the flame and use the lever. A notice will pop up telling you "There Is Nothing More To Do Here Get Out". Charmed I'm sure! Leave via the north gate and your health will be replenished when you head through the upper passage. There, I knew QRS wasn't that mean.

Head back to the lava pool chamber, jump onto the ladder and time the fire-emitters to get back to the start of the ladder. Time the final fire-emitter and climb to the top of the ladder. Pull up into the passage above, then head down to the closed gate in the lower passage. The gate will open as you approach it, so head through and find yourself back at the hieroglyph chamber.

1 - 2 - 3 ~ The West Gate & The Hub-Chamber

Head to the hieroglyph-buttons and use the combination 1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red to open the west gate. (On using the first button, the north gate to the punishment chamber will close). The west gate will now remain open until you have completed your tasks in the chambers beyond. Enter the west gate and climb up through the passage to the chamber above.

As this is the starting chamber, I have named it "the hub-chamber" for future reference. The chambers leading off from the hub chamber will be known as the "sub-chambers".

Start by taking note of the closed west gate, the horus-tile on the west wall, the two keyholes on the west wall and the closed gates in the north and south walls. Walk to the central grated floor-tile and pick up The Shotgun. This will trigger the three closed gates to open and the Dragon Mask hunt can begin. Now return to the hieroglyph-buttons via the east passage and prepare for the next button combination.

It doesn't matter which chamber you visit first and the combinations are set out below for the gates to each chamber. You can ignore the punishment chamber combination 2 ~ Yellow - 1 ~ Blue - 3 ~ Red if you have already visited there, or you can still venture inside it if you missed it earlier and you are feeling brave.

1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red - Opens - The Hub-Chamber ~ Which you have already visited.
1 ~ Blue - 3 ~ Red - 2 ~ Yellow - Opens - The Lava And Slopes Chamber ~ 1 x Dragon Mask
2 ~ Yellow - 1 ~ Blue - 3 ~ Red - Opens - The Punishment Chamber ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo
2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red - 1 ~ Blue - Opens - The Coloured Tiles Chamber ~ 2 x Dragon Masks
3 ~ Red - 1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow - Opens - The Mirror Chamber ~ 2 x Dragon Masks
3 ~ Red - 2 ~ Yellow - 1 ~ Blue
- Opens - The Dragon Mask Receptacle Chamber (visit this chamber last)

1-3-2 ~ The Lava & Slopes Chamber

Use the combination 1 ~ Blue - 3 ~ Red - 2 ~ Yellow then nip back through the west gate and return to the hub-chamber. Enter the south passage and take out the lizard-man that attacks. Now continue on to the end of the passage and run out into the sub-chamber.

The newly opened gate is to your right (south). But before you head through it, note the closed gate in the north wall, the horus-tile on the east wall and the closed gate to the right of that. Now head through the newly opened south gate, make your way to the end of the passage and stop at the gate that opens ahead.

The tile behind the gate is collapsible, so don't move any further into the chamber until you know what's going on. Walk to the edge of the passage (but not onto the collapsible-tile) and look into the chamber ahead. You can see a deadly lava pool with slopes scattered about inside it. You need to make it to the west side of the chamber first, and then we will deal with the rest of the room.

Stand on the right side of the passage and face out over the lava pool. Take a running jump towards the slope ahead and curve left just before you land on it so that Lara slides down the slope backwards. Grab the edge of the slope, and then shimmy right as far as you can. Pull up onto the slope, back-flip with a twist and press the "left directional key" so that Lara curve-jumps to the left and lands on the next slope. Slide-jump with a right curve to land on the following slope, then immediately jump (don't slide on the next slope or Lara will catch light) and hit the "action key" so that Lara grabs the edge of the pillar ahead. Save you game here is you wish.

Pull up onto the pillar and note the closed gate in the north wall. Ignore the gate for now and face the west side of the chamber. There's some more slope jumping to do and the passage in the west wall is the next destination. Take a running jump to the slope in the far right corner of the room, then immediately bounce forwards onto the slope on the west wall, bounce with a right curve so that Lara lands on the following slope to the east and then slide and grab the end of the slope. Pull up, back-flip with a twist, grab the edge of the west passage and pull up. Save your game here because there are some more slope-jumps coming up in a short while.

Head into the passage and make your way around to the left. Pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo and note the lighter coloured-tile on the wall to your left (east). Make your way to the end of the passage and you are now looking over the lava pool. Note the following slopes ahead and the shimmy gap in the narrow east wall ahead. The slopes are currently guarded by fire-traps, so don't try to use them yet. Run back into the passage to the lighter coloured-tile on the east wall. It will lower as you approach and reveal a wall-lever.

The lever is timed to the fire-traps on the slopes outside in the lava pool; and you do need to move fast to clear them. Save your game, and then use the wall-lever to temporarily turn off the fires on the slopes. Immediately run to the far end of the passage and take a left curved running jump onto the nearest slope to your left. Slide-jump from the slope and press the "action key" so that Lara grabs the top of the following east slope. Shimmy right as far as you can, pull up onto the slope, slide-jump right and grab the shimmy gap in the narrow east wall. Shimmy left onto the south wall, then shimmy to the end of the wall and pull up into the south wall alcove. Save your game for another timed-run.

Use the wall-lever to temporarily open the gate in the north wall, and then quickly side-step left so that Lara is to the left of the wall-lever. Take a left curved running jump around the wall of the alcove and land on the west slope. Slide-jump with a right curve to land on the following slope north, then jump to the following north slope (the fire on this slope is now off), slide-jump onto the north pillar (don't grab the edge of the pillar or you won't make it through the gate) and run through the gate before it closes.

Alternatively: Use the wall-lever, roll and tap the "left and forward keys" so that Lara moves as close to the edge of the alcove as possible and is standing in the left hand corner. Take a left curved standing jump around the wall of the alcove and land on the west slope. Slide-jump with a right curve to land on the following slope north, then jump to the following north slope (the fire on this slope is now off), slide-jump to the north pillar (don't grab the edge of the pillar or you won't make it through the gate) and run through the gate before it closes.

As you head down into the following passage, the gate will open behind you giving you access back to the lava/slopes chamber, but ignore that for now and head through the break in the railings to your left. Now make your way to the chamber at the end of the passage.

There's nothing to do in this chamber, so run through to the north chamber and note the chamber beyond the west wall gate. You will be visiting there later on. Head down the north passage, then go left and pick up the 1st Dragon Mask from the pedestal at the end of the passage. You will see a shot of a dragon mask receptacle behind a closed gate. This gate will only open when you pick up the final Dragon Mask.

Return up the passage, head back to the lava/slopes room and walk out onto the pillar. The gate in the north wall (NE corner) will open. Face NE and run-jump with a left curve to get inside the gate in the north wall. Head back up the passage and return to the sub-chamber. Leave via the west passage and return to the hub-chamber. Now leave via the east passage and head back down to the hieroglyph-buttons.

2 - 3 - 1 ~ The Glass-Floor Chamber

Use the combination 2 ~ Yellow - 3 ~ Red - 1 ~ Blue then head back up to the hub-chamber. Enter the north passage, gun down the lizard-man that attacks and head through to the sub-chamber at the end of the passage.

The newly opened gate is to your left (north), so head through into the passage and the gate will close behind you. The gate at the end of the passage will open as you approach it, so head into the chamber beyond and take note of the on-screen warning telling you to "save your game in a different slot". This is because there is a movable-block puzzle coming up and moving the blocks about too much can cause an issue with the gates. So, save your game before entering the room just in case.

The gate will now close behind you and you are trapped inside the chamber. Note the coloured-tiles on the glass floor, the water chamber below the glass floor and the closed floor-hatch up in the north wall passage. Also note the closed gate up in the west wall, the monkey swing and the three grey-tiles on the ceiling. NE - S - W.

The Monkey Swing Puzzle

Start by nipping up into the west wall alcove and collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo from inside. Now nip over to the north wall passage and grab the monkey swing. Swing over the grey ceiling-tile in the NE corner and a gate will open beyond the closed west wall gate. Swing over the ladder to the south grey ceiling-tile and a pillar in the chamber beyond the west wall gate will lower and reveal a Dragon Mask. Now swing to the west grey ceiling-tile and the west wall gate will open. Drop off inside the west wall gate and head through to the chamber at the end of the passage. Collect the 2nd Dragon Mask from the pedestal and see another shot of the Dragon Mask receptacle behind a closed gate.

The Movable-Block Puzzle

Head back out to the glass-floor chamber and then nip up inside the north passage. Turn around, look down onto the glass floor and note of the colours and locations of the coloured-tiles. South Tile ~ Yellow - Central Tile ~ Blue - West Tile ~ Red

Turn around and see that the floor-hatch is now open. Drop down through the hatch, and then run through to the chamber below the glass floor. Light a flare and examine the outer walls of the chamber for three movable-blocks. There's one in the north wall and two in the south wall. Pull the blocks out once (and only once because you don't want to obscure the top of them with the coloured-tiles on the glass floor). Nip back up to the glass floor and note the colours on top of the blocks. Head back down to the water chamber and move each block under the corresponding coloured-tile on top of the glass floor Screenshot

When the blocks are in place, a ceiling-hatch will open in the west passage where you moved the yellow movable-block from. Head inside the west passage, climb up through the ceiling-hatch and head down into the lower west chamber. Take the 3rd Dragon Mask from the central pedestal and see another shot of the Dragon Mask receptacle behind a closed gate.

Return to the glass-floor chamber, head towards the south gate and it will open as you approach. Head inside the passage and the next gate ahead will open as you approach. Go through to the sub-chamber, take a right turn into the west passage and make your way back to the hub-chamber. Leave the hub-chamber via the east gate and drop back down to the hieroglyph-buttons.

3 - 1 - 2 ~ The Mirror Chamber

Use the combination 3 ~ Red - 1 ~ Blue - 2 ~ Yellow then head back up to the hub-chamber. Look straight ahead and see that the gate at the end of the west passage is now open. Head through to the chamber at the end of the passage and note the closed floor-hatch on the way.  As you enter the chamber, the gate will close behind you and you are sealed inside the chamber.

There are three Dragon Masks sitting on floor-hatches, but don't go picking any of them up yet because they are all trapped (try picking them up and see what happens). To add to that, only one of the Dragon Masks can be taken. The other two will lead you to certain death. So, you will be using the mirror to find out which Dragon Mask is safe to take.

The 12th Secret

Start by jumping to the ledge on the mirror wall. Stand up against the mirror and scan the chamber behind you. Note the jump-switch on the north wall (which you can only se via the mirror for now) the three grey floor-tiles and a crawl space in the west wall Screenshot

Drop down to ground and head through the crawl space in the west wall. At the end of the crawl space, drop down into the lower chamber and pick up the 12th Secret ~ Flares ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ Revolver Ammo ~ LMP.

Return to the mirror chamber and stand on the three grey-tiles to activate the jump-switch on the north wall. You can now see the jump-switch without using the mirror. Use the jump-switch to extinguish the fire on the east floor-hatch, then head over there and pick up the 4th Dragon Mask.

When you pick up the dragon mask, the floor-hatch will open and you will find yourself in a lower passage below the mirror chamber. You will also get a shot of the Dragon Mask receptacle behind a closed gate, and then the floor-hatch above will close. Pick up the pack of Flares at Lara's feet, then head into the passage.

The Passage & Block Puzzle

You need to find two movable-blocks and place them on the grey-patterned-tiles in the following passages. This will open the way to a Dragon Mask, the next secret and the way out. Thanks to Sutekh for the following detailed explanation with maps. Please note, that where a map states there is a Golden Star there is now a Dragon Mask, and where the goodies location is there is now an extended chamber.

Walk ahead to the T-junction, and then go left along the passage until you come to a ladder on your right.

Light a flare to see movable-block 1 in the wall opposite the ladder and push it through twice so that it's sitting in an alcove in the next passage.

The next passage is now accessible.

Follow the passage to reach the E side of block 2 and push it once Map

Follow the passage back to the ladder and the N side of block 2 and push it once onto Tile 1 to lower block A Map

Go to block 1 and pull it once back in the passage Map

Follow the passage to reach the N side of block 1 and push it once onto Tile 3'. You'll get a camera shot of the "wall" by the ladder Map

Go to block 2 and pull it back once Map

Follow the passage to reach the E side of block 2 and pull it back once Map

Follow the passage again to reach the W side of block 2 and push it forwards once Map

Follow the passage around until you reach the N side of block 2, and then and push the block once onto Tile 2 to lower block B Map

Pull block 2 down the passage and place it just before the new opening Map

Go around the northern passage to reach the W side of block 2 and pull it back twice Map

Run down the main passage then around the northern one to reach the N side of block 2, and then push the block once onto Tile 3, lowering block C - Map

The 13th Secret

Placing block 2 on Tile 3 (block 1 having already been placed on tile 3') also lowers block S. So turn around, enter the northern passage and go L (W) to reach the chamber with the 13th Secret ~ Flares ~ SMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Revolver Ammo.

Return into the main passage and follow it through back to the ladder. Take the 5th Dragon Mask from the pedestal in the north alcove. The hatch above the ladder will now drop open and a camera shot will show you the Dragon Mask receptacle door opening.

Flooding The Chambers

You now have all you need to proceed, so head up the ladder and pull up into the passage above. Run ahead to the gate and it will open as you approach. Head through to the hub-chamber, take out the lizard-man that attacks from your left and then leave via the east gate and drop down to the hieroglyph-buttons.

3 - 2 - 1 ~ The Dragon Mask Receptacle Chamber

Use the combination 3 ~ Red - 2 ~ Yellow - 1 ~ Blue then head back up to the hub-chamber. Go left into the south passage and make your way to the sub-chamber beyond. The newly opened gate is to your left (north). Head through to the end of the passage and the gate will close behind you. Go right at the end of the passage, climb the ladder and pull up into the Dragon Mask receptacle chamber.

The 14th Secret

Place a Dragon Mask into the receptacle and you will hear the familiar sound of gushing water. Return down the ladder, head out of the gate (which opens as you approach) then turn around and re-enter the gate. Make your way back to the ladder and surprise!! The 14th Secret ~ LMP has appeared below the ladder. Pick up the secret, and then head back out of the gate. Leave via the west passage and head back through to the hub-chamber. Now leave via the east passage and drop back down to the hieroglyph-buttons.

Ye Obelisk Sequence Begins

You are done with the hieroglyph-buttons now, so pass by them and head down into the east passage. The ladder-hole at the end of the passage is now flooded, so drop into the water and swim through the upper west passage. You will find yourself back in the glass pyramid chamber (which is now flooded).

Flooding The Chambers Some More

Immediately swim up to the top of the chamber for some air, and then prepare for some uw-lever pulling. You need to use three uw-levers to open the gate to a lever which will raise the water level even higher.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim inside the south chamber and use the uw-lever (1) on the south wall. You will get a shot of a closed gate out in the glass pyramid chamber. Pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo from the south ledge, and then swim back out to the glass pyramid chamber and get some air. Note: you can also get air inside the obelisk chambers.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim inside the west chamber, locate the uw-lever (2) in the south alcove and use it. You will get another shot of the closed gate outside. Now return to the glass pyramid chamber and grab some air.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Enter the north chamber, locate the uw-lever (3) on the south wall and use it. The gate will open; but before you leave, swim up to the west ledge and grab yourself a pack of Flares.

Return to the glass pyramid chamber, swim down to the NE corner and enter the newly opened gate in the east wall. At the end of the passage, pull out to your left and head to the top of the sloped passage. Pull up to the left into the upper passage, and then pull up into the top railed-passage. Go right in the passage and use the wall-lever on the north wall to raise the water level in the lower chambers.

Preparations For The 15th Secret

Return to the glass pyramid chamber and grab some air. Note the closed east gate with the chain-pulley in front of it, and then swim down into the east passage below the ladder passage. Swim through until you can take a left turn into the north passage, then just before you swim to the end of the passage, spot the hole in the ceiling and swim up into it. Locate the uw-lever inside the hole in the ceiling and use it. You will get a shot of the closed gate with the chain-pulley in front of it.

Open The Gate To The First Wheel Chamber

Head north to the end of the passage, then swim left and make your way to the end of the following passage. Swim up into the hole in the ceiling and use the uw-lever on the north wall to open the gate to the first wheel chamber.

The Long Timed-Swim

The gate is to your left (west), so swim through and watch the following cut-scene carefully as it will show you the route ahead. As soon as the cut-scene ends, swim up for air and save your game for long timed-swim.

Locate the uw-lever on the east wall and use it. Quickly roll, swim right to the NW corner of the room, then swim up inside the hole in the ceiling and enter the west wall passage. Note: You need to enter the passage quickly and without error, or you will not make it through to the following timed gate. Save your game here if you think you have entered the passage relatively quickly.

Once you are inside the passage, follow it through to a passage with a jump-switch on the wall ahead, then swim into the passage to the right of the jump-switch. Swim to the end of the passage, and then swim down into the second wheel chamber. Head left to the SE corner and swim up into the passage near the ceiling. Follow the passage through until you come to a crossroads in the passages, then swim straight ahead into the next passage. Make your way around to the third wheel chamber, and then swim ahead and enter the east gate before it closes. That's it, the timed-swim is over and you can save your game here if you wish.

Drain The Wheel Chambers

Swim to the end of the passage, and then swim up through the hole above the ladder. Pull out into the passage above, head through the passage to the wall-lever at the end and use the wall-lever to drain the wheel chambers.

Moving The Obelisks

Return to the ladder-hole (which is now drained) and climb down to the lower passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and enter the wheel chamber.

You are now facing your first obelisk wheel. The objective is to move all three obelisks so that their needle points are facing the glass pyramid chamber. You will then return to the glass pyramid chamber and use a chain-pulley to open the glass pyramid and reveal the Sun Disk.

1st Obelisk

Look through the grated floor and note which way the obelisk needle is facing. In this case it's facing east. Now note the location of the glass pyramid chamber. In this case it's through the north wall. Walk to the handle on the wheel and use the "action key" for Lara to use the handle. Now press the "forwards key" and push the wheel once so that the obelisk needle moves to the north position.

You now need to leave the chamber, but the gate is closed. So, note the two patterned-tiles in the SE and NW corners of the chamber and the movable-block in the NE corner of the chamber. Move the block onto the SE tile to open the exit gate, then move the block onto the NW patterned-tile to open the gate to the second wheel chamber. Now leave via the west gate, head to the end of the following passage and enter the second wheel chamber.

2nd Obelisk

As you did before, note the position of the obelisk needle (it's facing west) and the location of the glass pyramid chamber (it's to the east) and push the wheel twice so that's the obelisk needle is facing east.

Head to the NW corner of the chamber, pull up onto the block and enter the crawl space in the north wall. Make your way to the end of the crawl space and drop down into the lower passage. Use the jump-switch on the south wall to open the gate ahead. The gate leads back to the second wheel chamber, but you only need enter it if you need to return to the wheel chamber. Turn around and head to the north end of the passage. Spot the shootable-bones in the north wall opening and use your pistols to break them. This will open the next gate. Now head right into the east passage and make your way down to the first wheel chamber.

3rd Obelisk

The obelisk needle is pointing east and you need it pointing south. So, stand Lara facing south at the handle and push the wheel once so that the obelisk needle is facing south. That's it. Everything is now in place and the obelisk sequence will shortly be over.

Back To The Glass Pyramid Chamber

Leave via the east passage and climb down the ladder at the end. Head to the end of the following passage, then turn right into the next passage and make your way to the end.

Note: If you haven't already got the pick-up from in front of the timed-gate you passed through earlier, you can get it now by heading left into the next passage and going R - R for the LMP pick-up. Return down the passage and head straight on to get back to the glass pyramid chamber.

If you have the pick-up, then go right into the next passage and head back through to the glass pyramid chamber.

The Glass Pyramid Chamber Re-Visited & The 15th Secret

Go to the north side of the central structure and stand on the higher north hieroglyph-tile. Stand-jump to the north pillar and pull up onto it. Drop down into the lower north chamber and head to the east alcove. Use the wall-lever to open the east gate in front of the chain-pulley. Now pull up onto the ledge behind and make your way back out to the glass pyramid chamber. Enter the east gate behind the chain-pulley and collect the 15th Secret ~ Revolver Ammo ~ LMP ~ Flares.

The Sun Disk

Leave the secret passage, head out to the chain-pulley and use the "action key" on the chain-pulley. Note: If Lara refuses to pull the chain-pulley it means that one or more obelisks aren't pointing in the right direction. Take a look inside the obelisk chambers and check that the obelisk needles are pointing towards the glass pyramid. If not, then return to the wheel chambers, correct any mistakes and then return here.

Watch the cut-scene showing you the obelisks sparking up an electrical current and the glass pyramid blasting open. Now head to the central structure, pull up onto the top and take the Sun Disk from its resting place.

You will now see a cut-scene showing you a gate opening back up in the chambers beyond the hieroglyph-button chamber. Watch it carefully as it will reveal the location of the Torch; although you won't be getting it for a while yet.

Back To The Hub Chamber

Face east and run-jump to the east passage with the ladder inside. Climb the ladder, back-flip off at the top and then turn around and run through to the hieroglyph-button chamber. Head past the buttons and enter the west gate. Make your way up to the hub-chamber and save your game because you're in for a fight!

The Executioners ~ The Golden Key & The Silver Key

As you enter the hub-chamber, the gate will close behind you, all escape routes will close and the first of two executioners will make his entrance. Now, these guys can either be real tough cookies or they can be easy pickings; it's just a case of how you deal with them. Firstly, you will need the shotgun or revolver to take them down. Secondly, a few tactical moves will help. So, let's deal with the first dude.

Note that the executioner has a sword that intermittently fires out blue deadly rays. When he is firing his rays he can not be harmed, so dodge the rays as best you can. Eventually, the executioner will stop firing his rays and raise his sword to attack Lara. This is when you need to strike! Run towards the executioner and stop when you are about two tiles away from him. Wait for him to raise his sword, then fire one shot at his chest. Now wait for a moment (because he can take a little while to fall and you will only waste ammo if you continue to fire at him). If your attack was successful, the executioner will drop. If not, then repeat the above tactics until you have taken him down. He will then leave you the 1st Golden Key.

If you haven't already done so, pick up the 2 x Normal Shotgun Ammo from the west side of the chamber, then use the Golden Key on the left side keyhole on the west wall. Doing so will alert the second executioner, and you deal with him in exactly the same way as you did his buddy. After taking him down, he will leave you the 1st Silver Key. Use the Silver Key on the right side keyhole on the west wall to open the north and south gates. Now save your game because you have another tricky task to perform very shortly.

The Bull & The Horus-Tiles

You already noted the horus-tile when you first visited the hub-chambers and beyond, and now they are going to come into play. There are five horus-tiles and all of them need to be broken in order to open the gate to the Torches and the exit gate. But to do this you are going to need some help; even if it is from a rather unfriendly bull.

1st Horus Tile

To attract the bull, run into the south passage and head through to the sub-chamber beyond. You will hear the sound of the bull as soon as you arrive, so face the entrance gate and wait for him to show up. Now run to the horus-tile (1) on the north wall, stand Lara with her back to it and wait for the bull to enter the room. Use the "look key" to see where the bull is. The bull will sniff you out and will charge at you. Immediately side-flip out of the way of the bull and let him smash into the horus-tile to break it. Top up with health and save your game!!!

2nd Horus Tile

The east gate will open; but you don't need to enter it yet. Return to the central hub-chamber and wait for the bull to follow you. If he doesn't appear, or he seems to be stuck in a wall, simply run over to him to lure him towards you. Once the bull is inside the hub-chamber, use the same tactics as before and get the bull to break the horus-tile (2) on the west wall. Top up with health and save your game!!!

3rd Horus Tile

Enter the north passage and head through to the sub-chamber beyond. As you did before, use the bull to smash the horus-tile (3) on the north wall and a gate will open back in the south sub-chamber. Head back to the central hub-chamber, and then make your way into the south sub-chamber. Head into the east gate, ignore the passage to the right and go straight across into the east passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and spot the horus-tile on the wall ahead.

4th Horus Tile

Now things become a tad tricky. You are now standing on a glass floor and below it there is another glass floor, with a lava pool below that. As soon as the bull breaks the horus-tile, the glass floor will smash, Lara will fall to the lower glass floor and your game is over. So, you need to be quick here and jump back to the safe path before the glass floor falls in. Stand in front of the horus-tile and wait for the bull to charge towards you. Just before he reaches you, run-jump over the top of him and land on the safe path in front of the entrance. If you are successful, the bull will break the horus-tile (4), the glass floor will smash and bully will arrive unscathed down on the glass floor below. Top up with health and save your game!!!

5th Horus Tile

Ok, you still need bully's help and you can see the final horus-tile down below where bully is, but how to get there? Face north towards the entrance of the chamber, drop back and grab the edge of the path. Shimmy left as far as you can, look below you for a crawl space and drop to it. Pull up inside the crawl space and make your way to the end. Use the jump-switch on the north wall, to open the Torch gate and a gate above you in the south wall.

Pull up inside the south gate and find yourself back in the passage leading to the glass-floor chamber. There's no need to visit the glass-floor chamber again, so head right in the passage and then go left down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs you will find a pile of Torches; but you don't need one yet so leave them alone and enter the small sandy chamber ahead.

Leave the transporter alone for now and head into the north passage. Pick up the LMP, make your way to the end of the passage and spot your old mate bully in the chamber ahead. You need to use the bull to smash the horus-tile on the north wall, but you are standing on a glass floor with a lava pool-below. So, line Lara up on the right hand side of the horus-tile and face NE towards the entrance passage Screenshot Wait for bully to charge at Lara, then quickly jump over bull and land inside the safe passage. If you are successful, the bull will break the horus-tile (5), the glass floor will smash and bully will plummet into the lava pool below. An unsuccessful task will send Lara to her death in the lava pool below.

The 16th Secret ~ 3rd Mystery Stone

Leave the passage, head back to the small sandy chamber and collect a Torch from the south passage. Leave via the east gate, go right into the next passage and the gate will close behind you. Head on through the passage to the chamber at the end, stop by the entrance and scan the following chambers.

You can see some sword-traps suspended from the ceiling; but they won't fall yet so don't worry about them for now. Head into the second chamber, note the closed gate at the end of the east passage and then make your way into the third chamber.

Note the two keyholes on the east and west walls, the passage up in the east wall, the central wood-pile, the closed floor-hatch at the north end of the chamber and the two pick-ups on the pedestals either side of the floor-hatch. Leave the pick-ups alone for now (taking them will activate two more executioners) and enter the east passage. Make your way through the passage and jump the lava-traps at the end to get to the other side of the passage. Spot the secret on the other side of the railings, and then use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the gate back in the second chamber. Return through the passage and head back to the second chamber. Enter the east wall passage, make your way through and stop at the end of the passage.

The Lava Lake Cave

Ahead of you now is a large cave with a lava lake, and below you is a slope with a safe area at the bottom. Your destination is the other side of the lake where the secret Mystery Stone is hidden, but first you need to open your escape route from the cave.

Slide down to the safe area by the edge of the lake, and then face north and run-jump up to the higher ledge. Face north, jump over the triangular rock ahead, then face NW and stand-jump up to the triangular ledge below the west wall. Pull up onto the west wall ledge and use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the exit-hatch. The hatch is your escape route from the cave, but if you miss the lever you can still back-track to it from the other side of the lake.

With the hatch now open, nip back down to the lower area at the edge of the lake and jump back to the starting area. Face south this time and run-jump to the small flat triangular area in the corner of the cave Screenshot Face east, stand-jump to the long rocky path ahead and then jump over the sloped area on the path. Walk up onto the highest rock at the end of the path and spot the slope leading down from the south wall. Run-jump to the end of the slope, then slide-jump to the flat area to the north Screenshot

Turn around to face the slope you just left, and then jump back to the lower area. Stand-jump up the slope, enter the chamber at the top and take the 16th Secret ~ 3rd Mystery Stone from the pedestal. There's also some Revolver Ammo behind the pedestal. When you take the Mystery Stone, you will see a shot of the wall-lever on the other side of the cave.

If you have not used the lever yet ~ Follow the walkthrough from The Exit Lever

If you have used the lever ~ Follow the walkthrough from Leaving The Cave

The Exit Lever

Return to the bottom of the slope outside and jump back to the starting area. Face north and run-jump up to the higher ledge. Still facing north, jump over the triangular rock ahead, and then face NW and stand-jump up to the triangular ledge below the west wall. Pull up onto the west wall ledge and use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the exit-hatch. Head back to the lower area at the edge of the lake, then make your way back to the slope below the secret chamber.

Leaving The Cave

Head out to the slope, slide to the bottom of it and jump to the flat area below the north slope. Walk ahead as far as you can, face Lara slightly to the right and run-jump up to the higher part of the slope Screenshot Run-jump up to the flat area to the right of the exit door, then take a right curved standing jump around the wall to the exit door Screenshot

Head through to the east passage, make sure you have a good lung full of air and drop into the water-hole at the end of the passage. Swim to the end of the passage, then swim up through the exit-hatch and pull out into familiar surroundings.

The Golden Key & The Silver Key

You need to light the Torch, but first you need some fire to do so. Remember the keyholes on the east and west walls? You need the keys for them and you will be fighting a tough battle to get hold of them. Start by taking the 2 x Normal Shotgun Ammo from the pedestals. As you do so, two executioners will arrive in the second chamber. The suspended sword-traps between the second and third chambers will also be active by now, so take care during the following battle. As you did before, use your tactical skills to take both executioners down. One will leave you the 2nd Golden Key and the other guy will leave you the 2nd Silver Key.

Light The Torch And Take It To The Hidden Tinnos Temple

Use the Golden Key and Silver Key on the east and west wall keyholes, then turn around and see that the wood-pile is now alight. Great, you can now light your Torch and think about leaving here; but take care because the suspended sword-traps between the first and second chambers will also be active now. Make sure you have your lit Torch with you, head out to the small sandy chamber and jump into the transporter.


Old & New Levels ~ The Hidden Tinnos Temple ~ Revisited

You are now back in The Hidden Tinnos Temple with your lit Torch, 4 x Dragon Masks and the sun disk. But you will only be here for a short while to activate the next transporter. You then need to take the lit Torch into the next level; so be sure to keep it in a safe place at all times!

Use The Four Dragon Masks To Activate The Transporter

Leave the transporter chamber, head onto the bridge outside and make your way to the central pyramid chamber. You don't need your Torch with you for now, so leave it here for safe keeping. Just make sure you leave it where you can find it again. Leave via the west doorway and make your way to the small chamber at the end of the bridge. Climb the wall ladder to the timed-hatch room, then run inside the west gate, turn around and grab the wall ladder inside the hole in the ceiling. Climb to the top of the ladder and run out onto the balcony. Take a right turn (south) and make your way to the far south balcony. Climb the west wall ladder and back-flip off at the top.

Jump over to the central balcony and place 2 x Dragon Masks into the 2 x dragon head receptacles. Return to the previous balcony and climb back down the ladder. Head north to the central balcony, and then nip inside the west wall passage and jump the hole to get to the other side of the passage. Head to the end of the passage and run out onto the upper balcony.

Run to the north side of the balcony and exit via the west wall passage. Climb down the ladder inside the floor-hole, head east and drop down onto the central balcony. Walk to the north side of the balcony where you see a break in the railings, run-jump towards the far north balcony and grab the edge of it. Pull up onto the balcony, place the final 2 x Dragon Masks into the dragon head receptacles and then watch the cut-scene showing you a transporter activating in the small north chamber below.

Collect The Torch And Take It To The Next Level

You now need to head back down to the central pyramid chamber and collect your lit Torch. The quickest way down is to jump from the balcony down to the main pool. After the splash landing, swim to the east side of the pool and pull out on the west side. Run inside the central pyramid chamber, collect the lit Torch and head out via the north doorway. Go over the bridge to the small chamber beyond, nip inside the transporter and zap yourself off to the next level.


Old & New Levels ~ The Torch Challenge

3 Secrets ~ Including 1 x Mystery Stone

The Torch. The Scroll. Sun Goddess. Sun Talisman. Kingdom Key.

On arrival, drop your Torch for a moment, pick up The Scroll in the passage ahead and read it. It says "Do Not Lose Your Torch. If You Do, You Know Where To Find A New One, Right?" Meaning that you should have remembered the path back if you are unfortunate enough to lose your Torch. As the Torch is a vital item in this level, you must keep it available. But accidents happen, and it's possible you might lose the Torch in the water somehow. If this happens and you need to get another Torch, follow the instructions below.

To Get Another Torch

To get another Torch, nip back into the transporter and return to The Hidden Tinnos Temple. Head back into the central main chamber, leave via the south doorway and head to the chamber at the end of the bridge. Nip into the transporter and return to the Ye Obelisk Sequence. Grab another Torch from the south passage, then head through the east passage. Go right and enter the three chambers, then light the Torch on the burning wood-pile in the third chamber. Now head back to the transporter and travel back to The Hidden Tinnos Temple. Leave the transporter chamber and head over the bridge to the central main chamber. Leave via the north doorway and make your way to the chamber at the end of the bridge. Now nip into the transporter and head back to The Torch Challenge.

Find Your Way To The Main Room

Pick up the Torch again, note the water-hole at the end of the north passage, and then head into the east passage to your right. Walk to the end of the passage and stand by the edge of the hole. Use the "weapons draw key" to throw the Torch down into the hole, then make sure it has landed safely in the passage below. There are three gates down in the passage, which you will open later on when you need to retrieve the Torch. All will become clear later on, so leave the Torch in its resting place for now and head to the water-hole at the end of the north passage.

Drop into the water-hole, then immediately turn south and pick up the Revolver Ammo from in front of the closed filigree gate. Swim north to the end of the passage and pull out into the passage above. Run to the end of the short passage ahead, then look up and see a long shaft leading up with a ladder inside. Climb up the ladder and note the two closed filigree gates inside the shaft. The north gate has a valuable artefact behind it (which you will be heading for later on) and the other gate leads out to a deadly floor with slopes. Opening this gate will be your first objective when you reach the upper room. So, head to the top of the ladder and pull up into the main room.

The Main Room

This is where you will eventually be bringing the Torch to, so let's note a few things. The first thing you will notice is that Lara is on a central platform. There is a deadly floor below the platform with sloped pillars. That should tell you that there are some tricky tasks coming up at some point. Also note the outer ledges and collapsible-tiles, the receptacle on the west side of the platform (where you will be placing the combined Sun Disk and Sun Goddess later on), the raised bridges to the east and west, the wall ladders on the north and south walls, the closed gates in the north and south walls, the wall-lever below the closed south wall gate and the wall-sconce below the closed north gate.

Ok, can you hear something? It's the familiar sound of a tinnos wasp, and he's heading your way. Get your shotgun out, wait for the insect to appear from the west side of the platform and gun him down before he causes too much damage.

Open A Gate In The Ladder Shaft

You now need to visit the deadly floor area and the slopes. Your tasks are to open four gates leading to the Torch, and also grab the Sun Goddess. So, make your way to the wall-lever on the south wall and use it to open one of the gates inside the ladder shaft.

Open The Torch Gates

Head back to the ladder shaft and climb down. You will see the newly opened gate below you. Head down to the gate, drop-grab the edge of the alcove and pull up inside. Walk ahead to the edge of the alcove, and then face out over the deadly floor and save your game for the first slope-task. Note: You can save at any time by hitting the F5 key; but make sure you are safe from any fire-emitters and save in a different slot each time just to be on the safe side.

1st Torch Gate

Run-jump towards the pillar ahead (east), then grab the edge of it and pull up. From here you can also see the various gates and passages in the outer walls (all of which you will come to later on). Face south and spot the two slopes ahead and a ladder on a slope to the right of them. Also note the intermittent fire-emitters by the slopes. The ladder is your next destination. Line Lara up with the first slope ahead and stand to the right of it. Wait for the fire-emitter to temporarily lower, then run-jump towards the slope and grab the top of it. Quickly shimmy right as far as you can, then pull up, slide-jump with a right curve and land on the following slope. Slide-jump with a right curve and grab the ladder on the slope. On your way, you will have heard the gate you entered here by closing; but you won't need to use it again so ignore it. Climb up the ladder, but don't pull up over the top of the slope yet because there's a fire-emitter on the other side of the slope. Wait for the flame to lower, then pull up onto the slope and curve-jump right onto the following slope ahead. Now keep the "action + right directional keys" pressed and bounce between the slopes until you are at the end. Make a final jump forwards onto the ledge by the central column and save your game.

The spike-tile you are on is now de-activated; so there's no need to worry about it popping up all of a sudden. Pick up the SMP from the ledge, then use the jump-switch on the north wall to open the 1st Torch gate. You will see a shot of this happening.

2nd Torch Gate

Face SW and note the set-up in the corner of the room. You can see various slopes, fire-emitters and ladders. Walk westwards to the edge of the ledge, stand on the left side of the ledge and face the SW corner of the room. Hop back, wait for the flame to start to lower and then run-jump to the top of the long slope. Immediately curve-jump right onto the next slope, slide backwards down the slope, grab the edge of it and shimmy right as far as you can. Now pull up, back-flip with a twist onto the opposite slope, back-flip to the slope behind and press the "action + left directional keys" to curve Lara towards the next ladder and grab it.

Climb the ladder, then back-flip with a twist and grab the ladder behind you. Climb up the ladder until you are nearly at the top, then back-flip with a twist to the collapsible-tile behind you. Immediately run forwards to the ladder ahead and grab it, but don't pull up to the spike-trapped ledge above. Let the collapsible-tile crumble away beneath you, then grab the ladder and back-flip to the ledge behind. Use the jump-switch on the south wall and two things will happen. 1 ~ The 2nd Torch gate will open. 2 ~ The spike-trap on the ledge behind you will de-activate.

3rd Torch Gate

Nip over to the north ledge and pick up the Revolver Ammo. Face north, walk to the edge of the ledge, turn around and hang-drop to the ladder below you. Climb down until the lower north slope is behind you, then back-flip with a twist and grab the north slope. Shimmy left as far as you can, then shimmy to the right once (so that Lara is in the middle of the slope). Pull up, slide-jump to the following slope and then press the "jump ~ alt and left directional keys" so that Lara bounces between the two slopes and moves towards the west wall passage. When you are ready to jump inside the passage, release the "left directional key" and press the "jump ~ alt and action key" to glide Lara inside the passage. You need to be pretty accurate with the timing of the jump inside the passage, and you will probably be bouncing for a quite while.

When you are safely inside the west wall passage, grab your shotgun and head through to the end of the passage. Gun down the giant spider that comes scurrying around from the next passage, then continue on through the passage (walk the rest of the way to avoid running out onto the deadly floor at the end of the passage) until you are facing over the deadly floor.

Note the slope ahead and the three other slopes to the east; all of which are guarded by intermittent fire-emitters. The first slope is safe from a fire-emitter though, so take a running jump to it, slide-jump with a left curve and grab the following east slope. Shimmy left as far as you can, wait for the fire-emitter beyond the slope to lower, then Pull up, slide jump to the top of the next east slope (don't grab the top of it) and slide-jump with a left curve the following east slope. Now slide-jump into the north wall passage.

I suggest you have your revolver to hand when you venture inside the next passage because there are a few more giant spiders on the loose. Step towards the north wall alcove and you will see what I mean. After the large predator has been taken care of, enter the north wall alcove and pick up the Flares. Turn around in the alcove, look up inside the hole in the ceiling for a jump-switch and use it to open the 3rd Torch gate.

Open The Sun Goddess Gate

You don't know it yet, but the jump-switch has also opened a gate at the end of the following passages. So, make your way into the east passage, then go immediately right and pick up a SMP by the grated wall. Head to the end of the passage and go right into the next passage. Head on a short way, then go right and note the uw-lever on the north wall. You will come back to that later on when you have flooded the room. Head south to the end of the passage and note the closed gate in the east wall (just before the circular-blade). Stand Lara central to the circular-blade and as close to it as possible. Turn to the left or right and side-flip through the blade when it is about to open. Continue on around the following passage until you come to a second circular-blade. Pick up the LMP from in front of the blade, then deal with the blade in the same way as the previous one. Head to the end of the passage and note the closed gate to your left with a skeleton-lever behind it. Go right of the closed gate and head to the end of the passage. Side-flip through the next circular-blade and pick up the LMP to your right. Use the skeleton-lever nearby and three things will happen. 1 ~ The Sun Goddess gate inside the central column will open. 2 ~ The skeleton-lever gate at the other end of the passage will open. 3 ~ The gate you saw earlier (before the first circular-blade) will open.

4th Torch Gate

Return past the circular-blade, head down to the skeleton-lever and use it to open the 4th Torch gate. Immediately hop back into the passage and take out the giant spider that drops down from the passage above the skeleton-lever.

The Sun Goddess

All the Torch gates are now open and we can proceed to the next task. But before you leave, note the higher passage in the wall above the skeleton-lever where the giant spider dropped down from. It's too high to climb to, but you will be able to swim up into it later on and get a well deserved secret.

Make your way back through the passages and stop after you have passed through the second circular-blade. The newly opened gate is to your left. So, walk towards it, stop at the edge of the passage and scan the deadly floor ahead. To your right you will see two sloped pillars with intermittent fire-emitters guarding them. In the south wall of the central column (beyond the second sloped pillars) lies the Sun Goddess.

Start by lining up with the first sloped pillar, and then wait for the fire-emitter to lower, run-jump towards the pillar and grab the top of it. Quickly shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up, slide-jump with a left curve towards the second sloped pillar and grab the top of it. Shimmy left as far as you can, wait for the fire-emitter in front of the pillar to lower, and then quickly pull up, immediately jump with a left curve and land inside the south wall gate in the central column. Inside the gate you will find the Sun Goddess, and when you pick it up a cut-scene will show you the receptacle for it on the platform at the top of the room.

The Sun Talisman

Walk to the edge of the shaft inside the central column and face SE. Jump forwards and grab the ladder below the filigree gate on the east wall. The gate is climbable and is attached to the upper wall ladder. Climb up the gate, then climb to the top of the ladder and pull up onto the central platform. Head to the receptacle on the west side of the platform, combine the Sun Disk with the Sun Goddess to make the Sun Talisman and place it on the receptacle to open the gate at the south end of the platform.

Get The Lit Torch

Head to the south gate and climb the ladder to get inside. Quickly turn around, draw your weapon and take down the tinnos wasp that is sneaking up behind you. Head down the passage, collect the SMP, then walk back a few steps and spot the floor-hatch. Stand by the handle of the floor-hatch and use the "action key" to open it. Drop down through the hatch and arrive in the passages at the start of the level. Enter the east passage, drop down the ladder at the end and pick up your Torch.

The Torch Challenge

Now that you have your lit Torch, you must keep it with you until the next task is complete. The Torch challenge is complete when you have lit three floor-pots and two wall-sconces. Doing so will lower the two bridges on the central platform and open the room to a Golden Key. So, on with The Torch Challenge!

1st Floor-Pot

Head north to the end of the passage and stop. Note the two collapsible-tiles to your right and the ledge over on the east wall. Run-jump to the first collapsible-tile, run-jump to the second collapsible-tile and then run-jump to the ledge on the east wall. Don't worry about the spike-tile on the ledge, it's been de-activated. Now enter the east room and light the 1st floor-pot. Take your Torch with you!

1st Wall-Sconce

Return to the ledge outside and spot the unlit wall-sconce on the south wall of the central column. Face north and walk to the edge of the ledge. Spot the suspended sloped pillars ahead and line up with the lower part of first pillar. Run-jump onto the pillar, then slide-jump with a left curve onto the next pillar. Slide to the end of the slope, then jump at the every last second with a right curve so that Lara lands on the right hand side of the collapsible-tile below the pillar and is ready to run. Quickly make a left curved running jump up to the south collapsible-tile, then face diagonally left or right and stand-jump up to the south wall ledge. Now light the 1st wall-sconce on the south wall. Take your Torch with you!

Alternatively: Run-jump onto the pillar, slide-jump with a left curve onto the next pillar. Slide to the end of the slope, and then jump at the every last second with a left curve, so that Lara lands on the left hand side of the collapsible-tile below the pillar. Quickly face south, stand-jump up to the south collapsible-tile, then stand-jump up to the south wall ledge. Now light the 1st wall-sconce on the south wall. Take your Torch with you!

2nd Floor-Pot

Go to the NW corner of the ledge and spot the next slope/collapsible-tile sequence ahead. It leads to the west wall ledge and the next floor-pot. Run-jump to the nearest slope, slide-jump with a left curve onto the following slope, and then slide-jump onto the collapsible-tile at the west wall. Quickly turn slightly left, side-jump to the collapsible-tile to your left, then run-jump with a left curve onto the west wall ledge. Now enter the west room and light the 2nd floor-pot. Take your Torch with you!

3rd Floor-Pot

Return to the ledge outside and walk forwards to the edge of it. Face SE and spot the next sloped sequence ahead. Line up with the left hand side of the long ledge, take a running jump to it and immediately jump with a left curve to land on the ledge to your left. The spike-trap on the ledge is de-activated so don't worry about it, and when you landed on the ledge, the south wall gate opened. So, let's go there.

Start by walking to the south edge of the ledge, then face SE and spot another spike-trapped ledge on the wall of the central column. The spike-trap is de-activated by now, so take a left curved running jump to the ledge, and then face the south slope.

This next slope has special needs. If you take a running jump to the slope and Lara is not in the correct position, she will over-jump the slope. A standing jump will not work either. So, you need to hit the slope by jumping to it from as far away as possible. Stand at the back of the ledge and in the left hand corner. Face the slope, then run-jump to it with a slight left curve so that Lara lands on the very bottom of the slope. Immediately bounce forwards with a right curve and land inside the south passage. Head through to the south room and light the 3rd floor-pot. Take your Torch with you!

Extinguish A Fire-Emitter

Drop your Torch for a moment, head to the wall-lever on the south wall and use it to extinguish a fire-emitter on the wall of the central column. This is very important because the fire-emitter was blocking the way to the central platform and you won't be able to complete the Torch Challenge if the fire-emitter is still active.

2nd Wall-Sconce

Take your Torch with you and head back out to the end of the passage and face slightly left. Spot the slope leading to the spike-tile ledge you visited a short while ago and the longer slope to the left of it. Run-jump onto the longer slope, then slide-jump with a left curve so that Lara lands on the smaller slope behind her. Now slide-jump with a left curve onto the spike-tile ledge. As you did before, take a left curved running jump around to the next spike-tile ledge, then face east and walk to the edge of the ledge. Face NE, look up and spot the collapsible-tile and fire-emitter on the wall of the central column.

The next task is a tad touch and go so to speak; meaning that you will either make it the first time or you will be at it for quite a while. Your objective is to stand-jump onto the collapsible-tile (which will then turn off the fire-emitter) and then proceed to the top of the central platform via another collapsible-tile. Luckily though, you have turned off the fire-emitter by the second collapsible-tile and you only have this first one to deal with.

Start by saving your game, then line Lara up at the back of the ledge and in the right hand corner. Face the collapsible-tile and stand-jump to it so that Lara lands on the back of the collapsible-tile. The fire-emitter should now extinguish; but if you hit the wrong spot on the collapsible-tile, Lara will catch light and you will have to re-load and try again. All being well though, immediately run-jump ahead to the upper north collapsible-tile, then quickly turn around (don't try to roll) face SW and stand-jump through the break in the railings onto the central platform Video Help

You are now back on the central platform and nearing the end of the Torch Challenge. Head to the north end of the platform and light the 2nd wall-sconce to finally lower the east and west bridges. Keep your Torch to hand as you haven't finished with it yet.

The Golden Key

Head to the end of the west bridge, then nip up inside the west passage and run down into the room below. The gate will close behind you and there is no escape until you have accomplished your task here.

Note the central wooden floor, and then pick up the SMP from the south side of the room. Walk to the wooden floor and throw the Torch onto it. The floor will eventually burn and break giving you access to a lower room. You no longer have a use for the Torch and it will disappear in the dark room below. Drop down inside the lower room, light a flare and explore the room.

Note the patterned-tile in the south wall alcove (SE corner) and the movable-block in the south wall (SW corner). Head to the NE corner of the room and pick up the pack of Flares. Pull the movable-block out into the room to open up a passage in the south wall, then head through to the end of the passage and pick up the Golden Key.

Flooding The Main Room

As you pick up the Golden Key, the gate will open in the room above. Return to the room and place the movable-block on the patterned-tile in south wall alcove. This will cause a slight earth quake and some fallen debris will create an escape route.

Jump up to the top of the north slope and pull up into the room above. Leave via the east gate and head back out to the central platform. Make your way to the end of the east bridge and pull up into the east wall passage. Use the Golden Key on the keyhole to open the east gate and head through. Make your way to the end of the following passage and run down into the lower room.

The Waterwheel Chamber

As you enter the room, the east gate will open; giving you access to a lava-pool chamber with four waterwheels. Don't go inside there yet though. Note the wall-lever on the north wall, and then note the three platforms floating on the lava pool and a closed gate in the east wall. The north wall-lever is timed to the gate. So yes, get ready for a timed-run.

Go to the north wall-lever and save your game. Use the lever, then back-flip with a twist so that Lara is ready to run forwards. Run ahead and curve left to the east gate. Run-jump to the first platform in the lava pool, then sprint to the end of the platform, run-jump onto the second platform and then run-jump to the third platform. Now run-jump along the platform and jump inside the east wall gate before it closes.

Nip down inside the lower room and use the skeleton-lever to activate the waterwheels. The waterwheel chamber and the deadly floor in the main room will now flood with water.

The 17th Secret

Leave the room and drop into the water. Swim to the west end of the pool and dive down by the first platform. Locate the gap in the east wall of the platform and swim through for the 17th Secret ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ LMP ~ Flares ~ SMP. Now return to the pool, pull out at the west end and head back up to the main room.

Underwater Exploration

You now need to open a gate in the lower passages below the central column. Doing so will give you access to an underwater maze and the Kingdom Key. To open the maze gate, you need to use three uw-levers. Two of the levers are in the main pool, and the third lever is inside one of the outer passages in the main pool. You will also get the next secret if you paid attention to details in one of the outer passages.

1st Underwater-Lever

Start by jumping down into the pool below; or even better, make a swan dive down and have some fun. Swim to the east wall of the central column, locate the 1st uw-lever on the east wall and use it. You will get a shot of the closed maze gate.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim to the NE corner of the pool, then swim up behind the sloped pillar, spot the 2nd uw-lever on the west side of the pillar and use it. You will get another shot of the closed maze gate.

3rd Underwater-Lever

The final lever is inside the east outer passage. Swim down and enter the east wall passage, then go left and locate the 3rd uw-lever on the north wall (next to the grated wall). You will see the maze gate finally opening, but don't hang about here for too long because a sea hag is about to surprise you. Quickly roll, dodge the sea hag and swim out to the right to get back to the main pool.

The 18th Secret

With the sea hag still firmly on your tail, swim to the SW corner of the pool and pull up onto one of the west wall ledges. From here you can safely pick off the sea hag. If the sea hag disappears beneath the ledges, jump back and forth between the two ledges and fire your pistols. This will draw the sea hag out and Lara can lock onto her with her pistols.

Return to the pool and swim back into the east wall gate. Go right in the passage and head around to the first circular-blade. Time the blade to get through it, and then make your way through the following passages until you arrive at a second circular-blade. Time the blade to get to the other side of the passage, then swim to the end of the passage and go left into the skeleton-lever alcove. Swim up inside the alcove, pull out into the south passage and run ahead for the 18th Secret ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ SMP ~ Flares ~ LMP ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows.

Head To The Underwater Maze

Drop back into the flooded passages and head right into the east passage. You don't know it yet, but another sea hag is on your case, so you need to get out of here fast. Time the circular-blade to get through it, and then swim around the passages to the second circular-blade. Time the blade to get past it, then go left and swim out to the main pool. As you did before, swim to the SW corner of the pool, pull up onto one of the west wall ledges and take out the sea hag.

Drop into the pool and swim down to the south wall of the central column. Swim through the south wall gate, and then swim down into the lower passage. Swim through the passage until you come to the newly opened underwater maze-gate, then swim up into the air-pocket before the gate and save your game!

Take a Deep Breath For The Underwater Maze Task

The underwater maze is a real challenge. Not only because it's underwater, but because there are only a few air-pockets to replenish your oxygen levels. So, it's sort of a timed-swim so to speak. Your objective in the maze is to find and use four uw-levers to close a hatch below a boulder. You will then use one of the levers again to drop the boulder and open the way to the Kingdom Key.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim inside the passage, pick up the SMP, then swim back out to the air-pocket and grab some much needed air. Return to the passage and head straight on. The gate will slam shut behind you and there's no going back. Swim ahead to the T-junction and go left (east). Swim through the passage, go through the two circular-blades, then go L - L - L and pick up the LMP. Turn around, pick up the Flares in the opposite alcove, then turn around, swim out to the left and head on to the T-junction. Go left and pick up the 10 x Explosive Arrows from the end of the passage, then turn around and head to the end of the passage. Go L into the next passage and swim on until you come to a third circular-blade. Time the blade to get past it and then swim to the end of the passage. Go L -L and swim to the air pocket at the end of the passage to replenish your oxygen levels.

Turn around to face north and swim back to the T-junction at the end of the passage. Go left at the T-junction and swim down into the short passage. Locate the 1st uw-lever on the south wall and use it.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Turn left, swim up into the passage and then immediately turn right into the south passage. Swim to the air-pocket at the end of the passage and grab some more air. Face north and swim to the T-junction at the end of the passage. Go R - R and swim through the circular-blade. Continue on and swim through the next circular-blade. Swim to the end of the passage and go right into the next passage. Continue on, swim through a third circular-blade and then head straight on through a fourth circular-blade. Now go R - R - L and swim to the air-pocket at the end of the passage.

Note the open hatch, then look above the air-pocket and note the closed gate in the east wall. There's also an uw-lever nearby on the south wall, but leave it alone for now or you will get squashed by a boulder. You need to release the boulder, but first you need to close the hatch. Before you do anything else though, swim down inside the hole and collect a LMP. Swim back up to the air-pocket for some air, then swim west to the uw-lever on the north wall and use it.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Return to the east end of the passage and grab some air. Swim down west and go right into the north passage. Go L - R and swim through the two circular-blades ahead. At the end of the passage, go right and swim down to the end of the passage for some Flares. Swim into the south passage and head for the air-pocket at the end. Swim down to the end of the passage, locate the 3rd uw-lever on the west wall and use it. The hatch will now rise and you are ready to drop the boulder.

Drop The Boulder

Grab some air first, and then swim north to the end of the passage. At the T-junction, go L - L into the south passage. Swim through the two circular-blades, and then go L - R - L and use the uw-lever on the south wall to drop the boulder. There's no time to lose now as your air-pocket is sealed off by the hatch and boulder, so swim west and use the uw-lever on the north wall to open the hatch. The boulder will fall and the east gate inside the hatch-hole will open.

The Kingdom Key

Swim back to the east passage, swim up through the hatch-hole and pull up into the newly opened east wall gate. Head to the top of passage, climb the north wall ladder and pull up at the top. Run to the end of the passage, climb the ladder and pull up at the top. You are now in a high passage with a water-hole at the end. Drop into the water-hole and let the current take Lara to the end of the flooded passage.

Pull out of the water, arm yourself with a good weapon and head down into the dark passage. Take out the giant spider that attacks, then head right and walk towards passage ahead. The floor in the passage is deadly, so avoid it at all costs.

You can see the Mystery Stone on a ledge in the middle of the passage. Time the fire-emitter and jump over to the Mystery Stone ledge; but DO NOT try to take the Mystery Stone because the ledge is spike-trapped! Continue on from the ledge, time the next fire-emitter and jump to the other side of the passage.

Go right into the seemingly dead-end alcove, and then face right and pull up into the upper passage. Now make your way to the end of the following passage and drop down into the lower room at the end.

In the new room, note the four inactive circular-blades up on the central ledges and the deadly floor surrounding them. Use the safe outer tiles to get to the west end of the room, and then take the Kingdom Key from the pedestal.

The 19th Secret ~ 4th Mystery Stone

When you take the Kingdom Key, you will see a transporter activate. This is your ride back to The Hidden Tinnos Temple. But remember there's still a little issue regarding a much needed Mystery Stone that was protected by a spike-trap.

If you wish to take the Mystery Stone, you need to use the wall-lever at the end of the north passage to de-activate the spike-trap on the Mystery Stone ledge. But, the lever will also activate the four circular-blades in the room. You will then need to pass through the four circular-blades to exit the room. If you don't use the wall-lever, the circular-blades will remain inactive and you can leave the room as easily as you entered it; but you will not be able to take the mystery stone. So it's your choice, but in my walkthroughs we always get the secrets so we are going to use the lever.

Use the wall-lever in the north passage to de-activate the spikes on the mystery stone ledge and activate the circular-blades. Head to the first circular-blade and pick up the LMP in front of it. Stand two tiles away from the circular-blade, time the blade and run-jump through it. Repeat this procedure until you are past the third blade, then pick up the Revolver Ammo in front of the final blade. Now jump through the final blade (taking care not to land on the deadly floor-tile beyond the blade) and see a shot of the spike-trap de-activating on the Mystery Stone ledge.

Head to the end of the passage and pull up into the upper passage. Make your way back through the passages and return to the to the deadly floor passage. Time the fire-emitter, jump to the central ledge and take the 19th Secret ~ 4th Mystery Stone from the pedestal.

Return To The Hidden Tinnos Temple

We now need to return to The Hidden Tinnos Temple with the Kingdom Key. Start by over to the south passage, then run straight ahead and drop down onto central platform in the main room. Head to the south end of the platform, climb the south wall ladder and pull up into the passage above. Draw your guns, then turn around and take down the approaching tinnos wasp. Make your way into the passage and drop down through the floor-hatch.

You are now in the passages at the start of the level and the transporter is waiting for you in the south room. So, head through, jump into the transporter and zap yourself back to The Hidden Tinnos Temple.

The Hidden Tinnos Temple ~ Revisited 2

This is going to be a very brief visit to the Hidden Tinnos Temple, so don't worry about an over-night bag. Head out of the transporter chamber, make your way out to the bridge and then head on to the central pyramid chamber. Leave via the west doorway and make your way to the chamber at the end of the bridge. Use the Kingdom Key on the keyhole to open the east gate, then head through the gate and slide down into the next level.

Note: It is possible to return to Ye Obelisk Sequence and bring a lit Torch back to The Hidden Tinnos Temple. You can then attempt to enter the Gauntlet level. You are advised not to do this; but should you happen to do so, Lara will throw the Torch away before entering the Gauntlet level. This will not cause any issues during game-play, but before you can use your weapons again, you will have to select one from the inventory to trigger the weapons-draw function.


Old & New Levels ~ Gauntlet

3 Secrets ~ Including 1 x Mystery Stone

Eye Piece 1. Eye Piece 2. Eye Of Horus. 2 x Silver Key. 2 x Golden Key. Waterskin.

Note: If you attempted to bring a lit Torch here (see the note at the end of The Hidden Tinnos Temple level), then Lara will have thrown it away before entering this level. This will not cause any issues during game-play, but before you can use your weapons again, you will have to select one from the inventory to trigger the weapons-draw function.


You will begin this adventure by sliding down into a small dusty room adjacent to a large deadly water pool room. First note, that to obtain the Mystery Stone from this level, you need to locate five jump-switches that are hidden throughout the level. Using all five jump-switches will open the Mystery Stone gate that's situated at the end of the level.

The Mystery Stone Gate ~ Jump-Switch 1

It's right here in this first room, up on the dark north wall. When you use the jump-switch, you will see a shot of the closed Mystery Stone gate at the end of the level.

De-activate A Spike-Trap In The Deadly Pool Room

Head out via the west passage and go left into the small south room. Note the keyhole on the east wall for future reference, then spot the jump-switch on the north wall above the entrance and use it to de-activate a spike-trap in NW corner of the deadly pool room. Leave via the east passage, go left, pick up the Flares and then head into the deadly pool room.

The Deadly Pool Room

There are many things to note in this room; there's the deadly pool for a start. There are also various gates and levers scattered about and a large circular door in the west wall. Also note the closed floor-hatch as you entered the room, the lighter coloured floor-tile nearby and the spike-trapped ledge leading to a tight-rope above the deadly pool. On the west side of the room, you can see two more tight-ropes which lead to two spike-trapped wall-levers. Finally, at each end of the balcony you can see two spike-traps (one of which you have de-activated).

De-Activate Another Spike-Trap

Look above the entrance for another jump-switch, and then use it to de-activate the spike-trap in the SW corner.

Head around the balcony to the SW corner of the room and spot the de-activated spike-trap. De-activating the spike-trap, has given you access to a tight-rope leading to one of the wall-levers on the west wall. There is an active spike-trap in front of the lever which will de-activate as you approach the lever.

How To Rope-Walk

To use the tight-rope, walk to the start of it and press the "action key" to walk Lara onto the tight-rope. Keep the "action key" pressed and press the "forwards key" to walk Lara along the tight-rope. If Lara tilts on the tight-rope, keep the "action key" pressed and use the "left or right directional keys" (depending on which way she is tilting) to steady her again. When Lara stops walking, release the "forwards key" and then press it again to continue walking. This is when Lara is most likely to tilt, so be prepared. When you are approximately half way along the tight-rope, press the "action + jump keys" and Lara will jump onto the ledge ahead.

The 1st Golden Key

Use the tight-rope to get to the wall-lever, and then use the wall-lever to de-activate the spike-trap in front of the second wall-lever. You now need to access the second wall-lever, but you can't reach it from here due to the fire-emitter. So, rope-walk back to the balcony, then head around to the NW corner of the room and use the tight-rope to get to the second wall-lever. Use the lever to initiate the de-activation of the spike-trap on the ledge leading to the central rope, then rope-walk back to the balcony.

Head around to the spike-trapped ledge leading to the central tight-rope. As you approach the ledge, you will see the spike-trap de-activate. Nip up onto the ledge, then rope-walk to the west wall ledge. On arrival you will hear the floor-hatch open; giving you access to the lower areas of the room.

Head back over the tight-rope to the balcony, then walk to the newly opened floor-hatch and spot the ladder down on the east wall. Grab the ladder, climb down and drop off to the left. Note the passage up in the east wall (with a keyhole at the end), then head north and use the column ledges to get to the NW corner of the room. The spike-trap on the final ledge will de-activate as you approach, so jump over and use the wall-lever on the north wall to conjure up a skeleton-lever on the upper balcony. Now make your way back to the ladder and climb back up to the balcony.

The lighter coloured floor-tile (you noted when you entered the room) now has a skeleton-lever on it. Use the skeleton-lever to conjure up a Golden Key on the west wall ledge, and then nip up onto the tight-rope and start making your way towards the west wall ledge. As you approach the middle of the tight-rope, keep an eye on the gate down in the west wall and stop as soon as you see the gate open. Do not proceed to the Golden Key as it's trapped at this point. Instead, press the "down directional key" (but keep the "action key" pressed) to turn Lara around on the tight-rope, and then make your way back to the balcony.

Use the ladder again to get to the lower area, but this time head south and make your way towards the final column ledge. The spike-trap on the final ledge will de-activate as you approach, so jump over to it and take a running jump inside the newly opened west wall gate. Use the skeleton-lever inside the gate to de-activate the spike-trap under the Golden Key, and then return to the upper balcony. Now use the central tight-rope to get to the west wall ledge, and then pick up the 1st Golden Key.

The 1st Eye Piece

When you take the Golden Key, you will attract the attention of a tinnos wasp; although you may not be aware of him until you are on the rope and heading back to the balcony. If this is the case, use the rope-jump trick to get to the balcony a bit quicker, and then take down the enemy.

Now that you are safely back on the balcony, use the ladder to get to the lower area again, jump inside the east wall passage and use the Golden Key to open the gate to your left. Head inside the new room and run around the outer path until you can enter the central cage. Collect the 1st Eye Piece from the pedestal and see a shot of a gate opening in the south wall of the deadly pool room.

The Mystery Stone Gate ~ Jump Switch 2

Before you leave the cage, face south and look above the entrance for the next Mystery Stone gate jump-switch. When you use the jump-switch you will get another shot of the closed mystery stone gate.

The Mystery Stone Gate ~ Jump Switch 3

Head back out to the deadly pool room, then keeping to the lower areas, head south and make your way around the column ledges to the newly opened south wall gate. Head inside the gate and use the ladder to climb to the high ledge. Note the wall-lever here, but leave it alone for now because it's a timed-lever. Also note the area with the ahmet behind the gate, which you will visit later on. For now though, face north, look up and spot the next Mystery Stone gate jump-switch on the wall. When you use the jump-switch you will get another shot of the closed Mystery Stone gate.

The 2nd Eye Piece

Climb back up to the high ledge and save your game for a timed-run. The lever is timed to a gate on the right hand side of the west wall outside. So, use the lever, then nip down to the entrance of the passage and take a right curved running jump to the east column ledge. Quickly jump the column ledges to get to the final north wall ledge, then from the west side of the ledge, take a right curved running jump through the gate before it closes.

At the end of the passage, use the skeleton-lever to lower a rope out in the deadly pool room, then head back down the passage and take a left curved running jump to the north wall column ledge. Make your way back to the ladder, jump to the west column ledge and then jump to the rope. Swing west to the circular door, and then use the skeleton-lever in front of the door to turn the deadly pool to water.

Drop into the water, swim to the SE corner of the pool and locate the uw-lever on the north side of the column at the east wall. Use the lever to open a gate on the north side of the pool, then swim north and locate the newly opened gate in the east wall. Swim inside the gate and use the uw-lever inside to raise a pillar up on the north balcony (it will also raise a block under the ladder). Head back to the ladder and make your way up to the balcony. Head north to the newly raised pillar, then climb the pillar to get into the upper north passage. Now run ahead and take the 2nd Eye Piece from the pedestal.

Using The Eye Pieces

Return to the pool below and swim to the circular door. Combine the 1st Eye Piece with the 2nd Eye Piece to make the Eye Of Horus and place it in the receptacle on the circular door to open it. Now head through the door and stop at the top of the deadly spike-trapped/lava slope.

The Spike-Trapped Slope ~ The 1st Silver Key

Watch the following cut-scene showing you the slope and its perils. First note the Silver Key on a spike-trapped tile at the top of the slope. Now note the three passages at the bottom of the slope. The left passage is a trap, the right passage holds a secret and the middle passage has a room at the end with a transporter, a keyhole and three gates. You will also be conjuring up four skeleton-levers in this room. Also note the four lighter coloured trigger-tiles on the slope. You need to pass over the trigger tiles in order to conjure up the four skeleton-levers. One trigger-tile will conjure up one skeleton-lever. When you have used all four skeleton-levers, the spike-trap in front of the middle-passage will de-activate. You will then have access to the Silver Key. You can do the trigger-tiles in any order, but I am only going to give instructions for one way.

1st Trigger-Tile

Walk to the top of the slope, then walk to the south wall and hop back once. Face the slope (west), then turn very slightly to the left and hop back once Screenshot Run-jump down onto the slope, then slide onto the trigger-tile (1) and curve-jump right twice so that Lara lands just in front of the middle passage and can nip inside.

Head through the short passage and enter the room at the end. We will call this the "skeleton-lever room" for easy reference. Note: Save your game after each successful trigger-tile-run, then if you accidently step into the transporter and zap back to the top of the slope, you won't have to do the run again.

If you successfully passed over the trigger-tile, the skeleton-lever will be in the SW corner of the room. If the skeleton-lever is not there, then you have missed the trigger-tile. In this case, nip into the transporter, zap back to the top of the slope and try again. All being well though, use the skeleton-lever and you will see a shot of the spike-trap in front of the middle passage (which is still very much active). Before leaving the room, note the three closed gates (one of which requires a Golden Key). Now nip into the transporter and zap back to the top of the slope.

2nd Trigger-Tile

As you arrive from the transporter, note the ladder to your right with a closed hatch at the top. You will find out what that's for later on, so ignore it for now and walk to the top of the slope again. As you did before, walk to the south wall, but this time, hop back three times and then face the slope Screenshot Spot the nearest spike-trap down on the slope, then wait for the spikes to pop up. As soon as the spikes retract, stand-jump over them, slide and curve-jump left onto the next slope and then slide and curve-jump right onto the trigger-tile (2). Now slide-jump into the middle passage and head through to the skeleton-lever room.

The next skeleton-lever is to your right (NE corner). Use the skeleton-lever and see the shot of the spike-trap again (still active). Now nip into the transporter and zap back to the top of the slope.

3rd & 4th Trigger-Tiles

You can do the next two trigger-tiles in one run. Walk to the top of the slope, and then head northwards towards the key-tile. Do not stand too close to the key-tile or Lara will get spiked. Face the slope, stand one step back from the key-tile and slightly to the left of it. Now face slightly left Screenshot and wait for the spikes on the key-tile to pop up. As soon as the spikes retract, stand-jump to the slope to the left of the key-tile, then immediately slide-jump right, slide over the trigger-tile (3) and then immediately curve-jump left and slide onto trigger-tile (4). Now immediately curve-jump left into the middle passage.

Head to the two new skeleton-levers in the SE and NW corners of the room, and then use them to de-activate the spike-trap in front of the middle passage. Hooray! We can now get the silver key, but we will take a slight detour on the way and pick up the next secret.

The 20th Secret

Head outside to the slope and stand-jump to the flat area ahead. Face NE and run-jump to the next flat area, then face east, wait for the spike-trap behind you to retract and then back-flip to the slope in front of the right side opening. Slide and grab the edge of the slope, then spot the ladder below you and climb down as far as you can. Drop and grab the lower ladder, then climb inside the east room for the 20th Secret ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares ~ SMP.

The 1st Silver Key

Exit the room via the west wall passage and jump the lava-trap to get into the following west passage. At the end of the passage, climb to the top of the ladder and the gate ahead will open as you approach. Now enter the skeleton-lever room and head back out to the slope.

As you did a moment ago, jump up to the flat area ahead, then run-jump NE to the next flat area. Face SE, jump to the next flat area and then face NE and jump to the following flat area. Face slightly SE, wait for the spike-trap to your left to retract and then run-jump to the next flat area. Face SE, stand-jump to the next flat area and then face NE and run-jump to the following flat area. When you land on this flat area, the spike-trap on the key-tile will de-activate. Face SE and stand-jump to following flat area, and then face NE, jump to the key-tile and pick up 1st Silver Key.

The 2nd Golden Key

Leave the slope room, head out to the pool and make your way up to the balcony. Head through the east passage, and then go right and enter the small south room. Use the Silver Key on the keyhole to activate a transporter back in the deadly slope room, then make your way back to the deadly slope room. Go R - R, step into the transporter and Lara will arrive in a small room with the 2nd Golden Key at her feet.

The Elevator Task

As you take the Golden Key, the east gate ahead will open. Shoot the NE corner pot for a SMP, then head through the east gate and make your way through to the skeleton-lever room. Use the Golden Key on the keyhole at the south gate, and then nip inside the gate. Pick up the Revolver Ammo, then step onto the lighter coloured floor-tile.

The lighter coloured floor-tile is an elevator, which will take you up through a fire and spike-trapped shaft. In the walls of the shaft there are three gates with gargoyle-gems inside. Also in the walls of the shaft, there are two alcoves with shootable-pots inside them. You need to shoot the gargoyle-gems and pots to de-activate the fire and spike-traps up inside the shaft. Miss any of the gems or pots and you can forget about getting off at the next floor. The final gargoyle-gem will open a secret gate in the upper passages.

The easiest way to deal with this task is to use your crossbow and explosive arrows, but if you missed the crossbow secret in the Quest For The Sacred Birds level, you will have to use the revolver and laser sight. This is far more tricky, but totally possible. And here's a warning! Don't try to leave the elevator before it has stopped because the alcoves in the shaft wall are trapped. I also suggest you save your game before proceeding with the elevator task.

Start by loading up your crossbow with explosive arrows, or your revolver and laser sight. Look up into the north wall, spot the shootable-pot (1) inside the alcove and shoot it to activate the elevator. Roll, look up in the south wall of the shaft and shoot the gargoyle-gem (1) to de-activate a pending fire and spike-trap above. Face west, side-step left and then hop back and aim up into the west wall alcove and shoot the gargoyle-gem (2) to de-activate the next spike-trap. Quickly turn left, hop back and aim up. As soon as you see the top of the next shootable-pot (2), shoot it and then quickly turn left to shoot the next shootable-pot (3). Quickly turn left again to shoot the next shootable-pot (4) and a fire and spike-trap will de-activate at the top of the shaft. Now immediately turn left again and shoot the final gargoyle-gem (3) to open the secret gate in the upper passage. Note: The last gargoyle-gem is very tricky to shoot with the revolver and laser sight, but it's a doddle if you use the crossbow and explosive arrows because you can simple blast away at the alcoves and shatter all of the objects at the same time.

The 21st Secret

Wait for the elevator to come to a stand-still, and then nip out into the passage. If you managed to open the secret gate, a skeleton-lever is now at your disposal. Use the skeleton-lever to open a gate on a balcony at the top of the deadly slope room, and then drop into the flooded passage behind the skeleton-lever and head to the end of the passage.

Pull out of the water and run over the hatch onto the balcony above the slope room. The hatch will drop open once you are passed over it. This will give you easy access back up to the balcony should you happen to fall from it. Now continue on to the end of the balcony, jump over the gap at the end and head through to the north room for the 21st Secret ~ Revolver Ammo ~ LMP ~ Flares ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows.

Leave the secret room, jump the gap to get back onto the balcony and then head to the end of the balcony. Jump the hatch-hole to get back to the flooded passage, then use the flooded passage to get back to the elevator passage. Now go left and slide down the long slope.

You are now in a long passage with a glass floor, and doesn't it look fabulous? Well, fabulous it may be, but you are about to encounter a rather nasty character. Have your shotgun or revolver ready, head through the passage and come face to face with an executioner.

The Executioner

Note that the executioner has a sword that fires out deadly blue rays. While he is firing his rays he can not be harmed, so dodge the rays as best you can. Eventually, the executioner will stop firing his rays and will begin to raise his sword to take a swipe at Lara. Now it's time to head in for the attack. Run towards the executioner and stop when you are about two tiles away from him. Wait for him to raise his sword, then fire one shot at his chest. Now wait for a moment because he can take a little while to fall and you will only waste ammo if you continue to fire at him. If your attack was successful, the executioner will drop. If not, then repeat the above tactics until you have taken him down. When the executioner has been brought down, a gate will open at the end of the passage. So, head through to the end of the passage and approach the open gate. Congratulations, you have found the water slide room.

Watch the following cut-scene showing you the tasks that lie ahead, and then pick up the 2 x Normal Shotgun Ammo and save your game before entering the room.

The Water Slide Room

As you may have noticed from the cut-scene, the water slide room consists of various slippery paths situated in a deadly pool. Above two of the paths there is a fire-emitter. The west fire-emitter is in-active at the moment, but the east fire-emitter (which is closest to you now) is active. On the far north wall there is a wall-lever and in the outer east and west walls there are some passages. Your objective is to solve the mysteries of the water slide room, and then make your way to the top balconies for the Waterskin. I have to say at this point that the water slide room is amazing fun, so enjoy your visit.

Stand to the left of the first slide, time the fire-emitter and then step onto the slide. Slide down, then at the very end of the slide, curve-jump left onto the small slide. Immediately curve-jump right, then immediately jump forwards onto the nearest tile on the next slide (do not slide onto the second tile or Lara will veer off into the deadly pool). Immediately curve-jump left (the lever ledge to the right is spike-trapped to stop you landing on it) so that you land on the left side of the west-bound slide, then immediately curve-jump left onto the long west-bound slide. Slide to the end and then slide onto the following south-bound slide. At this point, the following fire-emitter will remain in-active, so don't worry about passing by it. When you reach the end of the slide, curve-jump left onto the right side of the next south-bound slide, then immediately curve-jump right onto the left side of the following slide. Immediately curve-jump left onto the right side of the following east-bound slide, and then immediately curve-jump right onto the right side of the following south-bound slide. Immediately curve-jump right onto the left side of the following west-bound slide, then immediately curve-jump left onto the long west-bound slide. Slide to the end and drop to the lower north-bound slide. You now need to jump inside the west wall passage at the end of the slide. So, curve-jump left to get closer to the west wall, and then when you reach the end of the slide, curve-jump left into the west wall passage.

Lara is now on another water slide inside the passage. Slide through the following passages, and when you reach the end of the south-bound slide, the water current will change and Lara will slide down the following east-bound slide backwards. This is not good as Lara needs to be facing the other way to negotiate a collapsible-tile at the end of the slide. So, back-flip with a twist to turn Lara around, and then immediately curve-jump right so that Lara slides onto the right hand side of the collapsible-tile. The spike-trap on the lever ledge is now de-activated, so immediately side-flip right to the higher collapsible-tile, and then take a right curved running jump to the wall-lever ledge. Now use the lever on the north wall and see a shot of a gate opening in the inner passages. At this point, the west fire-emitter will be activated.

You now have to return to the west wall passage, but the west fire-emitter is now blasting out flames. So, wait for the fire-emitter to begin to lower, then nip onto the west-bound slide, immediately jump over to the next west-bound slide and then immediately curve-jump left onto the long west-bound slide. Slide to the end of the slippery path, then let the current take you onto the following south-bound slide. Hopefully the fire-emitter is still low and you can pass by it, then when you reach the end of the slide, curve-jump left onto the right side of the next south-bound slide. Immediately curve-jump right onto the left side of the following slide, and then immediately curve-jump left onto the right side of the following east-bound slide. Immediately curve-jump right onto the right side of the following south-bound slide, then immediately curve-jump right onto the left side of the following west-bound slide. Immediately curve-jump left onto the long west-bound slide, then slide to the end and drop to the lower north-bound slide. You now need to jump inside the west wall passage at the end of the slide. So, curve-jump left to get closer to the west wall, and when you reach the end of the slide, curve-jump left into the west wall passage.

Let the current take Lara through the passage, then when you reach the newly opened gate, the current will change and Lara will slide northwards through the gate. Slide to the end of the passage, then jump the lava-trap, grab the upper passage and pull up. Immediately jump over the next lava-trap, grab the following higher passage and then pull up and slide to the end of the passage.

Lara will now be standing next to a wall-lever. Use the lever and see a shot of another gate opening inside the inner west wall passages. The gate leading back to the main room is also open now, so head through and find yourself back on the wall-lever ledge. Use the wall-lever again to close the first gate and change the current on the slides inside the west wall passages.

You now have to return to the west wall passages. As you did before, time the west fire-emitter and use the water slides to get inside the west wall passage. Let the current take Lara through the passages, then when you reach the end of the final south-bound passage, Lara will slide through the newly opened gate and drop down onto a lower slide. The camera angle will change at this point and you will get a nice view of Lara travelling through the following passage. Eventually you will arrive at the end of the passages and land on an elevator.

The Mystery Stone Gate ~ Jump Switch 4

Let the elevator take Lara to the upper balconies, and then take down the two tinnos wasps that attack. Note the keyhole and the two lighter-coloured-tiles on the north balcony, then head onto the east balcony and run down to the penultimate arch. Locate the jump-switch on the north wall inside the arch and use it. You will see another shot of the closed Mystery Stone gate (which just happens to be in the north wall in this area). The gate will still be closed as you need to locate one more jump-switch to open it. You will find the final jump-switch later on, and then you will return here for the Mystery Stone.

The Waterskin

Head onto the south balcony and find the Waterskin lying on the floor.

The Mystery Stone Gate ~ Jump Switch 5

When you pick up the Waterskin, a transporter will activate on the south balcony and a gate will open back in the pool room at the start of the level. Nip into the transporter and arrive in a small room close to the skeleton-lever room. Look up on the south wall for the final Mystery Stone gate jump-switch and use it. You will then see a shot of the Mystery Stone gate opening.

Using The Waterskin

Head out via the south passage. The gate at the end will open as you approach and you will find yourself in another small room. Head out via the east passage and enter the skeleton-lever room. Jump into the transporter and zap yourself off to the top of the spike-trapped slope. Head out to the pool room, make your way up to the balconies and then enter the newly opened south wall gate.

The 2nd Silver Key

You are now inside the scales room; said scales being at the south wall. Note the ahmet in the west cell, and then take the Revolver Ammo from the pedestal. Head through to the east pool room, note the closed east wall gate and then fill up your Waterskin. Take the Waterskin to the scales, stand at the left scale and select the Waterskin from your inventory to fill up the scale. The scales will balance, the east wall gate inside the east room will open and the ahmet will be released. However, do not kill the ahmet! Doing so will close the gate inside the east room and you will have to do the scales puzzle again to re-open it.

Head into the east room and wade over the pool to the newly opened gate. Now head inside the new room and take the 2nd Silver Key from the pedestal.

The 22nd Secret ~ The 5th Mystery Stone

We are now going to head back to the balconies above the water slide room. Head out to the pool room (you can kill the ahmet on the way if you wish, but as he won't bother you once you have left the scales room, you can show some mercy and leave him alone). Drop back into the pool and make your way back to the deadly slope room. Go R - R and nip into the transporter. You will arrive in one of the small rooms next to the skeleton-lever room. Leave via the south passage, nip inside the transporter in the next room and zap yourself back to the water slide room balconies.

Head over to the north balcony, enter the north gate and take the 22nd Secret ~ 5th Mystery Stone from the pedestal. Head back out to the balcony and go left. Use the Silver Key on the keyhole to activate two transporters on the lighter coloured floor-tiles either side of the keyhole. Now consider the following options.

Important Options

At this point, you can choose to finish the levels and not proceed to the New Levels, or you can return to The Hidden Tinnos Temple and proceed to New Levels. If you wish to end the adventure now, nip into the left transporter. If you wish to continue the adventure, head into the right transporter and zap yourself back to The Hidden Tinnos Temple.

The Hidden Tinnos Temple ~ The Final Chapter

You are now back in the Hidden Tinnos Temple; hopefully with 5 x Mystery Stones to access Bonus Levels 1 & 2 later on. All you need to do now is find your way out of The Hidden Tinnos Temple and head to the next adventure.

Ride Elevators & Activate The Transporter

You arrive in a white walled passage high above the main pool room. Drop down through the floor-hole and splash-land in the main pool below. Swim east and pull up onto the small east wall ledge (where a hatch has now lowered giving you access to a wall ladder). Above the wall ladder, there are a series of balconies running along the east wall and one balcony on the south wall. You will be using elevators to move to and from the balconies, and while doing so you need to locate two wall-levers to activate the transporter at the top of the chamber.

1st Wall Lever

Climb the ladder and drop off to the right. You are now on a small elevator which will take Lara to the balconies above. As soon as you reach the upper balcony, nip left off the elevator onto the upper balcony. If you are not quick enough the elevator will lower again, but stay on it and it will rise again. There's another elevator at the end of the balcony, so step onto it and elevate to the top balcony. Jump off to the left and head north to the end of the balcony. Jump over the elevator-gap in the balcony and pick up the LMP. Turn around, walk to the elevator-gap, wait for the elevator to rise up and step onto it. Turn to face north, wait for the elevator to reach the lower balcony, and then drop down onto the lower balcony. Jump to the small north balcony for some Revolver Ammo, then face south and nip down to the lower balcony. Drop down one more level to the small balcony below and use the wall-lever (1) on the east wall. You will see a shot of the in-active transporter at the top of the chamber.

2nd Wall Lever

Pull back up to the balcony above, head south, wait for the elevator to rise and step onto it. Travel to the top balcony again and jump off to the south. At the end of the balcony, jump over the elevator-gap and note the elevator-tile ahead; but don't step onto it yet. Jump over the elevator-tile and head to the end of the balcony. At the end of the balcony, jump the elevator-gap, pick up the Flares, and then turn around and wait for the elevator to rise. Step onto the elevator, face south and head down to the next balcony. Run off the elevator, pick up the SMP ahead, and then head north to the end of the balcony and drop down to the lower balcony. Collect a LMP from the end of the balcony, then climb over the block and head south to the end of the balcony. Climb down the ladder on the east wall, then head along the balcony and pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo. Now make your way to the end of the balcony and use the wall-lever (2) on the south wall to activate the transporter at the top of the chamber. Lara is now ready to leave The Hidden Tinnos Temple and the transporter is waiting for her at the top of the room.

Say Farewell To The Hidden Tinnos Temple

Make your way back to the ladder, climb to the top and drop off to the left. Head to the end of the balcony and jump onto the block. Face south, pull up onto the upper balcony and wait for the elevator to lower. Step onto the elevator, turn to face north and wait for the elevator to take you up to the next balcony. Nip off the elevator and head to the elevator-tile at the end of the balcony. Wait for the elevator to lower, then step onto it and face west. When the elevator reaches the top of the chamber, run forwards and head to the transporter at the end of the platform. Now step into the transporter and Lara will be taken to her next destination.


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct Plus Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Very Important Notes

During this level, you will have the opportunity to visit Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2. There is more than one opportunity to visit these levels and the out-come will be different for each entry point. For this reason, The Aqueduct walkthrough had to be spilt into two sections. The third entry point is when you return to The Aqueduct from The Lair of The Serpents and that route will be covered at that point in the walkthrough. Also note, that because of the set-up in these levels, the secrets will not be numbered again until you have completed the Lair Of The Serpents.

The Routes

Route 1 ~ When you first enter the area above the glass covered maze Screenshot

Route 2 ~ When you return to the top of the glass covered maze for the 4 x Black Beetles Screenshot

Route 3 ~ When you return to The Aqueduct from the Lair Of The Serpents level Screenshot This route will be covered when you have returned to The Aqueduct from the Lair Of The Serpents.

If you are playing Route 1 ~ Follow the walkthrough for Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ Route 1

If you are playing Route 2 ~ Follow the walkthrough for Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ Route 2


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ Route 1

4 Secrets

1st Eye Piece. 2nd Eye Piece. Eye Of Horus. Golden Key. Bag Of Sand. The Torch. Waterskin. Vase Of Oil. Ruby Cube. Sword Of Fithos (crowbar).

4 x Black Beetle. Secret Key. Soul Cube. The Laser Sight.

The 1st Eye Piece

In front of you (south) there is a lighter coloured wall-tile in the south wall. This is a closed door; although it's not obvious. To your left (east) there is a small maze and to your right (west) there is a small room with a skeleton-lever and a closed gate.

Head into the room to your right and use the skeleton-lever to open the south door outside. Head out of the room and run around into the newly opened door (which will slam shut behind you). Run ahead and you are up against a well concealed moveable-block directly in front of you. Push the block forward once, then climb onto it and back-flip into the room above.

Run into the room and collect the Flares and the 1st Eye Piece from the pedestals. When you take the 1st Eye Piece, you will and get a cut-scene of a large closed door in another area. Drop back to the lower passage and pull the movable-block onto the trigger-tile to open the door again.

Head right (east) and go directly ahead into the east passage. You are now in the outer passages surrounding an inner maze. Follow the passage to the end, then go left and make your way to the end of the passage. Now go right and enter a small passage with a slope at the end. Turn your back to the slope, back-flip onto the slope and bounce forwards to grab the slope above. Pull up, back-flip on to the slope above and bounce forwards to the upper ledge. Now run ahead and slide down to the top of a glass covered maze.

The Glass Covered Maze

Note the four wall-levers on the north wall; but leave them alone for now because we are going to head to Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2. Note: If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones, you can not access Bonus Levels 1 & 2. However, you can still grab a secret from Limbo.

Heading For Limbo

Head over to the SW corner, enter the south passage and use the transporter at the end to zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo

3 Secrets

You are now standing on a central floating island in Limbo. There's a lot going on around you, but you won't be dealing with it all now. Start by picking up the LMP ~ Flares from the ground, then note the skeleton lying in the middle of the island. The skeleton is a crowbar-lever and it will open the way to a secret; but as you don't have the Sword of Fithos (crowbar) yet, ignore the crowbar-lever and forget about the secret for now. Also note the 5 receptacles for the Mystery Stones on the outer edges of the island.

Note: If you have 5 x Mystery Stones, you can collect 1 of the 3 Limbo secrets now and then head to Bonus Levels 1 & 2 and collect another secret on the way. The final secret will be collected later on when you have the sword of fithos. During your visit to Bonus Levels 1 & 2, you can collect 12 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts. These will help you to gather the 3 x Pentagrams required to access Bonus Level 3. Don't worry if you miss any of the Pentagrams in Limbo, you can collect them later on.

If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones, you will only be able to get 1 of the 3 Limbo secrets now. However, you will return here later on when you have the Sword of Fithos and grab another secret.

Proceeding In Limbo ~ Secret

Leave the Mystery Stone receptacles alone for now, nip up onto the NW corner block and spot the floating ledges leading to the north temple. You can't go inside the temple yet, but you can get the secret hidden on the roof of it. So let's make a start.

Run-jump to the NW ledge then run-jump to the north ledge. Run-jump towards the NE ledge, grab it and pull up. Stand at the back of the ledge and take a left curved running jump towards the west ledge, grab the edge of it then pull up. Stand at the back of the ledge and take a right curved running jump towards the temple balcony, grab the edge of it and pull up.

Note the three closed golden gates in the north wall of the temple. They are of no use to you now, but you will be back here later on to deal with them. It might interest you to know though, that the patterned-tiles above each gate correspond with the patterned-tiles on the receptacles on the east temple. Make a note this for later on, and then all will become clear when you have returned from the Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

So for now, note the ladder on the east wall with the closed hatch above it, then head to the opening in the west wall and pull up inside it. You are now on an outer wall of the temple. Go right, walk to the end of the temple wall, then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the wall of the temple. Face SE, jump up to the wall and make your way to the end. There are a series of ladders on the wall below you. Hang-drop onto the first ladder and shimmy left. Ignore the alcove between the ladders and make your way to the end of the ladder. Climb up, pull up onto the temple and then run to the end of the wall. Go right and use the wheel-switch to lower the hatch above the ladder.

Head back down to the end of the wall and hang-drop to the ladder. Shimmy right as far as you can (ignoring the alcove between the ladders), then pull up onto the temple. Go to the right, and then face NW and jump down to the small ledge on the temple wall. Face SW and use the higher triangular area on the ledge to perform a left curved banana-jump up to the temple wall. Make your way to the end of the wall, drop down to the left and you are back on the temple balcony. Head to the ladder on the east wall, climb to the top and pull up onto the roof of the temple. Now explore the temple roof for the Secret ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ 2 x Revolver Ammo ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP. Wow! That was well worth the trek wasn't it?

Ok, now we can head back to the central island. Climb back down the ladder to the temple balcony, and then use the floating ledges to the south to get back to the central island.

Important Options

If you have 5 x Mystery Stones ~ Follow the walkthrough from Reaching Bonus Levels 1 & 2

If you do not have the 5 x Mystery Stones ~ Nip into the transporter, head back to The Aqueduct and follow the walkthrough from Proceeding In The Maze

Reaching Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Place 5 x Mystery Stones into the snake receptacles and you will get a long cut-scene showing you a number of things. To start with you will see various transporters activating throughout Limbo. You will also see some spikes de-activating on fire-trapped ledges to the NE. The de-activated spike-trap ledges are your main concern right now because they give you access to the far SW transporter. You will then use that transporter to zap to the top of the east temple, where you will find another transporter to take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

A Burning Desire

Start by heading to the NE corner of the island and scan the floating ledges ahead. Placing the Mystery Stones has de-activated the spike-traps on the ledges, but you will still have to deal with the fire-emitters on them. So, stand facing the first ledge, then run-jump towards it and grab its edge. Shimmy all the way around to the other side of the ledge, wait for the flame to lower, and then pull up in the right hand corner of the ledge. You are safe here for now as long as you do not move Lara on the ledge. Wait for the flame to lower, then turn around, stand-jump towards the next ledge and grab the edge of it. Shimmy left around the corner of the ledge and pull up in the right hand corner. Wait for the flame to lower, run-jump to the next ledge and grab the edge of it. You can now repeat this procedure over the following ledges and the route will end at the SW transporter. Now step inside the transporter and Lara will arrive on the top of the east temple.

You can take a look around up here if you wish. There are 12 receptacles on the lower walls (6 on each side) where you will be placing the Eye Of The Serpent artefacts that you have collected from Bonus Levels 1& 2. Note the patterned-tiles on the receptacles, and then remember the patterned-tiles you saw above the closed gates back on the north temple. To open each gate, you must place 4 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts into the corresponding receptacles. All 12 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts can be found in Bonus Levels 1 & 2. Ok, let's move on now.


Note the two transporters up on the temple roof. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2. But first we are going to get the next secret. Note: You can also get this secret later on when you come back from Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

From the transporter-tile you arrived on. Walk east to the edge of the roof and turn around. Hop back from the roof, then slide down and grab the end of the slope. Drop to the ledge below, then turn to face south, hop back from the ledge and grab it. There's a ladder below you, so climb down, and then shimmy to the right until the temple is behind you. Spot a passage behind you and back-flip into it. Face south and note the passage ahead. It's lined with collapsible-tiles and there is one safe-tile at the end. There's also a ladder on a pillar beyond the collapsible-tiles. Run over the collapsible-tiles to the end of the passage, then jump and grab the ladder. Shimmy left around the ladder, then climb to the ledge above. You will hear some spikes de-activating on a nearby ledge. Turn around, face north east and spot the de-activated spike ledge around the corner of the temple. Run-jump to the ledge, then run-jump to the next ledge to the north and save your game by the wheel-switch.

The wheel-switch is timed to a hatch on the other side of the temple; and you need to move fast to get there. Use the wheel-switch to raise a hatch on the other side of the temple, then return to the previous ledge (south) and run-jump around the wall to the ladder-ledge. Face SW, spot another de-activated spike-ledge around the wall to your right and run-jump to it. Take a right curved running jump to the following north ledge, grab it and pull up. Spot the raised hatch to your right, then run-jump towards it, grab it and pull up. Now quickly run-jump towards the ledge on the temple wall and save your game.

Run-jump to the next north ledge, and then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the other side of the temple wall. Use the jump-switch on the south wall to open the secret gate on the other side of the temple (and also activate a transporter behind you).

Walk west to the ledge of the ledge, then face SW and jump back to the upper ledge on the temple wall. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then stand-jump down to the hatch. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then run-jump to the corner ledge on the temple wall. Take a left curved running jump around the temple wall and land on the ladder-ledge.

Drop back from the ledge, grab the ladder and climb down. Shimmy right on the ladder until the temple is behind you, then back-flip into the collapsible-tile passage. The collapsible-tiles are gone now, but there's a monkey swing above you. So, grab the monkey swing, swing to the other end of the passage and drop from the monkey swing.

Head out to the right and jump back to the ladder. Shimmy left around the corner of the ladder, then climb onto the ledge above. Now pull up into alcove and collect the Secret ~ 3 x Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ 20 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x Flares ~ 4 x LMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Revolver Ammo.

Head Back To The Transporter

You now need to get to the transporter you activated a moment ago (when you used the jump-switch on the other side of the temple). So, face north and run-jump to the ledge ahead. Still facing north, spot the spike-trapped ledge on the corner of the temple; and also note the transporter around the corner of the temple beyond the spike-trapped ledge. Time the spike-trap on the ledge, then just as the spikes lower, run-jump to the ledge and immediately run-jump with a left curve to land inside the transporter.

Lara will now arrive back on the temple roof and you are ready to proceed. So, nip into the south transporter and head off to bonus Levels 1 & 2.


Old & New Levels ~ Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1

14 Secrets ~ Including 12 x Eye Of The Serpent

Bonus Level 1 ~ Arrival

Lara arrives inside a beautiful castle, and here you will be visiting various tribute levels from QRS' own personal favourites. You can visit most of these levels in any order and you do not have to visit them all. However, if you are collecting the 12 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts, then please make sure you visit all areas before leaving.

Head towards the north end of the hallway and note the open arched passage in the west wall (three arches down from the starting area). The passage is closed off at the end and you will open it up later on. Also note the two large pools to your right (east), which you will be visiting later on. For easy reference we will call this the "main pool".

Access Sanctuary of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

Make your way to the end of the hallway, and then go right (east) just a short way. There's a dark passage to your left (north). Run through the passage and make your way to the end.

Note the smaller pool to your right (east), then go L - L and make your way up the stairs to about half way. Look up northwards and spot two horizontal-bars above the stairs and a wheel-switch up on a high balcony. Pull up into the west alcove (just before the lower horizontal-bar) and use the two horizontal-bars to get over to the north balcony. Use the wheel-switch to open a gate in the main pool, and then safety-drop to ground and head back to the main pool.

Drop into the pool at the north end and swim through the newly opened gate in the north wall. Swim through to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out onto the north ledge. Use the nearby skeleton-lever to open a gate in the upper area of the main pool room, and then swim back out to the main pool.

Pull out at the north end of the pool and make your way back to the far north end of the room (where the smaller pool is). Go L - L and make your way up the stairs again. At the top of the stairs, go L - L into the newly opened gate.

Light a flare if you need to, then drop down into the lower passage and run to the end. Pull up to your right into an upper passage and use the wheel-switch inside the passage to open another gate near to the one you previously opened. Return back through the passages, head out of the gate and go left. Run past the wide ascending stairs with the burning pots, and then turn left into the newly opened gate. Drop down into the lower passage and make your way to the skeleton-lever at the end. Use the lever to open the double doors at the top of the stairs with the burning pots, and then make your way back through the passage and head out of the gate. Stop here because there's a secret to collect before we proceed to The Clockwork Cathedral.


Go L - L and run down the stairs to about half way. Look up to the north and spot the goodies on a pedestal. Pull up into the east wall alcove (the second alcove down from the top of the stairs), perform two banana-jumps around the alcove walls to get to the north balcony and grab the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows.

Make a safety-drop to ground and head back to the top of the stairs. Turn right, head past the gate you visited earlier and then take a right turn up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go right of the doors and collect a LMP from the pedestal. Now head through the double doors and enter The Clockwork Cathedral.


Sanctuary Of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

If you have played this level in its original form then you will know this room only too well. Yes, it's that raising and lowering trap-door-run. The principle is the same as the original version. Get to the other side of the room via the trap-doors.

Nip down to the lower balcony to your right (east) and walk north between the break in the balustrade. Stand on the edge of the balcony in front trap-door 1 (which is situated in front of the break in the balustrade). When the trap-door starts to rise, run onto it and run-jump NE to trap-door 2. Keep running as you land on the trap-door, then run NW and jump to trap-door 3. Now roll and run-jump back to trap-door 2, then roll and run-jump back to trap-door 3. Now run-jump north to trap-door 4 and quickly nip up into the north room.

Head to the NE corner of the room and use the wheel-switch to open a gate back in the main pool room. You'll visit there shortly, but there's one more task to do here first. Head to the west wall, climb the ladder behind the chain and pull up into a small passage above. Carefully walk around to the left and stop at the top of the slope in front of the gate. The gate will have opened as you approached it and beyond the gate there are four horizontal-bars. Beyond the horizontal-bars there is a jump-switch on the south wall. Slide down the slope, then jump and grab the first horizontal-bar. Swing around the bar, then jump to the next bar and grab it. Proceed in this fashion until you reach the final bar, and then jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. You will now see a long cut-scene of the arched passage in the main pool room, an explosion takes place at the end of the arched passage and a glass wall appears. The glass wall leads to another level, but you won't be heading there just yet.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1

Head up the steps and leave via the double doors. Go R - L and make your way to the top of the stairs. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and run through the newly opened gate. Run around the passage to the open north passage, and then head through to the bell tower.

You will now be making a series of timed-runs over trap-doors to use a wheel-switch over on the north wall. The wheel-switch will do three things. 1 ~ Open a gate in the lower area of the cathedral. 2 ~ Lower a ladder in the cathedral. 3 ~ Open a hole over in the north wall.

The first wall-lever is to the right (east) of the clock mechanism and the first trap-door is west of the wall-lever. Start by using lever 1 to raise trap door 1, then side-flip left, run-jump to the west end of the balcony and jump to the small north ledge. Stand-jump NW to the west wall ledge, then face east and run-jump with a grab to catch the horizontal-bar. Only swing once on the horizontal-bar or Lara will run out of time and the trap-door will lower. Jump from the horizontal-bar onto the east ledge and save your game.

Turn and take a look over to the NW and spot trap-door 2. Roll and run around to the left (north) and make your way to wall-lever (2) at the end of the ledge. Turn around, note the horizontal-bar protruding from the pillar nearby, then use lever 2 to raise trap-door 2. Roll and run to the horizontal-bar, then jump and grab it and swing to trap-door 2. Immediately jump forwards onto the west ledge and then run-jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Alternatively: Use wall-lever 2 to raise trap-door 2, and then run back to trap-door 1 (which is now down but that doesn't matter). Run-jump from the trap-door 1 ledge to trap-door 2 and then make a right curved running jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Use the wheel-switch, and then watch the cut-scene showing you a gate opening, a ladder lowering and a block lowering in the north wall to your right. Pull up through the opening in the north wall, and then climb down the ladder in the floor-hole.

Climb the west wall ladder behind the chain again and use the slope at the end of the passage to slide down into the lower room. Make your way to the end of the balcony, then head left and drop down to where the timed-trap-door run began. Don't worry; you don't have to do the timed-run again. Run inside the newly opened south gate and walk to the end of the passage. Do not drop down into the floor-hole yet though. Turn Lara with her back to the hole, then hang-drop from the hole and spot a jump-switch below you. Drop back from the hole, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to activate the next secret.

Lara will now drop into a flooded passage below. Swim to the end of the passage, collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1, then swim south and the gate will open. Swim through the gate, then swim up and pull out of the water. Lara will now be standing by the small pool at the north end of the main pool room.

Note: If you missed the jump-switch, the secret will not appear, but you can go back for it if you wish by re-entering the cathedral and heading back through the south gate.

Access Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Head south into the main room and dive into the pool. Locate the uw-lever in the partitioning wall and use it to open the double gates to the next level. Pull out of the pool and make your way to the small pool at the north end of the room. Go right (east) of the small pool, then turn right (south) and run up the stairs. Head straight on southwards, then when you come to the third archway on the left, turn left into the newly opened gates. Run to the top of the slope, and then go left into a beautiful green tinted room. You will be informed that you have entered Caverns of The Dead by Michael Bender.


Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2

This is a three-tiered room consisting of a ground, middle and upper floor. Your objective is to get to the top of the room, use a wall-lever and make the secret appear. To get to the wall-lever, you need to open a gate on the middle balcony by using four levers.

Start by taking note of a few things on the ground floor. There are three patterned floor-tiles, a jump-switch on the south side of the room and a double slope on the north side of the room. At the top of the second slope, there is a closed ceiling-hatch and above the first slope there is a monkey swing. Opposite the slopes there is a high room.

First, use the jump-switch on the pillar at the south wall and you will get a shot of a closed gate on the second tier of the room. Head up the slope on the north side of the room and note the closed ceiling-hatch. Now walk back down the top of the first slope, grab the monkey swing and make your way over to the high room through the east wall.

Note the movable-statue in the corner of the room and the wall-lever and skeleton-lever. Use the skeleton-lever and you will get another shot of the closed gate. Use the wall-lever to raise a pillar below the room, and then shift the movable-statue onto the raised pillar. Use the wall-lever again to lower the pillar and bring the movable-statue to ground level, then drop to ground and place the movable-statue on all three patterned floor-tiles. This will open the hatch at the top of the slopes. Head back up the slopes and pull up through the hatch.

You can now see the closed gate in the south wall and a smaller closed gate in the west wall (with an empty pedestal in front of it). Also note the lowered hatch on the inside wall of the central platform and the jump-switch opposite. Head to the east end of the room and enter the dark passage in the SE corner. There are some Flares in an alcove nearby if you need them. At the end of the passage, use the jump-switch on the west wall and get another shot of the closed gate. Return to the balcony and head to the west end.

Locate the wall-lever on the west wall (to the left of the closed gate) and get ready for a timed-run. The lever will raise the hatch inside the central platform, and then you need to make it to the jump-switch before the hatch lowers again. So, use the lever to raise the hatch, run to the hatch and nip onto it. Run-jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. The south wall gate will now open and Lara will land on the ground level.

Head back up the slopes, pull up to the balcony again and make your way through the newly opened south wall gate. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, back flip off at the top and run out onto a central ledge at the top of the room. Run-jump over to the east ledge for a SMP, and then run-jump over to the west ledge. Use the skeleton-lever and the secret pick-up will appear on the pedestal below. Return down the ladder to the middle balcony, then head to the west end of the room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2 from the pedestal. The west gate will now open, so head through and find yourself on the top floor of the main pool room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3

Go left (south) to the small pool in the hallway, note the uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and then head into the far south room. Note the water pools in each corner of the room, then look inside the pools and spot the uw-levers inside them. You will be back here later on to deal with the pools and their levers, but for now, make your way to the SW corner of the room and locate the wall-lever on the east wall (under the arch to the right of the stairs). Use the lever to lower one of two ropes above the main pool, then leave the room and head back to the small pool with the uw-lever that you noted before you entered this room.

Run past the pool and note the closed north gate ahead (which you will be opening it shortly). Go L - R and make your way to the bottom of the stairs. Go L - L and run down the stairs to the lower balcony. Go left from here, and then take a right turn onto the balcony above the large pool. Run to the end of the balcony, spot the wall-lever on the south wall (under the arch to your right) and use it to lower a second rope above the large pool in the main room.

Take a running jump through the break in the railings to your right, grab the outer south wall balcony and pull up. Make two banana-jumps around the partitioning walls on the balcony to get to the end of the west end balcony, and then face the opening in the west wall. Stand-jump towards the opening, grab the edge of it and pull up inside. Drop down to the left into the lower south room and use the skeleton-lever inside to open the gate on the upper north balcony. When you use the lever, the walls to your right will lower and give you access back to the main room.

Head north along the balcony until you are four arches down, then head right and walk onto the bridge. Walk to the break in the railings and line up with the first rope. Run-jump towards the rope, and then grab it and line up with the second rope. Swing towards the second rope, then jump and grab it. Now line up with the suspended cage and swing towards it. When Lara is just above the cage, jump and grab the top of it and pull up. Face south and spot the jump-switch ahead. Jump up and grab the glass ceiling, then swing to the jump-switch and use it to open a floor-hatch in the main pool.

Lara will fall down to the left of the floor-hatch, so swim down inside the hatch-hole and head to the end of the following passage. At the end of the passage, swim up through the long water-hole, note the closed gate in the north wall of the hole and then pull out of the water into the upper east passage. Head to the end of the passage, then go right and make your way to the end of the following passage. You'll see a closed gate ahead and a wall-lever to the left. The lever is timed to the gate you saw in the water-hole a moment ago. So, use the lever, then sprint back through the passages, drop into the water-hole and quickly swim inside the gate before it closes.

Inside the gate there's an uw-lever. Use the lever to open the gate back up in the passage, then swim out of the gate and pull out of the water into the east passage again. Make your way to the newly opened gate at the end of the passage and stop at the gate. Spot the jump-switch ahead and use it to open another floor-hatch in the main pool. Lara will fall down inside the floor-hatch and it will close behind her. Swim to the end of the following passage, then go left (east) and pick up the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3 from the end of the passage.

Secrets ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4

Swim west until a gate closes behind you, and then note the closed hatch above you. Swim on through the passage and you will come to an uw-lever on the wall to your left (if you try to swim further on in the passage the current will knock you back). Use the uw-lever to open the hatch you noted a moment ago, then swim up through the hatch and find yourself back in the main pool room.

Pull out of the pool on the north side and head to the small pool at the far north end of the room. Go right of the small pool, then go right again and make your way up the south stairs. At the top of the stairs, take a right turn and run past the open north gate that you have already visited. Now take a right turn and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and make your way to the top of the stairs. Now go L - L and enter the newly opened north gate. On the first pedestal you find the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4 and on the second pedestal you will find a SMP.


Leave the room and stop just outside the gate. Look down the hallway to your right and note the closed double doors in the north wall. There's another secret behind the double doors, but first you will need to find three well hidden levers to open them.

Lever 1

Run straight ahead (south) to the small pool and dive in. Locate uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and use it to de-activate one of the locks on the double doors back in the hallway.

Lever 2

Pull out of the pool and make your way into the far south room. Pull up onto the wall at the side of the south staircase (either side will do), then head to the east side of the ledges and use the skeleton-lever to de-activate another lock on the double doors.

Lever 3

Drop down into the room below and head north into the hallway (where the closed double doors are). Ignore the double doors for now and make your way down to the small pool on the ground level (north end of the main room). When you reach the small pool, go left and enter the dark passage to the left of the small pool. Light a flare in the passage, spot the carefully hidden jump-switch on the east wall and use it to de-activate the final lock on the double doors.

Make your way up to the newly opened doors, head through and collect the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the four pedestals at the end of the room.

An Elevator Ride To Bonus Level 2

Make your way back to the hallway, and then head down to the main pool. Go right of the pool and make your way south down the hallway. Near the end of the hallway, you will come to the open arched passage in the west wall that you noted earlier when you entered the level. Go through to the end of the passage and spot the new area that was created when you used the jump-switch in the Clockwork cathedral. The path is blocked by a glass wall and you are seemingly at a dead-end. Well, that's not going to stop Lara is it?  Run-jump towards the glass wall and Lara will smash her way through it.

Head to the double doors at the end of the passage and they will open as you approach. Lara will now enter a small room with a wheel-switch on the west wall; and although it's not apparent, she is in fact inside an elevator. Use the wheel-switch to activate the elevator and Lara will be taken down to her next destination.

Leave the elevator via the large double doors (they will open as you approach) and head through the following passage. Take the LMP from the pedestal to your left, then continue on through the passage and drop down into the pool at the end. Swim under the bridge with the glazed windows, then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head through the north passage and the level will skip to the next destination.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2

Access Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Run ahead to the end of the passage, then go left and stop, because you are now about to enter a passage laden with lava-traps. You will in fact be visiting another of these types of passages, so for future reference we will call this the 1st lava-trap passage.

Jump the lava-traps to get to the end of the passage, and then note the closed gate in the north wall and the water-hole to the right of the gate. Drop into the water-hole and swim down. Note the passage to the north; but don't go through there yet. Swim down into the south passage and make your way to the end. Swim up and note the passage to the east, but don't go through there yet. Swim west to the end of the passage, then swim down inside the floor-hole and use the uw-lever to open a hatch at the other end of the passage. Swim out of the hole and up into the passage again. Swim straight ahead to the end of the passage, then swim up and climb out through the newly opened hatch.

You are now in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Ignore the west end of the passage for now and walk towards the first lava-trap. The camera angle will change and you can see an opening in the lava-trap wall. Jump to the other side of the lava-trap, then turn and walk to the edge of it. Hop back from the edge of the hole, then run towards the hole, press the "action key" and run into the hole. Lara will glide down into the opening in the lava-trap wall and arrive in a passage. Pick up the SMP, then head to the end of the passage, drop down the hole at the end and head around into another lava-pool passage.

Jump over the first lava pool, then turn around and walk to the edge of the ledge. Face NW and make a curved running jump into the alcove in the west wall. Use the skeleton-lever inside the alcove to open a gate at the other end of the passage, and then jump back to the previous ledge. Head on through the passage (jumping the lava-pools as you go) and you will come to the gate you opened a moment ago.

Use the skeleton-lever to the left of the slope to open the double doors back in the 2nd lava-trap passage, then head up the slope. Go R - L and climb to the top of the following passage. Pull up out of the passage into a small room and take the LMP from the pedestal. Head out of the room via the west passage and make your way to the gate at the end. The gate will open as you approach, so run through and find yourself back in the 2nd lava-trap passage (but this time you will be at the other end of the passage) and the newly opened double doors are to your left.

Enter the double doors and run to the top of the slope. Head through the following passage and make your way to a small room at the end. Note the closed central floor-hatch and the closed west gate, and then run down onto the floor-hatch to open it. Lara will drop down into the room below, slide down a series of slopes and land in the next tribute level.


Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5

Take note of the green slopes you arrived here by because you will be visiting them again in a short while. Head outside to the building and spot the ferryman floating about to your left. The ferryman is a warning, so take heed and don't fall off the edge of the path or you'll be paying him a visit. Run to the end of the path, locate the jump-switch on the west wall and use it to raise a hatch on the green slopes. Head back towards the green slopes and take note of the closed gate in the building, the boulder suspended by a rope at the end of the building and a hatch and burning wall-lever up on the north rocks.

Back at the green slopes, run left of the central mound and jump up to the north wall. Face east, jump up ahead to the higher mound and then pull up onto the higher east mound. Note the burning torch on the north wall, the unlit torch on the west wall (with a ladder to the right of it), and the hatch you raised a short while ago. Now face NW, jump over to the pile of Torches in the corner of the rocks and pick up a Torch. Jump back to the high mound, light the Torch on the burning wall-torch and then walk to the SW corner of the mound. Take a running jump over to the hatch you raised earlier and light the wall-torch to extinguish the fire by the wall-lever outside.

Take the Torch with you and drop down to ground. Re-enter the outside area and burn the rope below the boulder. The boulder will drop and the hatch will rise on the north wall. Drop your Torch where you can find it easily, then stand on the right side window sill of the building. Face out towards the raised hatch and take a running jump to grab it. Pull up, jump to the wall-lever on the north wall and prepare for a timed-run.

Use the lever to temporarily open the gate in the building, then roll and run-jump down to the gate and quickly jump inside the building before the gate closes. The gate will remain open now, so nip outside again, grab your Torch and take it back inside the building.

Light the floor-pot at the north end of the room (don't stand too close or Lara will burn) and the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5 will appear on the pedestal at the south end of the room. When you take the eye of the serpent, the exit gate will open in the room above the green slopes.

Head back to the green slopes, and then as you did before, jump the slopes to the highest mound. Run-jump to the hatch again, then go right of the burning wall-torch and jump up the slope to the north wall ladder. Climb the ladder, shimmy right as far as you can and drop off onto the high mount. Now comes the tricky part. You need to get Lara up inside the hole in the ceiling and grab the ladder inside. So, stand Lara here Screenshot side flip-left onto the slope below the hole in the ceiling, then bounce forwards and grab the ladder. When you are safely on the ladder, climb to the top and pull up into the room above.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Leave via the west gate and make your way to the end of the passage. Slide down the slope and arrive back in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Head left and jump the lava-traps to get to the west end of the passage. Drop down into the water-hole, swim down and then swim west until you can swim down into a lower passage. Swim north to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out into a small room. The south gate will open as you arrive in the room, so head through and find yourself back in the 1st lava-trap passage. Jump the lava-traps to get to the south end of the passage, then go right and re-enter Hall of Fame ~ Part 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited

Drop into the pool ahead, swim under the bridge with the glazed windows and then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head to the end of passage and the elevator doors will open as you approach. Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch twice to take Lara back up to the main room. Approach the elevator doors to open them, head up the passage and return to the main pool room.

The next level you are going to visit comes in two sections. You will visit part 1 now, and then visit part 2 later on.

Locate Part 1 Of Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins

Make your way to the main pool and head over to the east side of the room. Run southwards along the hallway to the third archway, then go left through the arched passage. At the end of the passage, you will come to another elevator (the doors will open as you approach them). Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch to take Lara down to her next destination.

Approach the elevator doors to open them, and then head through to the passage beyond. Make your way to the water passages at the end of the passage, and then jump onto the water slide to the right (the left water slide will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide down the water slide, and then jump the hole at the end to get safely into the next passage. Head through to the end of the south passage and arrive in another part of Bonus Level 2.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited

Run ahead to the T-junction and note the closed double gates at the end of the passage to your left. We will come back to that later on. Make your way down the south passage and stop at the lava-trap. Spot the jump-switch in the alcove on the other side of the lava-trap and jump over to it. Line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind you, and then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. You will see a floor-hatch open in another area.

Jump out of the alcove and head towards the west passage. Note the closed gate to your right (north) then jump the lava-trap and enter the small room at the end of the passage. The floor-hatch you opened a moment ago is in a small passage to your right (north), but leave it alone for now and enter the room to your left (south).


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1

As soon as you enter this room you will be informed that you have arrived in Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. However, you will only be visiting here for a short while. You will enter part 2 of this level later on and visit the other end of the room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6

Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6 from the pedestal, then use the skeleton-lever nearby. You will now see another secret appear on a ledge in another part of the room. You can't reach the newly revealed secret from here and neither can you explore any more of the large room connected to this level, but you will return to this level later on and finish what you've started.

Open The Gates To Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east and run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden. However, this is not the level we are going to visit next.

Access Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

Drop to ground, head back into the small north room and spot the floor-hatch in the small north passage.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the jump-switch that opens the floor-hatch. If this is the case, head down the east passage, jump the lava-trap and head straight on to the lava-trap at the east wall. Look left into the alcove and spot the jump-switch up on the east wall. Jump into the alcove and line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind you, and then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to open the floor-hatch. Now jump out of the alcove, head west to the end of the passage and go right to the newly opened floor-hatch.

Drop into the water-hole in the small north passage and swim to the end of the flooded passage. Pull out at the end of the passage, head through the following passage and arrive in the next level.


Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

As soon as you walk out onto the first floor, you will notice a wall-lever on the east wall. To your right there is a central structure with four unlit-torches on the outer walls and an inner room through a crawl space. On the other side of the room (west) beyond the central structure, there is an unlit floor-pot. In the south wall there is a passage leading to a ladder with a closed hatch at the top of it. On the ground level of the room there are four corner levers behind fires, four movable-objects on the outer paths and four blocks under the central structure. On the top level there is a closed gate (east wall) at the end of the path that leads from the central structure. In the west wall there is a high passage and below the high passage there are two lighter coloured floor-tiles.

Leave the east wall lever alone for now and make your way around the path surrounding the central structure (note the unlit wall-torches on the way). When you reach the west side of the room, keep heading around to the right and Lara will run up onto the first flight of stairs surrounding the central structure. Head on until you are on the second flight of stairs, then stop half way up and notice a wall ladder leading up to a crawl space inside the central structure. Climb the ladder and head inside the crawl space. Drop down into the tiny room beyond and use the wall-lever inside to open the east gate at the top of the structure.

Pull out from the crawl space and make your way to the top of the structure. Run east up the path and enter the newly opened gate. Take a look at the end of the north passage and note the unlit wall-torch on the west wall. Lighting this wall-torch will get you a secret later on. For now though, head back to the south end of the room and take a Torch from the pedestal.

Return to the main room and run down the stairs to the timed wall-lever on the east wall (the one you noted when you first entered the room). The wall-lever will temporarily light the floor-pot on the west side of the room. So, drop your Torch by using the number 1 key (so that Lara doesn't throw the Torch over the edge of the path) and then use the wall-lever to temporarily light the floor-pot. Now roll and pick up your Torch, run as fast as you can to the burning floor-pot and light your Torch before the flame extinguishes.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7

There are five wall-torches to light now. Four of them will lower the blocks below the central structure, and one will reveal the next secret.

Wall-Torch 1

Make your way back up to the room at the top of the structure (where you picked up the Torch) and light the wall-torch (1) on the west wall at the north end of the room. You will see the secret appear on a pedestal up in the high west wall passage, but you won't be collecting it until you are ready to leave the level.

Wall-Torch 2

Return to the central structure and make your way down the stairs. On the third flight of stairs you will find the first wall-torch (2) to light.

Wall-Torch 3

On the fifth flight of stairs you will find the next wall-torch (3) to light.

Wall-Torch 4

The next wall-torch (4) is on the sixth flight of stairs.

Wall-Torch 5

The final wall-torch (5) is on the west wall of the central structure (opposite the timed wall-lever).

The central blocks below the central structure will now be lowered and you no longer need the Torch.

Head to the west side of the room and go to the floor-pot. Jump to the ladder ledge to the left of the floor-pot and climb to the ground level. It's easy from here, simply place the four movable-objects on the lighter coloured floor-tiles below the central structure and the fires in each corner alcove extinguish. Now enter the four corner alcoves and use the wall-wall levers to lower a hatch at the top of a ladder through the south passage.

Climb to the top of the west wall ladder, then jump over to the floor-pot and head around into the south passage. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, then climb to the top of the following ladder, but don't pull up yet!

Above you now there is a circular chamber that runs down to the right and comes up again to the left; or vice versa. Within the circular chamber there are six wall-levers (two are inside the north and south gates). Two of the levers will open the two gates (north and south walls) above the ladder; the other four levers will raise the pillars under the high west passage outside. You may also have noticed by now that there is a rolling-blade making its way around the circular chamber. So, you need to be quick while exploring for the levers. Always wait until the rolling-blade has passed over-head before making a move, duck tight in a corner is the blade seems unavoidable and keep topped up with health.

Lever 1

Wait for the blade to pass over-head, then pull up, face NW and drop down to the lower pillar. Face west and take a running jump to the passage in the west wall of the chamber. Run inside the passage, use the wall-lever (1) on the west wall and get a shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles outside in the main room.

Lever 2

Leave the passage, jump back to the pillar and pull up to the starting area at the top of the room. Face east this time and drop down on the right side of the ledge onto the lower pillar. Take a running jump into the east wall passage, use the lever (2) inside the passage and get another shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles back in the main room.

Lever 3

Leave the passage and jump back to the pillar, but don't pull up onto the starting area! Side-flip right onto a lower slope, then slide and grab the end of the slope. Pull up and back-flip to the lower ledge behind you, then use the lever (3) on the east wall to open the south gate at the top of the room.

Lever 4

Drop down to the west, make your way into the trench in the bottom of the chamber and use the lever (4) on the south wall to open the north gate at the top of the room.

Lever 5

Pull up on the right side of the west wall and run-jump up the slope at the west wall of the chamber. Pull up onto the higher west pillar, and then pull up onto the south pillar. Now face east and take a running jump to the ledge in the east wall of the chamber. Face north, climb the ladder to the top, and then face east and pull up onto the ledge at the starting area.

Take care not to fall down the ladder hole ahead and enter the north gate. Use the lever (5) inside the passage and the smaller pillar will rise back in the main room.

Lever 6

Head out of the passage, jump over the ladder-hole and enter the south gate. Use the final lever (6) and the taller pillar back in the main room will rise.

Make your way back down the ladders and return to the main room. Run up the stairs on the central structure and when you reach the T-junction, go left (west) to the newly risen pillars. Climb to the top of the pillars and jump into the high west passage. Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7 from the pedestal and a floor-hatch will open at the south end of the room. Drop down through the hatch-hole, fall into a water passage below and swim to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water and head to the end of the passage. The gate at the end of the passage will open as you approach it and you will find yourself back in a familiar place.

Access Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Head SE past the lava-trap and run into the south passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and you will come some big double doors that lead to the next level.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the lever that opens the gates. If this is the case, head north down the passage, make your way to the end and then take a left turn (west). Jump the lava-trap, head to the end of the passage and then head left into Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east, run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden, and then drop to ground and head out to the passage. Take a right turn into the east passage, jump the lava-trap and make your way to the end of the passage. Now head right (south) and head to the open gates at the end of the passage.

A lava-trap is placed immediately behind the double doors, so jump over and run to the bottom of the slope ahead and take heed! As you pull up onto the slope, two boulders will come crashing down. So, pull up onto the slope to activate the boulders, then drop back down and let the boulder pass over-head. Now walk carefully up the slope (because two more boulders are waiting for you further up), trigger the next two boulders, sprint back down the slope and drop down to the lower ledge. Keep tight against to the wall so that the boulders pass over-head, then pull back up to the slope and make your way to the top. Take a right turn into the west room and drop down the central hatch-hole.


Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Make your way ahead to the T-junction, then head left (SW) to the archway in the west wall. Just before you enter the passage, load up your shotgun (or crossbow with explosive arrows) because an unwelcome visitor is about to arrive. Enter the passage, and then as you approach the central area, a skeleton will appear from out of the floor. Grab your weapon of choice, and then either shoot the skeleton into the pool at the end of the hallway, or blast it away with your crossbow. When that's taken care of, drop into the pool at the end of the passage and swim down into the flooded chamber.

Inside the chamber, there are four passages. North, south, east and west. Each passage is marked with its own face-tile to help you distinguish the passages. At the end of the north passage you will find a closed door. At the end of the south passage you will find another closed door (which is timed). At the end of the east passage you will find a hole in the ceiling with a wall-switch up inside it. This switch is not timed and it will open the door at the end of the north passage. At the end of the west passage, you will find an uw-lever. This lever is timed to the door at the end of the south passage.

Enter the east passage and swim to the room at the end. Collect the Flares from the central ledge, and then swim up inside the ceiling-hole. Pull out into the passage above and use the wall-switch to open the door at the end of the north passage. Swim back to the central chamber, then swim right and enter the north passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage and pick up the Hathor Effigy from the central ledge.

Swim back to the central chamber and go up for some air. Dive down into the chamber again and enter the west passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage, collect the LMP from the central ledge and then use the uw-lever on the north wall to open the door at the end of the south passage, but do not try to do the timed-swim yet! Wait for the cut-scene of the door opening to finish, then swim back to the central chamber and grab some air. Re-enter the west passage and swim back to the uw-lever. The timed-door will now be closed and the uw-lever will have re-set itself. When you re-use the lever, the cut-scene won't kick in this time and you will have the extra valuable time you need to accomplish the timed-swim. When you have used the lever again, swim back to the central chamber and enter the south passage. Swim through to the room at the end of the passage (hopefully you made it past the door in time) and pick up the Ornate Handle from the central ledge.

Return to the central chamber, swim up and pull out of the pool. Run to the end of the passage and go left (NE) after the arch. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go past the closed doors and head around into the next passage (SE). At the end of the passage, go left (east) and enter the sarcophagus room.

Do not shoot the jar to your right as it contains another skeleton. The jar to your left is empty so leave that alone as well. Search the NE and SE corners of the room for two more jars, then shoot them and collect the SMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo from the shattered remains. Now combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, face south at the receptacle and place the portal guardian onto it to open another door out in the passages.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8

Leave the room and enter the passage to the left (SW). At the end of the passage, turn left into the south room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8 from the pedestal. Leave the room and head out to the right (NE). Run to the end of the passage, then run left past the portal guardian room and enter the NW passage. At the end of the passage, enter the north room and the doors will close behind you.

Drop into the pool and swim down through the passage in the bottom of the pool. At the end of the passage, pull out and collect the pack of Revolver Ammo from passage to your left. Now head through to the end of the passage and slide down the slope ahead.


Skellycombs by George Maciver

The ground floor of this room could be classified as a maze; seen as its pathways run around several structures. But there are no dead-ends and it isn't that large (so don't be distressed by the thought of getting terribly lost in here). Your first task is to open a door to upper passages within the structures and you will do this by finding three skeleton-levers on the ground floor. You also need to collect the handle before proceeding to the upper areas.

Lever 1

Head right, and then run left into the south passage. Make your way to about half way down the passage, and then look left (east) into the wall of the structure and spot the closed door up in the alcove. Collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo from below the closed door, and then continue on down the south passage to the outer south wall. Go left (east) and use skeleton-lever 1 at the end of the passage.

Lever 2

Continue on eastwards to the end of the passage, and then head left down the north passage. About half way down the passage you will come to a pool to your left (west). Nip into the pool for another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo, and then continue on to the west end of the pool. Take a left turn down the south passage, pick up the LMP, and then go right (west) and find skeleton-lever 2 by a pool at the end of the passage.

From the lever, make your way down the north passage until you are about half way, and then turn right (east) and find another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo between the two structures. Now run around into the north passage and head to the outer north wall. Go right (east) until you come to another pool, then drop in the pool and pick up the Ornate Handle.

Lever 3

Skeleton-lever 3 is near to the pool you picked the ornate handle up from. Use the lever and you will see a shot of the door opening in the structure.

Make your way back to the outer west wall of the room and head down the south passage again (to about half way). Enter the east wall alcove in the structure and climb up to the newly opened door. Make your way out to a long connecting wall, then as you run across the wall, two skeletons will show up (one in front of you and one will attack from behind). Whip out your shotgun (or crossbow and explosive arrows) and blast the enemy away. Now continue on to the end of the wall and enter the passage in the next structure.

Walk to the end of the passage, and then jump the gap to get inside the passage in the next structure (west). Make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the passage in the next structure (west) and head to the end of the passage. Jump into the passage in the next structure (west) and follow the passage around to the end. Jump over to the passage in the next structure (south) and make your way to the end. Now jump over to the passage in the next structure (south), make your way to the end and stop.

It looks like you have arrived at a dead-end, but you haven't. The next passage is around the wall to the left (north). So, make a left curved running jump around the wall into the passage of the next structure, and then make your way to the end of the passage. Climb to the top of the north wall ladder, then climb left and drop off onto the ledge.

Head to the south end of the ledge and climb onto the block to your left (east). Ignore the wall ladder above the block (the hatch at the top is closed and you will access that area later on) and face SW. Take a right curved running jump inside the next structure and head make your way towards the end of the passage. Grab your weapon of choice, take out the skeleton that arrives to greet you and then jump over into the west passage and walk to the end.

Look down and spot the long bridge type structure running from north to south. Jump down onto the bridge and note the closed door up in the far north wall. Head towards the south end of the bridge and another skeleton will make an appearance. Take the skeleton out by shooting him off the south end of the bridge (otherwise the sloped sides of the bridge will stop him from falling). When the enemy has been seen to, walk to the south end of the bridge and face east. You will see a small ledge with a wall-switch on the structure to the left. Jump over and use the switch to open the gate at the other end of the bridge.

Face west, walk to the edge of the ledge and then face NW and jump to the small ledge between the structure and the bridge. Jump up onto the bridge, run to the north end and jump up into the newly opened north wall door. Enter the small room beyond and use the skeleton-lever inside to lower a hatch between the structures at south end of the bridge.

Jump back to the bridge and take out the newly arrived skeleton. Run to the south end of the bridge (but not as far as the wall-switch ledge) and jump into the passage in the east wall of the structure (it's to the right of the passage you entered the bridge area by). Now make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the following east passage and walk to the end.

Your next destination is on the slope ahead of you. Jump onto the slope, slide and grab the edge and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat-tile at the end of the slope. Walk to the top of the flat-tile, side-flip right and land on the flat-ledge at the end of the slope. Walk to the east end of the ledge and face NE. Look down onto the slope, spot the flat-tile just below and jump to it. Hang-drop from the flat-tile and shimmy right until you can pull up onto another flat-tile at the other end of the slope. Now pull up and take the Hathor Effigy from its resting place.

Shimmy back to the flat-tile at the other end of the slope and pull up onto it. Face SW, jump back up to the ledge at the end of the slope and then walk to the west end of the ledge. Face NW and take a running jump into the gap in the north wall of the structure. Make your way to the north end of the wall, climb the ladder at the end and pull up onto the top of the structure.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9

Face the north structure, take a running jump to the sloped roof and then slide and grab the end of the roof. Shimmy right until you can pull up onto the flat-tile on the corner of the structure, then stand-jump to the receptacle at the top of the structure. Combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, and then place it on the receptacle to activate a secret over in the NE corner of the room.

Jump over to the sloped roof on next north structure, then slide down the roof and grab the end of it. Shimmy right until you are at the end of the slope, then shimmy around the corner onto the next slope. Shimmy twice to the right, and then pull up and back-flip to the ledge behind you. Head to the east end of the ledge and jump over to the NE ledge where the secret is. Run towards the pedestal and the hatch will lower behind you (giving you access to the lower areas if you missed some goodies down there). Take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9 from the pedestal and the exit door will open over in the west wall.

Walk to the south end of the ledge and face the north slope. Take a running jump towards the corner of the slope, grab the edge of it and pull up. Face SW, stand-jump to the top of the bridge and make your way to the west end. Jump over to the top of the west structure to your right, and then take a running jump over to the top of the NW structure. Now jump into the west wall doorway, head through the following passage and slide down into a small room with a closed floor-hatch.

Return To Bonus Level 1

You should recognise this place. It's where you entered Loren Golden's "Through The Shadow Of Death" level. Make your way into the passage to the right (east), then at the end of the passage, turn left and find yourself back at the top of the boulder slope.

Run to the bottom of the slope and jump the lava-trap to get back into the lower passages. Run straight ahead into the north passage, then just before you reach the end (where the lava-trap is), turn right into the east passage. Make your way through the passage and Lara will be transported back to "Hall Of Fame ~ Part 1"


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited 2

Access Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2

At the end of the following passage, jump into the right hand side water passage (the left one will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide to the end of the passage, then jump the hole at the end and arrive safely in the passage beyond. Enter the passage to your right and make your way down to the elevator. The elevator doors will open as you approach, so nip inside and use the wheel-switch on the wall twice to take the elevator up to the main pool room. Leave the elevator, head through the following passage and Lara will arrive back at the main pool room.

Ok, remember that we have only covered one tiny area in the Luis Martin's level so far and now we can complete the task. So, make your way northwards down the hallway and enter the area at the far north end of the room (where the small pool is). Head to the right after the pool, then go right again and make your way to the top of the stairs. Go R - R and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R onto the south stairs and head to the top. Now make your way southwards and enter the far south room.

Take a look around in here because there are a few things to note. There is a large closed gate at the top of the south stairs and a small pool in each corner of the room. Inside each pool there's an uw-lever and two gates.

The pool in the SW corner of the room is your starting place, so make your way over there and drop into the pool. Your next task will be a multi timed-run from pool to pool via the gates in the pools, which you will open with the uw-levers. Each uw-lever will open the gate out of the pool and give you access to the next uw-lever. The timed-run finishes when you are back in the pool you started from. When all uw-levers have been used, the south gates up the stairs will open. If you are not quick enough inside the pool passages, Lara will be locked inside and you will have to re-load from the starting pool. So, let's begin.

From pool 1, use uw-lever 1 - Swim into passage 1. Use uw-lever 2 - Swim into to pool 2. Swim right into passage 2 - Use uw-lever 3. Swim into to pool 3 - Swim right into passage 3. Use uw-lever 4 - Swim into pool 4. Swim right into passage 4 - Use uw-lever 5 and swim back into pool 1.

The gate will remain open, so you can go up for air and then swim back down and grab the LMP inside the gate. The gate at the top of the south stairs will now be open, so make your way up there and enter the newly opened gate. Drop down through the long shaft (it's perfectly safe to do so) and Lara will float to ground.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited 2

Use the skeleton-lever in the north alcove to open the double south doors, and then head up to the doors and pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ LMP. Now enter the double doors.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10

Walk out into the balcony of the beautiful pink and purple room, find yourself at the other side of the room you visited earlier and be informed that you have now entered Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Start by taking a running jump to the central platform and take out the skeleton who is parading about on the platform. There's another skeleton sleeping nearby and he'll jump into action as soon as you approach him, so let him wipe the sleep from his eye sockets, then blast him away too. Make your way east and run all the way to the end of the platform. Jump over to the east wall balcony and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 3

Walk to the south edge of the ledge, nip onto the diamond shaped pink rock and then jump to the pink slope on the south wall. Slide down the slope, grab the end of it and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat area on the slope.

Face west, and then use the flat areas on the west slope to get to the high brown ledge sticking out of the south wall. From here, jump over to the roof of the central platform, then walk to the east end of the roof and take a running jump over to the suspended-tile. Now jump to the roof of the east wall balcony and use the wall-lever to open a hatch at the west end of the room.

Jump back to the suspended-tile and jump back to the roof. Walk to the west end of the roof and stand Lara on the right side. Look down and spot a jump-switch on the side of the roof and use it to lower two ropes at the west end of the room.

Return to the east end of the platform and jump back to the east wall balcony. As you did before, jump to the pink slope on the south wall and shimmy right until you can pull up. Face north, then look down and spot a long slope leading down into the deadly lake. Also note the block in the lake beyond the long slope. There's a ladder on the side of the block and a spike-trap on top of it.

Drop down onto the long slope, slide to the bottom and then jump while pressing the "action key" key so that Lara grabs the short ladder on the side of the block. Don't pull up or you will get spiked. Shimmy left around the block until the wall ladder below the central platform is behind you, then back-flip with a twist and grab the ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up into the small room above and take the Hand Of The Gods 3 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 1

As you take the Hand Of The Gods 3, a hatch will open at the top of the west wall ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up through the newly opened hatch and find yourself back on the central platform.

Make your way to the west end of the platform and jump over to the south balcony. Walk around the purple column to the west edge of the balcony, then face SW and nip over to the small ledge ahead. Face west, look down to see a long path leading down to the far west wall. Drop down onto the path and make your way to the end. By now a skeleton has appeared behind you and he's heading your way. Shooting him into the lava lake won't help because it's not deep enough to kill him. So, use the crossbow and explosive arrows on this one and he'll be out of your way for good. When the unwanted visitor is out of the way, jump over into the west wall passage and head up the stairs to the small room at the top.

There's another skeleton waiting for you in the new room, but this one can be easily taken out with the shotgun. Just blast him through the spikes on the east side of the room, and then give him a final blast to knock him over the edge of the balcony. When you've said your farewells, note the spike-trapped block in the lava lake ahead and look on the side of it for a gem-gargoyle. You will deal with the gem-gargoyle later on, but for now, head to the timed-lever in the west wall alcove and save your game.

Use the timed-lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes on the block in the lava lake, then quickly run to the east spikes, wait for them to subside, take a running jump towards the block in the lava lake and grab the edge of it. Quickly pull up, and then run-jump into the room below the central platform.

Make your way to the east side of the tiny room, then look down and spot a pink slope below you. Jump down to the safe area on the slope (it's about half way down the slope) and then face north. Take a running jump over to the block in the lava lake, grab the edge of it and pull up. Now take the Hand Of The Gods 1 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 2

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 1, you will see a gate open in another room below the central platform. Before you leave the block, combine your revolver and laser sight and face SW. You can now get a clean shot at the gargoyle-gem and shooting it will open the secret gate in NW corner of the room. You won't be visiting there for a while yet though.

Jump back to the lower part of the pink slope Screenshot (take care here because it's not safe to stand on some of the lower areas). Jump up the slope to get back into the tiny room above, and then head to the west side of the room and pull up onto the higher block. Face the spike-trapped block in the lake, and then line Lara up so that she is facing the block diagonally right. Wait for the spikes to pop out of the block, and then as the spikes subside, take a running jump to the near left corner of the block. Run diagonally right to the far right corner of the block, and then run-jump towards the right hand side of the far west balcony and grab it. Make sure Lara isn't near the spike-traps up on the balcony, then pull up. Time the spikes on the balcony to get into the west room, then head down the stairs to the left and jump back to the long path at the side of the lava lake.

Head to the top of the stairs, pull up to the highest ledge at the end and nip around to the balcony behind the purple column. Take a running jump back to the central platform and walk forwards to the north edge. Stand Lara to the right of the dip in the platform floor Screenshot and then turn and hang-drop from the edge of the platform. You will see a pink slope below you Screenshot Drop onto the slope, slide down and then jump left into the east wall passage inside the central structure. Go through to the tiny room and take the Hand Of The Gods 2 from the pedestal.

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 2, a hatch at the top of the north wall ladder will open. So, climb the ladder and pull up onto the top of the central platform.

Access Har Meggido by Trix

Ok, we are now going to visit another level. So, head to the west end of the room again and jump over to the final west platform. Go to the west end of the platform and jump over to the balcony on the west wall. Head to the right (north) and stand at the edge of the balcony. Take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall, then face NE and take a running jump over to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder and pull up at the top into a short passage.

Pick up the Revolver Ammo, and then drop down to the right (south) into a lower passage. Use the skeleton-lever inside the passage to open the double doors in the north wall, and then pull up out of the lever passage, head right and stop at the end of the passage.

Note the newly opened double doors in the north wall down on the lower balcony, and then jump over to the roof above the double doors. Face south, take a running jump to the-suspended-tile ahead, then take a running jump south to the roof on the central platform. Walk to the west end of the roof and spot the two ropes hanging down ahead and a jump-switch on the west wall beyond the ropes. Stand at the edge of the roof, hop back once, stand-jump towards the first rope and grab it. Slide to the bottom of the rope, then swing to the second rope and grab it. Now line Lara up with the jump-switch and swing towards it. As soon as Lara is above the jump-switch, jump from the rope, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. This will open a gate down in the lower west room.

Make a safety-drop down to the lower balcony, and then take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall. Face NE and take a running jump to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder again to the upper passage, then head to the east end of the passage and drop down to the lower balcony. You are now standing by the open double gates that lead to the next Hall Of Fame 2 level.

Jump the lava-trap to get inside the double doors, and then walk forwards to the second lava-trap. Stand on the right side of the lava-trap and jump to the slope on the other side. As you slide down the slope, spot the lava pool at the end of the slope, and then jump to the right when you reach the end of the slope and land on a safe ledge in the lava pool.

Note the closed north gate and the slope in the west wall, then make your way eastwards over the safe-tiles and jump to the passage beyond the lava pool. At the end of the passage, stand on the white-tile at the east wall and Lara will be elevated to her next destination.

When the elevator has stopped, Lara will be standing in an icy cave and wishing she had brought her winter coat with her. Ah well, exploring will keep her warm no doubt.

Start by taking a running jump to the top of the north slope, then head through to the end of the chilly passage. There's a break in the east railings, so stand Lara facing out through the break and note the suspended ice-tile hanging in the room ahead. Jump to the ice-tile and you will be informed that you have now entered Har Meggido by Trix.


Har Meggido by Trix

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11

Scattered around the room there are several suspended ice-tiles; and I must say they are quite difficult to see. However, on some tiles you can spot a small puff of smoke, which will assist you as you work your way up the ice-tiles (a flare might help in some cases). The ice-tiles run around the room anti clockwise and make their way to the secret at the top of the room. Also note that some of the ice-tiles are sloped; so you will be sliding from some of them onto others. To save confusion, I have noted the route as simply as possible.

From the 1st tile, face south and run-jump to the next tile. Face SE and stand-jump to the next tile. A harpy will show up from the top of the room, so quickly gun it down before it has time to attack. Face SE and stand-jump to the next tile, and then face SE and run-jump to the next tile. Face east and run-jump to the next tile, then face NE and stand-jump to the next tile. Face NE and run-jump to the next tile, then face north and run-jump up onto to the next tile. Now face north and slightly to the left and run-jump up onto the next tile. Face west and slightly to the right, run-jump to the next tile and take out another screeching harpy.

Face west again and slightly to the right. Run-jump up to the next tile, then face west and run-jump up to the next tile. Now things get a bit tricky. Face south and spot the puff of smoke lingering in the air. This marks the spot for a sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the sloped-tile. Pull up onto the tile, slide-jump south and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then face SE and spot the next puff of smoke. This is another sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then slide-jump and grab the next tile. This tile is also sloped. Pull up onto the tile, shimmy left as far as you can, and then pull up onto the tile and slide-jump with a left curve so that Lara grabs the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, face north and run-jump up to the next tile.

Now face NW and spot the puff of smoke. This is not a sloped-tile though. Run-jump up onto the next tile, then face west. You can just make out the sloped tile ahead, so run-jump to it and then slide-jump and grab the next tile to the south. Pull up onto the tile, and then face east, stand-jump towards the artefact-tile and grab it. Pull up onto the tile and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11.

Return To Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4

When you take the secret, a floor-hatch will open on the ground floor of the icy cave. Face south, walk to the edge of the tile and look down. Spot the open floor-hatch below, but don't try to swan dive from here or Lara will miss the hole and it will end in tears. Turn around, hang-drop from the tile and drop. Lara will fall into the hole and arrive in a flooded passage below. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and make your way to the end of the passage. The gate ahead will open as you approach and you are now facing out over the lava pool you visited earlier.

Make a curved right jump around the wall to the slope in the west wall, and then make your way to the top of the slope. The gate ahead will open as you approach, so go through and head left to the two lava pools. Now jump the lava pool to your right and return to the balcony in the Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2 ~ Continued

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12

Go right to the west side of the balcony and climb up to the high passage. Head to the end of the passage and climb down the ladder. Face SW, jump over to the ledge on the west wall and then jump to the south balcony. Run-jump over to the central platform and make your way to the east end. Jump over to the next central platform, then run-jump to the south balcony again. Make your way down the long path and head back to the west room.

Head straight over into the north passage and make you way down to the newly opened gate. Two spike-traps will de-activate on the following areas. 1 ~ On the block around the corner to your left on the north wall. 2 ~ Inside the north gate. Take a left curved running jump around the wall to the block at the north wall, then run-jump inside the north wall gate.

Place the 3 x Hand of The Gods in the receptacles on the north wall. The central floor-hatch will open and you will have access to a flooded passage. Drop down inside the passage and dive down southwards. Do not swim into the north passage yet or you will miss the final secret. Swim straight ahead to the south end of the passage and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12 from its watery resting place.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Swim north past the hatch and you will be swept back to Hall of Fame 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ The Final Visit

Heading Back To Limbo

Swim to the end of the passage and use the uw-lever to open the ceiling-hatch at the east end of the passage. Swim to the east end of the passage, swim up through the hatch and arrive back in the main pool.

Pull out on the west side of the pool, head left (south) and make your way to the end of the hallway. Now go through to the transporter in the south room, nip inside and zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Revisited

Lara is now back in Limbo. Note the two transporters to the north and south. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you back to Bonus Levels 1 & 2; but you only need to use that if you wish to return there for a forgotten item.

Accessing The Pentagrams

To access Bonus Level 3, you will need 3 x secret Pentagrams. There are six Pentagrams altogether. Three Pentagrams are placed in Limbo and three Pentagrams are placed in the first three New Levels: The Aqueduct (one Pentagram), Wrath Of The Wraiths (one Pentagram) and Lair Of The Serpents (one Pentagram). You can not take all six Pentagrams and neither do you need to. To take all three Pentagrams from Limbo, you will need 12 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts from Bonus Levels 1 & 2. Any Pentagrams that you do not obtain from Limbo can be obtained from the levels mentioned above. This will all become clearer as we proceed.

Using The Eye Of The Serpent Artefacts

In the sloped east and west walls of the temple roof, you will find 12 receptacles for the eye of the serpent artefacts. There are 4 receptacles at the north end of the roof, 4 at the south end and 4 in the middle. Each set of 4 receptacles are placed on their own unique tile design.

4 x North End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x Middle Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x South End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

The tiles correspond with the tiles above the golden gates on the north temple Screenshot

You must place each set of 4 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts, into the receptacles with the same tile design as those above the golden gate you wish to open. Two of the same tile designs are on the east side of the roof and two on the west side. It is vital that you follow the correct instructions or you could end up opening none of the gates. For instance, if you place 3 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts into 3 corresponding receptacles and 1 Eye Of The Serpent into a differing receptacle, then none of the gates will open. Inside each gate, there is a Pentagram.

You need 4 Eye Of The Serpent to open 1 golden gate on the north temple.

You need 8 Eye Of The Serpent to open 2 golden gates on the north temple.

You need 12 Eye Of The Serpent to open all 3 golden gates on the north temple.

If you have less than 4 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts, you will not be able to open any of the golden gates on the north temple.

If you are unable to open any of the gates ~ Head to the north transporter and travel back to the central island. Nip into the west transporter, zap back to The Aqueduct and follow the walkthrough from Proceeding In The Maze

If you have 4 or more Eye Of The Serpent ~ Follow the walkthrough from Opening The Golden Gates

Opening The Golden Gates

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 north end receptacles Screenshot will open the right side gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 middle receptacles Screenshot will open the middle gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 south end receptacles Screenshot will open the left side gate Screenshot

Getting The Pentagram Artefacts

You may have noticed that inside each gate there is 1 x Pentagram artefact. How many gates you have opened will depend on how many Pentagrams are accessible to you. We will discuss this further when we reach the golden gates. So, head into the north transporter, zap back to the central island and use the NW floating ledges to get back to the north temple.

Now, let's see what happens when we enter the gates and take the Pentagrams.

Right Gate ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths Pentagram. Enter the right side gate, take Pentagram 1 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Wrath Of The Wraiths level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Middle Gate ~ Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram. Enter the middle gate, take Pentagram 2 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Lair Of The Serpents level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Left Gate ~ The Aqueduct Pentagram. Enter the left gate, take Pentagram 3 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you The Aqueduct level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Don't worry if you were unable to get all of the Pentagrams, you can get them later on.

Return To The Aqueduct

Ok, it's now time to head back to The Aqueduct, but you will return here later on for another secret when you have the Sword of Fithos. For now though, use the floating ledges to get back to the central island, nip into the west transporter and zap back to The Aqueduct.


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ Revisited

Proceeding In The Maze

Note: If you have just returned from Limbo, head out of the transporter room and make your way to the glass floor above the maze.

The Four Levers & The 2nd Eye Piece

Only use the first lever from the left. This will open a gate down in the maze (directly below your feet). Drop back down to the ground using the slopes in the NE corner that you came up here by, then run all the way around to the north side of the maze. Run under the first open gate, head to the end of the passage, then go right and enter the newly opened gate. Use the wall-lever inside the gate to open the next gate, then head out to the left and make your way to the end of the passage. Now go L - L into the newly opened gate.

To the right you will see a skeleton lying at the end of the passage. This is a floor-lever, but you need the Sword of Fithos to activate it. So, ignore the skeleton for now and head to the left. At the end of the passage, use the wall-lever to open gate on the south side of the maze, then return up the passage and head left. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go L - L and enter the newly opened gate.

Note the Black Beetle and 2nd Eye Piece behind closed gates in front of you, then head into the passage to the left and use the wall-lever to close the gate on the east side of the maze. Head back out of the passage, go L - L and run past the gate you have just closed. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go right and use the slopes to get back up to the top of the maze.

Raise the first wall-lever. This will open the east gate, and the gate to the 2nd Eye Piece. Now make your way down the slopes again and go L - R into the open gate. At the end of the passage, enter the next gate and pick up the 2nd Eye Piece.

Using The 1st & 2nd Eye Pieces

Return to the slopes and head back up to the top of the maze again. Enter the passage in the NW corner and make your way through until you come to a lava-trap. Jump the lava-trap to get to the other side of the passage, then head on until you come to a second lava-trap. Look down into the lava-trap and spot a ladder on the wall inside. Climb down the ladder and drop off into the passage to your left. Use the wall-lever at the end of the passage to open a gate at the top of the passage, and then climb back up the ladder and head to the top of the passage. The newly opened gate is ahead and beyond that you can see the large gate that you saw when you collected the Eye Pieces. Combine the 1st Eye Piece with the 2nd Eye Piece to make the Eye Of Horus and use it to open the gate. Save your game before heading through the gate because a boulder-run awaits you.

The Boulder-Run

Start sprinting down the slope ahead. The boulders will fall behind you and it's non-stop until you reach the next room. Do not stop sprinting or the boulders will catch up with you. Also make sure that you don't run into the side walls or Lara will burn. At the end of the slope, run-jump over the spikes and lava pit to land on a crumbling tile, then continue to run-jump over the next lava pit, grab the edge of the ledge and pull up.

Crashing Spiked-Walls

You are now facing a crashing spiked-wall passage. Turn around (east) and look into the lava pool room. Note the closed gate in the wall to your right, the lowered hatch to your left and a dark-tile on the pillar to your left. The dark-tile is a block that will lower later on. Now turn around and walk towards the first spiked-wall. Look into the left alcove behind the first spiked-wall and spot a skeleton-lever behind a gate. Time your jump (or run) past the first spiked-wall, then head past the second spiked-wall and walk ahead to the third spiked-wall. Look into the right alcove behind the spiked-wall and note the passage. You will come back to later on. Now continue past the spiked-walls (taking note of the closed floor-hatch on your way) and make your way to the room at the end of the passage.

The crashing spiked-walls will stop when you reach the new room, but they will activate again when you re-enter the passage. Now note the closed floor-hatch ahead and run past it into the next room.

The Hallway

You are now in a long hallway with several openings and a deep central pit. Start by entering the small room to your right (north) and collect the pack of Flares from the pedestal. Light a flare to see a triangular gap in the west wall, then head through the gap to the small passage beyond and use the wall-lever inside to open a gate elsewhere. Head back out to the hallway and walk to the central pit.

Take a look down inside the central pit and note the deadly pool and slopes below (which you will be visiting much later on). Now enter the passage to your left; but stop before going all the way inside because a crashing spiked-wall is active in the passage. Time the spiked-wall, then run left of it and head to the end of the passage. Use the skeleton-lever here to open a gate in the crashing spiked-wall passage. This gate will give you access back to the beginning of the level. Time the spiked-wall to get back into the hallway, then turn around and walk back towards the spiked-wall. Go right of the spiked-wall this time and head down the following passage. At the end of the passage, go right and make your way over into the small north room.

Note the secret keyhole ahead, then nip into the east room and note the skeleton on the floor. This is another floor-lever and you will need the Sword of Fithos to activate it. So, head back out to the secret keyhole and make your way into the west passage.

Note the Black Beetle behind the closed west gate, then head left (south) and walk to the central pit. Run-jump over the pit, grab the edge of the south passage and pull up inside. Go left in the passage and use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the gate back at the secret keyhole area. Now head back out of the passage, run-jump over the pit and head into the north passage. Go right to the secret keyhole room, then run ahead into the small east room and enter the newly opened gate.

Go right, spot a wall-lever on the south wall and save your game! The lever is timed to the hatch at the start of the crashing spiked-wall passage. You need to make it onto the hatch and push a block in into a wall before the hatch lowers again. Sprinting all the way will get you there in good time.

Use the lever, then head out of the room and into the secret keyhole room. Go left out of the room (watch out for the spike-trap that pops out from the wall as you approach the hallway) and head over into the south passage. Go left into the single crashing spiked-wall passage, then time the wall and run left of it to get back into the hallway. Head right, run ahead to the crashing spiked-wall passage and sprint past the walls (this is possible if you time it correctly) to get to the lava pool at the end of the passage. Now nip onto the raised hatch and push the block in the pillar forwards before the hatch lowers again.

Placing the block has now opened the gate on the other side of the lava pool. So, turn around run-jump to the south passage and use the skeleton-lever inside to activate the floor-hatch in the crashing-wall passage. The hatch will not be open at this point, but it will do so when you approach it. Jump back to the crashing spiked-wall passage and time your way past the walls until you reach the wall before the floor-hatch. Now run onto the floor-hatch to open it and drop down into a pool below.

Below you now is a floor-hatch and beyond that is the Secret Key; which you can't reach yet. Note the gate in the south wall of the pool, then swim up and surface in the pool. Climb out onto the pillar in the NW corner and use the lever on the north wall. Drop back into the pool, pull out on the east side and use the lever on the south wall to open the gate in the pool. (Also note the smaller pool with the central ledge which you will come back to later on). Swim down through the newly opened south gate, make your way to the end of the flooded passage and pull out to the east.

Note the Bag of Sand behind a closed gate to your left and the keyhole to your right, then nip to the end of the passage ahead and note the skeleton-lever (which you will come back to later on when you have the Sword of Fithos).

Head past the keyhole into the room beyond and step onto the floor-hatch. As you do so, a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Golden Key on a pedestal and various hatches and levers in the following rooms. As soon as the cut-scene ends, the floor-hatch will open and Lara will fall into a pool below.

In the room above the pool, you can see some levers and lowered hatches. This is a timed-run that you will be doing shortly. Swim through the passage in the west wall of the pool and pull out at the end. Head to the end of the passage and find yourself on a ledge above the pool. As you walked out onto the ledge, the east wall gate opened down in the pool room. Note the various hatches and levers up inside the walls of the room, then drop down to the pool room below and head over to the east wall lever.

A Timed-Run For The Golden Key

Save your game, then use the lever to temporarily raise the first hatch up on the north wall. Drop into the pool and swim back to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water and run to the ledge at the end of the passage. Face left, walk forwards to the edge of the ledge, then jump and grab the raised hatch and pull up. Use the lever on the north wall to temporarily raise the hatch to your right, then side-jump right onto the next north wall hatch. Use the lever on the north wall to open the east wall gate, then roll and run-jump with a left curve into the east gate before it closes.

Head through to the end of the following passage (taking care not to fall into the lava-trap at the end) and pull up into the upper passage to your right. Make your way to the end of the passage and step onto the trigger-tile. This will temporarily raise the north wall hatch, and then your time begins as soon as you leave the trigger-tile. Run-jump towards the raised hatch and grab it as far to the right as you can. Quickly pull up onto the hatch, turn slightly right and stand-jump into the north wall alcove. There's a monkey swing above you now, so grab hold of it and use it to get to the passage in the south wall. Head to the top of the passage, note the Black Beetle behind the closed north gate and then take the Golden Key from the pedestal to your right.

The Bag Of Sand

As you take the Golden Key, the gate beyond the pedestal will open, giving access to the top of the room. Head through the gate, then go left and enter the north passage. Use the Golden Key on the keyhole to open the gate to your left, and then nip inside the gate and collect the Bag Of Sand from the pedestal.

Find The Torch

When you take the Bag of Sand, you will see a shot of a block rising in the small pool room you visited earlier. Leave the room and head right. Drop into the water-hole and swim back through the long flooded passage to the pool you visited earlier.

Pull out of the pool on the east side and spot the newly risen block in the pool ahead. Jump to the risen block, stand at the back of the block and face the right hand side of the NE corner slope Screenshot Stand-jump onto the slope, then only using the "jump key" bounce Lara onto the following three slopes. On the third slope, press the "action key" and grab the ladder on the pillar ahead. Climb to the top of the ladder and pull up onto the pillar. Turn around to face south and walk to the right hand corner of the pillar. Spot the ladder on the south wall, then run-jump over the slope ahead and grab the ladder. Climb the ladder to the top, then climb left and drop off into the east wall passage.

Ignore the closed gate at the end of the passage for now, turn around to face west and spot the jump-switch over on the west wall. Run-jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. You will see a shot of a gate opening back the crashing spiked-wall area and Lara will fall into the pool below.

Use the slopes and ladders again to get back up to the east wall passage. The gate at the end of the passage is now open. So, head down to it and watch the following cut-scene that kicks in showing you where you are. You are in fact inside a passage down in the lava pool at the end of the boulder run passage.

Note the jump-switch with a lowered hatch below it on the south wall and the spike-trapped alcove in the east wall. Inside the alcove there is a wall-lever and in front of the spike-trap there is a safe ledge. Start by jumping to the safe east wall ledge. Doing this will trigger the hatch below the jump-switch to rise. Now save your game because we're in for another timed-run!

The jump-switch is going to temporarily turn off the spike-trap in the alcove. So, run-jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. Roll on the hatch, run-jump towards the safe ledge and then pull up and nip inside the alcove. Use the lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes in the west wall alcove, then roll and run-jump with a left curve up into the west wall alcove (jump inside the alcove, don't grab it or you will run out of time) and use the lever inside to temporarily de-activate the spikes in the higher east wall alcove. Roll, and run-jump with a left curve into the higher east wall alcove (jump inside the alcove, don't grab it or you will run out of time) and use the final lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes on the higher west wall ledge. Roll and take a left curved running jump to the higher west wall ledge (jump onto the ledge, don't grab it or you will run out of time). Now quickly pull up onto the low west slope and slide-jump ahead to the crashing spiked-wall passage.

Run past the crashing spiked-walls (avoid falling through the floor-hatch again) and head down to the hallway. Run ahead to the central pit, and then take a left turn (south) into the single crashing spiked-wall passage. Time the wall, and then run right of it and head to the end of the passage. Go right, make your way over to the north passage and jump the skeleton-trap to get inside the north room. Go left of the secret keyhole and make your way around the passage to the other end of the hallway. Run-jump over to the south passage, then go R - R and walk to the end of the short passage. You are now at the west end of the hallway. Run-jump over to the north passage and head into a passage with a grated wall.

Note the closed floor-hatch at the end of the passage to your right, then look through the grated north wall and spot the Torch on a pedestal. Whip out your pistols, shoot at the grated wall and then nip inside the passage. Watch the following cut-scene showing you two wall-torches back at the start of the level, then pick up The Torch.

Lighting The Torch

Leave the passage and head out to the central pit. Jump to the balcony to your right and note the closed gate for later on. Jump into the south passage, and then go L - L, jump to the balcony to your right and then jump into the north passage. Head around to the right into the secret keyhole room, then go right and jump over the skeleton-trap. Enter the south passage, make your way down to the single crashing spiked-wall and run left of the wall to get back to the hallway.

Note: If you haven't been following the walkthrough from the start, you might not have opened the gate to the beginning of the level yet. You need to do this or you will not be able to reach the room where you light the Torch. So, before leaving the hallway and heading back to the crashing spiked-wall passage, leave your Torch in the hallway and walk back to the single crashing spiked-wall passage. Time the spiked-wall, and then run left of it, head to the end of the passage and use the skeleton-lever to open a gate in the crashing spiked-wall passage. This gate will give you access back to the beginning of the level. Now time the spiked-wall to get back into the hallway and pick up your Torch.

Make your way to the crashing spiked-wall passage, and then time the walls to get to the spiked-wall before the floor-hatch. Run-jump past the spiked-wall, floor-hatch and the following spiked-wall. You now need to enter the passage to the left (behind the crashing spiked-wall). So, time the wall to get past it, then head down the passage and jump over the lava-trap. Head around to the end of the passage and arrive back at the start of the level. Now light the Torch on the burning wall-torch on the south wall.

Open The Wall-Sconce Task

Light the other wall-torch on the south wall and the floor-hatch will open back at the passage with the grated wall (where you collected the Torch from). Keep your lit Torch with you at all times and leave via the west wall opening. Go L - L, head back through to the lava-trap and jump back into the crashing spiked-wall passage. Go right of the spiked-wall and make your way back down to the hallway. Head to the central pit and go left into the single crashing spiked-wall passage. As you did before, make your way through the passages to the secret keyhole room, then continue on through the left passage and make your way back to the passage with the grated wall (where you collected the Torch from). Now drop down inside the now open floor-hatch.


If you want to get the next secret, you must do it now because the secret gate will close after you have done the wall-sconce task. You do not need the Torch with you at this point, so hit the "number 1 key" to drop it. The Torch will be safe here until you need it again.

Approach the south gate to open it, and then walk ahead to the lava pool. Run-jump over the lava pool to the south passage and head through. You can see the Waterskin on a pedestal behind the closed south gate. Head right into the next passage, make your way to the end and slide down into the lower passage for the Secret ~ LMP.

The Wall-Sconce Task & The Waterskin

A gate has opened above you now, so jump up inside it and land in the passage next to your Torch. Pick up your Torch and walk ahead to the lava pool. Now take a look inside the lava pool chamber and note the slopes and the two wall-sconces (east and west walls). You need to use the slopes to get to the wall-sconces and light them. Doing so will open the gate to the Waterskin.

Wall-Sconce 1

Make sure you have your Torch in hand, look around the wall to the left and spot the slope. Jump with a left curve to land on the slope, then curve-jump right onto the next slope. Slide to the very end of the slope, then curve-jump left onto the long north wall slope. As Lara hits the slope, do a mid-air turn so that she is facing south, then press the "left directional key" to curve Lara onto the south wall slope. Keep the "jump ~ alt and left directional keys" pressed and bounce between the two long slopes until you are at the east end of the slopes. Now jump onto the small slope on the south wall, bounce left onto the east wall ledge and light the wall-sconce.

Four things will now happen. 1 ~ The Waterskin gate will open. 2 ~ The secret gate will close. 3 ~ The south wall gate will close. 4 ~ A small earth quake will re-arrange the slopes in the lava pool, giving you a route to the west wall-sconce.

Wall-Sconce 2

Face the long south wall slope and run-jump onto it. Bounce between the two long slopes and press the "right directional key" to move Lara to the west end of the slopes. At the end of the slopes, jump onto the small south wall slope and immediately jump to the small slope to your right. Slide-jump left onto the next slope, slide-jump right onto the next slope, slide-jump left onto the next slope, then slide-jump right onto the west wall ledge. Now light the wall-sconce to re-open the secret gate and raise a block under the north passage.

Take your Torch with you and run-jump onto the north wall block. Take a running jump up inside the south passage, head through to the south room and stop just after the gate. You need to drop your Torch here, but take care not to drop it into the pool or you will not be able to proceed. Use the "number 1 key" to drop the Torch close to you, then nip over to the central pedestal and pick up the Waterskin.

Locate The Waterwheel Room

Note the three element scales behind the south wall railings. You have the Bag of Sand, the Torch and the Waterskin, so all you need now is the Vase of Oil to complete the task. Also note the skeleton in the SE corner (which you will come back to when you have the Sword of Fithos) and the dark block in the NW corner pillar (which you will lower later on).

Now for some swimming. Nip over to the west side of the pool and swim down through the hole in the grating. Swim through the west passage and out into a flooded cave, then swim to the end of the cave and swim up to a waterfall. Face north, pull out onto the slope and back-flip to the top of the waterfall. Run south and you will find yourself inside a large waterwheel room.

The Waterwheel Room ~ Secret

Head to the NW corner of the room, light a flare and pull up onto the block. Crawl through the triangular west wall gap and make your way to the end of the passage. Stand-jump up the three tall steps to get to the top passage and then head to the T-junction at the end of the following passage. Take a left turn, run down into a small railed passage and collect the Secret ~ LMP ~ Revolver Ammo from the pedestals.

The Vase Of Oil

Return back through the passages and nip back down into the waterwheel room. Note the closed floor-hatches on the east and west sides of the room, then head south and run behind the waterfall. Spot the ladder on the south wall and start to climb up. When you are about half way up, back-flip to the slope behind you, then bounce forwards and grab the upper south slope. Shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat ledge, then turn around, face NW and spot the jump-switch up on the north wall. Position Lara like so Screenshot side-flip left onto the slope and bounce forwards to grab the jump-switch. As you fall, you will land on a lower slope. So, press the "action key" to grab the end of the slope, then safety-drop to ground.

You now need to locate and use five uw-levers to open the way to the Vase of Oil.

1st Underwater-Lever

The jump-switch has opened the floor-hatch over on the east side of the room, so head over there and drop through the hatch. Swim down into the flooded passage and go west to the closed golden gate. Go right (north) of the gate, make your way to the end of the passage, then go right again and locate the uw-lever at the end of the short passage. Use the lever and get a shot of the closed floor-hatch back in the waterwheel room.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Return down the passage and swim up for some air. Dive back down into the west passage, but this time head left (south) of the golden gate. Just before the T-junction at the end of the passage, go R - R and locate the uw-lever. Use the lever and the floor-hatch back in the waterwheel room will open.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim back to the hatch for some air, and then swim back down into the west passage. Re-enter the south passage and swim to T-junction at the end. Go L - L - L into a small underwater chamber and locate the uw-lever on the south wall. When you use the lever, you will get a shot of a room above a flooded passage and the Vase of Oil in a room beyond.

4th Underwater-Lever

Swim back out of the passage and pull up into the waterwheel room. Head to the newly opened floor-hatch on the west side of the room, pick up the pack of Flares nearby and then drop down through the floor-hatch.

Swim into the north passage, make your way to the end then go R - R - L - L and locate the uw-lever on the north wall. When you use the lever, you will see another shot of the room above the flooded passage.

5th Underwater-Lever

Swim back down the passage and swim up for air. Swim south and make your way to the chamber at the end of the passage. Note the closed gates in the NE and SE corners of the chamber, and then swim through the triangular gap in the west wall. At the end of the passage, locate the uw-lever on the north wall and use it to open the hatch to the room above the flooded passage.

Swim back through the passages to the hatch-hole you entered here by, grab some air and then swim down through the east passage. At the end of the passage, go left of the golden gate and swim down inside the trench in the floor. At the end of the trench, swim up through the newly opened hatch and pull out into the room above.

Note the Vase of Oil behind the closed north gate, then light a flare and spot the jump-switch on the north wall (to the right of the gate). Use the jump-switch to open one of the gates you saw earlier in the flooded chamber, then drop back through the floor-hatch and swim to the end of the passage. Go right at the end of the passage, make your way to the end and swim up for air.

Swim down through the north passage, make your way to the end and go L - L into the flooded chamber. Swim through the newly opened NE corner gate and make your way to the end of the passage. Use the uw-lever to open the gate to the Vase of Oil, and then swim all the way back to the hatch-hole. Swim down into the east passage and make your way back to the room above the flooded passage. Pull out of the water, run ahead through the newly opened north gate and take the Vase Of Oil from the pedestal. Doing so will trigger the element scales gate to open.

Make Your Way Back To The Element Scales

You now have all the items you need to complete the element scales puzzle. So, head out of the room, drop back through the floor-hatch and swim back to the hatch-hole. Pull out into the waterwheel room and exit via the north doorway. At the end of the passage, drop down from the top of the waterfall and swim back to the element scales room.

The Element Scales Puzzle

Note: Please save your game before placing any of the elements into the scales. Then if you place an element into the incorrect scale, you can just re-load from your save and try again.

Start by filling up your Waterskin with water from the pool, then head over to the element scales and note the symbols on them. From left to right: Water ~ Oil ~ Earth. Each time you correctly place an item on the scales, you will see a shot of the final closed gate back in the hallway by the crashing spiked-walls passage. So, use the Waterskin on the left scale, the Vase of Oil on the middle scale and the Bag of Sand on the right scale. Now grab your Torch (that you left by the entrance to the room) and use it to light the oil in the middle scale. When all of the elements are correctly in place, you will get a shot of the gate opening at the west end of the hallway.

Make Your Way Back To The Hallway

Leave the element scales room via the north passage and walk towards the lava pool. The north wall gate on the other side of the lava pool will open as you approach, so jump over and pull up into the north passage. Climb the ladder to your left and pull up at the top. The gate you hear slam shut is the element scales room gate. Head out of the passage and around to the left. At the end of the short passage, you will see the newly opened gate to your right. Jump over the railings, enter the newly opened gate and make your way to the liquid glass wall at the end of the passage. Pick up the LMP and Flares from the pedestals, then nip through the liquid glass wall into the mirror room. The liquid glass wall is one way only I'm afraid, so there's no going back once you have passed through it.

The Mirror Room ~ The Ruby Cube

As you arrive in the mirror room, a long cut-scene will kick in showing you various clues in the new room. You will also see a mirror image of a skeleton mounting a horse and making his way towards you. When you have control of Lara again, the skeleton will be close by, so get ready to run and make some space between you and the skeleton. Shoot the skeleton on his right side (that's the side he is carrying his sword on). Eventually, the horse will keel over and it’s just you and the skeleton. Continue shooting, but this time aim at the skeleton's chest. Eventually he will fall and leave you the Ruby Cube.

The Sword Of Fithos

Note the central pyramid requiring 4 x Black Beetles. We will come back to that later on. For now though, make your way to the mirrored wall on the south side of the room and head to the central alcove with the cage. Inside the cage you can see the Sword of Fithos, but it's trapped securely inside the cage. Look to the left of the cage and spot the receptacle on the nearby pillar. Place the Ruby Cube into the receptacle to raise a block on the north side of the room, then head over to the NE corner of the room and spot the closed floor-hatch. To the left of the floor-hatch is the block you just raised, but it's too high to pull up onto. So, jump onto the lower triangular block then stand-jump to the higher block and pull up. Now face west, run-jump to the ladder on the pillar ahead and climb up, but don't pull up at the top yet. Note the hole in the ceiling above you with a ladder inside, then pull up at the top of the ladder and immediately jump forwards to grab the ladder inside the hole in the ceiling. Climb to the top of the ladder, then pull up and head to the end of the passage. Now drop down onto the pillar below. 

Note the closed west wall gate. It holds a secret which you will get later on. For now though, face south and note the jump-switch on the pillar ahead with a closed floor-hatch below it. Below the floor-hatch there is a lava-trap; and yes, the floor-hatch will open very shortly after using the jump-switch. So, take a running jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. Now quickly side-flip left or right to avoid the pending death-trap.

The jump-switch has lowered a block on another pillar, giving you access to the west wall passage. Nip around to the other side of the jump-switch pillar, head to the next south pillar and pull up on the west side of it. Run-jump to the west wall passage and make your way to the end. Turn around, grab the wall ladder above and climb up into the passage above. Now make your way to the end of the long passage and Lara will arrive on a balcony. Note the skeleton to your left, which requires the sword of fithos, then head right and use the skeleton-lever to raise a pillar down in the room.

Make your way back down the passage and jump back to the pillar. Walk to the east side and face the suspended cage. Stand-jump to grab the top of the cage and pull up. Now jump to the pillar ladder ahead, shimmy all the way around to the other side of it and back-flip to the newly raised pillar. Use the chain-pulley on top of the pillar to raise the cage surrounding the Sword of Fithos, then drop to ground and head over to the south side of the room for the Sword Of Fithos.

Important Steps For A Secret Pentagram

Note: If you did not get The Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, you can get access to it later on. If you did get the Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, you will not have access to the Pentagram in this level because you will not need it. However, you can still get another pick-up from the secret room. The following steps are essential if you wish to get The Aqueduct Pentagram and/or the other secret goodies.

Head back to the pillar you used to access the west wall passage, climb back up and re-enter the west wall passage. Make your way back up the balcony and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the hatch above the Secret Key. You will collect the key later on.

Make your way back down to the main room and head to the NE corner of the room. Locate the skeleton lying on the floor and use the Sword of Fithos on it to open the nearby floor-hatch. Drop down into the flooded passage inside the floor-hatch and let the current take Lara to the end of the passage. Now pull up out of the water, head to the end of the passage and find yourself back at the glass covered maze.

A Detour Back To Limbo For A Secret

Head SW to the south wall passage and go through. At the end of the passage, nip into the transporter and head back to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Revisited 2


You are now back on the central island in Limbo. Use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to raise a hatch on the ledge behind the transporter, and then jump onto the hatch. Face west, run-jump towards the triangular ledge, grab it and pull up. Take a right curved running jump to the following NW ledge, and then face south. Note the triangular rock on the corner of the island. You need to run-jump to the right hand side of it, and then bounce westwards and curve-jump left onto the island. You've now landed on a spike-trap which is about to activate, so jump clear of the pending trap, then collect the Secret ~ The Crossbow ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the pedestals.

Return To The Aqueduct

Taking care not to venture too close to the spike-trap, pull up onto the NE corner ledge and note that the triangular ledge down to your right is now fire-trapped; so you won't be using that. Walk to the NE corner of the ledge, and then face east towards the other triangular ledge. Time the spike-trap behind you, and then hop back and run-jump over to the triangular ledge. Now jump back to the hatch, jump onto the central island and nip inside the transporter to return to The Aqueduct.


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ Revisited 2

The 1st Black Beetle

Head out of the transporter room and make your way out onto the glass covered maze. Head over to the NE corner and use the slopes to slide down to the ground. Make your way to the west side of the maze, then enter the east gate and head right. At the end of the passage, use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the gate to the 1st Black Beetle, then head out of the passage and go L - L. Half way down the passage, go left through the north gate, then go straight on and use the Sword of Fithos to pry the 1st Black Beetle from the wall. You will now see a shot of a gate opening at the top of the maze.

The 2nd Black Beetle

Head out from the beetle passage and go L - L - R to the slope passage. Use the slopes to get to the top of the maze again, then head to the SE corner and enter the newly opened south gate. Drop into the water-hole inside the gate and let the current take Lara to the end of the flooded passage. Pull out of the water and find yourself back at the timed-hatch and lever room.

Note the closed west gate with the 2nd Black Beetle behind it, then make your way through to the north passage and take note of the Bag of Sand pedestal you visited earlier. You will be making a hasty retreat through there soon. For now though, go R - R and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the west gate in the previous room. Now re-enter the previous room and head inside the newly opened west gate.

You can see the Black Beetle ahead of you now, but don't touch it yet! Note the monkey swing above you, top up with health and save your game. Pry the 2nd Black Beetle from the wall, and then quickly grab the monkey swing to escape the flood of scarabs that come pouring out from the wall. The gate has also closed, so swing towards it to open it, then drop to ground and quickly head into the north passage. Run through to the north room, and then go left past the Bag of Sand pedestal you visited earlier and drop into the water-hole. Lara will now be swept away down a long flooded passage and arrive in the flooded chamber below the scales element room.

The 3rd Black Beetle

Swim to the west side of the flooded chamber, then swim up through the hole in the grating and pull up into the scales element room. Head to the NE corner of the room and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to lower the block in the NW pillar. Now nip up onto the pillar and pry the 3rd Black Beetle from the wall.

The 4th Black Beetle

As you take the 3rd Black Beetle, you will hear a rush of water rush and the current has changed course in the flooded passage below the room. Drop back through the hole in the gating and swim through the east passage. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and slide down into the secret keyhole room.

Go left into the east room and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the gate in the west passage. Make your way to the newly opened gate in the west passage, but do not touch the Black Beetle yet! First note the "Guns" sign on the wall behind the Black Beetle. This indicates that you will need to use your pistols soon. Now pick up the LMP, top up with health and save your game.

Pry the 4th Black Beetle from the wall and the south and east gates will close. You are now trapped with a hoard of hungry scarabs, so quickly roll and whip out your pistols. This will trigger the gates to open (there's no need to fire the pistols) and Lara can make her escape. Ignore the east gate and run immediately right into the south passage. Jump over to the south passage and the scarabs will follow, run over the edge of the pit and fall into the lava pool.


Return to the north passage (if any scarabs are still roaming around, just keep jumping back to the south passage until they have all dropped into the lava pool) and head around into the secret keyhole room. Go right into the south passage and jump the skeleton-trap to get into the hallway. Head through to the south passage and time the single crashing spiked-wall to get to the east end of the hallway. Go right to the crashing spiked-wall passage and then time the walls to get to the spiked-wall in front of the floor-hatch. In the east wall inside the floor-hatch hole there is a secret passage. Stand Lara as close to the crashing spiked-wall as possible and then time the wall and run into the hatch hole. As soon as Lara is past the edge of the hole, press the "action key" to glide her down into the lower passage. Now run through to the room at the end of the passage and collect the Secret ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo.

Note: Only visit the secret area once. If you do happen to return here later on, the secret bell will chime again, the secret will register twice and your secret count will get messed up.

The Shotgun & The Secret Key

You are now in a small maze type complex and the Secret Key is at the end of the west passage, but don't go there just yet. Head into the north or south passage, make your way around to the higher west room and take the Shotgun from the pedestal. If you enter the west passage, a ceiling-hatch will open giving you access back to the hallway, but as you still need to get the Secret Key, you can ignore the ceiling hatch for now. Head back through the east passage and make your way back to the lower room where you collected the secret. Enter the west passage, drop down into the hole and Lara will fall into the pool you visited earlier. Now swim down through the open hatch and pick up the Secret Key.


When you collect the Secret Key, the north gate will open. Swim through and head to the end of the passage. Don't turn into the left passage, swim straight on and collect a LMP from the end of the passage. Now swim into the west passage, make your way through the long flooded passage and pull out at the end. You are now in a passage above the secret keyhole room. Slide down into the room and use the Secret Key on the keyhole. You will get a cut-scene showing you a gate opening back in the mirror room.

Leave via the west gate, and then go left into the south passage. Jump over to the south passage, then head right and make your way to the end of the passage. Go right at the end of the passage, then jump left onto the outer west ledge and head through the west gate. Make your way to the end of the passage and nip through the liquid glass wall to get back to the mirror room.

Head to the NE corner of the room and use the triangular block to get onto the higher north pillar. Use the west pillar ladder to get up inside the passage in the hole in the ceiling, and then drop down at the end of the passage and run-jump into the newly opened west wall gate. Now head inside the room for the Secret ~ Pentagram 1 ~ LMP. Note: If you already have The Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, the Pentagram in this room will not be accessible to you because you will not need it. If you do not have The Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, then take it from here and watch the block rise over The Aqueduct Pentagram in Limbo.

Using The 4 x Black Beetles ~ The Soul Cube

Drop back down into the main room and head to the central pyramid. Place the 4 x Black Beetles into the sides of the pyramid to open it, then reach inside the pyramid and take the Soul Cube

Using The Soul Cube

Make your way over to the north side of the room and nip up into the north passage. Enter the room at the end of the passage and place the soul cube in the devil’s hand. The Laser Sight will now appear on the pedestal behind you, then as you pick it up a transporter will activate and the gate to the mirror room will close. Nip into the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths 


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct Route 2

4 Secrets

1st Eye Piece. 2nd Eye Piece. Eye Of Horus. Golden Key. Bag Of Sand. The Torch. Waterskin. Vase Of Oil. Ruby Cube. Sword Of Fithos (crowbar).

4 x Black Beetle. Secret Key. Soul Cube. The Laser Sight.

Very Important Notes

During this level, there are three main entry points to Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

Route 1 ~ When you first enter the area above the glass covered maze Screenshot

Route 2 ~ Before collecting the 4 x Black Beetles Screenshot

Route 3 ~ When you return to The Aqueduct from the Lair Of The Serpents level Screenshot This route will be covered when you have returned to The Aqueduct from the Lair Of The Serpents.

This walkthrough is for Route 2. You will be visiting Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2 before collecting the 4 x Black Beetles.

Note: If you require the walkthrough for Route 1 ~ Follow the walkthrough for The Aqueduct ~ Route 1

The 1st Eye Piece

In front of you (south) there is a lighter coloured wall-tile in the south wall. This is a closed door; although it's not obvious. To your left (east) there is a small maze and to your right (west) there is a small room with a skeleton-lever and a closed gate.

Head into the room to your right and use the skeleton-lever to open the south door outside. Head out of the room and run around into the newly opened door (which will slam shut behind you). Run ahead and you are up against a well concealed moveable-block directly in front of you. Push the block forward once, and then climb onto it and back-flip into the room above. Run into the room and collect the Flares and the 1st Eye Piece from the pedestals. When you take the 1st Eye Piece, you will and get a cut-scene of a large closed door in another area. Drop back to the lower passage and pull the movable-block back onto the trigger-tile to open the door again.

Head right (east) and go directly ahead into the east passage. You are now in the outer passages surrounding an inner maze. Follow the passage to the end, then go left and make your way to the end of the passage. Now go right and enter a small passage with a slope at the end. Turn your back to the slope, back-flip onto the slope and bounce forwards to grab the slope above. Pull up, then back-flip on to the slope behind and bounce forwards to the upper ledge. Now run ahead and slide down to the top of a glass covered maze.

The Glass Covered Maze

Note the passage in the south wall over in the SW corner. It has a transporter inside which will take you to Limbo; but in this route you will not be taking that journey yet, so ignore the passage and concentrate on the four wall-levers on the north wall.

The Four Levers & The 2nd Eye Piece

Only use the first lever from the left. This will open a gate down in the maze (directly below your feet). Drop back down to the ground using the slopes in the NE corner that you came up here by, then run all the way around to the north side of the maze. Run under the first open gate, head to the end of the passage, then go right and enter the newly opened gate. Use the wall-lever inside the gate to open the next gate, then head out to the left and make your way to the end of the passage. Now go L - L into the newly opened gate.

To the right you will see a skeleton lying at the end of the passage. This is a floor-lever, but you need the Sword of Fithos to activate it. So, ignore the skeleton for now and head to the left. At the end of the passage, use the wall-lever to open gate on the south side of the maze, then return up the passage and head left. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go L - L and enter the newly opened gate.

Note the Black Beetle and 2nd Eye Piece behind closed gates in front of you, then head into the passage to the left and use the wall-lever to close the gate on the east side of the maze. Head back out of the passage, go L - L and run past the gate you have just closed. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go right and use the slopes to get back up to the top of the maze.

Raise the first wall-lever. This will open the east gate and the gate to the 2nd Eye Piece. Now make your way down the slopes again and go L - R into the open gate. At the end of the passage, enter the next gate and pick up the 2nd Eye Piece.

Using The 1st & 2nd Eye Pieces

Return to the slopes and head back up to the top of the maze again. Enter the passage in the NW corner and make your way through until you come to a lava-trap. Jump the lava-trap to get to the other side of the passage, then head on until you come to a second lava-trap. Look down into the lava-trap and spot a ladder on the wall. Climb down the ladder and drop off into the passage to your left. Use the wall-lever at the end of the passage to open a gate at the top of the passage, then climb back up the ladder and head to the top of the passage. The newly opened gate is ahead and beyond that you can see the large door that you saw when you collected the Eye Pieces. Combine the 1st Eye Piece with the 2nd Eye Piece to make the Eye Of Horus, and then place it on the door to open it. Now save your game for a boulder-run!

The Boulder-Run

Start sprinting down the slope ahead and the boulders will fall behind you. Do not stop sprinting or the boulders will catch up with you. Also make sure that you don't run into the side walls or Lara will burn. At the end of the slope, run-jump over the spikes and lava pit and land on a collapsible-tile. Now run-jump over the next lava pit, grab the edge of the ledge and pull up.

Crashing Spiked-Walls

You are now facing a crashing spiked-wall passage. Turn around (east) and look into the lava pool room. Note the closed gate in the wall to your right, the lowered hatch to your left and a dark-tile on the pillar to your left. The dark-tile is a block that will lower later on. Now turn around and walk towards the first spiked-wall. Look into the left alcove behind the first spiked-wall and spot a skeleton-lever behind a gate. Time your jump (or run) past the first spiked-wall, then head past the second spiked-wall and walk ahead to the third spiked-wall. Look into the alcove to the right (behind the spiked-wall) and note the passage. You will come back to later on. Now continue past the spiked-walls (taking note of the closed floor-hatch on your way) and make your way to the room at the end of the passage.

The crashing spiked-walls will stop when you reach the new room and activate again when you re-enter the passage, so remember this for later on. Now note the closed floor-hatch ahead and run past it into the next room.

The Hallway

You are now in a long hallway with several passages and a deep central pit. Start by entering the small room to your right (north) and collect the pack of Flares from the pedestal. Light a flare to see a triangular gap in the west wall, then head through the gap to the small passage beyond and use the wall-lever inside to open a gate elsewhere. Head back out to the hallway and walk to the central pit.

Take a look down inside the pit and note the deadly pool and slopes below (which you will be visiting much later on). Now enter the passage to your left, but stop before going all the way inside because a crashing spiked-wall is active in the passage. Time the spiked-wall, then run left of it and head to the end of the passage. Use the skeleton-lever here to open a gate near the crashing spiked-wall passage. This gate will give you access back to the beginning of the level. Time the spiked-wall to get back into the hallway, then turn around and walk back towards the spiked-wall. Go right of the spiked-wall this time and head down the following passage. At the end of the passage, go right and make your way over into the small north room.

Note the secret keyhole ahead, then nip into the east room and note the skeleton on the floor. This is another floor-lever and you need the Sword of Fithos to activate it. So, head back out to the secret keyhole room and make your way into the west passage.

Note the Black Beetle behind the closed west gate, then head left (south) and walk to the central pit. Run-jump over the pit, grab the edge of the south passage and pull up inside. Go left in the passage and use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the gate back at the secret keyhole area. Now head out of the passage, run-jump over the pit and head into the north passage. Go right to the secret keyhole room, then run ahead into the small east room and enter the newly opened gate.

Go right, spot a wall-lever on the south wall and save your game for a timed-run! The lever is timed to the hatch at the start of the crashing spiked-wall passage. You need to make it onto the hatch and push a block in into a wall before the hatch lowers again. Sprinting all the way will get you there in good time.

Use the lever, and then head out of the room and into the secret keyhole room. Go left out of the room (watch out for the spike-trap that pops out from the wall as you approach the hallway) and head over into the south passage. Go left into the single crashing spiked-wall passage, then time the wall and run left of it to get back into the hallway. Head right, run ahead to the crashing spiked-wall passage and sprint past the walls (this is possible if you time it correctly) to get to the lava pool at the end of the passage. Now nip onto the raised hatch and push the block in the pillar forwards before the hatch lowers again.

Placing the block has now opened the gate on the other side of the lava pool. So, turn around run-jump to the south passage and use the skeleton-lever inside to activate the floor-hatch in the crashing-wall passage. The hatch will not be open at this point, but it will do so when you approach it. Jump back to the crashing spiked-wall passage and time your way past the walls until you reach the wall before the floor-hatch. Now run onto the floor-hatch to open it and drop down into a pool below.

Below you now is a floor-hatch and beyond that is the Secret Key (which you can't reach yet). Note the gate in the south wall of the pool, then swim up and surface in the pool. Climb out onto the pillar in the NW corner and use the lever on the north wall. Drop back into the pool, pull out on the east side and use the lever on the south wall to open the gate in the pool. (Also note the smaller pool with the central ledge which you will come back to later on). Swim down through the newly opened south gate, make your way to the end of the flooded passage and pull out to the east.

Note the Bag of Sand behind a closed gate to your left and the keyhole to your right, then nip to the end of the passage ahead and note the skeleton-lever (which you will come back to later on when you have the Sword of Fithos).

Head past the keyhole into the room beyond and step onto the floor-hatch. As you do so, a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Golden Key on a pedestal and various hatches and levers in the following rooms. As soon as the cut-scene ends, the floor-hatch will open and Lara will fall into a pool below.

In the room above the pool, you can see some levers and lowered hatches. This is a timed-hatch run that you will be doing shortly. Swim through the passage in the west wall of the pool and pull out at the end. Head to the end of the passage and find yourself on a ledge above the pool. As you walked out onto the ledge, the east wall gate opened down in the pool room. Note the various hatches and levers up inside the walls of the room, then drop down to the pool room and head over to the wall-lever on the east wall.

The Timed-hatch Run & The Golden Key

Save your game, and then use the lever to temporarily raise the first hatch up on the north wall. Drop into the pool and swim back through the passage. Pull out of the water and run to the ledge at the end of the passage. Face left, walk forwards to the edge of the ledge, then jump and grab the raised hatch and pull up. Use the lever on the north wall to temporarily raise the hatch to your right, then side-flip to the right and land on the next hatch. Use the lever on the north wall to open the east wall gate, then roll and run-jump with a left curve into the east gate before it closes.

Head through to the end of the following passage (taking care not to fall into the lava-trap at the end) and pull up into the upper passage to your right. Make your way to the end of the passage and step onto the trigger-tile. This will temporarily raise the north wall hatch, and then your time begins as soon as you leave the trigger-tile. Run-jump towards the raised hatch and grab it as far to the right as you can. Quickly pull up onto the hatch, turn slightly right and stand-jump into the north wall alcove. There's a monkey swing above you now, so use it to get to the passage in the south wall. Now head to the top of the passage, note the Black Beetle behind the closed north gate, then take the Golden Key from the pedestal to your right.

The Bag Of Sand

As you take the Golden Key, the gate beyond the pedestal will open, giving access to the top of the room. Head through the gate, then go left and enter the north passage. Use the Golden Key on the keyhole to open the gate to your left, and then nip inside the gate and collect the Bag Of Sand from the pedestal.

Find The Torch

When you take the Bag of Sand, you will see a shot of a block rising in the small pool room you visited earlier. Leave the room and head right. Drop into the water-hole and swim back through the long flooded passage to the pool you visited earlier.

Pull out of the pool on the east side and spot the newly risen block in the pool ahead. Jump to the risen block, stand at the back of the block and face the right hand side of the NE corner slope Screenshot Stand-jump onto the slope, then only using the "jump key" bounce Lara onto the following three slopes. On the third slope, press the "action key" and grab the ladder on the pillar ahead. Now climb to the top of the ladder and pull up onto the pillar. Turn around to face south and walk to the right hand corner of the pillar. Spot the ladder on the south wall, then run-jump over the slope ahead and grab the ladder. Climb the ladder to the top, then climb left and drop off into the east wall passage.

Ignore the closed gate at the end of the passage for now and turn around to face west. Spot the jump-switch over on the west wall, then run-jump towards it, grab it and pull it down. You will see a shot of a gate opening back the crashing spiked-wall area, and then Lara will fall into the pool below.

Use the slopes and ladders again to get back to the east wall passage and the gate at the end of the passage is now open. So, head on down to the gate and watch the following cut-scene that kicks in showing you where you are. You are in fact inside a passage down in the lava pool at the end of the boulder run passage.

Note the jump-switch with a lowered hatch below it on the south wall and the spike-trapped alcove in the east wall. Inside the alcove there is a wall-lever and in front of the spike-trap there is a safe ledge. Start by jumping to the safe east wall ledge. Doing this will trigger the hatch below the jump-switch to rise. Now save your game because we're in for another timed-run!

The jump-switch is going to temporarily turn off the spike-trap in the alcove. So, run-jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. Roll on the hatch, run-jump towards the safe ledge, then pull up and nip inside the alcove. Use the lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes in the west wall alcove, then roll and run-jump with a left curve up into the west wall alcove (jump inside the alcove, don't grab it or you will run out of time) and use the lever inside to temporarily de-activate the spikes in the higher east wall alcove. Roll, and run-jump with a left curve into the higher east wall alcove (jump inside the alcove, don't grab it or you will run out of time) and use the final lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes on the higher west wall ledge. Roll and take a left curved running jump to the higher west wall ledge (jump onto the ledge, don't grab it or you will run out of time). Now quickly pull up onto the low west slope and slide-jump ahead to the crashing spiked-wall passage.

Run past the crashing spiked-walls (avoid falling through the floor-hatch again) and head down to the hallway. Run ahead to the central pit, and then take a left turn (south) into the single crashing spiked-wall passage. Time the wall, and then run right of it and head to the end of the passage. Go right, make your way over to the north passage and jump the skeleton-trap to get inside the north room. Go left of the secret keyhole and make your way around the passage to the other end of the hallway. Run-jump over to the south passage, then go R - R and walk to the end of the short passage. You are now at the west end of the hallway. Run-jump over to the north passage and head into a passage with a grated wall.

Note the closed floor-hatch at the end of the passage to your right, then look through the grated north wall and spot the Torch on a pedestal. Whip out your pistols, shoot at the grated wall and then nip inside the passage. Watch the following cut-scene showing you two wall-torches back at the start of the level, then pick up The Torch.

Lighting The Torch

Leave the passage and head out to the central pit. Jump to the balcony to your right, note the closed gate for later on, and then jump into the south passage. Go L - L, jump to the balcony to your right and then jump into the north passage. Head around to the right into the secret keyhole room, then go right and jump over the skeleton-trap. Enter the south passage, make your way down to the single crashing spiked-wall and run left of the wall to get back to the hallway.

Note: If you haven't been following the walkthrough from the start, you might not have opened the gate to the beginning of the level yet. You need to do this or you will not be able to reach the room where you light the Torch. So, before leaving the hallway and heading back to the crashing spiked-wall passage, leave your Torch in the hallway and walk back to the single crashing spiked-wall passage. Time the spiked-wall, and then run left of it, head to the end of the passage and use the skeleton-lever to open a gate in the crashing spiked-wall passage. This gate will give you access back to the beginning of the level. Now time the spiked-wall to get back into the hallway and pick up your Torch.

Open The Wall-Sconce Task

Light the other wall-torch and the floor-hatch will open back at the passage with the grated wall (where you collected the Torch from). Keep your lit Torch with you at all times and leave via the west wall opening. Go L - L, head back through to the lava-trap and jump back into the crashing spiked-wall passage. Go right of the spiked-wall and make your way back down to the hallway. Head to the central pit and go left into the single crashing spiked-wall passage. As you did before, make your way through the passages to the secret keyhole room, then head through the left passage and make your way back to the passage with the grated wall (where you collected the Torch from). Now drop down inside the floor-hatch.


If you want to get the next secret, you must do it now because the secret gate will close after you have done the wall-sconce task. You do not need the Torch with you at this point, so hit the "number 1 key" to drop it. The Torch will be safe here until you need it again.

Approach the south gate to open it and then walk ahead to the lava pool. Run-jump over the lava pool to the south passage and head through. You can see the Waterskin on a pedestal behind the closed south gate. Head right into the next passage, make your way to the end and slide down into the lower passage for the Secret ~ LMP.

The Wall-Sconce Task & The Waterskin

A gate has opened above you now, so jump up inside it and land in the passage next to your Torch. Pick up your Torch and walk to the lava pool. Take a look inside the lava pool chamber and note the slopes and the two wall-sconces (east and west walls). You need to use the slopes to get to the wall-sconces and light them. Doing so will open the gate to the Waterskin.

Wall-Sconce 1

Make sure you have your Torch in hand, look around the wall to the left and spot the slope. Jump with a left curve to land on the slope, then curve-jump right onto the next slope. Slide to the very end of the slope, then curve-jump left onto the long north wall slope. As Lara hits the slope, do a mid-air turn so that she is facing south, then press the "left directional key" to curve Lara onto the south wall slope. Keep the "jump ~ alt and left directional keys" pressed and bounce between the two long slopes until you are at the east end of the slopes. Now jump onto the small slope on the south wall, bounce left onto the east wall ledge and light the wall-sconce.

Four things will now happen. 1 ~ The Waterskin gate will open. 2 ~ The secret gate will close. 3 ~ The south wall gate will close. 4 ~ A small earth quake will re-arrange the slopes in the lava pool, giving you a route to the west wall-sconce.

Wall-Sconce 2

Face the long south wall slope and run-jump onto it. Bounce between the two long slopes and press the "right directional key" to move Lara to the west end of the slopes. At the end of the slopes, jump onto the small south wall slope, then immediately jump to the small slope to your right. Slide-jump left onto the next slope, slide-jump right onto the next slope, slide-jump left onto the next slope, then slide-jump right onto the west wall ledge. Now light the wall-sconce to re-open the secret gate and raise a block under the north passage.

Take your Torch with you and run-jump onto the north wall block. Take a running jump up inside the south passage, head through to the south room and stop just after the gate. You need to drop your Torch here, but take care not to drop it into the pool or you will not be able to proceed. Use the "number 1 key" to drop the Torch close to you, then nip over to the central pedestal and pick up the Waterskin.

Locate The Waterwheel Room

Note the three element scales behind the south wall railings. You have the Bag of Sand, the Torch and the Waterskin, so all you need now is the Vase of Oil to complete the task. Also note the skeleton in the SE corner (which you will come back to when you have the Sword of Fithos) and the darker wall-tile in the NW corner pillar (which you will lower later on).

Now for some swimming. Nip over to the west side of the pool and swim down through the hole in the grating. Swim through the west passage and out into a flooded cave, then swim to the end of the cave and swim up to a waterfall. Face north, pull out onto the slope and back-flip to the top of the waterfall. Run south and you will find yourself inside a large waterwheel room.

The Waterwheel Room ~ Secret

Head to the NW corner of the room, light a flare and pull up onto the block. Crawl through the triangular west wall gap and make your way to the end of the passage. Stand-jump up the three tall steps to get to the top passage and then head to the T-junction at the end of the following passage. Take a left turn, run down into a small railed passage and collect the Secret ~ LMP ~ Revolver Ammo from the pedestals.

The Vase Of Oil

Return back through the passages and nip back down into the waterwheel room. Note the closed floor-hatches on the east and west sides of the room, then head south and run behind the waterfall. Spot the ladder on the south wall and start to climb up. When you are about half way up, back-flip to the slope behind you, then bounce forwards and grab the upper south slope. Shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat ledge, then turn around, face NW and spot the jump-switch up on the north wall. Position Lara like so Screenshot side-flip left onto the slope and bounce forwards to grab the jump-switch. As you fall, you will land on the lower slope. So, press the "action key" to grab the end of the slope, then safety-drop to ground.

You now need to locate and use five uw-levers to open the way to the Vase of Oil.

1st Underwater-Lever

The jump-switch has opened the floor-hatch over on the east side of the room, so head over there and drop through the hatch. Swim down into the flooded passage and go west to the closed golden gate. Go right (north) of the gate, make your way to the end of the passage, then go right again and locate the uw-lever at the end of the short passage. Use the lever and get a shot of the closed floor-hatch back in the waterwheel room.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Return down the passage and swim up for some air. Dive back down into the west passage, but this time head left (south) of the golden gate. Just before the T-junction at the end of the passage, go R - R and locate the 2nd uw-lever. Use the lever and the floor-hatch back in the waterwheel room will open.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim back to the hatch for some air, and then swim back down into the west passage. Re-enter the south passage and swim to T-junction at the end. Go L - L - L into a small underwater chamber and locate the 3rd uw-lever on the south wall. When you use the lever, you will get a shot of a room above a flooded passage, and the Vase of Oil is beyond that room.

4th Underwater-Lever

Swim back out of the passage and pull back up to the waterwheel room. Head to the newly opened floor-hatch on the west side of the room, pick up the pack of Flares nearby and then drop down through the floor-hatch.

Swim into the north passage, make your way to the end then go R - R - L - L and locate the 4th uw-lever on the north wall. When you use the lever, you will see another shot of the room above the flooded passage.

5th Underwater-Lever

Swim back down the passage and swim up for air. Swim south and make your way to the chamber at the end of the passage. Note the closed gates in the NE and SE corners of the chamber, and then swim through the triangular gap in the west wall. At the end of the passage, locate the uw-lever on the north wall and use it to open the hatch to the room above the flooded passage.

Swim back through the passages to the hatch-hole you entered here by, grab some air and then swim down through the east passage. At the end of the passage, go left of the golden gate and swim down inside the trench in the floor. At the end of the trench, swim up through the newly opened hatch and pull out into the room above.

Note the Vase of Oil behind the closed north gate, then light a flare and spot the jump-switch on the north wall (to the right of the gate). Use the jump-switch to open one of the gates you saw earlier in the flooded chamber, then drop back through the floor-hatch and swim to the end of the passage. Go right at the end of the passage, make your way to the end and swim up for air.

Swim down through the north passage, make your way to the end and go L - L into the flooded chamber. Swim through the newly opened NE corner gate and make your way to the end of the passage. Use the uw-lever to open the gate to the Vase of Oil, and then swim back to the hatch-hole. Swim down into the east passage and make your way back to the room above the flooded passage. Pull out of the water, run ahead through the newly opened north gate and take the Vase Of Oil from the pedestal. Doing so will trigger the element scales gate to open.

Make Your Way Back To The Element Scales

You now have all the items you need to complete the element scales puzzle. So, head out of the room, drop back through the floor-hatch and swim back to the hatch-hole. Pull out into the waterwheel room and exit via the north doorway. At the end of the passage, drop down from the top of the waterfall and swim back to the element scales room.

The Element Scales Puzzle

Note: Please save your game before placing any of the elements into the scales. Then if you place an element into the incorrect scale, you can just re-load from your save and try again.

Start by filling up your Waterskin with water from the pool, then head over to the element scales and note the symbols on them. From left to right ~ Water ~ Oil ~ Earth. Each time you correctly place an item on the scales, you will see a shot of the closed gate back in the hallway. So, use the Waterskin on the left scale, the Vase of Oil on the middle scale and the Bag of Sand on the right scale. Now grab your Torch (that you left by the entrance to the room) and use it to light the oil in the middle scale. When all of the elements are correctly in place, you will get a shot of the gate opening at the west end of the hallway.

Make Your Way Back To The Hallway

Leave the element scales room via the north passage and walk towards the lava pool. The north wall gate on the other side of the lava pool will open as you approach, so jump over and pull up into the north passage. Climb the ladder to your left and pull up at the top. The gate you hear slam shut is the element scales room gate. Head out of the passage and around to the left. At the end of the short passage, you will see the newly opened gate to your right. Jump over the railings, enter the newly opened gate and make your way to the liquid glass wall at the end of the passage. Pick up the LMP and Flares from the pedestals, then nip through the liquid glass wall into the mirror room. The liquid glass wall is one way only I'm afraid, so there's no going back once you have passed through it.

The Mirror Room ~ The Ruby Cube

As you arrive in the mirror room, a long cut-scene will kick in showing you various clues in the new room. You will also see a mirror image of a skeleton mounting a horse and making his way towards you. When you have control of Lara again, the skeleton will be close by, so get ready to run and make some space between you and the skeleton. Shoot the skeleton on his right side (that's the side he is carrying his sword on). Eventually, the horse will keel over and it’s just you and the skeleton. Continue shooting, but this time aim at the skeleton's chest. Eventually he will fall and leave you the Ruby Cube.

The Sword Of Fithos

Note the central pyramid requiring 4 x Black Beetles. We will come back to that later on. For now though, make your way to the mirrored wall on the south side of the room and head to the central alcove with the cage. Inside the cage you can see the Sword of Fithos, but it's trapped securely inside the cage. Look to the left of the cage and spot the receptacle on the nearby pillar. Place the Ruby Cube into the receptacle to raise a block on the north side of the room, then head over to the NE corner of the room and spot the closed floor-hatch. To the left of the floor-hatch is the block you just raised, but it's too high to pull up onto. So, jump onto the lower triangular block then stand-jump to the higher block and pull up. Now face west, run-jump to the ladder on the pillar ahead and climb up, but don't pull up at the top yet. Note the hole in the ceiling above you with a ladder inside, then pull up at the top of the ladder and immediately jump forwards to grab the ladder inside the hole in the ceiling. Climb to the top of the ladder, then pull up and head to the end of the passage. Now drop down onto the pillar below. 

Note the closed west wall gate. It holds a secret which you will get later on. For now though, face south and note the jump-switch on the pillar ahead with a closed floor-hatch below it. Below the floor-hatch there is a lava-trap; and yes, the floor-hatch will open very shortly after using the jump-switch. So, take a running jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. Now quickly side-flip left or right to avoid the pending death-trap.

The jump-switch has lowered a block on another pillar, giving you access to the west wall passage. Nip around to the other side of the jump-switch pillar, head to the next south pillar and pull up on the west side of it. Run-jump to the west wall passage and make your way to the end. Turn around, grab the wall ladder above and climb up into the passage above. Now make your way to the end of the long passage and Lara will arrive on a balcony. Note the skeleton to your left, which requires the sword of fithos, then head right and use the skeleton-lever to raise a pillar down in the room.

Make your way back down the passage and jump back to the pillar. Walk to the east side and face the suspended cage. Stand-jump to grab the top of the cage and pull up. Now jump to the pillar ladder ahead, shimmy all the way around to the other side of it and back-flip to the newly raised pillar. Use the chain-pulley on top of the pillar to raise the cage surrounding the Sword of Fithos, then drop to ground and head over to the south side of the room for the Sword Of Fithos.

Important Steps For A Secret Pentagram

Head back to the pillar you used to access the west wall passage, climb back up and re-enter the west wall passage. Make your way back up the balcony and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the hatch above the Secret Key. You will collect the key later on.

Make your way back down to the main room and head to the NE corner of the room. Locate the skeleton lying on the floor and use the Sword of Fithos on it to open the nearby floor-hatch. Drop down into the flooded passage inside the floor-hatch and let the current take Lara to the end of the flooded passage. Now pull up out of the water, head to the end of the passage and find yourself back at the glass covered maze.

A Detour To Limbo

At this point, you can head off to Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2. If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones, you can not visit Bonus Levels 1 & 2, but you can collect 2 secrets from Limbo. So, head to the SW corner of the room, enter the south wall passage and use the transporter at the end to zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo

3 Secrets

You are now standing on a central island in Limbo. If you have 5 x Mystery Stones, you can collect 2 of the 3 Limbo secrets now, then head to Bonus levels 1 & 2 and collect another secret on the way. If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones, you will only be able to get 2 of the 3 Limbo secrets and you will not be able to access Bonus Levels 1 & 2.


Start by picking up the LMP ~ Flares, and then use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to raise a hatch on the ledge behind the transporter. Jump onto the hatch and face west. Run-jump towards the triangular ledge, grab it and pull up. Take a right curved running jump to the following NW ledge, then face south and note the triangular rock on the corner of the island. You need to run-jump to the right hand side of the triangular ledge, then bounce westwards and curve jump left onto the island. You've now landed on a spike-trap which is about to activate, so quickly jump clear of the pending trap and then collect the Secret ~ The Crossbow ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the pedestals.


Taking care not to venture too close to the spike-trap, pull up onto the NE corner ledge and note that the triangular ledge down to your right is now fire-trapped; so you won't be using that. Walk to the NE corner of the ledge, and then face east towards the other triangular ledge. Time the spike-trap behind you, then hop back and run-jump over to the triangular ledge. Now jump back to the hatch and onto the central island.

Nip up onto the NW corner block and spot the floating ledges leading to the north temple. You can't go inside the temple yet, but you can get the secret hidden on the roof of it. So let's make a start.

Run-jump to the NW ledge then run-jump to the north ledge. Run-jump towards the NE ledge, grab it and pull up. Stand at the back of the ledge and take a left curved running jump towards the west ledge, grab the edge of it and pull up. Now stand at the back of the ledge and take a right curved running jump towards the temple balcony, grab the edge of it and pull up.

Note the three closed golden gates in the north wall of the temple. They are of no use to you now, but you will be back here later on to deal with them. It might interest you to know though, that the patterned-tiles above each gate correspond with the patterned-tiles above the receptacles up on the east temple (which you will see later on). So, note this for now and all will become clear later on.

Note the ladder on the east wall with the closed hatch above it, then head to the opening in the west wall and pull up inside. You are now on an outer wall of the temple. Go right, walk to the end of the temple wall and then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the wall of the temple. Now face SE, jump up to the wall and make your way to the end. There are a series of ladders on the wall below you now, so hang-drop onto the first ladder and shimmy left. Ignore the alcove between the ladders and make your way to the end of the ladder. Climb up, pull up onto the temple wall and run to the end of the wall. Now go right, and use the wheel-switch to lower the hatch above the ladder.

Head back down to the end of the wall and hang-drop down to the ladder. Shimmy right as far as you can (ignoring the alcove between the ladders), then pull up onto the temple wall. Go to the right, and then face NW and jump down to the small ledge on the temple wall. Now face SW and use the higher triangular area on the ledge to perform a left curved banana-jump up to the temple wall. Make your way to the end of the wall, drop down to the left and you are back on the temple balcony. Head to the ladder on the east wall, climb to the top and pull up onto the roof of the temple. Now explore the temple roof for the Secret ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ 2 x Revolver Ammo ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP.

Ok, now we can head back to the central island. Climb back down the ladder to the temple balcony and use the floating ledges to the south to get back to the central island.

If you do not have the 5 x Mystery Stones ~ Nip into the transporter, head back to The Aqueduct and follow the walkthrough from The 1st Black Beetle

Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Place 5 x Mystery Stones into the snake receptacles and you will get a long cut-scene showing you a number of things. To start with you will see various transporters activating throughout Limbo. You will also see some spikes de-activating on fire-trapped ledges to the NE. The de-activated spike-trap ledges are your main concern right now because they give you access to the far SW transporter. You will then use that transporter to zap to the top of the east temple, where you will find another transporter to take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

A Burning Desire

Start by heading to the NE corner of the island and scan the floating ledges ahead. Placing the Mystery Stones has de-activated the spike-traps on the ledges, but you will still have to deal with the fire-emitters on them. So, stand facing the first ledge, then run-jump towards it and grab its edge. Shimmy all the way around to the other side of the ledge, wait for the flame to lower, and then pull up in the right hand corner of the ledge. You are safe here for now as long as you do not move Lara on the ledge. Wait for the flame to lower, then turn around, stand-jump towards the next ledge and grab the edge of it. Shimmy left around the corner of the ledge and pull up in the right hand corner. Wait for the flame to lower, run-jump to the next ledge and grab the edge of it. You can now repeat this procedure over the following ledges and the route will end at the SW transporter. Now step inside the transporter and Lara will arrive on the top of the east temple.

You can take a look around up here if you wish. There are 12 receptacles on the lower walls (6 on each side) where you will be placing the Eye Of The Serpent artefacts that you have collected from Bonus Levels 1& 2. Note the patterned-tiles on the receptacles, and then remember the patterned-tiles you saw above the closed gates back on the north temple. To open each gate, you must place 4 x Eye Of The Serpent artefacts into the corresponding receptacles. All 12 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts can be found in Bonus Levels 1 & 2. Ok, let's move on now.


Note the two transporters up on the temple roof. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2. But first we are going to get the next secret. Note: You can also get this secret later on when you come back from Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

From the transporter-tile you arrived on. Walk east to the edge of the roof and turn around. Hop back from the roof, then slide down and grab the end of the slope. Drop to the ledge below, then turn to face south, hop back from the ledge and grab it. There's a ladder below you, so climb down and shimmy right on the ladder until the temple is behind you. Spot a passage behind you and back-flip into it. Face south and note the passage ahead. It's lined with collapsible-tiles and there is one safe-tile at the end. There's also a ladder on a pillar beyond the collapsible-tiles. Run over the collapsible-tiles to the end of the passage, then jump and grab the ladder. Shimmy left around the ladder, then climb to the ledge above. You will hear some spikes de-activating on a nearby ledge. Turn around, face north east and spot the de-activated spike ledge around the corner of the temple. Run-jump to the ledge, then run-jump to the next ledge to the north and save your game by the wheel-switch.

The wheel-switch is timed to a hatch on the other side of the temple; and you need to move fast to get there. Use the wheel-switch to raise a hatch on the other side of the temple, then return to the previous ledge (south) and run-jump around the wall to the ladder-ledge. Face SW, spot another de-activated spike-ledge around the wall to your right and run-jump to it. Take a right curved running jump to the following north ledge, grab it and pull up. Spot the raised hatch to your right, then run-jump towards it, grab it and pull up. Now quickly run-jump towards the ledge on the temple wall and save your game.

Run-jump to the next north ledge, and then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the other side of the temple wall. Use the jump-switch on the south wall to open the secret gate on the other side of the temple (and also activate a transporter behind you).

Walk west to the ledge of the ledge, then face SW and jump back to the upper ledge on the temple wall. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then stand-jump down to the hatch. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then run-jump to the corner ledge on the temple wall. Take a left curved running jump around the temple wall and land on the ladder-ledge.

Drop back from the ledge, grab the ladder and climb down. Shimmy right on the ladder until the temple is behind you, then back-flip into the collapsible-tile passage. The collapsible-tiles are gone now, but there's a monkey swing above you. So, grab the monkey swing, swing to the other end of the passage and drop from the monkey swing.

Head out to the right and jump back to the ladder. Shimmy left around the corner of the ladder, then climb onto the ledge above. Now pull up into alcove and collect the Secret ~ 3 x Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ 20 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x Flares ~ 4 x LMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Revolver Ammo.

Head Back To The Transporter

You now need to get to the transporter you activated a moment ago (when you used the jump-switch on the other side of the temple). So, face north and run-jump to the ledge ahead. Still facing north, spot the spike-trapped ledge on the corner of the temple; and also note the transporter around the corner of the temple beyond the spike-trapped ledge. Time the spike-trap on the ledge, then just as the spikes lower, run-jump to the ledge and immediately run-jump with a left curve to land inside the transporter.

Lara will now arrive back on the temple roof and you are ready to proceed. So, nip into the south transporter and head off to bonus Levels 1 & 2.


Old & New Levels ~ Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1

14 Secrets ~ Including 12 x Eye Of The Serpent

Bonus Level 1 ~ Arrival

Lara arrives inside a beautiful castle, and here you will be visiting various tribute levels from QRS' own personal favourites. You can visit most of these levels in any order and you do not have to visit them all. However, if you are collecting the 12 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts, then please make sure you visit all areas before leaving.

Head towards the north end of the hallway and note the open arched passage in the west wall (three arches down from the starting area). The passage is closed off at the end and you will open it up later on. Also note the two large pools to your right (east), which you will be visiting later on. For easy reference we will call this the "main pool".

Access Sanctuary Of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

Make your way to the end of the hallway, and then go right (east) just a short way. There's a dark passage to your left (north). Run through the passage and make your way to the end.

Note the smaller pool to your right (east), then go L - L and make your way up the stairs to about half way. Look up northwards and spot two horizontal-bars above the stairs and a wheel-switch up on a high balcony. Pull up into the west alcove (just before the lower horizontal-bar) and use the two horizontal-bars to get over to the north balcony. Use the wheel-switch to open a gate in the main pool, and then safety-drop to ground and head back to the main pool.

Drop into the pool at the north end and swim through the newly opened gate in the north wall. Swim through to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out onto the north ledge. Use the nearby skeleton-lever to open a gate in the upper area of the main pool room, and then swim back out to the main pool.

Pull out at the north end of the pool and make your way back to the far north end of the room (where the smaller pool is). Go L - L and make your way up the stairs again. At the top of the stairs, go L - L into the newly opened gate.

Light a flare if you need to, then drop down into the lower passage and run to the end. Pull up to your right into an upper passage and use the wheel-switch inside the passage to open another gate near to the one you previously opened. Return back through the passages, head out of the gate and go left. Run past the wide ascending stairs with the burning pots, and then turn left into the newly opened gate. Drop down into the lower passage and make your way to the skeleton-lever at the end. Use the lever to open the double doors at the top of the stairs with the burning pots, and then make your way back through the passage and head out of the gate. Stop here because there's a secret to collect before we proceed to The Clockwork Cathedral.


Go L - L and run down the stairs to about half way. Look up to the north and spot the goodies on a pedestal. Pull up into the east wall alcove (the second alcove down from the top of the stairs), perform two banana-jumps around the alcove walls to get to the north balcony and grab the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows.

Make a safety-drop to ground and head back to the top of the stairs. Turn right, head past the gate you visited earlier and then take a right turn up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go right of the doors and collect a LMP from the pedestal. Now head through the double doors and enter The Clockwork Cathedral.


Sanctuary Of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

If you have played this level in its original form, then you will know this room only too well. Yes, it's that raising and lowering trap-door-run. The principle is the same as the original version. Get to the other side of the room via the trap-doors.

Nip down to the lower balcony to your right (east) and walk north between the break in the balustrade. Stand on the edge of the balcony in front trap-door 1 (which is situated in front of the break in the balustrade). When the trap-door starts to rise, run onto it and run-jump NE to trap-door 2. Keep running as you land on the trap-door, then run NW and jump to trap-door 3. Now roll and run-jump back to trap-door 2, then roll and run-jump back to trap-door 3. Now run-jump north to trap-door 4 and then quickly jump into the north room.

Head to the NE corner of the room and use the wheel-switch to open a gate back in the main pool room. You'll visit there shortly, but there's one more task to do here first. Head to the west wall, climb the ladder behind the chain and pull up into a small passage above. Carefully walk around to the left and stop at the top of the slope in front of the gate. The gate will have opened as you approached it and beyond the gate there are four horizontal-bars. Beyond the horizontal-bars there is a jump-switch on the south wall. Slide down the slope, then jump and grab the first horizontal-bar. Swing around the bar, then jump to the next bar and grab it. Proceed in this fashion until you reach the final bar, and then jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. You will now see a long cut-scene of the arched passage in the main pool room, an explosion takes place at the end of the arched passage and a glass wall appears. The glass wall leads to another level, but you won't be heading there just yet.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1

Head up the steps and leave via the double doors. Go R - L and make your way to the top of the stairs. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and run through the newly opened gate. Run around the passage to the open north passage, and then head through to the bell tower.

You will now be making a series of timed-runs over trap-doors to use a wheel-switch over on the north wall. The wheel-switch will do three things. 1 ~ Open a gate in the lower area of the cathedral. 2 ~ Lower a ladder in the cathedral. 3 ~ Open a hole over in the north wall.

The first wall-lever is to the right (east) of the clock mechanism and the first trap-door is west of the wall-lever. Start by using lever 1 to raise trap door 1, then side-flip left, run-jump to the west end of the balcony and jump to the small north ledge. Stand-jump NW to the west wall ledge, then face east and run-jump with a grab to catch the horizontal-bar. Only swing once on the horizontal-bar or Lara will run out of time and the trap-door will lower. Jump from the horizontal-bar onto the east ledge and save your game.

Turn and take a look over to the NW and spot trap-door 2. Roll and run around to the left (north) and make your way to wall-lever (2) at the end of the ledge. Turn around, note the horizontal-bar protruding from the pillar nearby, then use lever 2 to raise trap-door 2. Roll and run to the horizontal-bar, then jump and grab it and swing to trap-door 2. Immediately jump forwards onto the west ledge and then run-jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Alternatively: Use wall-lever 2 to raise trap-door 2, and then run back to trap-door 1 (which is now down but that doesn't matter). Run-jump from the trap-door 1 ledge to trap-door 2 and then make a right curved running jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Use the wheel-switch, and then watch the cut-scene showing you a gate opening, a ladder lowering and a block lowering in the north wall to your right. Pull up through the opening in the north wall, and then climb down the ladder inside the hole in the floor.

Climb the west wall ladder behind the chain again and use the slope at the end of the passage to slide down into the lower room. Make your way to the end of the balcony, then head left and drop down to where the timed-trap-door run began. Don't worry; you don't have to do the timed-run again. Run inside the newly opened south gate and walk to the end of the passage. Do not drop down into the floor-hole yet though. Turn Lara with her back to the hole, then hang-drop from the hole and spot a jump-switch below you. Drop back from the hole, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to activate the next secret.

Lara will now drop into a flooded passage below. Swim to the end of the passage, collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1, then swim south and the gate will open. Swim through the gate, then swim up and pull out of the water. Lara will now be standing by the small pool at the north end of the main pool room.

Note: If you missed the jump-switch, the secret will not appear, but you can go back for it if you wish by re-entering the cathedral and heading back through the south gate.

Access Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Head south into the main room and dive into the pool. Locate the uw-lever in the partitioning wall and use it to open the double gates to the next level. Pull out of the pool and make your way to the small pool at the north end of the room. Go right (east) of the small pool, then turn right (south) and run up the stairs. Head straight on southwards, then when you come to the third archway on the left, turn left into the newly opened gates. Run to the top of the slope, then go left into a beautiful green tinted room. You will be informed that you have entered Caverns of The Dead by Michael Bender.


Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2

This is a three-tiered room consisting of a ground, middle and upper floor. Your objective is to get to the top of the room, use a wall-lever and make the secret appear. To get to the wall-lever, you need to open a gate on the middle balcony by using four levers.

Start by taking note of a few things on the ground floor. There are three patterned floor-tiles, a jump-switch on the south side of the room and a double slope on the north side of the room. At the top of the second slope, there is a closed ceiling-hatch and above the first slope there is a monkey swing. Opposite the slopes there is a high room.

First, use the jump-switch on the pillar at the south wall and you will get a shot of a closed gate on the second tier of the room. Head up the slope on the north side of the room and note the closed ceiling-hatch. Now walk back down the top of the first slope, grab the monkey swing and make your way over to the high room through the east wall.

Note the movable-statue in the corner of the room and the wall-lever and skeleton-lever. Use the skeleton-lever and you will get another shot of the closed gate. Use the wall-lever to raise a pillar below the room, and then shift the movable-statue onto the raised pillar. Use the wall-lever again to lower the pillar and bring the movable-statue to ground level, then drop to ground and place the movable-statue on all three patterned floor-tiles. This will open the hatch at the top of the slopes. Head back up the slopes and pull up through the hatch.

You can now see the closed gate in the south wall and a smaller closed gate in the west wall (with an empty pedestal in front of it). Also note the lowered hatch on the inside wall of the central platform and the jump-switch opposite. Head to the east end of the room and enter the dark passage in the SE corner. There are some Flares in an alcove nearby if you need them. At the end of the passage, use the jump-switch on the west wall and get another shot of the closed gate. Return to the balcony and head to the west end.

Locate the wall-lever on the west wall (to the left of the closed gate) and get ready for a timed-run. The lever will raise the hatch inside the central platform, and then you need to make it to the jump-switch before the hatch lowers again. So, use the lever to raise the hatch, run to the hatch and nip onto it. Run-jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. The south wall gate will now open and Lara will land on the ground level.

Head back up the slopes, pull up to the balcony again and make your way through the newly opened south wall gate. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, back flip off at the top and run out onto a central ledge at the top of the room. Run-jump over to the east ledge for a SMP, and then run-jump over to the west ledge. Use the skeleton-lever and the secret pick-up will appear on the pedestal below. Return down the ladder to the middle balcony, then head to the west end of the room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2 from the pedestal. The west gate will now open, so head through and find yourself on the top floor of the main pool room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3

Go left (south) to the small pool in the hallway, note the uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and then head into the far south room. Note the water pools in each corner of the room, then look inside the pools and spot the uw-levers inside them. You will be back here later on to deal with the pools and their levers, but for now, make your way to the SW corner of the room and locate the wall-lever on the east wall (under the arch to the right of the stairs). Use the lever to lower one of two ropes above the main pool, then leave the room and head back to the small pool with the uw-lever that you noted before you entered this room.

Run past the pool and note the closed north gate ahead (which you will be opening it shortly). Go L - R and make your way to the bottom of the stairs. Go L - L and run down the stairs to the lower balcony. Go left from here, and then take a right turn onto the balcony above the large pool. Run to the end of the balcony, spot the wall-lever on the south wall (under the arch to your right) and use it to lower a second rope above the large pool in the main room.

Take a running jump through the break in the railings to your right, grab the outer south wall balcony and pull up. Make two banana-jumps around the partitioning walls on the balcony to get to the end of the west end balcony, and then face the opening in the west wall. Stand-jump towards the opening, grab the edge of it and pull up inside. Drop down to the left into the lower south room and use the skeleton-lever inside to open the gate on the upper north balcony. When you use the lever, the walls to your right will lower and give you access back to the main room.

Head north along the balcony until you are four arches down, then head right and walk onto the bridge. Walk to the break in the railings and line up with the first rope. Run-jump towards the rope, and then grab it and line up with the second rope. Swing towards the second rope, then jump and grab it. Now line up with the suspended cage and swing towards it. When Lara is just above the cage, jump and grab the top of it and pull up. Face south and spot the jump-switch ahead. Jump up and grab the glass ceiling, then swing to the jump-switch and use it to open a floor-hatch in the main pool.

Lara will fall down to the left of the floor-hatch, so swim down inside the hatch-hole and head to the end of the following passage. At the end of the passage, swim up through the long water-hole, note the closed gate in the north wall of the hole and then pull out of the water into the upper east passage. Head to the end of the passage, then go right and make your way to the end of the following passage. You'll see a closed gate ahead and a wall-lever to the left. The lever is timed to the gate you saw in the water-hole a moment ago. So, use the lever, then sprint back through the passages, drop into the water-hole and quickly swim inside the gate before it closes.

Inside the gate there's an uw-lever. Use the lever to open the gate back up in the passage, then swim out of the gate and pull out of the water into the east passage again. Make your way to the newly opened gate at the end of the passage and stop at the gate. Spot the jump-switch ahead and use it to open another floor-hatch in the main pool. Lara will fall down inside the floor-hatch and it will close behind her. Swim to the end of the following passage, then go left (east) and pick up the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3 from the end of the passage.

Secrets ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4

Swim west until a gate closes behind you and then note the closed hatch above you. Swim on through the passage and you will come to an uw-lever on the wall to your left (if you try to swim further on in the passage the current will knock you back). Use the uw-lever to open the hatch you noted a moment ago, then swim up through the hatch and find yourself back in the main pool room.

Pull out of the pool on the north side and head to the small pool at the far north end of the room. Go right of the small pool, then go right again and make your way up the south stairs. At the top of the stairs, take a right turn and run past the open north gate that you have already visited. Now take a right turn and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and make your way to the top of the stairs. Now go L - L and enter the newly opened north gate. On the first pedestal you find the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4 and on the second pedestal you will find a SMP.


Leave the room and stop just outside the gate. Look down the hallway to your right and note the closed double doors in the north wall. There's another secret behind the double doors, but first you will need to find three well hidden levers to open them.

Lever 1

Run straight ahead (south) to the small pool and dive in. Locate uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and use it to de-activate one of the locks on the double doors back in the hallway.

Lever 2

Pull out of the pool and make your way into the far south room. Pull up onto the wall at the side of the south staircase (either side will do), then head to the east side of the ledges and use the skeleton-lever to de-activate another lock on the double doors.

Lever 3

Drop down into the room below and head north into the hallway (where the closed double doors are). Ignore the double doors for now and make your way down to the small pool on the ground level (north end of the main room). When you reach the small pool, go left and enter the dark passage to the left of the small pool. Light a flare in the passage, spot the carefully hidden jump-switch on the east wall and use it to de-activate the final lock on the double doors.

Make your way up to the newly opened doors, head through and collect the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the four pedestals at the end of the room.

An Elevator Ride To Bonus Level 2

Make your way back out to the hallway, and then head down to the main pool. Go right of the pool and make your way south down the hallway. Near the end of the hallway, you will come to the open arched passage in the west wall that you noted earlier when you entered the level. Go through to the end of the passage and spot the new area that was created when you used the jump-switch in the Clockwork cathedral. The path is blocked by a glass wall and you are seemingly at a dead-end. Well, that's not going to stop Lara is it?  Run-jump towards the glass wall and Lara will smash her way through it.

Head to the double doors at the end of the passage and they will open as you approach. Lara will now enter a small room with a wheel-switch on the west wall; and although it's not apparent, she is in fact inside an elevator. Use the wheel-switch to activate the elevator and Lara will be taken down to her next destination.

Leave the elevator via the large double doors (they will open as you approach) and head through the following passage. Take the LMP from the pedestal to your left, then continue on through the passage and drop down into the pool at the end. Swim under the bridge with the glazed windows, then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head through the north passage and the level will skip to the next destination.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2

Access Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Run ahead to the end of the passage, then go left and stop, because you are now about to enter a passage laden with lava-traps. You will in fact be visiting another of these types of passages, so for future reference we will call this the 1st lava-trap passage.

Jump the lava-traps to get to the end of the passage, and then note the closed gate in the north wall and the water-hole to the right of the gate. Drop into the water-hole and swim down. Note the passage to the north; but don't go through there yet. Swim down into the south passage and make your way to the end. Swim up and note the passage to the east, but don't go through there yet. Swim west to the end of the passage, then swim down inside the floor-hole and use the uw-lever to open a hatch at the other end of the passage. Swim out of the hole and up into the passage again. Swim straight ahead to the end of the passage, then swim up and climb out through the newly opened hatch.

You are now in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Ignore the west end of the passage for now and walk towards the first lava-trap. The camera angle will change and you can see an opening in the lava-trap wall. Jump to the other side of the lava-trap, then turn and walk to the edge of it. Hop back from the edge of the hole, then run towards the hole, press the "action key" and run into the hole. Lara will glide down into the opening in the lava-trap wall and arrive in a passage. Pick up the SMP, then head to the end of the passage, drop down the hole at the end and head around into another lava-pool passage.

Jump over the first lava pool, then turn around and walk to the edge of the ledge. Face NW and make a curved running jump into the alcove in the west wall. Use the skeleton-lever inside the alcove to open a gate at the other end of the passage, and then jump back to the previous ledge. Head on through the passage (jumping the lava-pools as you go) and you will come to the gate you opened a moment ago.

Use the skeleton-lever to the left of the slope to open the double doors back in the 2nd lava-trap passage, then head up the slope. Go R - L and climb to the top of the following passage. Pull up out of the passage into a small room and take the LMP from the pedestal. Head out of the room via the west passage and make your way to the gate at the end. The gate will open as you approach, so run through and find yourself back in the 2nd lava-trap passage (but this time you will be at the other end of the passage) and the newly opened double doors are to your left.

Enter the double doors and run to the top of the slope. Head through the following passage and make your way to a small room at the end. Note the closed central floor-hatch and the closed west gate, and then run down onto the floor-hatch to open it. Lara will drop down into the room below, slide down a series of slopes and land in the next tribute level.


Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5

Take note of the green slopes you arrived here by because you will be visiting them again in a short while. Head outside to the building and spot the ferryman floating about to your left. The ferryman is a warning, so take heed and don't fall off the edge of the path or you'll be paying him a visit. Run to the end of the path, locate the jump-switch on the west wall and use it to raise a hatch on the green slopes. Head back towards the green slopes and take note of the closed gate in the building, the boulder suspended by a rope at the end of the building and a hatch and burning wall-lever up on the north rocks.

Back at the green slopes, run left of the central mound and jump up to the north wall. Face east, jump up ahead to the higher mound and then pull up onto the higher east mound. Note the burning wall-torch on the north wall, the unlit wall-torch on the west wall (with a ladder to the right of it), and the hatch you raised a short while ago. Now face NW, jump over to the pile of Torches in the corner of the rocks and pick up a Torch. Jump back to the high mound, light the Torch on the burning wall-torch and then walk to the SW corner of the mound. Take a running jump over to the hatch you raised earlier and light the wall-torch to extinguish the fire by the wall-lever outside.

Take the Torch with you and drop down to ground. Re-enter the outside area and burn the rope below the boulder. The boulder will drop and the hatch will rise on the north wall. Drop your Torch where you can find it easily, then stand on the right side window sill of the building. Face out towards the raised hatch and take a running jump to grab it. Pull up, jump to the wall-lever on the north wall and prepare for a timed-run.

Use the lever to temporarily open the gate in the building, then roll and run-jump down to the gate and quickly jump inside the building before the gate closes. The gate will remain open now, so nip outside again, grab your Torch and take it back inside the building.

Light the floor-pot at the north end of the room (don't stand too close or Lara will burn) and the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5 will appear on the pedestal at the south end of the room. When you take the eye of the serpent, the exit gate will open in the room above the green slopes.

Head back to the green slopes, and then as you did before, jump the slopes to the highest mound. Run-jump to the hatch again, then go right of the burning wall-torch and jump up the slope to the north wall ladder. Climb the ladder, shimmy right as far as you can and drop off onto the high mount. Now comes the tricky part. You need to get Lara up inside the hole in the ceiling and grab the ladder inside. So, stand Lara here Screenshot side flip-left onto the slope below the ceiling hole, bounce forwards and grab the ladder. When you are safely on the ladder, climb to the top and pull up into the room above.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Leave via the west gate and make your way to the end of the passage. Slide down the slope and arrive back in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Head left and jump the lava-traps to get to the west end of the passage. Drop down into the water-hole, swim down and then swim west until you can swim down into a lower passage. Swim north to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out into a small room. The south gate will open as you arrive in the room, so head through and find yourself back in the 1st lava-trap passage. Jump the lava-traps to get to the south end of the passage, then go right and re-enter Hall of Fame ~ Part 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited

Drop into the pool ahead, swim under the bridge with the glazed windows and then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head to the end of passage and the elevator doors will open as you approach. Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch twice to take Lara back up to the main room. Approach the elevator doors to open them, then head up the passage and return to the main pool room.

The next level you are going to visit comes in two sections. You will visit part 1 now, and then visit part 2 later on.

Locate Part 1 Of Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins

Make your way to the main pool and head over to the east side of the room. Run southwards along the hallway to the third archway, then go left through the arched passage. At the end of the passage, you will come to another elevator (the doors will open as you approach them). Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch to take Lara down to her next destination.

Approach the elevator doors to open them, and then head through to the passage beyond. Make your way to the water passages at the end of the passage, and then jump onto the water slide to the right (the left water slide will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide down the water slide, and then jump the hole at the end to get safely into the next passage. Head through to the end of the south passage and arrive in another part of Bonus Level 2.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited

Run ahead to the T-junction and note the closed double gates at the end of the passage to your left. We will come back to that later on. Make your way down the south passage and stop at the lava-trap. Spot the jump-switch in the alcove on the other side of the lava-trap and jump over to it. Line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind, then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. You will see a floor-hatch open in another area.

Jump out of the alcove and head towards the west passage. Note the closed gate to your right (north) then jump the lava-trap and enter the small room at the end of the passage. The floor-hatch you opened a moment ago is in a small passage to your right (north), but leave it alone for now and enter the room to your left (south).


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1

As soon as you enter this room you will be informed that you have arrived in Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. However, you will only be visiting here for a short while. You will enter part 2 of this level later on and visit the other end of the room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6

Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6 from the pedestal, and then use the skeleton-lever nearby. You will now see another secret appear on a ledge in another part of the room. You can't reach the newly revealed secret from here and neither can you explore any more of the large room connected to this level, but you will return to this level later on and finish what you've started.

Open The Gates To Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east and run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden. However, this is not the level we are going to visit next.

Access Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

Drop to ground, head back into the small north room and spot the floor-hatch in the small north passage.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the jump-switch that opens the floor-hatch. If this is the case, head down the east passage, jump the lava-trap and head straight on to the lava-trap at the east wall. Look left into the alcove and spot the jump-switch up on the east wall. Jump into the alcove and line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind you, and then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to open the floor-hatch. Now jump out of the alcove, head west to the end of the passage and go right to the newly opened floor-hatch.

Drop into the water-hole in the small north passage and swim to the end of the flooded passage. Pull out at the end of the passage, head through the following passage and arrive in the next level.


Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

As soon as you walk out onto the first floor, you will notice a wall-lever on the east wall. To your right there is a central structure with four unlit wall-torches on the outer walls and an inner room through a crawl space. On the other side of the room (west) beyond the central structure, there is an unlit floor-pot. In the south wall there is a passage leading to a ladder with a closed hatch at the top of it. On the ground level of the room, there are four corner levers behind fires, four movable-objects on the outer paths and four blocks under the central structure. On the top level there is a closed gate (east wall) at the end of the path that leads from the central structure. In the west wall there is a high passage and below the high passage there are two lighter coloured floor-tiles. Your objective is to get to the high passage in order to leave.

Leave the east wall lever alone for now and make your way around the path surrounding the central structure (note the unlit wall-torches on the way). When you reach the west side of the room, keep heading around to the right and Lara will run up onto the first flight of stairs surrounding the central structure. Head on until you are on the second flight of stairs, then stop half way up and notice a wall ladder leading up to a crawl space inside the central structure. Climb the ladder and head inside the crawl space. Drop down into the tiny room beyond and use the wall-lever inside to open the east gate at the top of the structure.

Pull out from the crawl space and make your way to the top of the structure. Run east up the path and enter the newly opened gate. Take a look at the end of the north passage and note the unlit wall-torch on the west wall. Lighting this wall-torch will get you a secret later on. For now though, head back to the south end of the room and take a Torch from the pedestal.

Return to the main room and run down the stairs to the timed wall-lever on the east wall (the one you noted when you first entered the room). The wall-lever will temporarily light the floor-pot on the west side of the room. So, drop your Torch by using the number 1 key (so that Lara doesn't throw the Torch over the edge of the path) and then use the wall-lever to temporarily light the floor-pot. Now roll and pick up your Torch, run as fast as you can to the burning floor-pot and light your Torch before the flame extinguishes.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7

There are five wall-torches to light now. Four of them will lower the blocks below the central structure, and one will reveal the next secret.

Wall-Torch 1

Make your way back up to the room at the top of the structure (where you picked up the Torch) and light the wall-torch (1) on the west wall at the north end of the room. You will see the secret appear on a pedestal up in the high west wall passage, but you won't be collecting it until you are ready to leave the level.

Wall-Torch 2

Return to the central structure and make your way down the stairs. On the third flight of stairs you will find the first wall-torch (2) to light.

Wall-Torch 3

On the fifth flight of stairs you will find the next wall-torch (3) to light.

Wall-Torch 4

The next wall-torch (4) is on the sixth flight of stairs.

Wall-Torch 5

The final wall-torch (5) is on the west wall of the central structure (opposite the timed wall-lever).

The central blocks below the central structure will now be lowered and you no longer need the Torch.

Head to the west side of the room and go to the floor-pot. Jump to the ladder ledge to the left of the floor-pot and climb to the ground level. It's easy from here, simply place the four movable-objects on the lighter coloured floor-tiles below the central structure and the fires in each corner alcove extinguish. Now enter the four corner alcoves and use the wall-wall levers to lower a hatch at the top of a ladder through the south passage.

Climb to the top of the west wall ladder, then jump over to the floor-pot and head around into the south passage. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, then climb to the top of the following ladder, but don't pull up yet!

Above you now there is a circular chamber that runs down to the right and comes up again to the left; or vice versa. Within the circular chamber there are six wall-levers (two are inside the north and south gates). Two of the levers will open the two gates (north and south walls) above the ladder and the other four levers will raise the pillars under the high west passage outside. You may also have noticed by now that there is a rolling-blade making its way around the circular chamber. So, you need to be quick while exploring for the levers. Always wait until the rolling-blade has passed over-head before making a move, duck tight in a corner is the blade seems unavoidable and keep topped up with health.

Lever 1

Wait for the blade to pass over-head, then pull up, face NW and drop down to the lower pillar. Face west and take a running jump to the passage in the west wall of the chamber. Run inside the passage, use the wall-lever (1) on the west wall and get a shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles outside in the main room.

Lever 2

Leave the passage, jump back to the pillar and pull up to the starting area at the top of the room. Face east this time and drop down on the right side of the ledge onto the lower pillar. Take a running jump into the east wall passage, use the lever (2) inside the passage and get another shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles back in the main room.

Lever 3

Leave the passage and jump back to the pillar, but don't pull up onto the starting area! Side-flip right onto a lower slope, then slide and grab the end of the slope. Pull up and back-flip to the lower ledge behind you, then use the lever (3) on the east wall to open the south gate at the top of the room.

Lever 4

Drop down to the west, make your way into the trench in the bottom of the chamber and use the lever (4) on the south wall to open the north gate at the top of the room.

Lever 5

Pull up on the right side of the west wall and run-jump up the slope at the west wall of the chamber. Pull up onto the higher west pillar, then pull up onto the south pillar. Now face east and take a running jump to the ledge in the east wall of the chamber. Face north, climb the ladder to the top, and then face east and pull up onto the ledge at the starting area.

Take care not to fall down the ladder hole ahead and enter the north gate. Use the lever (5) inside the passage and the smaller pillar will rise back in the main room.

Lever 6

Head out of the passage, jump over the ladder-hole and enter the south gate. Use the final lever (6) and the taller pillar back in the main room will rise.

Make your way back down the ladders and return to the main room. Run up the stairs on the central structure and then when you reach the T-junction, go left (west) to the newly risen pillars. Climb to the top of the pillars and jump into the high west passage. Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7 from the pedestal and a floor-hatch will open at the south end of the room. Drop down through the hatch-hole, fall into a water passage below and swim to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water and head to the end of the passage. The gate at the end of the passage will open as you approach it and you will find yourself back in a familiar place.

Access Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Head SE past the lava-trap and run into the south passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and you will come some big double doors that lead to the next level.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the lever that opens the gates. If this is the case, head north down the passage, make your way to the end and then take a left turn (west). Jump the lava-trap, head to the end of the passage and then head left into Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east, run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden, and then drop to ground and head out to the passage. Take a right turn into the east passage, jump the lava-trap and make your way to the end of the passage. Now head right (south) and head to the open gates at the end of the passage.

A lava-trap is placed immediately behind the double doors, so jump over and run to the bottom of the slope ahead and take heed! As you pull up onto the slope, two boulders will come crashing down. So, pull up onto the slope to activate the boulders, then drop back down and let the boulder pass over-head. Now walk carefully up the slope (because two more boulders are waiting for you further up), trigger the next two boulders, sprint back down the slope and drop down to the lower ledge. Keep tight against to the wall so that the boulders pass over-head, then pull back up to the slope and make your way to the top. Take a right turn into the west room and drop down the central hatch-hole.


Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Make your way ahead to the T-junction, then head left (SW) to the archway in the west wall. Just before you enter the passage, load up your shotgun (or crossbow with explosive arrows) because an unwelcome visitor is about to arrive. Enter the passage, then as you approach the central area, a skeleton will appear from out of the floor. Grab your weapon of choice, and then either shoot the skeleton into the pool at the end of the hallway, or blast it away with your crossbow. When that's taken care of, drop into the pool at the end of the passage and swim down into the flooded chamber.

Inside the chamber, there are four passages. North, south, east and west. Each passage is marked with its own face-tile to help you distinguish the passages. At the end of the north passage you will find a closed door. At the end of the south passage you will find another closed door (which is timed). At the end of the east passage you will find a hole in the ceiling with a wall-switch up inside it. This switch is not timed and it will open the door at the end of the north passage. At the end of the west passage, you will find an uw-lever. This lever is timed to the door at the end of the south passage.

Enter the east passage and swim to the room at the end. Collect the Flares from the central ledge, and then swim up inside the hole in the ceiling. Pull out into the passage above and use the wall-switch to open the door at the end of the north passage. Swim back to the central chamber, then swim right and enter the north passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage and pick up the Hathor Effigy from the central ledge.

Swim back to the central chamber and go up for some air. Dive down into the chamber again and enter the west passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage, collect the LMP from the central ledge and then use the uw-lever on the north wall to open the door at the end of the south passage, but do not try to do the timed-swim yet! Wait for the cut-scene of the door opening to finish, then swim back to the central chamber and grab some air. Re-enter the west passage and swim back to the uw-lever. The timed-door will now be closed and the uw-lever will have re-set itself. When you re-use the lever, the cut-scene won't kick in this time and you will have the extra valuable time you need to accomplish the timed-swim. When you have used the lever again, swim back to the central chamber and enter the south passage. Swim through to the room at the end of the passage (hopefully you made it past the door in time) and pick up the Ornate Handle from the central ledge.

Return to the central chamber, swim up and pull out of the pool. Run to the end of the passage and go left (NE) after the arch. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go past the closed doors and head around into the next passage (SE). At the end of the passage, go left (east) and enter the sarcophagus room.

Do not shoot the jar to your right as it contains another skeleton. The jar to your left is empty so leave that alone as well. Search the NE and SE corners of the room for two more jars, then shoot them and collect the SMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo from the shattered remains. Now combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, face south at the receptacle and place the portal guardian onto it to open another door out in the passages.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8

Leave the room and enter the passage to the left (SW). At the end of the passage, turn left into the south room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8 from the pedestal. Leave the room and head out to the right (NE). Run to the end of the passage, then run left past the portal guardian room and enter the NW passage. At the end of the passage, enter the north room and the doors will close behind you.

Drop into the pool and swim down through the passage in the bottom of the pool. At the end of the passage, pull out and collect the pack of Revolver Ammo from passage to your left. Now head through to the end of the passage and slide down the slope ahead.


Skellycombs by George Maciver

The ground floor of this room could be classified as a maze; seen as its pathways run around several structures. But there are no dead-ends and it isn't that large (so don't be distressed by the thought of getting terribly lost in here). Your first task is to open a door to upper passages within the structures and you will do this by finding three skeleton-levers on the ground floor. You also need to collect the handle before proceeding to the upper areas.

Lever 1

Head right, and then run left into the south passage. Make your way to about half way down the passage, and then look left (east) into the wall of the structure and spot the closed door up in the alcove. Collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo from below the closed door, and then continue on down the south passage to the outer south wall. Go left (east) and use skeleton-lever 1 at the end of the passage.

Lever 2

Continue on eastwards to the end of the passage, and then head left down the north passage. About half way down the passage you will come to a pool to your left (west). Nip into the pool for another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo, and then continue on to the west end of the pool. Take a left turn down the south passage, pick up the LMP, and then go right (west) and find skeleton-lever 2 by a pool at the end of the passage.

From the lever, make your way down the north passage until you are about half way, and then turn right (east) and find another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo between the two structures. Now run around into the north passage and head to the outer north wall. Go right (east) until you come to another pool, then drop in the pool and pick up the Ornate Handle.

Lever 3

Skeleton-lever 3 is near to the pool you picked the ornate handle up from. Use the lever and you will see a shot of the door opening in the structure.

Make your way back to the outer west wall of the room and head down the south passage again (to about half way). Enter the east wall alcove in the structure and climb up to the newly opened door. Make your way out to a long connecting wall, then as you run across the wall, two skeletons will show up (one in front of you and one will attack from behind). Whip out your shotgun (or crossbow and explosive arrows) and blast the enemy away. Now continue on to the end of the wall and enter the passage in the next structure.

Walk to the end of the passage, and then jump the gap to get inside the passage in the next structure (west). Make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the passage in the next structure (west) and head to the end of the passage. Jump into the passage in the next structure (west) and follow the passage around to the end. Jump over to the passage in the next structure (south) and make your way to the end. Now jump over to the passage in the next structure (south), make your way to the end and stop.

It looks like you have arrived at a dead-end, but you haven't. The next passage is around the wall to the left (north). So, make a left curved running jump around the wall into the passage of the next structure, and then make your way to the end of the passage. Climb to the top of the north wall ladder, then climb left and drop off onto the ledge.

Head to the south end of the ledge and climb onto the block to your left (east). Ignore the wall ladder above the block (the hatch at the top is closed and you will access that area later on) and face SW. Take a right curved running jump inside the next structure and head make your way towards the end of the passage. Grab your weapon of choice, take out the skeleton that arrives to greet you and then jump over into the west passage and walk to the end.

Look down and spot the long bridge type structure running from north to south. Jump down onto the bridge and note the closed door up in the far north wall. Head towards the south end of the bridge and another skeleton will make an appearance. Take the skeleton out by shooting him off the south end of the bridge (otherwise the sloped sides of the bridge will stop him from falling). When the enemy has been seen to, walk to the south end of the bridge and face east. You will see a small ledge with a wall-switch on the structure to the left. Jump over and use the switch to open the gate at the other end of the bridge.

Face west, walk to the edge of the ledge and then face NW and jump to the small ledge between the structure and the bridge. Jump up onto the bridge, run to the north end and jump up into the newly opened north wall door. Enter the small room beyond and use the skeleton-lever inside to lower a hatch between the structures at south end of the bridge.

Jump back to the bridge and take out the newly arrived skeleton. Run to the south end of the bridge (but not as far as the wall-switch ledge) and jump into the passage in the east wall of the structure (it's to the right of the passage you entered the bridge area by). Now make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the following east passage and walk to the end.

Your next destination is on the slope ahead of you. Jump onto the slope, slide and grab the edge and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat-tile at the end of the slope. Walk to the top of the flat-tile, side-flip right and land on the flat-ledge at the end of the slope. Walk to the east end of the ledge and face NE. Look down onto the slope, spot the flat-tile just below and jump to it. Hang-drop from the flat-tile and shimmy right until you can pull up onto another flat-tile at the other end of the slope. Now pull up and take the Hathor Effigy from its resting place.

Shimmy back to the flat-tile at the other end of the slope and pull up onto it. Face SW, jump back up to the ledge at the end of the slope and then walk to the west end of the ledge. Face NW and take a running jump into the gap in the north wall of the structure. Make your way to the north end of the wall, climb the ladder at the end and pull up onto the top of the structure.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9

Face the north structure, take a running jump to its sloped roof and then slide and grab the end of the roof. Shimmy right until you can pull up onto the flat-tile on the corner of the structure, then stand-jump to the receptacle at the top of the structure. Combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, and then place it on the receptacle to activate a secret over in the NE corner of the room.

Jump over to the sloped roof on next north structure, then slide down the roof and grab the end of it. Shimmy right until you are at the end of the slope, then shimmy around the corner onto the next slope. Shimmy twice to the right, and then pull up and back-flip to the ledge behind you. Head to the east end of the ledge and jump over to the NE ledge where the secret is. Run towards the pedestal and the hatch will lower behind you (giving you access to the lower areas if you missed some goodies down there). Take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9 from the pedestal and the exit door will open over in the west wall.

Walk to the south end of the ledge and face the north slope. Take a running jump towards the corner of the slope, grab the edge of it and pull up. Face SW, stand-jump to the top of the bridge and make your way to the west end. Jump over to the top of the west structure to your right, and then take a running jump over to the top of the NW structure. Now jump into the west wall doorway, head through the following passage and slide down into a small room with a closed floor-hatch.

Return To Bonus Level 1

You should recognise this place. It's where you entered Loren Golden's "Through The Shadow Of Death" level. Make your way into the passage to the right (east), then at the end of the passage, turn left and find yourself back at the top of the boulder slope.

Run to the bottom of the slope and jump the lava-trap to get back into the lower passages. Run straight ahead into the north passage, then just before you reach the end (where the lava-trap is), turn right into the east passage. Make your way through the passage and Lara will be transported back to "Hall Of Fame ~ Part 1"


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited 2

Access Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2

At the end of the following passage, jump into the right hand side water passage (the left one will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide to the end of the passage, then jump the hole at the end and arrive safely in the passage beyond. Enter the passage to your right and make your way down to the elevator. The elevator doors will open as you approach, so nip inside and use the wheel-switch on the wall twice to take the elevator up to the main pool room. Leave the elevator, head through the following passage and Lara will arrive back at the main pool room.

Ok, remember that we have only covered one tiny area in the Luis Martin's level so far and now we can complete the task. So, make your way northwards down the hallway and enter the area at the far north end of the room (where the small pool is). Head to the right after the pool, then go right again and make your way to the top of the stairs. Go R - R and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R onto the south stairs and head to the top. Now make your way southwards and enter the far south room.

Take a look around in here because there are a few things to note. There is a large closed gate at the top of the south stairs and a small pool in each corner of the room. Inside each pool there's an uw-lever and two gates.

The pool in the SW corner of the room is your starting place, so make your way over there and drop into the pool. Your next task will be a multi timed-run from pool to pool via the gates in the pools, which you will open with the uw-levers. Each uw-lever will open the gate out of the pool and give you access to the next uw-lever. The timed-run finishes when you are back in the pool you started from. When all uw-levers have been used, the south gates up the stairs will open. If you are not quick enough inside the pool passages, Lara will be locked inside and you will have to re-load from the starting pool. So, let's begin.

From pool 1, use uw-lever 1 - Swim into passage 1. Use uw-lever 2 - Swim into to pool 2. Swim right into passage 2 - Use uw-lever 3. Swim into to pool 3 - Swim right into passage 3. Use uw-lever 4 - Swim into pool 4. Swim right into passage 4 - Use uw-lever 5 and swim back into pool 1.

The gate will remain open, so you can go up for air and then swim back down and grab the LMP inside the gate. The gate at the top of the south stairs will now be open, so make your way up there and enter the newly opened gate. Drop down through the long shaft (it's perfectly safe to do so) and Lara will float to ground.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited 2

Use the skeleton-lever in the north alcove to open the double south doors, and then head up to the doors and pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ LMP. Now enter the double doors.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10

Walk out into the balcony of the beautiful pink and purple room, find yourself at the other side of the room you visited earlier and be informed that you have now entered Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Start by taking a running jump to the central platform and take out the skeleton who is parading about on the platform. There's another skeleton sleeping nearby and he'll jump into action as soon as you approach him, so let him wipe the sleep from his eye sockets, then blast him away too. Make your way east and run all the way to the end of the platform. Jump over to the east wall balcony and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 3

Walk to the south edge of the ledge, nip onto the diamond shaped pink rock and then jump to the pink slope on the south wall. Slide down the slope, grab the end of it and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat area on the slope.

Face west, and then use the flat areas on the west slope to get to the high brown-ledge sticking out of the south wall. From here, jump over to the roof of the central platform, then walk to the east end of the roof and take a running jump over to the suspended-tile. Now jump to the roof of the east wall balcony and use the wall-lever to open a hatch at the west end of the room.

Jump back to the suspended-tile and jump back to the roof. Walk to the west end of the roof and stand Lara on the right side. Look down and spot a jump-switch on the side of the roof and use it to lower two ropes at the west end of the room.

Return to the east end of the platform and jump back to the east wall balcony. As you did before, jump to the pink slope on the south wall and shimmy right until you can pull up. Face north, then look down and spot a long slope leading down into the deadly lake. Also note the block in the lake beyond the long slope. There's a ladder on the side of the block and a spike-trap on top of it.

Drop down onto the long slope, slide to the bottom and then jump while pressing the "action key" so that Lara grabs the short ladder on the side of the block. Don't pull up or you will get spiked. Shimmy left around the block until the wall ladder below the central platform is behind you, then back-flip with a twist and grab the ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up into the small room above and take the Hand Of The Gods 3 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 1

As you take the Hand Of The Gods 3, a hatch will open at the top of the west wall ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up through the newly opened hatch and find yourself back on the central platform.

Make your way to the west end of the platform and jump over to the south balcony. Walk around the purple column to the west edge of the balcony, then face SW and nip over to the small ledge ahead. Face west, look down to see a long path leading down to the far west wall. Drop down onto the path and make your way to the end. By now a skeleton has appeared behind you and he's heading your way. Shooting him into the lava lake won't help because it's not deep enough to kill him. So, use the crossbow and explosive arrows on this one and he'll be out of your way for good. When the unwanted visitor is out of the way, jump over into the west wall passage and head up the stairs to the small room at the top.

There's another skeleton waiting for you in the new room, but this one can be easily taken out with the shotgun. Just blast him through the spikes on the east side of the room, and then give him a final blast to knock him over the edge of the balcony. When you've said your farewells, note the spike-trapped block in the lava lake ahead and look on the side of it for a gem-gargoyle. You will deal with the gem-gargoyle later on, but for now, head to the timed-lever in the west wall alcove and save your game.

Use the timed-lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes on the block in the lava lake, then quickly run to the east spikes, wait for them to subside, take a running jump towards the block in the lava lake and grab the edge of it. Quickly pull up, and then run-jump into the room below the central platform.

Make your way to the east side of the tiny room, then look down and spot a pink slope below you. Jump down to the safe area on the slope (it's about half way down the slope) and then face north. Take a running jump over to the block in the lava lake, grab the edge of it and pull up. Now take the Hand Of The Gods 1 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 2

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 1, you will see a gate open in another room below the central platform. Before you leave the block, combine your revolver and laser sight and face SW. You can now get a clean shot at the gargoyle-gem and shooting it will open the secret gate in NW corner of the room. You won't be visiting there for a while yet though.

Jump back to the lower part of the pink slope Screenshot (take care here because it's not safe to stand on some of the lower areas). Jump up the slope to get back into the tiny room above, and then head to the west side of the room and pull up onto the higher block. Face the spike-trapped block in the lake and line Lara up so that she is facing the block diagonally right. Wait for the spikes to pop out of the block, and then as the spikes subside, take a running jump to the near left corner of the block. Run diagonally right to the far right corner of the block, then run-jump towards the right hand side of the far west balcony and grab it. Make sure Lara isn't near the spike-traps up on the balcony, and then pull up. Time the spikes on the balcony to get into the west room, then head down the stairs to the left and jump back to the long path at the side of the lava lake.

Head to the top of the stairs, pull up to the highest ledge at the end and nip around to the balcony behind the purple column. Take a running jump back to the central platform and walk forwards to the north edge. Stand Lara to the right of the dip in the platform floor Screenshot and then turn and hang-drop from the edge of the platform. You will see a pink slope below you Screenshot Drop onto the slope, slide down and then jump left into the east wall passage inside the central structure. Go through to the tiny room and take the Hand Of The Gods 2 from the pedestal.

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 2, a hatch at the top of the north wall ladder will open. So, climb the ladder and pull up onto the top of the central platform.

Access Har Meggido by Trix

Ok, we are now going to visit another level. So, head to the west end of the room again and jump over to the final west platform. Go to the west end of the platform and jump over to the balcony on the west wall. Head to the right (north) and stand at the edge of the balcony. Take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall, then face NE and take a running jump over to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder and pull up at the top into a short passage.

Pick up the Revolver Ammo, and then drop down to the right (south) into a lower passage. Use the skeleton-lever inside the passage to open the big double doors in the north wall. Pull up out of the lever passage and head to the east end of the passage. Note the newly opened double doors in the north wall down on the lower balcony, and then jump over to the roof above the double doors. Face south and take a running jump to the-suspended tile ahead, then take a running jump south to the roof on the central platform.

Walk to the west end of the roof and spot the two ropes hanging down ahead and a jump-switch on the west wall beyond the ropes. Stand at the edge of the roof, hop back once, stand-jump towards the first rope and grab it. Slide to the bottom of the rope, then swing to the second rope and grab it. Now line Lara up with the jump-switch and swing towards it. As soon as Lara is above the jump-switch, jump from the rope, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. This will open a gate down in the lower west room.

Make a safety-drop down to the lower balcony, and then take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall. Face NE and take a running jump to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder again to the upper passage, then head to the east end of the passage and drop down to the lower balcony. You are now standing by the open double gates that lead to the next Hall Of Fame 2 level.

Jump the lava-trap to get inside the double doors, and then walk forwards to the second lava-trap. Stand on the right side of the lava-trap and jump to the slope on the other side. As you slide down the slope, spot the lava pool at the end of the slope, and then jump to the right when you reach the end of the slope and land on a safe ledge in the lava pool.

Note the closed north gate and the slope in the west wall, then make your way eastwards over the safe-tiles and jump to the passage beyond the lava pool. At the end of the passage, stand on the white-tile at the east wall and Lara will be elevated to her next destination.

When the elevator has stopped, Lara will be standing in an icy cave and wishing she had brought her winter coat with her. Ah well, exploring will keep her warm no doubt.

Start by taking a running jump to the top of the north slope, then head through to the end of the chilly passage. There's a break in the east railings, so stand Lara facing out through the break and note the suspended ice-tile hanging in the room ahead. Jump to the ice-tile and you will be informed that you have now entered Har Meggido by Trix.


Har Meggido by Trix

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11

Scattered around the room there are several suspended ice-tiles; and I must say they are quite difficult to see. However, on some tiles you can spot a small puff of smoke, which will assist you as you work your way up the ice-tiles (a flare might help in some cases). The ice-tiles run around the room anti clockwise and make their way to the secret at the top of the room. Also note that some of the ice-tiles are sloped; so you will be sliding from some of them onto others. To save confusion, I have noted the route as simply as possible.

From the 1st tile, face south and run-jump to the next tile. Face SE and stand-jump to the next tile. A harpy will show up from the top of the room, so quickly gun it down before it has time to attack. Face SE, stand-jump to the next tile and then face SE and run-jump to the next tile. Face east and run-jump to the next tile, and then face NE and stand-jump to the next tile. Face NE and run-jump to the next tile, then face north and run-jump up onto to the next tile. Now face north and slightly to the left and run-jump up onto the next tile. Face west and slightly to the right, run-jump to the next tile and take out another screeching harpy.

Face west again and slightly to the right. Run-jump up to the next tile, then face west and run-jump up to the next tile. Now things get a bit tricky. Face south and spot the puff of smoke lingering in the air. This marks the spot for a sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the sloped-tile. Pull up onto the tile, slide-jump south and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then face SE and spot the next puff of smoke. This is another sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then slide-jump and grab the next tile. This tile is also sloped. Pull up onto the tile, shimmy left as far as you can, and then pull up onto the tile and slide-jump with a left curve so that Lara grabs the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, and then face north and run-jump up to the next tile.

Now face NW and spot the puff of smoke. This is not a sloped-tile though. Run-jump up onto the next tile and then face west. You can just make out the sloped tile ahead, so run-jump to it and then slide-jump and grab the next tile to the south. Pull up onto the tile, and then face east, stand-jump towards the artefact-tile and grab it. Pull up onto the tile and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11.

Return To Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4

When you take the secret, a floor-hatch will open on the ground floor of the icy cave. Face south, walk to the edge of the tile and look down. Spot the open floor-hatch below, but don't try to swan dive from here or Lara will miss the hole and it will end in tears. Turn around, hang-drop from the tile and drop. Lara will fall into the hole and arrive in a flooded passage below. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and make your way to the end of the passage. The gate ahead will open as you approach and you are now facing out over the lava pool you visited earlier.

Make a curved right jump around the wall to the slope in the west wall, and then make your way to the top of the slope. The gate ahead will open as you approach, so go through and head left to the two lava pools. Now jump the lava pool to your right and return to the balcony in the Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2 ~ Continued

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12

Head right to the west side of the balcony and climb up to the high passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and climb down the ladder. Face SW, jump over to the ledge on the west wall and then jump to the south balcony. Run-jump to the central platform and make your way to the east end. Jump over to the next central platform, then run-jump to the south balcony again. Make your way down the long path and head back to the west room.

Head straight over into the north passage and make you way down to the newly opened gate. Two spike-traps will de-activate on the following areas. 1 ~ On the block around the corner to your left on the north wall. 2 ~ Inside the north gate. Take a left curved running jump around the wall to the block at the north wall, then run-jump inside the north wall gate.

Place the 3 x Hand of The Gods in the receptacles on the north wall. The central floor-hatch will open and you will have access to a flooded passage. Drop down inside the passage and dive down southwards. Do not swim into the north passage yet or you will miss the final secret. Swim straight ahead to the south end of the passage and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12 from its watery resting place.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Swim north past the hatch and you will be swept back to Hall of Fame 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ The Final Visit

Heading Back To Limbo

Swim to the end of the passage and use the uw-lever to open the ceiling-hatch at the east end of the passage. Swim to the east end of the passage, swim up through the hatch and arrive back in the main pool.

Pull out on the west side of the pool, head left (south) and make your way to the end of the hallway. Now go through to the transporter in the south room, nip inside and zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Revisited

Lara is now back in Limbo. Note the two transporters to the north and south. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you back to Bonus Levels 1 & 2; but you only need to use that if you wish to return there for a forgotten item.

Using The Eye Of The Serpent Artefacts

In the sloped east and west walls of the temple roof you will find 12 receptacles for the Eye Of the Serpent artefacts. There are 4 receptacles at the at the north end of the roof, 4 at the south end and 4 in the middle. Each set of 4 receptacles are placed on their own unique tile design.

4 x North End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x Middle Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x South End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

The tiles correspond with the tiles above the golden gates on the north temple Screenshot

You must place each set of 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the receptacles with the same tile design as those above the golden gate you wish to open. Two of the same tile designs are on the east side of the roof, and two on the west side. It is vital that you follow the correct instructions or you could end up opening none of the gates. For instance, if you place 3 x Eye Of The Serpent into 3 corresponding receptacles and 1 Eye Of The Serpent into a differing receptacle, none of the gates will open.

You need 4 Eye Of The Serpent to open 1 golden gate on the north temple.

You need 8 Eye Of The Serpent to open 2 golden gates on the north temple.

You need 12 Eye Of The Serpent to open all 3 golden gates on the north temple.

If you have less than 4 x Eye Of The Serpent, you will not be able to open any of the golden gates on the north temple.

If you are unable to open any of the gates ~ Nip into the north transporter and travel back to the central island. Use the transporter to zap yourself back to The Aqueduct, and then follow the walkthrough from The 1st Black Beetle

If you have 4 or more Eye Of The Serpent ~ Follow the walkthrough from The Golden Gates

The Golden Gates

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 north end receptacles Screenshot will open the right side gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 middle receptacles Screenshot will open the middle gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 south end receptacles Screenshot will open the left side gate Screenshot

Getting The Pentagram Artefacts

You may have noticed that inside each gate there is 1 x Pentagram artefact. How many gates you have opened will depend on how many Pentagrams are accessible to you. We will discuss this further when we reach the golden gates. So, head into the north transporter, zap back to the central island and use the NW floating ledges to get back to the north temple.

The open gates are ahead of you now, and you need to take note when entering each gate and taking the Pentagrams from inside. Each time you take a Pentagram you will see a long cut-scene showing you another level.

Left Gate ~ The Aqueduct Pentagram. If you take this Pentagram, you will not need the Pentagram from The Aqueduct level.

Middle Gate ~ Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram. If you take this Pentagram, you will not need the Pentagram from Lair Of The Serpents.

Right Gate ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths Pentagram. If you take this Pentagram, you will not need the Pentagram from Wrath Of The Wraiths.

When you take a Pentagram from Limbo, you will see a block rising over the Pentagrams in the corresponding levels and they will become inaccessible to you. This is because you only need 3 x Pentagrams to open Bonus Level 3 and if you have them from Limbo, you won't need any more. If you did not manage to open all 3 golden gates, you will not be able to collect all 3 Pentagrams from Limbo. However, the Pentagrams in The Aqueduct, Wrath Of The Wraiths and Lair Of The Serpents will remain accessible to you.

So, let's see what happens when we enter each gate and take the Pentagrams.

Right Gate ~ Enter the right side gate, take the Pentagram 1 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Wrath Of The Wraiths level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Middle Gate ~ Enter the middle gate, take Pentagram 2 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Lair Of The Serpents level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Left Gate ~ Enter the left gate, take Pentagram 3 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you The Aqueduct level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Return To The Aqueduct

Ok, it's now time to head back to The Aqueduct, but you will return here later on for another secret when you have the Sword of Fithos. For now though, use the floating ledges to get back to the central island, nip into the transporter and zap back to The Aqueduct.


The Aqueduct ~ Revisited

The 1st Black Beetle

Head out of the transporter room and make your way out onto the glass covered maze. Head over to the NE corner and use the slopes to slide down to the ground. Make your way to the west side of the maze, then enter the east gate and head to the skeleton at the end of the passage to your right. Use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the gate the 1st Black Beetle, and then head out of the passage and go left. At the end of the passage go left, and then half way down the passage go left through the north gate. Now run straight on and use the Sword of Fithos to pry the 1st Black Beetle from the wall. You will now see a shot of a gate opening at the top of the maze.

The 2nd Black Beetle

Head out from the beetle passage and go L - L - R to the slope passage. Use the slopes to get to the top of the maze again and then head to the SE corner and enter the newly opened south gate. Drop into the water hole inside the gate and let the current sweep Lara to the end of the flooded passage. Pull out of the water and find yourself back at the timed-hatch and lever room.

Note the closed west gate with the 2nd Black Beetle inside, and then make your way through to the north passage and take note of the Bag of Sand pedestal you visited earlier. You will be making a hasty retreat through there soon. For now though, go R - R and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the west gate in the previous room. Re-enter the previous room and head inside the newly opened west gate. You can see the Black Beetle ahead of you now, but don't touch it yet!

Note the monkey swing above you, top up with health and save your game. Pry the 2nd Black Beetle from the wall then quickly grab the monkey swing to escape the flood of scarabs that come pouring out from the wall. The gate has also closed, so swing towards it to open it, and then drop to ground, quickly head into the north passage and through to the north room. Go left past the Bag of Sand pedestal you visited earlier, and then go right and drop into the water-hole. Lara will now be swept away down a long flooded passage and arrive in the flooded chamber below the scales room. Swim to the west side of the flooded chamber, and then swim up through the hole in the grating and pull up into the scales room.

The 3rd Black Beetle

Head to the NE corner of the room and use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to lower the block in the NW pillar. Nip up onto the pillar and pry the 3rd Black Beetle from the wall.

The 4th Black Beetle

As you take the 3rd Black Beetle from its resting place, you will hear a rush of water rush and the current has changed course in the flooded passage below the room. Drop back through the hole in the gating and swim through the east passage. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage (you can have an evil snigger at the drowning scarabs on the way) then pull out of the water and slide down into the secret keyhole room.

Go left into the east room, use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to open the gate in the west passage, and then make your way to the newly opened gate in the west passage; but do not touch the Black Beetle yet! First note the "Guns" sign on the wall behind the Black Beetle. This indicates that you will need your guns very soon. Now pick up the LMP, top up with health and save your game because you are about to face another scarab attack.

Pry the 4th Black Beetle from the wall and both the south and east gates will close; sealing off your escape route. The scarabs will also begin their attack. Quickly roll, whip out your pistols to open the gates (there's no need to fire the pistols), and then ignore the east gate ahead and run immediately right into the south passage. Now jump over the lava pool to the south passage and send the scarabs into the lava-pool below.


Return to the north passage (if any scarabs are still roaming around, just keep jumping back to the south passage until they have all dropped into the lava-pool) and head around into the secret keyhole room. Go right into the next south passage and jump the skeleton trap to get into the hallway. Head through to the south passage and time the single crashing wall to get to the east end of the hallway. Go right to the crashing walls passage and time them to get to the crashing wall in front of the central floor-hatch. Now note. In the east wall inside the floor-hatch hole there is a secret passage, and you need to use the glide trick to get inside it. So, stand Lara as close to the crashing wall as possible, and the time the wall and run into the hatch hole. As soon as Lara is past the edge of the hole, press the "action key" to glide her down into a passage. Now run through to the room at the end of the passage and collect the Secret ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo.

Note: Only visit the secret area once. If you do happen to return here later on, the secret bell will chime again, the secret will register twice and your secret count will get messed up.

The Shotgun & The Secret Key

You are now in a small maze type complex and the Secret Key is at the end of the west passage, but don't go there just yet. Head into the north or south passage, make your way around to the higher west room and take the Shotgun from the pedestal. If you enter the west passage, a ceiling-hatch will open giving you access back to the hallway; but you still need to get the Secret Key so ignore it and head back through the east passage and make your way back to the lower room where you collected the shotgun ammo. Now enter the west passage, drop down into the hole and Lara will fall into the pool you visited earlier. Now swim down through the open hatch and pick up the Secret Key.


As you collect the Secret Key, the north gate will open. Swim through and head to the end of the passage. Don't turn into the left passage yet, swim straight on and collect a LMP from the end of the passage. Now swim into the west passage, make your way up through the long flooded passage and pull out at the end. You are now in a passage above the secret keyhole room. So slide down into the room then turn around and use the Secret Key on the lock. You will now get a cut-scene showing you a gate opening back in the mirror room.

Leave via the west gate then go left into the south passage. Jump the lava pool to get into the far south passage, and then head right and make your way to the end of the passage. Go right at the end of the passage then jump left onto the outer west ledge and head through the west gate. Make your way back through to the mirror room and head to the NE corner of the room. As you did before, use the triangular block to get onto the higher north pillar, and then use the west pillar ladder to get up inside the passage in the hole in the ceiling. Now drop down through the hole at the end of the passage, and take a running jump from the pillar to the newly opened west wall gate. Now head inside the room for the Secret ~ Pentagram 1 ~ LMP. Note: If you already have The Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, then the Pentagram in this room will not be accessible to you because you will not need it. If you did not have The Aqueduct Pentagram from Limbo, then take it from here and watch the block rise over The aqueduct Pentagram in Limbo.

Using The 4 x Black Beetles ~ The Soul Cube

Drop back down into the main room and head to the central pyramid. Place the 4 x Black Beetles in each side of the pyramid to open it, then reach inside the pyramid and take the Soul Cube

Using The Soul Cube To Exit The Aqueduct

Make your way over to the north end of the room and nip up into the north passage. Enter the room at the end of the passage and place the soul cube in the devil’s hand. The Laser Sight will now appear on the pedestal behind you, and as you pick it up a transporter will activate and the gate to the mirror room will close. Now nip into the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths


Old & New Levels ~ Wrath Of The Wraiths

4 Secrets

Shining Star. 2 x Gold Key. 2 x Diamond Key. 2 x Silver Key. Golden Handle. The Star Of Light. Secret Key.


Lara will arrive in a small room at the beginning of a maze. Leave the maze alone for now and check out this first room. In the NW corner there is a sign; indicating that you do not have use of your weapons. On the west wall, there is a secret keyhole. In the SE corner in the south wall, there is a movable-block and in the SW corner there is metallic floor-tile.

To start with, place the movable-block onto the metallic floor-tile. You will get a shot of a closed gate in the maze and we can now take a look inside the maze.

Enter The Maze

Inside the maze, there are numerous levers, gates, hatches and passages. Your first objective is open the gate to the shining star.

Locate The Shining Star

From the start of the maze, go L - L and pull up into the higher passage. Head to the end of the passage and pull to the left into the next higher passage. At the start of the passage you will see a flooded chamber to your right with a wraith-dolly inside. Head to the end of the passage and climb down through the ladder hole. Go L - L and use the wall-lever to raise two hatches. The upper hatch will allow Lara to use the next lever. The lower hatch has blocked off a nasty spike-trap and has also given you access to a jump-switch.

Return up the ladder, head past the wraith-dolly chamber and nip back down into the lower passage. Drop down to ground level, and then run ahead into the north passage. About half way down the passage, spot the shining star behind the gate in the east wall, then look up into the hole in the ceiling above it and spot a higher passage in the east wall. Pull up inside the passage and go left into the next passage. Use the wall-lever at the end of the passage to open the floor-hatch below your feet, and then drop down into the lower passage. Now look up, spot the jump-switch on the north wall and use it to open a gate on the other side of the maze.

Leave via the west gate (which will open as you approach it) and head down to the end of the passage. As you did before, nip up through the upper passages to the flooded wraith-dolly chamber, then climb back down the ladder and enter the next passage. The newly opened gate is at the end of the passage, so make your way there and stop just inside the gate. Turn around and look up, spot the jump-switch on the south wall and use it to open the gate to the next lever. Now take a look at the end of the passage and note the closed gate with a lava pool beyond. Remember the way back here because you will shortly be doing a timed-run to it from the 3rd lever.

Head back out of the passages, climb the ladder and make your way back past the wraith-dolly chamber. Drop back down into the lower passage, and then drop to the ground floor. Go R - L - R and save your game by the timed-lever.

The Timed-Run To The Lava Pool Room

Use the lever to temporarily open the lava pool gate, and then run left into the next passage. Go L - R - L and stand-jump to the upper passage. Run to the end of the passage and stand-jump up into the wraith-dolly passage. Run to the end of the passage, roll and drop down the ladder. Roll and run left into the next passage, then sprint to the end, pass through the final gate and run right into the next passage. Now go left, run to the lava pool gate and curve-jump right through the gate so that Lara lands on the east slope at the side of the lava pool. Keep the "jump ~ alt and left directional keys" pressed, then bounce Lara between the slopes to get across the lava pool. At the end of the slopes, there is a safe area to land on.

Open The Water-Hole Hatch In The Maze

Pull up into the east passage and spot the skeleton-lever inside, but leave it alone for now. Head to the end of the passage for a LMP, then return to the lever and use it to open a hatch above a water-hole in the maze. Now save your game for another timed-run!

The Timed-Run Out Of The Lava Pool Room

Yes, there's another timed-run coming up; and not only that, you are going to have a wraith on your hands too. Well, we had to see a wraith sooner or later didn't we? As soon as you step onto the metallic floor-tile at start of the passage, a hatch will temporarily rise at the end of the lava pool, the exit gate will open and the wraith will be heading towards you. You need to move fast or the hatch will lower and the exit gate will close and trap you inside the lava pool room.

Step onto the metallic floor-tile at the start of the passage to raise the hatch, open the exit gate and activate the wraith. Run-jump from the floor-tile (your time begins now) to the west slope at the edge of the lava pool, and then bounce between the two slopes towards the raised hatch. As soon as you can, jump onto the hatch and then nip through the timed-gate before it closes.

Kill The Wraith

Head through the passage and into the next passage. As you approach the gate to your right (which leads to the newly opened water-hole) it will close, so you now need to find another way in. Run to the ladder at the end of the passages, climb up into the wraith-dolly chamber and make your way back down to the ground floor passages. Go R - L - R and drop into the water-hole. Swim through the passage until you come to a wraith-dolly at the T-junction, then swim around the wraith-dolly to kill the wraith.

Time the east circular-blade and swim up through the hole beyond. Grab some air, and then use the uw-lever on the west wall. You will see a shot of a raised block in the maze wall. Swim back down into the passage and time the west circular-blade to get through it. Swim up into the hole beyond and use the uw-lever on the east wall to open the block in the maze wall and reveal the shining star.

Swim out of the passage and pull up out of the water-hole. Head right, make your way to the end of the passage and go right to the ladder. Climb the ladder to the wraith-dolly chamber, then make your way back down to the ground floor passage. Go R - L - L and take the Shining Star from the pedestal.

Another Wraith Run

As soon as you take the shining star, a long cut-scene will kick in showing you a skeleton-lever, a gate opening with another lever inside and the wraith-dolly in the flooded chamber. You need to pay attention to all of this because it's going to be your escape route from another frenzied wraith. You need to use two levers to open the way to the wraith-dolly in the flooded chamber to finally kill the wraith.

The 1st Lever

When you step away from the e pedestal, the wraith will be heading your way. Quickly run out into the passage, go L - L - L to find the skeleton-lever and use it to open the gate to the next lever.

The 2nd Lever

Roll and run back out to the long passage, head to the end of the passage and go right (just before the starting room) at the end of the passage. The next lever is straight ahead of you now, so use it to open the gate to the wraith-dolly chamber.

Kill The Wraith & Get The 1st Gold Key

Run out of the lever alcove and go right. Nip up to the higher passage and make your way up to the wraith-dolly chamber. The gate is now open, so head inside and drop into the hole at the end of the short passage.

Lara will fall into a lower flooded chamber and the current will sweep her towards a fire-trapped hatch. The current will also stop you from swimming to the south side of the chamber, so try to swim around the hatch and make your way up into the NE corner. Swim up to the top of the passage and head through the south passage to the circular-blade. Time the blade to get past it, and then swim to the end of the passage and swim up to the wraith-dolly chamber. Go left in the chamber, locate the wraith-dolly at the end and wait for the wraith to disappear. Now, swim back to the east wall opening (where you entered the chamber) and swim up into the air-pocket for some air.

Return to the chamber and go right this time. Swim down through the water-hole at the end of the passage and make your way to the end. You will now see the Gold Key behind the grating to your left, so swim forwards to the end of the grating, then swim L - L around the grating and pick up the 1st Gold Key.

Expose The Secret Key

Swim out of the Gold Key passage and swim back up to the wraith-dolly chamber for some air. When you are topped up with oxygen, swim back down to the Gold Key pick-up passage and head straight on to the circular-blade. Time the blade to get past it, and then swim down the hole beyond the blade. Swim down into the lower flooded passage, then swim south and make your way down the hole at the end of the passage. Swim up through the green tinted passage, note the passage to your right which is blocked off at the end, then swim on ahead and go up for air. Now continue through the east passage and pull out at the end.

Pick up the LMP from in front of the gate, then look up inside the hole above the water-hole and note the jump-switch high up on the south wall. Nip around into the north passage and walk towards the spike-tile. Note the slope on the wall beyond the spike-tile, and then walk as near to the spike-tile as you can. Take one step back from the spike-tile, then stand-jump towards the slope and grab it. Pull up onto the slope, back-flip with a twist onto the slope behind, and then press the "jump + action keys" to bounce Lara up the following slopes and grab the final south slope. Now pull up and back-flip to the safe ledge behind.

Note the Silver Key behind the closed north gate, and then face south and run-jump to the LMP on the ledge ahead. Spot the jump-switch on the south wall (that you noted earlier from the water-hole passage) and use it to lower the block in the green tinted water passage. After using the jump-switch, Lara will fall into the water-hole. So, grab some air, then swim down into the green tinted passage and make your way along until you can take a left turn. At the end of the passage, is the block you just lowered. Swim up into the hole above, pull out into the tiny room and use the skeleton-lever inside to de-activate the spike-tile back in the slope passage.

Before you leave the skeleton-lever room, jump over the lever to the west wall and find that the wall is in fact a movable-block. Push the block forwards to reveal a wall-lever, then use the lever to lower a block and open the way to the Secret Key. You will get the Secret Key later on, so forget about it for now and drop back into the green tinted passage. At the end of the passage, go right and head black up to the spike-tile and slope passage.

Head through the passage, go right after the spike-tile (which is now safe) and stand-jump to the top passage. Note the Diamond Key behind the gate to your right and the closed gate up in the wall ahead. Head left down the passage and stop about a quarter of the way down. Note the lighter coloured floor-tile, then walk a short way ahead and note the two lighter coloured wall-tiles to your left with another lighter coloured floor-tile between them. Also note the ladder and high passage up to your right, the temporarily inaccessible movable-block to the left of the ladder and the two closed floor-hatches ahead. Now make your way to the end of the passage and enter the room ahead.

Note the three keyholes on the north wall and the jump-switch above them, then jump up onto the ledge and turn around. Look above the entrance for a wall ladder and jump to it. Climb up the ladder until the jump-switch is behind Lara (the video help will show you the precise place to be on the ladder) and then drop and grab the ladder. When Lara brings her legs up onto the ladder again, back-flip with a twist, grab the jump-switch and pull it down Video Help You will see a shot of the gate opening at the other end of the passage.

Head back to the end of the passage and save your game before pulling up through the newly opened gate. As soon as you arrive inside the passage, a wraith will be on your tail. So quickly head to the end of the passage and drop down into the water-hole at the end.

The Sea Hag Chamber ~ A Secret & The 1st Diamond Key

You will now arrive in a large flooded chamber; and yes, you will shortly be meeting the sea hag, but first you need to get rid of that wraith. So, spot the wraith-dolly cage at the north end of the pool, then swim to the SE corner of the pool. Locate the uw-lever on the east wall and use it to open a hatch in the grated area of the ceiling. Swim to the hatch and pull out into the room above. There's a chain-pulley at either end of the room. Use them to raise the wraith-dolly cage down in the pool, then drop back into the pool and lure the wraith to the dolly to kill it.

You now need to use three uw-levers to open a secret gate and the gate to the 1st Diamond Key.

1st Underwater-Lever

Return to the hatch and pull back into the room above. Head to the SW corner of the room, light a flare to see the dark passage in the west wall and pull up inside. Pick up the LMP and use the skeleton-lever at the end of the passage to lower a block down in the pool.

Head back down into the pool, then keeping to the central path, swim south to the end of the pool. Go L - L, locate the uw-lever on the column and use it. Three things will now happen. 1 ~ A block will lower in the NW corner of the pool and expose the next lever. 2 ~ The sea hag will be released. 3 ~ The central hatch will close. You can grab some air from the SW ceiling air-pocket where you entered the chamber, or you can grab some air from the central grated ceiling area, but as you do not have use of your guns, you can not kill the sea hag.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim to the NW corner of the pool, locate the uw-lever on the column and use it to reveal the next uw-lever.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim to the NE corner of the pool, locate the uw-lever (SE of the wraith-dolly cage) and use it. Two things will now happen. 1 ~ The gate in then west wall (SW corner) will open. 2 ~ A secret passage in the right hand side of the west wall will open.


Swim to the right hand side of the west wall and enter the secret passage. When you do so, you will feel the slight rumble as one of the blocks up in the passage by the three keyhole room lowers. Pull up into the passage at the end and follow it through to the two lighter coloured wall-tiles. The left wall-tile is a movable-block, so push it through once only so that it's sitting in the upper passage by the three keyhole room. Now turn around, nip back to the end of the passage and jump up to the grated ledge up to your right. Pull up to your left for a LMP, then jump into the west passage and drop down into the lower passage.

The movable-block is to your right and you can see where one of the blocks lowered earlier, but you still need to lower the other block so that you can place the movable-block onto the lighter coloured floor-tile in the alcove. So, pull the movable-block down the passage four times until it's sitting on the lighter coloured floor-tile and this will lower the other block. Now push the block back up the passage and place it to the left of the ladder (so that it's sitting in front of the first lowered block). Climb the ladder, make your way back down to the movable-block and push it forwards once (so that it's sitting on the first lowered block). Now pull the movable-block onto the central lighter coloured floor-tile and one of the floor-hatches in the passage will drop open.

Now, don't go rushing towards the open floor-hatch or you will have a nasty shock. The closed floor-hatch is triggered to open if you step onto it and a spike-trap lies beneath it. So, jump over the closed floor-hatch to get to the open floor-hatch, then drop down inside for the Secret ~ LMP ~ Revolver Ammo.

The 1st Diamond Key

Pull up out of the hatch-hole, jump over the trap-hole and head left into the movable-block passage. At the end of the passage, drop into the water and swim to the left hand side of the west wall. Go through the open gate and it will close behind you (locking the sea hag inside the chamber). Now swim to the end of the passage, pull out of the water and run ahead for the 1st Diamond key.

The 1st Silver Key

Climb the ladder to your right and make your way to the slope at the top. Shimmy left as far as you can, then back-flip to the slope behind you and bounce forwards with a left curve so that Lara lands on the following slope to her left. Slide-jump ahead to the following slope, and then press the "action key" to grab the edge of the slope. Shimmy right as far as you can, pull up, slide-jump right onto to the corner slope and then twist and curve left so that Lara lands on the safe-tile in front of the west doorway. Now head through the doorway and go left for the 1st Silver Key.

Using The Three Keys

As you take the Silver Key, a wraith will arrive and you need to make a hasty retreat out of the sloped room. So turn tail, head to the sloped room and stand-jump onto the small south slope. Slide-jump to the next south slope, then slide-jump to the ladder and drop down into the passage below. Run into the movable-block passage, head past the pedestal and make your way to the wall ladder. Go right after the wall ladder into the movable-block passage, and then drop down into the water-hole to kill that pesky wraith. Now pull out of the water, head right out of the passage (mind the spike-hole) and make your way to the room with the three keyholes.


Use the Diamond, Silver and Gold Keys on the keyholes and two hatches back in a previous flooded chamber will open. A secret will also be uncovered which we will get it shortly. So, make your way down to the start of the passage and drop down into the spike-trap and slope passage. Go left to the water-hole and drop down into the green tinted passage. Swim through the passage and be sure to grab some air from the air-pocket inside the passage. Now swim to the end of the passage and go up to the open hatch; but don't swim up through it yet! Swim into the north passage, then when you are about half way down, swim up into the hole in the ceiling and make your way to the top. Now enter the south passage and pick up the Secret ~ LMP.

Get Some Air ~ Locate The Rotating-Blade Room

You now need some air, so quickly turn tail, swim out of the secret passage and swim down to the lower passage. Swim south to the end of the passage, then swim straight up into the hole in the ceiling. At the top of the hole you can grab some much needed air.

The Rotating-Blade Room

Swim into the north passage and head on until you come to a hole in the ceiling with a passage inside it. Leave the passage alone for now and look below you for a flooded chamber with rotating blades. Swim down to the blades, but keep above them to start with and head to the east wall. There's an uw-lever here, so use it and see a shot of a closed gate elsewhere. Now swim down below the blades to the west side of the chamber and locate the uw-lever on the east wall of the trench. Use the lever and get a shot of the gate opening. Return to the top of the chamber, swim north to the end of the passage and save your game before pulling out of the water.

The Wraith-Run

As soon as you pull out of the water, you will be treated to a long cut-scene showing you the tasks ahead. This will involve a lot of slopes, levers, collapsible-tiles and one very persistent wraith. As you can see, the gate has closed behind you and there's no wraith-dolly to hand, so your only option is to find one elsewhere. Also note the receptacle, covered water-hole and large medi-pack to your left, but ignore them all for now.

Run over to the slope in the NW corner, jump up and grab its edge. Shimmy left as far as you can, then back-flip with a twist onto the slope behind and immediately jump forwards with a right curve to land on the next slope. Immediately jump to the next slope, then slide-jump to the next slope. Continue on until you reach the slopes that are joined together to make a right angle, then grab the edge and shimmy as far right as you can (without turning the corner). Pull up and slide-jump with a right curve to land on the collapsible-tile, then immediately back-flip with a twist onto the collapsible-tile behind. Now run-jump to the collapsible-tile to the left (SE direction) and grab its edge. Shimmy around to the south side, then pull up, run-jump to the collapsible-tile in the NE corner and grab the edge of it. Shimmy around to the left, pull up and roll, then run-jump to the block with the wall-lever. Use the lever to open the hatch covering the water-hole below, and then turn slightly left and jump down through the hatch-hole.


The wraith is still hot on your tail, so swim along the passage and out into a large flooded chamber. Spot the three silver wall-tiles on the outer walls. The east wall-tile has a hidden passage behind it, so swim through and grab the Secret ~ 2 x LMP.

Locate The Golden Handle

Return to the chamber and swim up to the mirror on the south wall. Go take a look in the mirror and spot an opening in the west wall. Swim through and use the uw-lever inside to open a hatch at the top of the flooded chamber. Swim back out, then swim to the top of the chamber and pull up through the newly opened hatch. Head to the gate at the end of the passage (which will open as you approach) and go through.

When you enter the gate, you will get another long cut-scene showing you the next task; which is more or less the same as before with various slopes, collapsible-tiles and levers. And yes you do still have that wraith lurking about, but you will eventually come across the wraith-dolly.

As soon as you have control of Lara again, turn around and use the jump-switch up on the wall to close the hatch over the water-hole and open the gate over in the north wall. You can't actually see the gate yet as it's obscured by a slope. Jump onto the slope nearest to you and slide-jump over the following two slopes until you see the newly opened gate ahead. Slide-jump towards the gate and press the "action key" to glide Lara inside the gate. Head inside the passage, go R - R and use the lever at the end of the passage to de-activate the spike-trap that's surrounding the wraith-dolly and open the gate above it. Head back down the passage and go left into the next passage. Head past the gate you entered the passages by and go left for a LMP. Continue on down the passage until you reach the opening at the end, and then drop down onto the wraith-dolly ledge.

At this point, the wraith should finally wipe itself out on the wraith-dolly, hooray! Now use the wall-lever behind the wraith-dolly to raise a block on top of a ladder to your right. This will block off the spike-trap at the top of the ladder. Oh, and you have also released another wraith.

Now, this wraith really isn't having any of that wraith-dolly stuff so you need to find something else to deal with it. Face south and jump back to the ledge you arrived in this room on. As you did before, use the three slopes to get to the north side of the room, but this time, don't jump into the north gate. Instead, slide-jump left onto the west slope, then slide-jump and grab the ladder on the pillar. Climb up the ladder and pull up onto the top of the pillar.

There's a long slope to your left now with a smaller slope ahead of it. Run-jump or side-jump onto the long slope, then shimmy left until the smaller slope is behind Lara. Pull up and back-flip with a turn onto the smaller slope, then slide-jump with a left curve onto the slope on the east wall. Keep just the "jump key" pressed, bounce Lara onto the following slope, then slide-jump and grab the next slope. Shimmy right as far as you can, then pull up and slide-jump to the west wall slope. Keeping the "jump key" pressed, bounce to the next slope to the north, then slide-jump with a right curve onto the east slope to your right. Bounce to the next north slope (make sure Lara is facing east when you land on it) then slide jump with a right curve onto the east wall ledge. Use the wall-lever on the east wall to open the hatch covering the water-hole, then face west and run off the ledge. Lara will land in the water-hole below and the wraith will disperse. Woohoo!

Swim through the passage and make your way up to the top of the flooded chamber again. As you pull out into the upper passage, the gate to your left will open. Head through to the passage beyond, and then as you reach the end of the passage, the hatch covering the water-hole will close again. At the end of the passage, nip up onto the grated block for a LMP, and then pull up to the right. Lara will now be on an elevator and heading to the top of the room.

The Movable-Block Puzzle Room

When the elevator stops, Lara will arrive in a large room with a grated floor. Take care not to fall down the central hole. It leads to the slopes room and certain death. Ok, you are in the movable-block puzzle room and it is quite apparent that you will be shoving blocks about, so let's proceed.

Go to the block in the east wall and push it through once. You will hear a rumble. Pull the block out twice and move it to one side. A block has lowered at the end of the east passage and a lever has been revealed. Use the east wall-lever and hear another rumble. Go to the south wall block, pull it out once, then move it to one side. Enter the south passage, use the lever at the end and hear another rumble. Go to the north wall block, pull it out once and move it to one side. Enter the north passage and use the lever at the end. A block has now lowered at the end of the south passage and revealed another movable-block. Head into the south passage and pull the block out into the room.

You now have four movable-blocks in the room and one static-block. Take a look on top of each movable-block and note the designs. Now look up and spot the corresponding designs on the outer edge of the ceiling. Move each block onto their corresponding designs and the south and west gates will open.

Head to the east wall and place the right hand side movable-block onto the SE patterned floor-tile. Now head to the west wall and place the right hand side movable-block onto the NW patterned floor-tile. Use the static-block at the north wall to run-jump inside the west gate, and then use the lever inside to elevate the SE corner block to the east wall opening. Now take a right curved running jump to the south gate and use the lever inside to elevate the NW corner block to the west wall opening.

Walk back to the gate, then face NE and take a right curved jump around to the blocks in the SE corner of the room. Push the east block forwards once so that it's sitting on a corresponding tile inside the east wall opening, then drop to ground and nip back onto the static-block. Now push the west movable-block forwards once so that it's sitting on a corresponding tile inside the west wall opening. You will now hear the sound of a spike-trap de-activating up in the east wall opening.

Turn around on the static-block, run-jump towards the protruding east wall block and grab its edge. Now pull up and take the Golden Handle from the pedestal. The hatch covering the water-hole will now open and you can make your escape.

Using The Shining Star & The Golden Handle

Drop down to the central hole in the grated floor, face east and hang drop from the hole. Release your grip, fall through the sloped room into the water-hole at the bottom of the room, then pull out of the water. Collect the LMP in front of the receptacle, and then combine the Shining Star with the Golden Handle to make The Star Of Light and place it on the receptacle. The sloped lava pool you visited earlier at the start of the level will now change to water.

Locate The Drawbridge Room

Leave via the east passage and drop down into the water-hole. Swim through the passage until you reach the hole above the rotating-blade room, then swim up and pull out into the passage above. Head to the room at the end of the passage and note the room beyond the north glass wall. That's your next destination. Head into the east passage and climb the wall ladder. At the top of the ladder, go right and the gate will open as you approach.

You are now standing above what was the sloped lava room and the lava is now water. Dive into the water and swim through the north passage. At the end of the passage, pull out of the water and find yourself on the other side of the glass wall you noted a short while ago. Now head north and enter the room at the end of the passage.

The Drawbridge Room ~ The 2nd Diamond Key

Run out onto the central bridge and note the two drawbridges on each side of the room. Also take a look up inside the room and note the various hatches, levers, bridges and the transporter to the east.

Start by heading to the end of the bridge and note the raised block to your right. Turn around and hang-drop to the central column below. Head to the west side of the bridge and use the wall ladder to climb down to a skeleton-lever. Use the lever to raise a block on top of the one you noted when you entered the room, then climb back up the ladder and back-flip off to the bridge.

Make your way back to the central column and use the higher triangular part of the path to jump forwards and grab the monkey swing. Swing to the south side of the room and drop off. Face the south wall, hang-drop from the ledge, climb down the short ladder and then drop and grab the ladder below. Now climb around to the left and drop off into the south wall alcove.

Pick up the LMP, then face NE and note the slope to your right in the lava pool. Stand-jump around to the right hand side of the slope, and then slide-jump with a right curve onto the next slope and slide-jump onto the east wall ledge. Climb to the top of the east wall ladder, back-flip to the ledge behind, then turn around and pull up onto the upper ledge on the east wall. As you arrive on the ledge, you will step onto a trigger-tile that will slide a block out of the wall to your right and raise a block over a spike-trap on the south wall ledge. Both of which are timed!

The timer won't begin until Lara leaves the trigger-tile. So, place Lara with her back to the east wall and with her right foot on the edge of the trigger-tile. Side-flip left onto the block, run-jump and grab the raised block ahead and then quickly pull up and run-jump to the balcony ahead before the block lowers. Walk ahead and pick up the 2nd Diamond Key from the pedestal.

The 2nd Gold Key

When you take the Diamond Key, a cut-scene will show the east drawbridge lower and a hatch rise on the west side of the room. Drop down from the balcony and head north to the end of the bridge. Turn around, hang-drop to the lower central column and then walk eastwards to the edge of the path. Turn around, hang-drop down onto the ladder below and then climb down and shimmy right until you are on the other side of the central column. Now drop from the ladder, nip over to the right and take the 2nd Gold Key from the pedestal. As you do so, a cut-scene will show the west drawbridge lower and a hatch rise on the east side of the room.

The 2nd Silver Key

Nip back around to the ladder, shimmy left to the other side of the column and then climb up to the ledge above. Use the higher triangular part of the path to jump up and grab the upper bridge, then pull up. Head onto the east bridge, make your way to the doorway at the end and jump left onto the east wall ladder. Climb down the ladder as far as you can, shimmy right onto the other side of the ladder and then drop down to the ledge below. Use the wall-lever to lower a rope at the top of the room and open the east wall gate above.

Pull up onto the block behind you and stand-jump inside the east wall gate. Head to the end of the passage and place Lara with her back to the slope. Stand one tile away from the slope and back-flip onto the slope whilst pressing the "jump key" so that Lara bounces up the following slopes. On the third bounce, press the "action key" to grab the upper ledge, and then pull up.

Run out onto the bridge ahead and spot the lowered rope to your right. Stand-jump to the rope, then swing to the de-activated spike-tile ledge on the north wall. Back-drop from the ledge and shimmy right to the end of the wall. Now shimmy around to the other side of the wall, hang-drop and grab the gap in the wall below you and shimmy left to the other side of the wall. Continue on to the end of the wall, then shimmy to the other side of the wall and drop down to the ledge below. Now collect the 2nd Silver Key from the pedestal and watch the cut-scene showing you a hatch rising high up on the north side of the room.

Shifting Some Blocks To Access The Hammer God's Lair

Walk to the silver floor-tile at the end of the pedestal ledge and two hatches will rise on the outer walls. They're timed and the clock starts as soon as you leave the silver floor-tile. Run-jump to the first hatch, grab the edge of it and pull up. Take a right curved running jump to the east wall hatch, then run-jump southwards to the ledge on the east wall. As you did before, stand-jump inside the east wall gate, then use the slopes at the end of the passage to get back up to the top of the room.

Make your way to the west side of the bridge and use the jump-switch on the west wall to move a block on an upper east wall ledge and reveal a trigger-tile. Head back down the middle of the bridge and use the raised block to climb to the higher bridge.

Head to the west side of the bridge and locate the movable-block. Push the block southwards once, then move it along the bridge and place it on the silver floor-tile at the north wall. This will shift a block over at the east wall. Move the block over to the east wall and place it on the silver floor-tile. This will slide a block out of the wall on the west side of the bridge. Now make your way to the west side of the bridge and use the block to climb to the highest bridge.

As soon as you arrive on the bridge, turn around and pull up onto the high west balcony. Face north, run-jump to the lever on the ledge ahead and save your game for a timed-run!

Use the lever, jump back southwards to the previous ledge and then drop down to the bridge. Sprint ahead to the middle of the bridge, then sprint right to the south side of the bridge. Pull up onto the pillar to your right, run-jump to the temporarily raised hatch to the west, then stand-jump to the ledge below the ladder on the west wall. Now climb the ladder to the room above and prepare for battle.

The Hammer God

As soon as you run into the room, the escape hatch will close, the hammer god will appear and he will chase you around while beating his hammer on the ground to diminish your health. Start by running over to the north side of the room and jumping up onto the jagged block for a moment's peace. Now scan the room and take note of a few things. There are three keyholes on the east wall; which are inaccessible at the moment, a monkey swing above you, a jump-switch on the west wall and another jump-switch on a pillar on the south side of the room. Also note the closed south gate; and although it's not apparent to you, there are also two movable-blocks at the north wall (one either side of the pick-up pedestal).

Using The Diamond Key

Grab the monkey swing above you and swing to the west wall. If you have problems moving Lara on the ladder, move her sideways and she should eventually start to move. Drop and grab the jump-switch on the west wall to temporarily raise a block under the middle keyhole, then quickly sprint to the block, nip up onto it and use the Diamond Key on the keyhole before the block slides from under your feet.

Using The Silver Key

Head back to your safe block and grab the monkey swing again. Swing to the south side of the room, then drop and grab the suspended wall ladder. Shimmy around to the left until you are on the other side of the ladder, then climb down as low as you can; but keep Lara in the climb position. Back-flip with a twist, grab the jump-switch on the pillar behind you and pull it down. This will temporarily slide a block out underneath the right hand side keyhole (which is also timed). Sprint to the block, nip up onto it and use the Silver Key on the keyhole before the block slides back into the wall.

Using The Gold Key

Head back to the safe block to recover from the hammer god's blows, then drop down to ground and locate the movable-block to the right of the large medi-pack pedestal. Push the block aside to reveal a wall-lever, and then use the lever to slide a block out under the left side keyhole. This block isn't timed, so there's no rush to get to it. Head over to the block, nip up onto it and use the Gold Key on the keyhole. There's an explosion, the battle is over and the hammer god will disappear as quickly as he arrived.

Set Up The Next Secret

If you haven't already done so, grab the LMP from the SE corner of the room and the LMP ~ The Revolver from the pedestal. Taking the Revolver will open the escape hatch. Now locate the movable-block to the left of the pedestal and push it aside to reveal a wall-lever. Use the lever to open a secret gate elsewhere. The secret Pentagram is through the south gate (which is still closed) but you need to remember this gate if you wish to come back for the Pentagram and/or the next secret.

Head to the SW corner of the room and drop down the ladder. Look out over the room and spot the alternating floating-tiles leading to the transporter at the east wall. You can leave now via the floating-tiles if you wish, but if you want to grab the Pentagram and/or the next secret, you need to make a detour before heading to the transporter. Remember though, if you already have the Wrath of The Wraiths Pentagram from Limbo, you will not be picking another one up from this level. However, you will still be able to get yourself a nice little pick-up from the secret room.

If you wish to leave now, then follow the walkthrough from Leaving The Wrath Of The Wraiths

If you wish to get the next secret, then follow the walkthrough from A Detour For The Secret Key

A Detour For The Secret Key

First you need to jump to the first two floating-tiles, but as this is a trial and error task there is no sure way to guide you through it. So, just time each tile, jump to it as soon as you think it's going to appear and then from the second tile, drop down onto the central bridge below.

Make your way down to the bridge you entered this room by, then head out into the entrance passage and drop into the water-hole. Swim to the end of the passage, then swim out into the sloped pool. Climb out on the flat east ledge, and then use the north wall ladder to get into the high north passage. Head around to the left, drop down the ladder into the glass wall room and then head out via the south passage. Make your way down the passage, jump over the water-hole and then make your way through to the passages at the beginning of the level.

Head down the passage until you have a closed gate to your left and the shining star pedestal to your right, then face north and look up into the hole in the ceiling for a passage to pull up into. At the end of the passage you will find the Secret Key.

The Secret Pentagram

Nip back down from the passage and head south into the room you arrived in when you entered the level. Use the Secret Key on the west wall keyhole and watch the cut-scene showing you the south wall gate opening in the hammer god room.

Return to the passage outside and head straight on to the glass wall room. Go right, and then climb the ladder to get back to the sloped pool room. Drop down into the pool, swim through the north passage and make your way to the end. Swim up, pull out of the water-hole and head north to the drawbridge room.

You now need to get back up to the hammer god room, but you won't need to do the timed-run again. Make your way to the top of the room, then head to the south side and pull up onto the pillar before the timed-hatch. Time the floating-tile, and then jump to it and curve-jump left onto the ledge below the west wall ladder. Now climb up into the hammer god room, head through the newly opened south wall gate and pick up the Secret ~ Pentagram 2 ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ LMP. Note: Please remember, that if you already have the Wrath Of The Wraiths Pentagram from Limbo, then the Pentagram in this room will not be accessible to you because you will not need it. If you do not have the Pentagram, then take it from here and see a shot of a block rising over the Wrath Of The Wraths Pentagram in Limbo.

Leaving The Wrath Of The Wraiths

Make your way back down to the drawbridge room and line up for the trip across the alternating floating-tiles. Basically, you need to use the floating-tiles to get to the transporter on the other side of the room, but as this is a trial and error task, there is no sure way to guide you through it. So, just time each tile, jump to it as soon as you think it's going to appear and make your way over to the transporter. Now nip down inside the transporter and head off to your next destination.


Old & New Levels ~ Lair Of The Serpents Plus Bonus Levels 1 & 2

4 Secrets

Tinnos Key. Ocular Part 1. Ocular Part 2. Smaragd Ocular. 7 x Snake Stone. Serpent's Key. Dragon Mask.


Note the sign indicating that you have use of your weapons again. Initially though, Lara will not draw her guns via the "weapons draw key", so select a weapon from the inventory to initiate the weapons draw function. From now on, Lara will be able to draw her weapons by using the usual key.

The Tinnos Key

Start by walking ahead to the central hole and drop down into it. Lara will take a long fall down through the central hole and splash-land in a pool below. Note the closed west gate in the pool wall, then pull out of the water on the west side and take the Tinnos Key from the left pedestal. Collect the LMP from the right side pedestal, then nip over to the east side of the chamber and take the LMP ~ Flares from the other two pedestals. When you have picked up all the items, the west gate in the pool will open.

Drop down into the pool and swim inside the west gate. Let the current will take Lara along the passage and she will arrive in a railed passage inside a large flooded chamber. You can't swim anywhere else but straight on, so make your way through the railed passage and head straight on up through the west passage until you are at a closed ceiling-hatch. Note the closed hatch for future reference, then swim past it and go up for air.

Ahead of you now is a long flight of steps leading up from the water. Wade over to the steps, make your way up to the top and then turn around and admire the beautiful long hallway ahead.

The Hallway

First note the crawl space in the west wall (right side) with a closed gate at the end. Now head to the east end of the hallway and note the pillar in front of the east room and the ladder in the SE corner with a closed ceiling-hatch above it. We will come back to all of this later on. So for now, head east and walk out into the stunning lava pool room.

The Lava Pool Room

This room is absolutely beautiful isn't it? We have the vast lava pools with a central dividing water pool, then on each side of the lava pools there are three raised platforms with high towers. Between the lava pools and towers there are a few pathways, so we can get across the lava pools and visit four of the tower platforms. Let's explore some more.


Head to the end of the path ahead, then jump NE to the central north platform. Nip up onto the platform, head behind the tower and use the skeleton-lever to lower a block in the floor on the central south platform. Run ahead eastwards behind the tower, the camera angle will change and you will see some closed gates up in the tower wall. Continue on eastwards, drop down onto the path by the lava pool and then head south to the central south platform. Nip up behind the platform, find the newly lowered block in the floor and drop down inside it. Head through the dark passage to the ladder at the end, then climb up and walk out to the edge of the opening.

Look up on the ceiling above the opposite tower and spot the shootable-ball. Combine your revolver and sight and shoot the ball to raise a hatch on the south wall to your left. Jump to the raised hatch, then face NE and run-jump up inside the opening in the tower wall. Head to the end of the short passage, jump up the slope and walk out onto the bridge.

Stop as soon as you arrive on the bridge and face east. Drop back from the break in the railings, grab the edge of the bridge and spot the crawl space below you. Release your grip, drop to the crawl space and grab the edge of it. Now pull up inside the crawl space and go right for the Secret ~ LMP ~ Flares. As you take the secret, a block will rise below the bridge and you can drop down safely form the crawl space.

The Ocular Part 1

Nip back behind the tower, make your way back up to the bridge again and cross over to the north tower. Head inside the tower, walk around to the left and stand at the edge of the opening. Turn around, drop back from the opening and spot a crawl space below you. Drop to the crawl space, head inside and drop down into the lower passage. Note the closed floor-hatch at your feet, then grab your pistols and shoot out the grated wall to your left. Now jump into the north wall passage and head to the T-junction at the end.

Ignore the path to the left for now and head right down the passage. Near the end of the passage, note the white wall-tile in the south wall (which will lower when you have taken the Ocular Part 1). Run to the end of the passage, go R - L to the next T-junction and note another white wall-tile in the north wall to your left (which you will lower later on and reveal the secret keyhole). That's all for now, so head on around to the right and make your way through to the small chamber at the end.

Walk to the south opening and spot the closed gate in the tower ahead and a gap in the wall to the left of it. Jump to the gap and shimmy around the tower until you can pull up inside the tower. Nip up inside the central chamber and use the skeleton-lever to open another gate in the north wall. The gate is next to the central north tower and we now need to make our way back there.

Head around to the north opening and stand-jump towards the north wall while pressing the "action key" so that Lara glides down inside the north wall passage. Head back through the passage and make your way back to where you entered the passage from the central north tower. Walk out to the edge of the opening, jump over to tower and then face NE and run-jump into the newly opened gate. Light a flare, make your way through the passage to the chamber at the end and take the Ocular Part 1 from the pedestal.

When you take the Ocular Part 1, you will see a shot of the pillar back in the hallway and a block will lower behind the pedestal revealing a lever. The lowered block is one of the white wall-tiles you saw earlier back in the previous passages, so you now have easy access back into those passages.

The Timed-Hatch Run

Go to the lever behind the pedestal and save your game for a timed-run! When you use the lever, two hatches will temporarily rise on the south wall of the lava pool room, and believe me, it's not an easy task. Ready?

Use the lever then hit the "look" key to kill the shot of the hatches rising. Quickly turn right, run out into the passage and head left. Sprint to the very end of the passage, then head around to the left behind the railings and run-jump through the following passage. When you are close to the top of the passage, the camera angle will change and force you to make a blind running jump ahead into the opening in the tower wall. Do not press the "action key" when jumping into the opening or Lara will grab the edge of it and lose valuable time pulling up. Quickly stand-jump ahead to the upper passage, then drop down onto the bridge on the other side and sprint to the end. As you approach the slope, the gate to your left will open. So, jump through past it and take a right curved running jump to the first raised hatch on the south wall. Now quickly run-jump to the second hatch, then take a left curved running jump into the opening in the tower.


Ok, there's another timed-run coming up shortly via the wall-lever to your left. But before you do anything else, walk past the wall-lever to trigger the gate to your left to open, then note the ladder with the closed hatch above it. Walk through the gate and out onto the bridge, then immediately look up onto the ceiling for another shootable-ball. Use your revolver and sight to shoot the ball and the hatch above the ladder will drop open. Climb a short way up the ladder, back-flip off to the bridge above and then head to the end of the bridge. Climb to the room at the top of the ladder and save your game for another timed run!

The wall-lever nearby is timed to the secret gate. Use the lever then hit the "look key" to kill the shot of the timed-gate opening. Quickly roll and drop down the ladder, then sprint to the other end of the bridge and drop down the ladder. Go right to the opening in the tower wall, then take a left curved running jump inside the east wall gate. When you enter the tiny room ahead, a hatch will rise on the wall of the tower giving access back to the tower. Now head to the end of the tiny room and collect the Secret ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares ~ LMP from the pedestal.

The Ocular Part 2

Leave the secret room and run-jump to the raised hatch. Pull back up into the tower, head left to the wall-lever and save your game for another timed-run! This time you will be heading back to the central north tower and visiting the floor-hatch you noted earlier. The timed-run is pretty tight, but if you sprint whenever possible, you should make it in good time.

Use the timed-lever, then tap the "look key" to kill the shot of the floor-hatch over in the central north tower. Quickly head out to the bridge and sprint to the tower at the end. Head straight on through the tower, run off the edge of the tower towards the north wall and press the "action key" to glide Lara down inside the north wall passage. Head right and make your way through the passage to the end. Just before you reach the railed passage where you did the first timed-run to, go left and run to the opening at the top of the passage. Take a right curved running jump to the central tower, then nip around to the open floor-hatch. Grab the east wall ladder, drop down below the hatch and then drop to the lower ladder and pull up inside the east alcove. Now nip over to the north alcove and use the skeleton-lever to open a gate in the underwater chambers. Note: If you dropped directly into the flooded chamber below the hatch, climb up into the alcove inside the hole in the ceiling, grab the wall ladder and climb up into the east alcove. Now nip over to the north alcove and use the skeleton-lever to open a gate in the underwater chambers.

Drop into the lower flooded chamber and swim through the east passage. At the end of the passage, swim down into the trench and you will arrive out under the pool in the main room. You now need to find and use two uw-ceiling-levers to open the gate to the Ocular Part 2.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim to the east side of the chamber and note the east room ahead. Ignore the east room for now and swim up into the passage to your right (south). Swim ahead until you can take a right turn, then swim to the end of the passage and use the uw-ceiling-lever to open another gate in the chamber.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim back out of the passage and go left. At the end of the passage, swim down into the trench and head into the into the east room for some air. Return to the chamber and swim to the west side. When you reach the passage you entered here by, swim up, then turn around and swim above the glass partitioning. Head into the passage to your left (south), then swim on until you can take a left turn. At the end of the passage, use the uw-ceiling-lever to open the gate to the Ocular Part 2.

Swim out from the lever passage and go left. At the end of the passage, pick up the SMP, then head back down the passage and swim into the west room for some air. Now swim back through the east passage, swim down into the trench and head to the east room. Pull up onto the central ledge climb the chain to about half way, then back-flip off to a rocky chamber and collect a LMP from the south alcove. Return to the chain, climb to the upper room and take the Ocular Part 2 from the pedestal. As you take the Ocular Part 2, you will see a shot of the pillar lowering back in the hallway and a receptacle is revealed.

Using Ocular Part 1 & Ocular Part 2

Make a safety-drop down from the tower and head to the west end of the lava pool room. Jump back to the starting path, run through to the hallway and spot the newly revealed receptacle straight ahead of you. Combine Ocular Part 1 with Ocular Part 2 to make the Smaragd Ocular and place it on the receptacle. A hatch will now open in the central water pool inside the lava pool room. Head back into the lava pool room and make your way to the eastwards to the central water pool.

The Serpent's Folly

Dive into the pool and swim down through the newly opened hatch. You will arrive in a beautiful flooded chamber where a serpent likes to play. Mind you, the serpent is tiny compared to what you're going to meet later on. Keep a look out while visiting here or the lurking serpent will quite happily take a bite at you. Now note the layout of the chamber. There are four tiers outer and the ground level. Your objective is to locate three uw-levers and use them to lower a wall in the flooded chamber. It's also a fabulous place to explore for goodies, so make the most of your visit here and gather everything you can.

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim down to the top of the first tier and locate the uw-lever on the central west pillar. Use the lever and you will see a shot of the wall that's blocking the end of the south wall passage. Swim up for air.

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim back down into the chamber and head down to the top for the fifth tier. Search the SE corner for a LMP, then swim down to the SW corner of the ground floor and pick up a LMP. Swim back up for air. Swim back down to ground level, collect some Revolver Ammo from the NW corner, then swim to the central area on the outer north wall of the chamber. Turn around south to face the central structure and spot the uw-lever on up on the pillar. Use the lever to lower the wall at the end of the south wall passage, then swim back up for air.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim down to the second tier and search the SW corner for a pack of Flares. On the east side of the tiers you will find a LMP. Now swim down to the top of the third tier, collect a LMP from the NE corner and then swim to the outer SE corner of the chamber. Turn around NW to face the central structure, then swim inside the opening in the corner of the structure and locate the uw-ceiling-lever. Use the lever and you will see a shot of the wall that's blocking the end of the south wall passage. Swim up for air, then look out for the lurking serpent. Quickly swim to the top of the chamber, lure the serpent to the surface and then pull out of the pool and gun the serpent down.

Dive back down to ground level and enter the west wall passage. Make your way up through the passage, go pass the lowered wall and swim out into a wide rocky passage. Note the south wall passage that's currently shielded by a glass wall, then head around to the right and make your way to the end of the passage. At the end of the passage, note the block and pillar ladder in the SW corner that's lying below the surface of the water and then swim up and surface for air.

The Serpents Lair ~ Hunting For Seven Snake Stones

Pull out of the water on the north side and nip into the tiny room ahead for a pack of Flares. Head back to the pool and note the other two passages south and west. It's the south passage you need next, but you can take a look inside the west passage if you wish. Above the entrance of the west passage, you can clearly see that weapons of any kind are not permitted and if you attempt to use them beyond the sign you will pay a high price. As you enter the west passage, a gate will open inside the small chamber and a swinging-ball is revealed. But as you can't use your weapons in here to break the ball, you need to find another way of solving the problem. There's s gap in the north wall, so that should give you a small hint. Ok, let's move on now.

Head back out to the water-pool and nip over into the south passage. First, go R - R for some Revolver Ammo, then head to the end of the passage and run through the raised gate. The gate will then close behind you, the dramatic music will warn you of pending danger and you are sealed inside the chamber for now. Quickly whip out a heavy weapon, head to the right and come face to face with your first huge (but very glamorous looking) serpent.

The serpent will stare you out for a bit, then he'll begin to slither towards you and strike if he gets close to you. One bite will poison Lara, so try to stay away and take him down as soon as possible. If you do get bitten, top up with health to heal the poisonous attack. When the serpent is dead, the furthest gate at the end of the chamber will open. Head down to the open gate, take note of the other gate with a Snake Stone artefact behind it, then head through the open gate and make your way towards the next chamber.

Stop by the LMP and pick it up. When you do so, another huge serpent will attack from the next chamber. Take out the threat, then enter the chamber. Note the gap in the south wall to your right. This is the gap you noted earlier in the swinging-ball chamber. Also note the wall-lever on the east wall. This will open the swinging swinging-ball gate and allow you to shoot the ball. But as soon as you use the lever, another huge serpent will arrive to your left. So, as soon as you use the lever, roll and run as far back as you can to avoid being bitten by the serpent. Now take out the slithering snake, head to the gap in the wall and shoot the swinging-ball to open the exit gate in the north wall. Before you leave, note the central silver floor-tile. You will see what happens to that later on, but for now, head through the north gate and make your way through to the next chamber.

Note the central silver floor-tile and the hole in the ceiling with a closed hatch, then head up the east slope and into long railed passage. Head right and make your way to the end of the passage, and then head left and run down to middle of the passage. As you arrive there, a gate to your left will open and you will have access to a large room with seven serpent levers and a heptagram on the floor. This is the heptagram room, but you can ignore it for now and head to the end of the passage. Note the golden gate at the end of the passage, then head left into the following passage and make your way to the end. Stop at the end of the passage, look up and spot the higher passage inside the hole in the ceiling and pull up into it. Now nip into the south passage, go immediately right and head into a room with nine levers.

The Nine Levers Room

Yes, you heard correctly. There are nine levers in this room, and although most of us don't like lever puzzles, this one isn't too bad. One of the levers on the east side is guarded by a fire, so forget about that one for now and pay attention to the other eight levers. Three of the levers have a function and the other five levers are trapped. When the lever task is complete, you will leave here and then return later on to use the fire guarded lever. Don't look so confused, note the levers from left to right and follow the instructions below.

East Levers

1 - Trapped.

2 - Protected by fire.

3 - Trapped.

South Levers

1 - Opens a gate to a Snake Stone.

2 - Drains the wide rocky passage, opens the glass shielded passage and reveals a Snake Stone.

3 - Trapped

West Levers

1 - Trapped.

2 - Trapped.

3 - Opens a gate to another Snake Stone.

Ok, so you have three Snake Stones uncovered, you have drained the wide rocky passage and opened the glass shielded passage. Good, we can move on now and grab the first batch of Snake Stones.

The 1st Snake Stone

Leave the nine levers room, go right in the passage and make your way around the following passages. At the end of the passages, you will come to a small rocky chamber with the 1st Snake Stone inside.

The 2nd Snake Stone

When you take the 1st Snake Stone, the floor-hatch beneath your feet will open and Lara will fall into the chamber before the railed passages. Run straight ahead (west), then go left into the next chamber. Make your way through the following two chambers, then when you reach the third chamber, head into the north wall gate and pick up the 2nd Snake Stone.

The 3rd Snake Stone

Head out to the left and follow the passages through to the newly drained wide rocky passage. Jump over to the west ledge (ignore the sound of the swinging-ball gate closing) and run-jump to the east wall ladder. Climb down to the rocky passage and take the 3rd Snake Stone from the SW corner.

Expose The Dragon Mask Pedestal

As you take the 3rd Snake Stone, you will see a shot of the fire in the nine levers room extinguish; but don't head back there just yet. Make your way to the water-hole at the end of the rocky passage, then look up in the south wall (to the right of the water-hole) and spot the passage that was previously shielded by a glass window. Jump up into the passage and head to the top. Pull up to the left into the higher north passage, make your way to the crawl space at the end of the passage and crawl through. You will now find yourself under the heptagram room.

Note the closed ceiling-hatch in the crawl space, then continue on through the short passage and head through the east wall crawl space. At the end of the crawl space, face north, stand on the highest part of the triangular rock and pull up into the higher north passage. Now run through the railed passage ahead and use the skeleton-lever at the end to lower the pillar to reveal an empty pedestal in the nine levers room.

Using The Extinguished Wall-Lever

Head back down the railed passage and drop down to the crawl space. Crawl through to the short passage at the end and the ceiling-hatch will open on your arrival. Pull up through the hatch and find yourself in the heptagram room. Do not touch the serpent levers! They are all spike- trapped and they can not be used until you have placed the seven Snake Stones.

Leave via the south gate and head left in the passage. At the end of the passage, note the closed golden gate which you are going to open shortly, then head left and make your way to the end of the following passage. Pull up into the higher north passage, nip over the south passage and drop down to the right into the nine levers room.

Lever 2 on the east side of the room is now safe to use, so go ahead and use it to open the golden gate you noted earlier back in the railed passages.

Locate The Movable-Block Puzzle Room

Leave the nine levers room, go left and drop down to the lower passage. Head through to the end of the passage, then go immediately left through the newly opened gate. Go left into the next passage and make your way through the following passages until you come to a railed area and a slope leading down to the right. Note the Snake Stone enclosed behind the railings, then head down the slope and drop into the water-hole.

Swim down through the stepped-tunnel, then when you reach the third step, turn around and use the uw-lever to lower a block in a following passage. Swim through to the end of the tunnel and pull out of the water. The block you lowered a moment ago is over a water-hole straight ahead of you. So, use the lever to open a glass shield at the end of the following tunnel, then drop into the water-hole nearby, swim to the end of the sandy passage and emerge out into the pool at the start of the level.

As you can see, using the lever a moment ago has not only opened the glass shield, it has also raised the water level in the pool and you can now enter the north passage. So, head through, make your way to the top of the passage and pull up into the movable-block puzzle room.

The Movable-Block Puzzle Room & The 4th Snake Stone

It looks daunting, but it isn't. You're inside a small two tired maze consisting of a ground and top floor. Above the top floor there is a room which is currently sealed off via a ceiling-hatch. In various places you can see some patterned floor-tiles. There are two dark grey floor-tiles and three lighter mosaic-tiles. Also, in various walls you can see some white wall-tiles. Only one wall-tile is a movable-block. The others are elevators which will enable you to shift the movable-block from floor to floor. Your objective is to place the movable-block on all three mosaic-tiles to open the room above the ceiling-hatch. To keep things less confusing, we will head straight on to the puzzle.

The Movable-Block Puzzle

Note: There are two solutions for this puzzle, but I am only going to explain one of them.

Head to the north end of the passage and look up above the east wall. Note the higher top floor opening, but ignore it for now and pull up into the triangular gap in the east wall.

Drop down on the other side of the gap and go right to find the movable-block and a dark grey elevator-tile. Pull the block onto the tile, then nip back through the gap to the previous passage.

Head to the north end of the passage, face east and pull up to the top floor.

Head to the right, spot the wall-lever up on the south ledge and jump up to it. Use the lever and the movable-block will rise up and appear in the east wall. Also notice it has lowered the dark grey elevator-tile in the west passage.

Nip down and pull the movable-block out once.

Use the wall-lever again to raise the dark grey elevator-tile in the west passage floor.

Pull the movable-block into the west passage, then nip around the passage, note the mosaic-tile at the end of the passage and pull up to the wall-lever on your left.

Drop down past the wall-lever and push the movable-block into the west passage.

Use the wall-lever ledge to circulate the passage, and then place the movable-block onto the dark grey elevator-tile in the west passage.

Use the wall-lever again to lower the movable-block to the ground floor.

Nip down to the ground floor, head into the west passage and find the movable-block. Also note the two mosaic-tiles in the passage (one at each end).

Place the movable-block onto the two mosaic-tiles in the passage. Each time you place the movable-block onto a mosaic tile, you will get a shot of an empty pedestal in the room above the ceiling-hatch.

Pull the movable-block back onto the dark grey elevator-tile, then nip back up to the top floor and use the wall-lever to raise the movable-block into the upper west passage.

Move the movable-block onto the mosaic-tile at the end of the passage. The ceiling-hatch will now open and the next Snake Stone will appear on the pedestal inside the high room.

Enter the east wall alcove, pull up through the ceiling-hatch and take the 4th Snake Stone from the pedestal.

A Trek Back To The Hallway

When you take the 3rd Snake Stone, the water level will rise in the pool at the start of the level and you now have access to some more passages. Leave the pick-up room, nip back down to the ground floor and drop back into the water-hole. Swim through to the end of the passage and out into the pool.

Note the openings in the north, south and east walls and the closed gate in the west wall. Ignore the closed west wall gate for now because you will come back to that later on. First you need to open the hatch above the ladder in the hallway, and you will do that by using three uw-ceilings-levers which you will find inside the three openings. But, the uw-ceiling-levers must be used in the correct order (South ~ East ~ North) or Lara will get spiked. So, start with the south passage and use the uw-ceiling-lever to de-activate the spike-trap in the east passage. Enter the east passage and use the uw-ceiling-lever to de-activate the spike-trap in the north passage. Now use the uw-ceiling-lever in the north passage to open the hatch above the ladder in the hallway. Now swim down to the bottom of the pool, enter the west passage and swim back to the hallway.

Accessing A New Tower In The Lava Pool Room

Head east to the SE corner of the hallway, climb the east wall ladder and pull up into the room above. Note the movable-block in the NW corner of the room and the three patterned-tiles on the floor. The central tile is a raising-block and the tile at the south end of the room is the trigger-tile for the raising-block. The other patterned-tile (next to the movable-block) will lower a hatch in one of the lava pool room towers and give you access to a secret-lever. Note: You will not be able to pull the movable-block away from the west wall until it has been placed at the south end of the room.

Shift the movable-block to the south end of the room, then pull it back onto the patterned-tile to raise the block nearby. The raised block will give you access to a new tower in the lava pool room.

Before you leave, you can set up the next secret. If you already have the Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram 3 from Limbo, you will not get it again in the secret room. However, you will still be able to pick up some goodies.

Step One For The Secret Key

Shift the movable-block onto the other patterned-tile to lower a hatch in the lava pool room tower. This is in the tower you are going to visit next.

Step Two For The Secret Key

Nip up onto the raised-block, then pull up into the passage above. Head out along the bridge to the tower at the end and stop at the floor-hole. Note the ladder to your right, the newly opened hatch down in the hole and the Snake Stone behind the gate ahead. You'll get the Snake Stone in a short while, but first we need to reveal the Secret Key.

Hop back from the edge of the floor-hole, then run towards it, drop down into it and press the "action key" to glide Lara into the east alcove inside the hole. Collect the Flares from the alcove, then grab the wall ladder, climb down as low as you can and back-flip into the passage behind you. Run out onto the platform outside, go left and use the skeleton-lever to lower a block in the lava pool and reveal the Secret Key.

The 5th Snake Stone

Return to the ladder and climb back up to the bridge. Walk the break in the railings to your right, face SE, take a right curved running jump around the tower wall and grab the small ledge. Pull up and take the 5th Snake Stone from the pedestal. Doing so will open the gate at to the north tower at the end of the bridge.

The Secret Key

Take a left curve running jump around the tower wall, grab the bridge and pull up. Head to the north end of the bridge and enter the north tower. Go left to the edge of the opening and look down into the lava pool below. You can see the Secret Key below the lava and above the key, there is a hole in the railings that Lara can dive through; and I do mean dive. To get into the hole, you need to perform a running jump swan dive, and if you haven't done this before it could take more than one try. So, save your game before you attempt it.

Start by hopping back twice from the opening. Now run towards the opening, and then as soon as you reach the edge, keep the "forwards key" pressed and also press the "jump + walk keys" to perform a running jump swan dive. If you are successful, Lara will dive through the hole in the railings and land next to the Secret Key below the lava pool.

Secret Pentagram 3

Note: Please remember, that if you have already got the Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram from Limbo, then Pentagram 3 in the secret room will not be accessible to you because you will not need it. However, the other secret pick-up in the room will be available.

When you take the Secret Key, a hatch in another lava pool will open and you will see a shot of a white wall-tile lowering in the north passages. You noted this wall-tile when you visited the passages earlier, and you can now see that it obscured the secret keyhole. But for now, we need to get out of this lava pool and we will do so via that open hatch.

Swim out via the east passage, then go R - R - L and swim down the hole in the floor. At the bottom of the hole, swim west, return to the hallway and head through to the lava pool room. Head to the end of the path, jump SE to the central south platform, and then head behind the tower and drop down into the lower passage. At the end of the passage, climb the ladder to get up inside the tower, then walk to the edge of the opening. Face SW, jump and grab the hatch on the south wall and pull up. Now face NE and run-jump into the opening in the tower wall.

Head north, jump up the slope and make your way to the north tower at the end of the bridge. Head around to the left, walk to the edge of the opening and then turn around and hang-drop to the crawl space below. Climb through the crawl space, note the closed hatch above the wall ladder, then head left and jump into the north wall passage. Make your way to the end of the first passage, then go R - R - L - L and find the secret keyhole. Use the Secret Key, then watch the cut-scene showing the secret gate opening at the top of the central north tower.

You are now going to make the same journey you made during the first timed-run; only this time you can take it at your own pace as there is no timer on this task. Turn around, go R - R - L and run all the way to the end of the passage. Run left behind the railings and make your way up to the top of the passage. When the camera angle changes, take a blind running jump from the opening, and then either grab the opening in the tower wall, or don't use the "action key" and land inside the opening. Now nip up one level ahead, climb the east wall ladder and pull up into the small room at the top.

Walk to the newly opened north wall gate, jump the gap to get inside the north room and take the Secret ~ Pentagram 3 ~ LMP x 2 ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo. Note: Please remember, that if you have already collected the Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram 3 from Limbo, then Pentagram 3 in this room will not be accessible to you because you will not need it. If you do not have Pentagram 3, then take it from here and see a shot of a block rising over the Lair Of The Serpents Pentagram in Limbo.

Return To The Hallway

Leave the secret room, jump back to the small south room and drop down the ladder. Jump into the north wall passage and head down to the bottom. Go right, make your way to the opening at the end of the passage and then turn around and make a safety-drop to ground. Run around to the front of the tower, stand at the SW corner of the platform and run-jump back to the long path. Now head back to the hallway and go left at the Smaragd Ocular receptacle.

Locate The Rolling-Blade Room

Climb the east wall ladder and head back up to the movable block room. Pull up onto the west wall block, then turn around and pull up into the higher passage. Make your way out to the bridge and head over to the tower. Go left onto the next bridge and make your way over to the north tower. Walk inside the tower, go right and walk to the edge of the opening. Turn around and hang-drop from the edge, spot the crawl space and the ladder below you and drop to the ladder. Drop and grab the ladder below the crawl space, then drop to ground and head behind the tower for a LMP. Return to the ladder, climb up into the crawl space and drop down inside the tower.

Run-jump inside the north wall passage, go left and use the skeleton-lever at the end of the passage to raise a block back in the serpent's lair. This will give you access to a secret later on. Now head down to the other end of the passage, drop into the water-hole and swim to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water, note the central hole with a closed hatch inside it and then use the skeleton-lever to raise the water level in the starting pool. The hatch is now open in the central hole. So, drop through the hole and fall into a flooded passage below. Swim west for a LMP, then swim east, make your way to the end of the passage and swim out into the pool at the start of the level.

The rolling-blade room is through the north passage, but be sure to swim up for air and save your game before entering the room.

The Rolling-Blade Room & The 6th Snake Stone

It's quite possible to venture through the rolling-blade room without taking any damage at all, but it's more than likely you will get caught by the blades at some point. To avoid taking too much damage, crouch whenever possible and top up with health as soon as you run low.

Start by waiting for the blade nearest to the entrance to pass over you, then pull out to the east, wade to the flat east ledge and jump up onto it. Crouch in the corner and let the blade pass over-head. You will take some damage, so top up with health and save your game in a new slot if you think you're in a good spot. Quickly pull up onto the higher east ledge, then head left to the middle of the ledge, turn around and run-jump to the west wall ladder.

Climb up into the passage above the ladder and head through to the end. Pull up to left into the higher south passage, then drop down into the hole at the end of the passage. Go left (east) and stand-jump up to the ledge at the end of the passage for a LMP. Nip back down into the lower passage, then head west and jump up to the opening above the blade room. Keep away from the edge of the opening or Lara will get hit by the blades. Spot the opening in the far west wall with a ladder and hatch below it. The hatch is raised at this point, but later on it will lower and give you easy access back to the top of the room via the ladder. For now though, wait for the blade to pass and then run-jump into the opening.

Walk ahead to the lava-trap, face NW and stand-jump up to the higher north passage. Walk northwards to the next wall and use the "look key" to see over the top of it. You will see that the wall is sloped on the other side and there's an opening in the east wall. Line Lara up on the right hand side of the sloped wall, and then pull up and slide-jump with a right curve to land inside the east wall opening.

Spot the slope over on the east side of the room. Wait for the blade to pass below you, then run-jump to the slope, slide down and grab the end of it. Quickly shimmy left, wait for the blade to pass over-head, and then shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat area near the end of the slope. Now quickly jump ahead to the top of the ledges and run into the railed passage to the right.

You can't proceed in the railed passage yet, so look outside and spot the hole in the floor. Wait for the blades to pass by, then grab the wall ladder inside the hole and climb down to the bottom of the ladder. Don't drop down from the ladder or you will have to re-trace your steps back through the blade room and back to the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, shimmy right and drop off into the passage. Now use the skeleton-lever inside the passage to open a gate and raise the water level in the pool at the start of the level.

Walk towards the edge of the passage and spot the slope below the ladder. You will hear the hatch below the ladder outside drop open, and this will give you easier access back to the top of the room when you return here in a short while. Face the ladder wall, side-jump left onto the slope and then slide down and drop into the trench at the beginning of the blade room. Now swim out via the south passage, head out to the pool and swim up into to the newly opened south wall gate. Now use the uw-lever inside the gate to open a gate in the railed passage at the top of the rolling-blade room.

Grab some air, then swim down to the north passage and re-enter the rolling-blade room. Wait for blade closest to the entrance to pass over-head, then pull out on the west side and head up to the flat area above the slope. Stand-jump and grab the upper west ledge, pull up, run into the corner below the ladder and crouch down to avoid the pending blade. Now use the wall ladder to get into the higher west passage.

Walk ahead to the lava-trap, and then face NW and stand-jump up to the higher north passage. Walk northwards to the next wall and use the "look key" to see over the top of it. You will see that the wall is sloped on the other side and there's an opening in the east wall. Line Lara up on the right hand side of the sloped wall, and then pull up and slide-jump with a right curve to land inside the east wall opening.

Spot the slope over on the east side of the room. Wait for the blade to pass below you, then run-jump to the slope, slide down and grab the end of it. Quickly shimmy left, wait for the blade to pass over-head and then shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat area near the end of the slope. Now quickly jump ahead to the top of the ledges and run into the railed passage to the right.

Head through the railed passage to the newly opened south gate, drop down the hole at the end of the passage and pick up the 6th Snake Stone.

The Serpents Key

As you pick up the Snake Stone, a gate will open and the water level will rise in the pool at the start of the level. The gate holding you inside the pick-up area will also open. So, swim out into the pool and go up for air.

Spot the newly opened west wall gate and pull up inside it. Head to the top of the slope, and then make your way over the bridge and onto the central platform. A pillar will rise behind you trapping you on the platform and a huge serpent will appear in the NE corner. Quickly gun down the slithering enemy and some items will appear on the floor-hatch nearby. First collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo from the west side of the platform, then save your game before picking up the Revolver Ammo and Serpent's Key from the floor-hatch.

The Serpent Battle

As soon as you take the Serpent's Key, a cut-scene will kick in showing you four swinging-balls up in the towers (note where they are) and three gigantic serpents arriving in the lava pool room below. The hatch Lara is standing on will then open and she will fall into the water pool in the lava pool room.

The gigantic serpents will start to thrash around in their lava pools, and then they will send fire-balls and locusts heading your way. You need to shoot all four swinging-balls to destroy the gigantic serpents, and then the east lava pool will turn to water and a new passage will be revealed.

Shooting The Swinging-Balls

1st Swinging-Ball

Quickly pull out of the water pool on the west side and use the paths to get to the west end of the room. Jump to the exit path and when you are half way down the path, face the north tower and shoot the swinging-ball inside the tower.

2nd Swinging-Ball

Head into the hallway and make your way to the west end. Locate the crawl space in the left hand side of the west wall (there's no need to crawl through it) and use your revolver and sight to shoot the swinging-ball at the end of the crawl space.

3rd Swinging-Ball

Head east to the SE corner of the hallway and climb the east wall ladder. Use the west wall block to get to the bridge above the lava pool room, then head into the tower at the end of the bridge. Grab the wall ladder, climb all the way to the top and then back-flip off to the top floor. Take the LMP and Revolver Ammo from the pedestals, then face the north tower and shoot the swinging-ball inside the tower.

4th Swinging-Ball

Make your way back down to the hallway and head out to the lava pool room. Run to the end of the path and jump back to the central north platform. You will alert the gigantic serpents at this stage, so you need to act fast! Head to the east end of the room, nip up behind the north tower to avoid the serpent's fire-balls, (you can't avoid the locusts so you need to watch your health bar) then combine the crossbow with the laser sight and select explosive arrows. Carefully walk to the west edge of the platform and look on the left side of the central north tower for the next swinging-ball to shoot. Do it quickly or the serpent nearby will fire-bomb you. If you have the crossbow and explosive arrows, use them for a much quicker hit.

The 7th Snake Stone

When all the swinging-balls are shattered, the gigantic serpents will disappear, the far east lava pool will turn to water and a passage is revealed in the pool wall. Dive into the pool, swim through the east passage and pull out at the end. Make your way through the following passage and use the Serpent's Key on the keyhole at the end to open the gate to the Snake Stone receptacles. As you do so, Lara will be elevated to an upper passage. Run left from the elevator and take the 7th Snake Stone from the pedestal.

Using The Snake Stones

As you take the Snake Stone, the gate ahead will open. So head through and go straight across into the next railed passage. Go to the end of the passage, then go R - L and run down to the end of the passage. Now go right into the next passage, head straight down past the heptagon room and make your way to the end of the passage. Now go left into the next passage, make your way to the end and enter the Snake Stone receptacle room.

Jump the lava pool to get to the Snake Stone receptacles, and then place the 7 x Snake Stones into the receptacles. Note that each time you place a Snake Stone, a spike-trap will de-activate under one of the serpent levers in the heptagram room.

Head To The Heptagon Room

Jump back over the lava pool, head out to the passage and take an immediate right turn into the next passage. Now head down the middle of the passage and go left into the heptagon room.

The Heptagon Room

You now need to use the serpent-levers in the correct order to lower the central pillar and reveal a skeleton-lever. When each lever is correctly used, a flame will appear on top of the lever. At some point however, you will turn off certain fires and re-light others, so this is a puzzle that needs to be solved. If you want to re-set the levers, stand on the silver floor-tile on the north side of the room.

The Serpent-Lever Puzzle & The Dragon Mask

You can go clockwise or anti-clockwise around the serpent-levers, but you must start at the serpent-lever in front of the entrance gate and keep to the clockwise or anti-clockwise choice you have made. When you have used all seven serpent-levers, the central pillar will lower and a skeleton-lever will be revealed.

Head over to the central skeleton-lever and use it to conjure up a Dragon Mask in the nine levers room above. Leave the room via the south gate and go left in the passage. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go left and head to the end of the passage. Stop at the end of the passage, look up and spot the higher passage inside the hole in the ceiling and pull up into it. Nip into the south passage and head immediately right into the nine levers room. Now head over to central pedestal and collect the Dragon Mask from the pedestal.

When you take the dragon mask, a cut-scene will show you the water level rising back in the pool at the start of the level. The transporter is also activated and it's ready to zap you out of here. But first we will take a short detour for the final secret in this level.


Head out of the nine levers room and drop down to the left into the passage below. Head south to the end of the passage, then take a right turn into the next passage and run to the end. Go right into the next passage, then make your way to the end, head left and run down into the lower chamber. Continue on through to the next chamber and spot the block you raised earlier. Pull up onto the block, then pull up into the small room above and take the Secret ~ LMP ~ Flares from the pedestals.

Leaving For Pastures New

Nip down from the secret room and make your way back up to the heptagon room, but don't enter it. Run past the heptagon room, make your way to the end of the passage and head straight through the golden gate. Go left into the next passage, make your way through the railed passages and go right down the east wall slope. At the bottom of the slope, drop into the water-hole, swim down the stepped passage and make your way to the end. Pull out of the water, head to the next water-hole and dive in. Swim down through the sandy passage, enter the pool and swim up to the top. Now pull out on the east ledge, run ahead into the transporter and Lara will be taken back to The Aqueduct.


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ The Final Chapter

You are now back in The Aqueduct with 1 x Dragon Mask and the Tinnos Key. Hopefully you also have 3 x Pentagrams to access Bonus Level 3. If you have not visited Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2 yet, this will be your last chance to do so.

Important Options

To visit Limbo and/or Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Follow the walkthrough from Take Me To Limbo

If you do not wish to visit Limbo and/or Bonus levels 1 & 2 ~ Follow the walkthrough from Using The Tinnos key

Take Me To Limbo

Run to the right (north) and drop into the water-hole. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and slide down to the top of the glass covered maze. Head to the SW corner, enter the south passage and use the transporter at the end to zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo

3 Secrets

Note: If you have 5 x Mystery Stones, you can collect all 3 Limbo secrets and access Bonus Levels 1 & 2. You can also collect any missing Pentagrams from Limbo when you return from Bonus Levels 1 & 2. We will discuss this further when you return from Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones, you will not be able to visit Bonus Levels 1 & 2 and you will not be able to collect any missing Pentagrams from Limbo. However, you can still collect 2 secrets from Limbo.


Start by picking up the LMP ~ Flares from the ground, then note the skeleton lying in the middle of the island. Use the Sword of Fithos on the skeleton to raise a hatch on the ledge behind the transporter, then jump onto the hatch. Face west, run-jump towards the triangular ledge, grab it and pull up. Take a right curved running jump to the following NW ledge, then face south. Note the triangular rock on the corner of the island. You need to run-jump to the right hand side of it, and then bounce westwards and curve jump left onto the island. You've now landed on a spike-trap which is about to activate, so jump clear of the pending trap, then collect the Secret ~ The Crossbow ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the pedestals.

Return To The Central Island

Taking care not to venture too close to the spike-trap, pull up onto the NE corner ledge and note that the triangular ledge down to your right is now fire trapped; so you won't be using that. Walk to the NE corner of the ledge, then face east towards the other triangular ledge. It's safe to jump to, so time the spike-trap behind you, then hop back and take a running jump over to the triangular ledge. Now jump back to the hatch and then onto the central island.


Nip up onto the NW corner block and spot the floating ledges leading to the north temple. You can't go inside the temple yet, but you can get the secret hidden on the roof of it. Run-jump to the NW ledge, then run-jump to the north ledge. Run-jump towards the NE ledge, grab it and pull up. Stand at the back of the ledge, take a left curved running jump towards the west ledge, grab the edge of it and pull up. Now stand at the back of the ledge and take a right curved running jump towards the temple balcony, grab the edge of it and pull up.

Note the three closed golden gates in the north wall of the temple. They are of no use to you now, but you will be back here later on to deal with them. It might interest you to know though, that the patterned-tiles above each gate correspond with the patterned-tiles above the receptacles up on the east temple. You can note this for later on when you have returned from the Bonus Levels 1 & 2 with the x eye of the serpent artefacts, and then all will become clear.

So for now, note the ladder on the east wall with the closed hatch above it, then head to the opening in the west wall and pull up inside it. You are now on an outer wall of the temple. Go right, walk to the end of the temple wall, then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the wall of the temple. Now face SE, jump up to the wall and make your way to the end. There are a series of ladders on the wall below you, so hang-drop onto the first ladder and shimmy left. Ignore the alcove between the ladders and make your way to the end of the ladder. Climb up, pull up onto the temple wall and then run to the end of the wall. Now go right and use the wheel-switch to lower the hatch above the ladder.

Head back down to the end of the wall and hang-drop down to the ladder. Shimmy right as far as you can (ignoring the alcove between the ladders) then pull up onto the temple wall. Go to the right, then face NW and jump down to the small ledge on the temple wall. Now face SW and use the higher triangular area on the ledge to perform a left curved banana-jump up to the temple wall. Make your way to the end of the wall, drop down to the left and you are back on the temple balcony. Head to the ladder on the east wall, climb to the top and pull up onto the roof of the temple. Now explore the temple roof for the Secret ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ 2 x Revolver Ammo ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP.

Ok, now we can head back to the central island. Climb back down the ladder to the temple balcony, then use the floating ledges to the south to get back to the central island.

Important Options

If you do not have 5 x Mystery Stones ~ Nip into the transporter, head back to The Aqueduct and follow the walkthrough from Using The Tinnos Key

If you have 5 x Mystery Stones ~ Follow the walkthrough from Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Bonus Levels 1 & 2

Place 5 x Mystery Stones into the snake receptacles, and then watch the cut-scene showing you various transporters activating throughout Limbo and some spike-traps de-activating on fire-trapped ledges to the NE. The de-activated spike-trap ledges are your main concern right now because they give you access to the far SW transporter. You will then use that transporter to zap to the top of the east temple where you will find another transporter to take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

A Burning Desire

Start by heading to the NE corner of the island and scan the floating ledges ahead. Placing the Mystery Stones has de-activated the spike-traps on the ledges, but you will still have to deal with the fire-traps on them. So, stand facing the first ledge, then run-jump towards it and grab its edge. Shimmy all the way around to the other side of the ledge, wait for the fire-emitter to lower and then pull up in the right hand corner of the ledge. You are safe here for now, as long as you do not move Lara on the ledge. Wait for the flame to lower, then turn around, stand-jump towards the next ledge grab the edge of it. Shimmy left around the corner of the ledge and pull up in the right hand corner. Now wait for the flame to lower, run-jump to the next ledge and grab the edge of it. You can now repeat this procedure over the following ledges and the route will end at the SW transporter. Now step inside the transporter and Lara will arrive on the top of the east temple.

You can take a look around up here if you wish. There are 12 receptacles on the lower walls (6 on each side) where you will be placing the Eye Of The Serpent artefacts that you have collected from Bonus Levels 1& 2. Note the patterned-tiles above the receptacles, and then remember the patterned-tiles you saw above the closed gates back on the north temple. The solution to the gates will be explained when you have returned from Bonus Levels 1 & 2.


Note the two transporters up on the temple roof. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you to Bonus Levels 1 & 2. But first we are going to get the next secret. Note: You can also get this secret later on when you come back from Bonus Levels 1 & 2.

From the transporter-tile you arrived on. Walk east to the edge of the roof and turn around. Hop back from the roof, slide down and grab the end of the slope. Drop to the ledge below, then turn to face south, hop back from the ledge and grab it. There's a ladder below you, so climb down, then shimmy right around the ladder until the temple is behind you. Now spot a passage behind you and back-flip into it. Face south and note the passage ahead. It's lined with collapsible-tiles and there's one safe-tile at the end. There's also a ladder on a pillar beyond the collapsible-tiles. Run over the collapsible-tiles to the end of the passage, then jump and grab the ladder. Shimmy left around the ladder, then climb to the top of the ladder and pull up onto the ledge above. You will hear some spikes de-activating on a nearby ledge. Turn around, face north east and spot the de-activated spike-tile ledge around the corner of the temple. Run-jump to the ledge, then run-jump to the next ledge to the north and save your game by the wheel-switch.

The wheel-switch is timed to a hatch on the other side of the temple. Use the wheel-switch to raise a hatch, then return to the previous ledge (south) and run-jump around the wall to the ladder ledge. Face SW, spot another de-activated spike-tile ledge around the wall to your right and run-jump to it. Take a right curved running jump to the following north ledge, grab it and pull up. Spot the raised hatch to your right, run-jump towards it, grab it and pull up. Now quickly run-jump towards the ledge on the temple wall and relax for a while.

Run-jump to the next north ledge, then face NE and jump down onto the small ledge on the other side of the temple wall. Use the jump-switch on the south wall to open the secret gate on the other side of the temple and activate a transporter behind you.

Walk west to the ledge of the ledge, then face SW and jump back to the upper ledge on the temple wall. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then stand-jump down to the hatch. Run-jump to the next south ledge, then run-jump to the corner ledge on the temple wall. Take a left curved running jump around the temple wall and land on the ladder ledge.

Drop back from the ledge, grab the ladder and climb down. Shimmy right on the ladder until the temple is behind you, then back-flip into the collapsible-tile passage. The collapsible-tiles are gone now, but there's a monkey swing above you. So, grab the monkey swing and make your way to the end of the passage. Now head out to the right and jump back to the ladder. Shimmy left around the corner of the ladder wall, then climb to the ledge above. Now pull up into the alcove and collect the Secret ~ 3 x Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ 20 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x Flares ~ 4 x LMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ Revolver Ammo.

Head To The Transporter

You now need to get to the transporter you activated a moment ago (when you use the jump-switch on the other side of the temple). So, face north and run-jump to the ledge ahead. Still facing north, spot the spike-trapped ledge on the corner of the temple and the transporter around the corner of the temple. Time the spike-trap on the ledge, then just as the spikes lower, run-jump to the ledge and immediately run-jump with a left curve around the corner of the temple wall and land inside the transporter.

Lara will now arrive back on the temple roof. Nip into the south transporter and head off to Bonus Levels 1 & 2.


Old & New Levels ~ Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1

14 Secrets ~ Including 12 x Eye Of The Serpent

Bonus Level 1 ~ Arrival

Lara arrives inside a beautiful castle, and here you will be visiting various tribute levels from QRS' own personal favourites. You can visit most of these levels in any order and you do not have to visit them all. However, if you are collecting the 12 Eye Of The Serpent artefacts, then please make sure you visit all areas before leaving.

Head towards the north end of the hallway and note the open arched passage in the west wall (three arches down from the starting area). The passage is closed off at the end and you will open it up later on. Also note the two large pools to your right (east), which you will be visiting later on. For easy reference we will call this the "main pool".

Access Sanctuary of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

Make your way to the end of the hallway, then go right (east) just a short way. There's a dark passage to your left (north). Run through the passage and make your way to the end.

Note the smaller pool to your right (east), then go L - L and make your way up the stairs to about half way. Look up northwards and spot two horizontal-bars above the stairs and a wheel-switch up on a high balcony. Pull up into the west alcove (just before the lower horizontal-bar) and use the two horizontal-bars to get over to the north balcony. Use the wheel-switch to open a gate in the main pool, then make a safety-drop to ground and head back to the main pool.

Drop into the pool at the north end and swim through the newly opened gate in the north wall. Swim through to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out onto the north ledge. Use the nearby skeleton-lever to open a gate in the upper area of the main pool room, then swim back out to the main pool.

Pull out at the north end of the pool and make your way back to the far north end of the room (where the smaller pool is). Go L - L and make your way up the stairs again. At the top of the stairs, go L - L into the newly opened gate.

Light a flare if you need to, then drop down into the lower passage and run to the end. Pull up to your right into an upper passage and use the wheel-switch inside the passage to open another gate near to the one you previously opened. Return back through the passages, head out of the gate and go left. Run past the wide ascending stairs with the burning pots, then turn left into the newly opened gate. Drop down into the lower passage and make your way to the skeleton-lever at the end. Use the lever to open the double doors at the top of the stairs with the burning pots, and then make your way back through the passage and head out of the gate. Stop here because there's a secret to collect before we proceed to The Clockwork Cathedral.


Go L - L and run down the stairs to about half way. Look up to the north and spot the goodies on a pedestal. Pull up into the east wall alcove (the second alcove down from the top of the stairs), perform two banana-jumps around the alcove walls to get to the north balcony and grab the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows.

Make a safety-drop to ground and head back to the top of the stairs. Turn right, head past the gate you visited earlier and then take a right turn up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go right of the doors and collect a LMP from the pedestal. Now head through the double doors and enter The Clockwork Cathedral.


Sanctuary Of Souls ~ The Clockwork Cathedral by Piega

If you have played this level in its original form then you will know this room only too well. Yes, it's that raising and lowering trap-door-run. The principle is the same as the original version. Get to the other side of the room via the trap-doors.

Nip down to the lower balcony to your right (east) and walk north between the break in the balustrade. Stand on the edge of the balcony in front trap-door 1 (which is situated in front of the break in the balustrade). When the trap-door starts to rise, run onto it and run-jump NE to trap-door 2. Keep running as you land on the trap-door, then run NW and jump to trap-door 3. Now roll and run-jump back to trap-door 2, then roll and run-jump back to trap-door 3. Now run-jump north to trap-door 4 and quickly nip up into the north room.

Head to the NE corner of the room and use the wheel-switch to open a gate back in the main pool room. You'll visit there shortly, but there's one more task to do here first. Head to the west wall, climb the ladder behind the chain and pull up into a small passage above. Carefully walk around to the left and stop at the top of the slope in front of the gate. The gate will have opened as you approached it and beyond the gate there are four horizontal-bars. Beyond the horizontal-bars there is a jump-switch on the south wall. Slide down the slope, then jump and grab the first horizontal-bar. Swing around the bar, then jump to the next bar and grab it. Proceed in this fashion until you reach the final bar, and then jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. You will now see a long cut-scene of the arched passage in the main pool room, an explosion takes place at the end of the arched passage and a glass wall appears. The glass wall leads to another level, but you won't be heading there just yet.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1

Head up the steps and leave via the double doors. Go R - L and make your way to the top of the stairs. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and run through the newly opened gate. Run around the passage to the open north passage, then head through to the bell tower.

You will now be making a series of timed-runs over trap-doors to use a wheel-switch over on the north wall. The wheel-switch will do three things. 1 ~ Open a gate in the lower area of the cathedral. 2 ~ Lower a ladder in the cathedral. 3 ~ Open a hole over in the north wall.

The first wall-lever is to the right (east) of the clock mechanism and the first trap-door is west of the wall-lever. Start by using lever 1 to raise trap door 1, then side-flip left, run-jump to the west end of the balcony and jump to the small north ledge. Stand-jump NW to the west wall ledge, then face east and run-jump with a grab to catch the horizontal-bar. Only swing once on the horizontal-bar or Lara will run out of time and the trap-door will lower. Jump from the horizontal-bar onto the east ledge and save your game.

Turn and take a look over to the NW and spot trap-door 2. Roll and run around to the left (north) and make your way to wall-lever (2) at the end of the ledge. Turn around, note the horizontal-bar protruding from the pillar nearby, then use lever 2 to raise trap-door 2. Roll and run to the horizontal-bar, then jump and grab it and swing to trap-door 2. Immediately jump forwards onto the west ledge, and then run-jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Alternatively: Use wall-lever 2 to raise trap-door 2, then run back to trap-door 1 (which is now down but that doesn't matter). Run-jump from the trap-door 1 ledge to trap-door 2, and then make a right curved running jump to the north ledge where the wheel-switch is situated.

Use the wheel-switch, then watch the cut-scene showing you a gate opening, a ladder lowering and a block lowering in the north wall to your right. Pull up through the opening in the north wall, then climb down the ladder in the floor-hole.

Climb the west wall ladder behind the chain again, then use the slope at the end of the passage to slide down into the lower room. Make your way to the end of the balcony, then head left and drop down to where the timed-trap-door run began. Don't worry, you don't have to do the timed-run again. Run inside the newly opened south gate and walk to the end of the passage. Do not drop down into the floor-hole yet though. Turn Lara with her back to the hole, then hang-drop from the hole and spot a jump-switch below you. Drop back from the hole, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to activate the next secret.

Lara will now drop into a flooded passage below. Swim to the end of the passage, collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 1, then swim south and the gate will open. Swim through the gate, then swim up and pull out of the water. Lara will now be standing by the small pool at the north end of the main pool room.

Note: If you missed the jump-switch, the secret will not appear, but you can go back for it if you wish by re-entering the cathedral and heading back through the south gate.

Access Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Head south into the main room and dive into the pool. Locate the uw-lever in the partitioning wall and use it to open the double gates to the next level. Pull out of the pool and make your way to the small pool at the north end of the room. Go right (east) of the small pool, then turn right (south) and run up the stairs. Head straight on southwards, then when you come to the third archway on the left, turn left into the newly opened gates. Run to the top of the slope, then go left into a beautiful green tinted room. You will be informed that you have entered Caverns of The Dead by Michael Bender.


Caverns Of The Dead by Michael Bender

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2

This is a three-tiered room consisting of a ground, middle and upper floor. Your objective is to get to the top of the room, use a wall-lever and make the secret appear. To get to the wall-lever, you need to open a gate on the middle balcony by using four levers.

Start by taking note of a few things on the ground floor. There are three patterned floor-tiles, a jump-switch on the south side of the room and a double slope on the north side of the room. At the top of the second slope, there is a closed ceiling-hatch and above the first slope there is a monkey swing. Opposite the slopes there is a high room.

First, use the jump-switch on the pillar at the south wall and you will get a shot of a closed gate on the second tier of the room. Head up the slope on the north side of the room and note the closed ceiling-hatch. Now walk back down the top of the first slope, grab the monkey swing and make your way over to the high room through the east wall.

Note the movable-statue in the corner of the room and the wall-lever and skeleton-lever. Use the skeleton-lever and you will get another shot of the closed gate. Use the wall-lever to raise a pillar below the room, then shift the movable-statue onto the raised pillar. Use the wall-lever again to lower the pillar and bring the movable-statue to ground level, then drop to ground and place the movable-statue on all three patterned floor-tiles. This will open the hatch at the top of the slopes. Head back up the slopes and pull up through the hatch.

You can now see the closed gate in the south wall and a smaller closed gate in the west wall (with an empty pedestal in front of it). Also note the lowered hatch on the inside wall of the central platform and the jump-switch opposite. Head to the east end of the room and enter the dark passage in the SE corner. There are some Flares in an alcove nearby if you need them. At the end of the passage, use the jump-switch on the west wall and get another shot of the closed gate. Return to the balcony and head to the west end.

Locate the wall-lever on the west wall (to the left of the closed gate) and get ready for a timed-run. The lever will raise the hatch inside the central platform, then you need to make it to the jump-switch before the hatch lowers again. So, use the lever to raise the hatch, run to the hatch and nip onto it. Run-jump to the jump-switch and pull it down. The south wall gate will now open and Lara will land on the ground level.

Head back up the slopes, pull up to the balcony again and make your way through the newly opened south wall gate. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, back flip off at the top and run out onto a central ledge at the top of the room. Run-jump over to the east ledge for a SMP, and then run-jump over to the west ledge. Use the skeleton-lever and the secret pick-up will appear on the pedestal below. Return down the ladder to the middle balcony, then head to the west end of the room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 2 from the pedestal. The west gate will now open, so head through and find yourself on the top floor of the main pool room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3

Go left (south) to the small pool in the hallway, note the uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and then head into the far south room. Note the water pools in each corner of the room, then look inside the pools and spot the uw-levers inside them. You will be back here later on to deal with the pools and their levers, but for now, make your way to the SW corner of the room and locate the wall-lever on the east wall (under the arch to the right of the stairs). Use the lever to lower one of two ropes above the main pool, then leave the room and head back to the small pool with the uw-lever that you noted before you entered this room.

Run past the pool and note the closed north gate ahead (which you will be opening it shortly). Go L - R and make your way to the bottom of the stairs. Go L - L and run down the stairs to the lower balcony. Go left from here, then take a right turn onto the balcony above the large pool. Run to the end of the balcony, spot the wall-lever on the south wall (under the arch to your right) and use it to lower a second rope above the large pool in the main room.

Take a running jump through the break in the railings to your right, grab the outer south wall balcony and pull up. Make two banana-jumps around the partitioning walls on the balcony to get to the end of the west end balcony, and then face the opening in the west wall. Stand-jump towards the opening, grab the edge of it and pull up inside. Drop down to the left into the lower south room and use the skeleton-lever inside to open the gate on the upper north balcony. When you use the lever, the walls to your right will lower and give you access back to the main room.

Head north along the balcony until you are four arches down, then head right and walk onto the bridge. Walk to the break in the railings and line up with the first rope. Run-jump towards the rope, and then grab it and line up with the second rope. Swing towards the second rope, then jump and grab it. Now line up with the suspended cage and swing towards it. When Lara is just above the cage, jump and grab the top of it and pull up. Face south and spot the jump-switch ahead. Jump up and grab the glass ceiling, then swing to the jump-switch and use it to open a floor-hatch in the main pool.

Lara will fall down to the left of the floor-hatch, so swim down inside the hatch-hole and head to the end of the following passage. At the end of the passage, swim up through the long water-hole, note the closed gate in the north wall of the hole and then pull out of the water into the upper east passage. Head to the end of the passage, then go right and make your way to the end of the following passage. You'll see a closed gate ahead and a wall-lever to the left. The lever is timed to the gate you saw in the water-hole a moment ago. So, use the lever, then sprint back through the passages, drop into the water-hole and quickly swim inside the gate before it closes.

Inside the gate there's an uw-lever. Use the lever to open the gate back up in the passage, then swim out of the gate and pull out of the water into the east passage again. Make your way to the newly opened gate at the end of the passage and stop at the gate. Spot the jump-switch ahead and use it to open another floor-hatch in the main pool. Lara will fall down inside the floor-hatch and it will close behind her. Swim to the end of the following passage, then go left (east) and pick up the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 3 from the end of the passage.

Secrets ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4

Swim west until a gate closes behind you, then note the closed hatch above you. Swim on through the passage and you will come to an uw-lever on the wall to your left (if you try to swim further on in the passage the current will knock you back). Use the uw-lever to open the hatch you noted a moment ago, then swim up through the hatch and find yourself back in the main pool room.

Pull out of the pool on the north side and head to the small pool at the far north end of the room. Go right of the small pool, then go right again and make your way up the south stairs. At the top of the stairs, take a right turn and run past the open north gate that you have already visited. Now take a right turn and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R and make your way to the top of the stairs. Now go L - L and enter the newly opened north gate. On the first pedestal you find the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 4 and on the second pedestal you will find a SMP.


Leave the room and stop just outside the gate. Look down the hallway to your right and note the closed double doors in the north wall. There's another secret behind the double doors, but first you will need to find three well hidden levers to open them.

Lever 1

Run straight ahead (south) to the small pool and dive in. Locate uw-lever on the north wall of the pool and use it to de-activate one of the locks on the double doors back in the hallway.

Lever 2

Pull out of the pool and make your way into the far south room. Pull up onto the wall at the side of the south staircase (either side will do), then head to the east side of the ledges and use the skeleton-lever to de-activate another lock on the double doors.

Lever 3

Drop down into the room below and head north into the hallway (where the closed double doors are). Ignore the double doors for now and make your way down to the small pool on the ground level (north end of the main room). When you reach the small pool, go left and enter the dark passage to the left of the small pool. Light a flare in the passage, spot the carefully hidden jump-switch on the east wall and use it to de-activate the final lock on the double doors.

Make your way up to the newly opened doors, head through and collect the Secret ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ LMP ~ Wideshot Shotgun Ammo ~ Flares from the four pedestals at the end of the room.

An Elevator Ride To Bonus Level 2

Make your way back out to the hallway, then head down to the main pool. Go right of the pool and make your way south down the hallway. Near the end of the hallway, you will come to the open arched passage in the west wall that you noted earlier when you entered the level. Go through to the end of the passage and spot the new area that was created when you used the jump-switch in the Clockwork cathedral. The path is blocked by a glass wall and you are seemingly at a dead-end. Well, that's not going to stop Lara is it?  Run-jump towards the glass wall and Lara will smash her way through it.

Head to the double doors at the end of the passage and they will open as you approach. Lara will now enter a small room with a wheel-switch on the west wall; and although it's not apparent, she is in fact inside an elevator. Use the wheel-switch to activate the elevator and Lara will be taken down to her next destination.

Leave the elevator via the large double doors (they will open as you approach) and head through the following passage. Take the LMP from the pedestal to your left, then continue on through the passage and drop down into the pool at the end. Swim under the bridge with the glazed windows, then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head through the north passage and the level will skip to the next destination.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2

Access Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Run ahead to the end of the passage, then go left and stop, because you are now about to enter a passage laden with lava-traps. You will in fact be visiting another of these types of passages, so for future reference we will call this the 1st lava-trap passage.

Jump the lava-traps to get to the end of the passage, then note the closed gate in the north wall and the water-hole to the right of the gate. Drop into the water-hole and swim down. Note the passage to the north; but don't go through there yet. Swim down into the south passage and make your way to the end. Swim up and note the passage to the east, but don't go through there yet. Swim west to the end of the passage, then swim down inside the floor-hole and use the uw-lever to open a hatch at the other end of the passage. Swim out of the hole and up into the passage again. Swim straight ahead to the end of the passage, then swim up and climb out through the newly opened hatch.

You are now in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Ignore the west end of the passage for now and walk towards the first lava-trap. The camera angle will change and you can see an opening in the lava-trap wall. Jump to the other side of the lava-trap, then turn and walk to the edge of it. Hop back from the edge of the hole, then run towards the hole, press the "action key" and run into the hole. Lara will glide down into the opening in the lava-trap wall and arrive in a passage. Pick up the SMP, then head to the end of the passage, drop down the hole at the end and head around into another lava-pool passage.

Jump over the first lava pool, then turn around and walk to the edge of the ledge. Face NW and make a curved running jump into the alcove in the west wall. Use the skeleton-lever inside the alcove to open a gate at the other end of the passage, and then jump back to the previous ledge. Head on through the passage (jumping the lava-pools as you go) and you will come to the gate you opened a moment ago.

Use the skeleton-lever to the left of the slope to open the double doors back in the 2nd lava-trap passage, then head up the slope. Go R - L and climb to the top of the following passage. Pull up out of the passage into a small room and take the LMP from the pedestal. Head out of the room via the west passage and make your way to the gate at the end. The gate will open as you approach, so run through and find yourself back in the 2nd lava-trap passage (but this time you will be at the other end of the passage) and the newly opened double doors are to your left.

Enter the double doors and run to the top of the slope. Head through the following passage and make your way to a small room at the end. Note the closed central floor-hatch and the closed west gate, then run down onto the floor-hatch to open it. Lara will drop down into the room below, slide down a series of slopes and land in the next tribute level.


Ancient Artefact ~ The Beyond by Max

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5

Take note of the green slopes you arrived here by because you will be visiting them again in a short while. Head outside to the building and spot the ferryman floating about to your left. The ferryman is a warning, so take heed and don't fall off the edge of the path or you'll be paying him a visit. Run to the end of the path, locate the jump-switch on the west wall and use it to raise a hatch on the green slopes. Head back towards the green slopes and take note of the closed gate in the building, the boulder suspended by a rope at the end of the building and a hatch and burning wall-lever up on the north rocks.

Back at the green slopes, run left of the central mound and jump up to the north wall. Face east, jump up ahead to the higher mound and then pull up onto the higher east mound. Note the burning wall-torch on the north wall, the unlit wall-torch on the west wall (with a ladder to the right of it), and the hatch you raised a short while ago. Now face NW, jump over to the pile of Torches in the corner of the rocks and pick up a Torch. Jump back to the high mound, light the Torch on the burning wall-torch and then walk to the SW corner of the mound. Take a running jump over to the hatch you raised earlier and light the wall-torch to extinguish the fire by the wall-lever outside.

Take the Torch with you and drop down to ground. Re-enter the outside area and burn the rope below the boulder. The boulder will drop and the hatch will rise on the north wall. Drop your Torch where you can find it easily, then stand on the right side window sill of the building. Face out towards the raised hatch and take a running jump to grab it. Pull up, jump to the wall-lever on the north wall and prepare for a timed-run.

Use the lever to temporarily open the gate in the building, then roll and run-jump down to the gate and quickly jump inside the building before the gate closes. The gate will remain open now, so nip outside again, grab your Torch and take it back inside the building.

Light the floor-pot at the north end of the room (don't stand too close or Lara will burn) and the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 5 will appear on the pedestal at the south end of the room. When you take the eye of the serpent, the exit gate will open in the room above the green slopes.

Head back to the green slopes, then as you did before, jump the slopes to the highest mound. Run-jump to the hatch again, then go right of the burning wall-torch and jump up the slope to the north wall ladder. Climb the ladder, shimmy right as far as you can and drop off onto the high mount. Now comes the tricky part. You need to get Lara up inside the hole in the ceiling and grab the ladder inside. So, stand Lara here Screenshot side flip-left onto the slope below the ceiling hole, bounce forwards and grab the ladder. When you are safely on the ladder, climb to the top and pull up into the room above.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Leave via the west gate and make your way to the end of the passage. Slide down the slope and arrive back in the 2nd lava-trap passage. Head left and jump the lava-traps to get to the west end of the passage. Drop down into the water-hole, swim down and then swim west until you can swim down into a lower passage. Swim north to the end of the passage, then swim up and pull out into a small room. The south gate will open as you arrive in the room, so head through and find yourself back in the 1st lava-trap passage. Jump the lava-traps to get to the south end of the passage, then go right and re-enter Hall of Fame ~ Part 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited

Drop into the pool ahead, swim under the bridge with the glazed windows and then swim up and pull out of the pool. Head to the end of passage and the elevator doors will open as you approach. Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch twice to take Lara back up to the main room. Approach the elevator doors to open them, head up the passage and return to the main pool room.

The next level you are going to visit comes in two sections. You will visit part 1 now, and then visit part 2 later on.

Locate Part 1 Of Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins

Make your way to the main pool and head over to the east side of the room. Run southwards along the hallway to the third archway, then go left through the arched passage. At the end of the passage, you will come to another elevator (the doors will open as you approach them). Enter the elevator and use the wheel-switch to take Lara down to her next destination.

Approach the elevator doors to open them, then head through to the passage beyond. Make your way to the water passages at the end of the passage, and then jump onto the water slide to the right (the left water slide will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide down the water slide, then jump the hole at the end to get safely into the next passage. Head through to the end of the south passage and arrive in another part of Bonus Level 2.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited

Run ahead to the T-junction and note the closed double gates at the end of the passage to your left. We will come back to that later on. Make your way down the south passage and stop at the lava-trap. Spot the jump-switch in the alcove on the other side of the lava-trap and jump over to it. Line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind you, and then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. You will see a floor-hatch open in another area.

Jump out of the alcove and head towards the west passage. Note the closed gate to your right (north) then jump the lava-trap and enter the small room at the end of the passage. The floor-hatch you opened a moment ago is in a small passage to your right (north), but leave it alone for now and enter the room to your left (south).


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1

As soon as you enter this room you will be informed that you have arrived in Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. However, you will only be visiting here for a short while. You will enter part 2 of this level later on and visit the other end of the room.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6

Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 6 from the pedestal, then use the skeleton-lever nearby. You will now see another secret appear on a ledge in another part of the room. You can't reach the newly revealed secret from here and neither can you explore any more of the large room connected to this level, but you will return to this level later on and finish what you've started.

Open The Gates To Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east and run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden. However, this is not the level we are going to visit next.

Access Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

Drop to ground, head back into the small north room and spot the floor-hatch in the small north passage.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the jump-switch that opens the floor-hatch. If this is the case, head down the east passage, jump the lava-trap and head straight on to the lava-trap at the east wall. Look left into the alcove and spot the jump-switch up on the east wall. Jump into the alcove and line Lara up below the jump-switch and two steps to the right of it. Back-flip onto the slope behind you, and then bounce forwards, grab the jump-switch and pull it down to open the floor-hatch. Now jump out of the alcove, head west to the end of the passage and go right to the newly opened floor-hatch.

Drop into the water-hole in the small north passage and swim to the end of the flooded passage. Pull out at the end of the passage, head through the following passage and arrive in the next level.


Deep In The Jungle By Hokolo

As soon as you walk out onto the first floor, you will notice a wall-lever on the east wall. To your right there is a central structure with four unlit wall-torches on the outer walls and an inner room through a crawl space. On the other side of the room (west) beyond the central structure, there is an unlit floor-pot. In the south wall there is a passage leading to a ladder with a closed hatch at the top of it. On the ground level of the room there are four corner levers behind fires, four movable-objects on the outer paths and four blocks under the central structure. On the top level there is a closed gate (east wall) at the end of the path that leads from the central structure. In the west wall there is a high passage and below the high passage there are two lighter coloured floor-tiles. Your objective is to get to the high passage in order to leave.

Leave the east wall lever alone for now and make your way around the path surrounding the central structure (note the unlit wall-torches on the way). When you reach the west side of the room, keep heading around to the right and Lara will run up onto the first flight of stairs surrounding the central structure. Head on until you are on the second flight of stairs, then stop half way up and notice a wall ladder leading up to a crawl space inside the central structure. Climb the ladder and head inside the crawl space. Drop down into the tiny room beyond and use the wall-lever inside to open the east gate at the top of the structure.

Pull out from the crawl space and make your way to the top of the structure. Run east up the path and enter the newly opened gate. Take a look at the end of the north passage and note the unlit wall-torch on the west wall. Lighting this wall-torch will get you a secret later on. For now though, head back to the south end of the room and take a Torch from the pedestal.

Return to the main room and run down the stairs to the timed wall-lever on the east wall (the one you noted when you first entered the room). The wall-lever will temporarily light the floor-pot on the west side of the room. So, drop your Torch by using the number 1 key (so that Lara doesn't throw the Torch over the edge of the path) and then use the wall-lever to temporarily light the floor-pot. Now roll and pick up your Torch, run as fast as you can to the burning floor-pot and light your Torch before the flame extinguishes.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7

There are five wall-torches to light now. Four of them will lower the blocks below the central structure, and one will reveal the next secret.

Wall-Torch 1

Make your way back up to the room at the top of the structure (where you picked up the Torch) and light the wall-torch (1) on the west wall at the north end of the room. You will see the secret appear on a pedestal up in the high west wall passage, but you won't be collecting it until you are ready to leave the level.

Wall-Torch 2

Return to the central structure and make your way down the stairs. On the third flight of stairs you will find the first wall-torch (2) to light.

Wall-Torch 3

On the fifth flight of stairs you will find the next wall-torch (3) to light.

Wall-Torch 4

The next wall-torch (4) is on the sixth flight of stairs.

Wall-Torch 5

The final wall-torch (5) is on the west wall of the central structure (opposite the timed wall-lever).

The central blocks below the central structure will now be lowered and you no longer need the Torch.

Head to the west side of the room and go to the floor-pot. Jump to the ladder ledge to the left of the floor-pot and climb to the ground level. It's easy from here, simply place the four movable-objects on the lighter coloured floor-tiles below the central structure and the fires in each corner alcove extinguish. Now enter the four corner alcoves and use the wall-wall levers to lower a hatch at the top of a ladder through the south passage.

Climb to the top of the west wall ladder, then jump over to the floor-pot and head around into the south passage. Climb the ladder at the end of the passage, then climb to the top of the following ladder, but don't pull up yet!

Above you now there is a circular chamber that runs down to the right and comes up again to the left; or vice versa. Within the circular chamber there are six wall-levers (two are inside the north and south gates). Two of the levers will open the two gates (north and south walls) above the ladder, the other four levers will raise the pillars under the high west passage outside. You may also have noticed by now that there is a rolling-blade making its way around the circular chamber. So, you need to be quick while exploring for the levers. Always wait until the rolling-blade has passed over-head before making a move, duck tight in a corner is the blade seems unavoidable and keep topped up with health.

Lever 1

Wait for the blade to pass over-head, then pull up, face NW and drop down to the lower pillar. Face west and take a running jump to the passage in the west wall of the chamber. Run inside the passage, use the wall-lever (1) on the west wall and get a shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles outside in the main room.

Lever 2

Leave the passage, jump back to the pillar and pull up to the starting area at the top of the room. Face east this time and drop down on the right side of the ledge onto the lower pillar. Take a running jump into the east wall passage, use the lever (2) inside the passage and get another shot of the lighter coloured floor-tiles back in the main room.

Lever 3

Leave the passage and jump back to the pillar, but don't pull up onto the starting area! Side-flip right onto a lower slope, then slide and grab the end of the slope. Pull up and back-flip to the lower ledge behind you, then use the lever (3) on the east wall to open the south gate at the top of the room.

Lever 4

Drop down to the west, make your way into the trench in the bottom of the chamber and use the lever (4) on the south wall to open the north gate at the top of the room.

Lever 5

Pull up on the right side of the west wall and run-jump up the slope at the west wall of the chamber. Pull up onto the higher west pillar, then pull up onto the south pillar. Now face east and take a running jump to the ledge in the east wall of the chamber. Face north, climb the ladder to the top, and then face east and pull up onto the ledge at the starting area.

Take care not to fall down the ladder hole ahead and enter the north gate. Use the lever (5) inside the passage and the smaller pillar will rise back in the main room.

Lever 6

Head out of the passage, jump over the ladder-hole and enter the south gate. Use the final lever (6) and the taller pillar back in the main room will rise.

Make your way back down the ladders and return to the main room. Run up the stairs on the central structure, then when you reach the T-junction go left (west) to the newly risen pillars. Climb to the top of the pillars and jump into the high west passage. Collect the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 7 from the pedestal and a floor-hatch will open at the south end of the room. Drop down through the hatch-hole, fall into a water passage below and swim to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water and head to the end of the passage. The gate at the end of the passage will open as you approach it and you will find yourself back in a familiar place.

Access Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Head SE past the lava-trap and run into the south passage. Make your way to the end of the passage and you will come some big double doors that lead to the next level.

Note: If you have not been following the walkthrough, it's possible that you will have missed the lever that opens the gates. If this is the case, head north down the passage, make your way to the end and then take a left turn (west). Jump the lava-trap, head to the end of the passage and then head left into Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 1. Note the dark area up on the slope behind the pedestal (west) and jump up to it. Face east, run-jump to catch the balcony above the entrance and pull up. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to open the double gates to Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden, and then drop to ground and head out to the passage. Take a right turn into the east passage, jump the lava-trap and make your way to the end of the passage. Now head right (south) and head to the open gates at the end of the passage.

A lava-trap is placed immediately behind the double doors, so jump over and run to the bottom of the slope ahead and take heed! As you pull up onto the slope, two boulders will come crashing down. So, pull up onto the slope to activate the boulders, then drop back down and let the boulder pass over-head. Now walk carefully up the slope (because two more boulders are waiting for you further up), trigger the next two boulders, sprint back down the slope and drop down to the lower ledge. Keep tight against to the wall so that the boulders pass over-head, then pull back up to the slope and make your way to the top. Take a right turn into the west room and drop down the central hatch-hole.


Through The Shadow Of Death by Loren Golden

Make your way ahead to the T-junction, then head left (SW) to the archway in the west wall. Just before you enter the passage, load up your shotgun (or crossbow with explosive arrows) because an unwelcome visitor is about to arrive. Enter the passage, then as you approach the central area, a skeleton will appear from out of the floor. Grab your weapon of choice, and then either shoot the skeleton into the pool at the end of the hallway, or blast it away with your crossbow. When that's taken care of, drop into the pool at the end of the passage and swim down into the flooded chamber.

Inside the chamber, there are four passages. North, south, east and west. Each passage is marked with its own face-tile to help you distinguish the passages. At the end of the north passage you will find a closed door. At the end of the south passage you will find another closed door (which is timed). At the end of the east passage you will find a hole in the ceiling with a wall-switch up inside it. This switch is not timed and it will open the door at the end of the north passage. At the end of the west passage, you will find an uw-lever. This lever is timed to the door at the end of the south passage.

Enter the east passage and swim to the room at the end. Collect the Flares from the central ledge, then swim up inside the ceiling-hole. Pull out into the passage above and use the wall-switch to open the door at the end of the north passage. Swim back to the central chamber, then swim right and enter the north passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage and pick up the Hathor Effigy from the central ledge.

Swim back to the central chamber and go up for some air. Dive down into the chamber again and enter the west passage. Swim to the room at the end of the passage, collect the LMP from the central ledge and then use the uw-lever on the north wall to open the door at the end of the south passage, but do not try to do the timed-swim yet! Wait for the cut-scene of the door opening to finish, then swim back to the central chamber and grab some air. Re-enter the west passage and swim back to the uw-lever. The timed-door will now be closed and the uw-lever will have re-set itself. When you re-use the lever, the cut-scene won't kick in this time and you will have the extra valuable time you need to accomplish the timed-swim. When you have used the lever again, swim back to the central chamber and enter the south passage. Swim through to the room at the end of the passage (hopefully you made it past the door in time) and pick up the Ornate Handle from the central ledge.

Return to the central chamber, swim up and pull out of the pool. Run to the end of the passage and go left (NE) after the arch. Make your way to the end of the passage, then go past the closed doors and head around into the next passage (SE). At the end of the passage, go left (east) and enter the sarcophagus room.

Do not shoot the jar to your right as it contains another skeleton. The jar to your left is empty so leave that alone as well. Search the NE and SE corners of the room for two more jars, then shoot them and collect the SMP ~ Normal Shotgun Ammo from the shattered remains. Now combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, face south at the receptacle and place the portal guardian onto it to open another door out in the passages.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8

Leave the room and enter the passage to the left (SW). At the end of the passage, turn left into the south room and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 8 from the pedestal. Leave the room and head out to the right (NE). Run to the end of the passage, then run left past the portal guardian room and enter the NW passage. At the end of the passage, enter the north room and the doors will close behind you.

Drop into the pool and swim down through the passage in the bottom of the pool. At the end of the passage, pull out and collect the pack of Revolver Ammo from passage to your left. Now head through to the end of the passage and slide down the slope ahead.


Skellycombs by George Maciver

The ground floor of this room could be classified as a maze; seen as it's pathways run around several structures. But there are no dead-ends and it isn't that large (so don't be distressed by the thought of getting terribly lost in here). Your first task, is to open a door to upper passages within the structures and you will do this by finding three skeleton-levers on the ground floor. You also need to collect the handle before proceeding to the upper areas.

Lever 1

Head right, then run left into the south passage. Make your way to about half way down the passage, then look left (east) into the wall of the structure and spot the closed door up in the alcove. Collect the Normal Shotgun Ammo from below the closed door, then continue on down the south passage to the outer south wall. Go left (east) and use skeleton-lever 1 at the end of the passage.

Lever 2

Continue on eastwards to the end of the passage, and then head left down the north passage. About half way down the passage you will come to a pool to your left (west). Nip into the pool for another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo, and then continue on to the west end of the pool. Take a left turn down the south passage, pick up the LMP, and then go right (west) and find skeleton-lever 2 by a pool at the end of the passage.

From the lever, make your way down the north passage until you are about half way, and then turn right (east) and find another pack of Normal Shotgun Ammo between the two structures. Now run around into the north passage and head to the outer north wall. Go right (east) until you come to another pool, then drop in the pool and pick up the Ornate Handle.

Lever 3

Skeleton-lever 3 is near to the pool you picked the ornate handle up from. Use the lever and you will see a shot of the door opening in the structure.

Make your way back to the outer west wall of the room and head down the south passage again (to about half way). Enter the east wall alcove in the structure and climb up to the newly opened door. Make your way out to a long connecting wall, then as you run across the wall, two skeletons will show up (one in front of you and one will attack from behind). Whip out your shotgun (or crossbow and explosive arrows) and blast the enemy away. Now continue on to the end of the wall and enter the passage in the next structure.

Walk to the end of the passage, then jump the gap to get inside the passage in the next structure (west). Make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the passage in the next structure (west) and head to the end of the passage. Jump into the passage in the next structure (west) and follow the passage around to the end. Jump over to the passage in the next structure (south) and make your way to the end. Now jump over to the passage in the next structure (south), make your way to the end and stop.

It looks like you have arrived at a dead-end, but you haven't. The next passage is around the wall to the left (north). So, make a left curved running jump around the wall into the passage of the next structure, then make your way to the end of the passage. Climb to the top of the north wall ladder, then climb left and drop off onto the ledge.

Head to the south end of the ledge and climb onto the block to your left (east). Ignore the wall ladder above the block (the hatch at the top is closed and you will access that area later on) and face SW. Take a right curved running jump inside the next structure and head make your way towards the end of the passage. Grab your weapon of choice, take out the skeleton that arrives to greet you and then jump over into the west passage and walk to the end.

Look down and spot the long bridge type structure running from north to south. Jump down onto the bridge and note the closed door up in the far north wall. Head towards the south end of the bridge and another skeleton will make an appearance. Take the skeleton out by shooting him off the south end of the bridge (otherwise the sloped sides of the bridge will stop him from falling). When the enemy has been seen to, walk to the south end of the bridge and face east. You will see a small ledge with a wall-switch on the structure to the left. Jump over and use the switch to open the gate at the other end of the bridge.

Face west, walk to the edge of the ledge and then face NW and jump to the small ledge between the structure and the bridge. Jump up onto the bridge, run to the north end and jump up into the newly opened north wall door. Enter the small room beyond and use the skeleton-lever inside to lower a hatch between the structures at south end of the bridge.

Jump back to the bridge and take out the newly arrived skeleton. Run to the south end of the bridge (but not as far as the wall-switch ledge) and jump into the passage in the east wall of the structure (it's to the right of the passage you entered the bridge area by). Now make your way to the end of the passage, jump over to the following east passage and walk to the end.

Your next destination is on the slope ahead of you. Jump onto the slope, slide and grab the edge and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat-tile at the end of the slope. Walk to the top of the flat-tile, side-flip right and land on the flat-ledge at the end of the slope. Walk to the east end of the ledge and face NE. Look down onto the slope, spot the flat-tile just below and jump to it. Hang-drop from the flat-tile and shimmy right until you can pull up onto another flat-tile at the other end of the slope. Now pull up and take the Hathor Effigy from its resting place.

Shimmy back to the flat-tile at the other end of the slope and pull up onto it. Face SW, jump back up to the ledge at the end of the slope and then walk to the west end of the ledge. Face NW and take a running jump into the gap in the north wall of the structure. Make your way to the north end of the wall, climb the ladder at the end and pull up onto the top of the structure.

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9

Face the north structure, take a running jump to its sloped roof and then slide and grab the end of the roof. Shimmy right until you can pull up onto the flat-tile on the corner of the structure, then stand-jump to the receptacle at the top of the structure. Combine the Hathor Effigy with the Ornate Handle to make the Portal Guardian, then place it on the receptacle to activate a secret over in the NE corner of the room.

Jump over to the sloped roof on next north structure, then slide down the roof and grab the end of it. Shimmy right until you are at the end of the slope, then shimmy around the corner onto the next slope. Shimmy twice to the right, then pull up and back-flip to the ledge behind you. Head to the east end of the ledge and jump over to the NE ledge where the secret is. Run towards the pedestal and the hatch will lower behind you (giving you access to the lower areas if you missed some goodies down there). Take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 9 from the pedestal and the exit door will open over in the west wall.

Walk to the south end of the ledge and face the north slope. Take a running jump towards the corner of the slope, grab the edge of it and pull up. Face SW, stand-jump to the top of the bridge and make your way to the west end. Jump over to the top of the west structure to your right, and then take a running jump over to the top of the NW structure. Now jump into the west wall doorway, head through the following passage and slide down into a small room with a closed floor-hatch.

Return To Bonus Level 1

You should recognise this place. It's where you entered Loren Golden's "Through The Shadow Of Death" level. Make your way into the passage to the right (east), then at the end of the passage, turn left and find yourself back at the top of the boulder slope.

Run to the bottom of the slope and jump the lava-trap to get back into the lower passages. Run straight ahead into the north passage, then just before you reach the end (where the lava-trap is), turn right into the east passage. Make your way through the passage and Lara will be transported back to "Hall Of Fame ~ Part 1"


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ Revisited 2

Access Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2

At the end of the following passage, jump into the right hand side water passage (the left one will drag Lara to a watery death). Slide to the end of the passage, then jump the hole at the end and arrive safely in the passage beyond. Enter the passage to your right and make your way down to the elevator. The elevator doors will open as you approach, so nip inside and use the wheel-switch on the wall twice to take the elevator up to the main pool room. Leave the elevator, head through the following passage and Lara will arrive back at the main pool room.

Ok, remember that we have only covered one tiny area in the Luis Martin's level so far and now we can complete the task. So, make your way northwards down the hallway and enter the area at the far north end of the room (where the small pool is). Head to the right after the pool, then go right again and make your way to the top of the stairs. Go R - R and head up the stairs with the burning pots. At the top of the stairs, go R - R onto the south stairs and head to the top. Now make your way southwards and enter the far south room.

Take a look around in here because there are a few things to note. There is a large closed gate at the top of the south stairs and a small pool in each corner of the room. Inside each pool there's an uw-lever and two gates.

The pool in the SW corner of the room is your starting place, so make your way over there and drop into the pool. Your next task will be a multi timed-run from pool to pool via the gates in the pools, which you will open with the uw-levers. Each uw-lever will open the gate out of the pool and give you access to the next uw-lever. The timed-run finishes when you are back in the pool you started from. When all uw-levers have been used, the south gates up the stairs will open. If you are not quick enough inside the pool passages, Lara will be locked inside and you will have to re-load from the starting pool. So, let's begin.

From pool 1, use uw-lever 1 - Swim into passage 1. Use uw-lever 2 - Swim into to pool 2. Swim right into passage 2 - Use uw-lever 3. Swim into to pool 3 - Swim right into passage 3. Use uw-lever 4 - Swim into pool 4. Swim right into passage 4 - Use uw-lever 5 and swim back into pool 1.

The gate will remain open, so you can go up for air and then swim back down and grab the LMP inside the gate. The gate at the top of the south stairs will now be open, so make your way up there and enter the newly opened gate. Drop down through the long shaft (it's perfectly safe to do so) and Lara will float to ground.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 2 ~ Revisited 2

Use the skeleton-lever in the north alcove to open the double south doors, and then head up to the doors and pick up the Normal Shotgun Ammo ~ LMP. Now enter the double doors.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10

Walk out into the balcony of the beautiful pink and purple room, find yourself at the other side of the room you visited earlier and be informed that you have now entered Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins ~ Part 2

Start by taking a running jump to the central platform and take out the skeleton who has already been parading himself about on the platform. There's another skeleton sleeping nearby and he'll jump into action as soon as you approach him, so let him wipe the sleep from his eye sockets, then blast him away too. Make your way east and run all the way to the end of the platform. Jump over to the east wall balcony and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 10 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 3

Walk to the south edge of the ledge, nip onto the diamond shaped pink rock and then jump to the pink slope on the south wall. Slide down the slope, grab the end of it and shimmy right until you can pull up onto a flat area on the slope.

Face west, then use the flat areas on the west slope to get to the high brown-ledge sticking out of the south wall. From here, jump over to the roof of the central platform, then walk to the east end of the roof and take a running jump over to the suspended-tile. Now jump to the roof of the east wall balcony and use the wall-lever to open a hatch at the west end of the room.

Jump back to the suspended-tile and jump back to the roof. Walk to the west end of the roof and stand Lara on the right side. Look down and spot a jump-switch on the side of the roof and use it to lower two ropes at the west end of the room.

Return to the east end of the platform and jump back to the east wall balcony. As you did before, jump to the pink slope on the south wall and shimmy right until you can pull up. Face north, then look down and spot a long slope leading down into the deadly lake. Also note the block in the lake beyond the long slope. There's a ladder on the side of the block and a spike-trap on top of it.

Drop down onto the long slope, slide to the bottom and then jump while pressing the "action key" key so that Lara grabs the short ladder on the side of the block. Don't pull up or you will get spiked. Shimmy left around the block until the wall ladder below the central platform is behind you, then back-flip with a twist and grab the ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up into the small room above and take the Hand Of The Gods 3 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 1

As you take the Hand Of The Gods 3, a hatch will open at the top of the west wall ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder, pull up through the newly opened hatch and find yourself back on the central platform.

Make your way to the west end of the platform and jump over to the south balcony. Walk around the purple column to the west edge of the balcony, then face SW and nip over to the small ledge ahead. Face west, look down to see a long path leading down to the far west wall. Drop down onto the path and make your way to the end. By now a skeleton has appeared behind you and he's heading your way. Shooting him into the lava lake won't help because it's not deep enough to kill him. So, use the crossbow and explosive arrows on this one and he'll be out of your way for good. When the unwanted visitor is out of the way, jump over into the west wall passage and head up the stairs to the small room at the top.

There's another skeleton waiting for you in the new room, but this one can be easily taken out with the shotgun. Just blast him through the spikes on the east side of the room, then give him a final blast to knock him over the edge of the balcony. When you've said your farewells, note the spike-trapped block in the lava lake ahead and look on the side of it for a gem-gargoyle. You will deal with the gem-gargoyle later on, but for now, head to the timed-lever in the west wall alcove and save your game.

Use the timed-lever to temporarily de-activate the spikes on the block in the lava lake, then quickly run to the east spikes, wait for them to subside, take a running jump towards the block in the lava lake and grab the edge of it. Quickly pull up, and then run-jump into the room below the central platform.

Make your way to the east side of the tiny room, then look down and spot a pink slope below you. Jump down to the safe area on the slope (it's about half way down the slope) and then face north. Take a running jump over to the block in the lava lake, grab the edge of it and pull up. Now take the Hand Of The Gods 1 from the pedestal.

The Hand Of The Gods 2

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 1, you will see a gate open in another room below the central platform. Before you leave the block, combine your revolver and laser sight and face SW. You can now get a clean shot at the gargoyle-gem and shooting it will open the secret gate in NW corner of the room. You won't be visiting there for a while yet though.

Jump back to the lower part of the pink slope Screenshot (take care here because it's not safe to stand on some of the lower areas). Jump up the slope to get back into the tiny room above, then head to the west side of the room and pull up onto the higher block. Face the spike-trapped block in the lake, then line Lara up so that she is facing the block diagonally right. Wait for the spikes to pop out of the block, then as the spikes subside, take a running jump to the near left corner of the block. Run diagonally right to the far right corner of the block, then run-jump towards the right hand side of the far west balcony and grab it. Make sure Lara isn't near the spike-traps up on the balcony, then pull up. Time the spikes on the balcony to get into the west room, then head down the stairs to the left and jump back to the long path at the side of the lava lake.

Head to the top of the stairs, pull up to the highest ledge at the end and nip around to the balcony behind the purple column. Take a running jump back to the central platform and walk forwards to the north edge. Stand Lara to the right of the dip in the platform floor Screenshot and then turn and hang-drop from the edge of the platform. You will see a pink slope below you Screenshot Drop onto the slope, slide down and then jump left into the east wall passage inside the central structure. Go through to the tiny room and take the Hand Of The Gods 2 from the pedestal.

When you take the Hand Of The Gods 2, a hatch a the top of the north wall ladder will now open. So, climb the ladder and pull up onto the top of the central platform.

Access Har Meggido by Trix

Ok, we now going to visit another level. So, head to the west end of the room again and jump over to the final west platform. Go to the west end of the platform and jump over to the balcony on the west wall. Head to the right (north) and stand at the edge of the balcony. Take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall, then face NE and take a running jump over to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder and pull up at the top into a short passage.

Pick up the Revolver Ammo, then drop down to the right (south) into a lower passage. Use the skeleton-lever inside the passage to open the big double doors in the north wall. Pull up out of the lever passage and head to the east end of the passage. Note the newly opened double doors in the north wall down on the lower balcony, then jump over to the roof above the double doors. Face south, take a running jump to the-suspended tile ahead, then take a running jump south to the roof on the central platform.

Walk to the west end of the roof and spot the two ropes hanging down ahead and a jump-switch on the west wall beyond the ropes. Stand at the edge of the roof, hop back once, stand-jump towards the first rope and grab it. Slide to the bottom of the rope, then swing to the second rope and grab it. Now line Lara up with the jump-switch and swing towards it. As soon as Lara is above the jump-switch, jump from the rope, grab the jump-switch and pull it down. This will open a gate down in the lower west room.

Make a safety-drop down to the lower balcony, then take a running jump over to the ledge on the north wall. Face NE and take a running jump to the alcove in the north wall. Climb the ladder again to the upper passage, then head to the east end of the passage and drop down to the lower balcony. You are now standing by the open double gates that lead to the next Hall Of Fame 2 level.

Jump the lava-trap to get inside the double doors, then walk forwards to the second lava-trap. Stand on the right side of the lava-trap and jump to the slope on the other side. As you slide down the slope, spot the lava pool at the end of the slope, and then jump to the right when you reach the end of the slope and land on a safe ledge in the lava pool.

Note the closed north gate and the slope in the west wall, then make your way eastwards over the safe-tiles and jump to the passage beyond the lava pool. At the end of the passage, stand on the white-tile at the east wall and Lara will be elevated to her next destination.

When the elevator has stopped, Lara will be standing in an icy cave and wishing she had brought her winter coat with her. Ah well, exploring will keep her warm no doubt.

Start by taking a running jump to the top of the north slope, then head through to the end of the chilly passage. There's a break in the east railings, so stand Lara facing out through the break and note the suspended ice-tile hanging in the room ahead. Jump to the ice-tile and you will be informed that you have now entered Har Meggido by Trix.


Har Meggido by Trix

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11

Scattered around the room there are several suspended ice-tiles; and I must say they are quite difficult to see. However, on some tiles you can spot a small puff of smoke, which will assist you as you work your way up the ice-tiles (a flare might help in some cases). The ice-tiles run around the room anti clockwise and make their way to the secret at the top of the room. Also note that some of the ice-tiles are sloped; so you will be sliding from some of them onto others. To save confusion, I have noted the route as simply as possible.

From the 1st tile, face south and run-jump to the next tile. Face SE and stand-jump to the next tile. A harpy will show up from the top of the room, so quickly gun it down before it has time to attack. Face SE and stand-jump to the next tile, then face SE and run-jump to the next tile. Face east and run-jump to the next tile, then face NE and stand-jump to the next tile. Face NE and run-jump to the next tile, then face north and run-jump up onto to the next tile. Now face north and slightly to the left and run-jump up onto the next tile. Face west and slightly to the right, run-jump to the next tile and take out another screeching harpy.

Face west again and slightly to the right. Run-jump up to the next tile, then face west and run-jump up to the next tile. Now things get a bit tricky. Face south and spot the puff of smoke lingering in the air. This marks the spot for a sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the sloped-tile. Pull up onto the tile, slide-jump south and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then face SE and spot the next puff of smoke. This is another sloped-tile. Take a running jump towards the puff of smoke and grab the edge of the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, then slide-jump and grab the next tile. This tile is also sloped. Pull up onto the tile, shimmy left as far as you can, and then pull up onto the tile and slide-jump with a left curve so that Lara grabs the next tile. Pull up onto the tile, face north and run-jump up to the next tile.

Now face NW and spot the puff of smoke. This is not a sloped-tile though. Run-jump up onto the next tile, then face west. You can just make out the sloped tile ahead, so run-jump to it and then slide-jump and grab the next tile to the south. Pull up onto the tile, and then face east, stand-jump towards the artefact-tile and grab it. Pull up onto the tile and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 11.

Return To Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4

When you take the secret, a floor-hatch will open on the ground floor of the icy cave. Face south, walk to the edge of the tile and look down. Spot the open floor-hatch below, but don't try to swan dive from here or Lara will miss the hole and it will end in tears. Turn around, hang-drop from the tile and drop. Lara will fall into the hole and arrive in a flooded passage below. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and make your way to the end of the passage. The gate ahead will open as you approach and you are now facing out over the lava pool you visited earlier.

Make a curved right jump around the wall to the slope in the west wall, and then make your way to the top of the slope. The gate ahead will open as you approach, so go through and head left to the two lava pools. Now jump the lava pool to your right and return to the balcony in the Legacy Of The Gods Bonus Level 4.


Legacy Of The Gods ~ Bonus Level 4 by Luis Martins Part 2 ~ Continued

Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12

Go right to the west side of the balcony and climb up to the high passage. Head to the end of the passage and climb down the ladder. Face SW, jump over to the ledge on the west wall and then jump to the south balcony. Run-jump over to the central platform and make your way to the east end. Jump over to the next central platform, then run-jump to the south balcony again. Make your way down the long path and head back to the west room.

Head straight over into the north passage and make you way down to the newly opened gate. Two spike-traps will de-activate on the following areas. 1 ~ On the block around the corner to your left on the north wall. 2 ~ Inside the north gate. Take a left curved running jump around the wall to the block at the north wall, then run-jump inside the north wall gate.

Place the 3 x Hand of The Gods in the receptacles on the north wall. The central floor-hatch will open and you will have access to a flooded passage. Drop down inside the passage and dive down southwards. Do not swim into the north passage yet or you will miss the final secret. Swim straight ahead to the south end of the passage and take the Secret ~ Eye Of The Serpent 12 from its watery resting place.

Return To Bonus Level 1

Swim north past the hatch and you will be swept back to Hall of Fame 1.


Bonus Levels 1 & 2 ~ Hall Of Fame 1 ~ The Final Visit

Heading Back To Limbo

Swim to the end of the passage and use the uw-lever to open the ceiling-hatch at the east end of the passage. Swim to the east end of the passage, swim up through the hatch and arrive back in the main pool.

Pull out on the west side of the pool, head left (south) and make your way to the end of the hallway. Now go through to the transporter in the south room, nip inside and zap yourself off to Limbo.


Old & New Levels ~ Limbo ~ Revisited

If you already have 3 x Pentagrams ~ Follow the walkthrough from Go To The Aqueduct

Using The Eye Of The Serpent Artefacts

Lara is now back in Limbo. Note the two transporters to the north and south. The north transporter will take you back to the central island. The south transporter will take you back to Bonus Levels 1 & 2; but you only need to use that if you wish to return there for a forgotten item.

In the sloped east and west walls of the temple roof you will find 12 receptacles for the Eye Of the Serpent artefacts. There are 4 receptacles at the at the north end of the roof, 4 at the south end and 4 in the middle. Each set of 4 receptacles are placed on their own unique tile.

4 x North End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x Middle Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

4 x South End Receptacle Tiles ~ Screenshot

The tiles correspond with the tiles above the golden gates on the north temple Screenshot

You must place each set of 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the receptacles with the same tile design as those above the golden gate you wish to open. Two of the same tile designs are on the east side of the roof, and two on the west side. It is vital that you follow the correct instructions or you could end up opening none of the gates. For instance, if you place 3 Eye Of The Serpent  into 3 corresponding receptacles and 1 Eye Of The Serpent into a differing receptacle, none of the gates will open.

You need 4 Eye Of The Serpent to open 1 golden gate on the north temple.

You need 8 Eye Of The Serpent to open 2 golden gates on the north temple.

You need 12 Eye Of The Serpent to open all 3 golden gates on the north temple.

If you have less than 4 Eye Of The Serpent, you will not be able to open any of the golden gates on the north temple.

If you are unable to open any of the gates ~ Follow the walkthrough from Go To The Aqueduct

If you have 4 or more Eye Of The Serpent and you are missing any of the 3 x Pentagrams from the previous three levels ~ Follow the walkthrough from The Three Golden Gates

The Three Golden Gates

If you missed 3 Pentagrams from the previous three levels, you need to open all 3 golden gates to acquire the 3 x Pentagrams from those levels. For instance; if you are missing The Aqueduct, Wrath Of The Wraiths and the Lair Of The Serpent Pentagrams, you need to open The Aqueduct, Wrath Of The Wraiths and the Lair Of The Serpent gates to acquire their Pentagrams.

If you missed 2 of the Pentagrams from the previous three levels, you need to open the 2 golden gates connected to the levels where you missed the Pentagrams. For instance; if you are missing the Wrath Of The Wraiths and the Lair Of The Serpent Pentagrams, you need to open the Wrath Of The Wraiths and the Lair Of The Serpent gates to acquire their Pentagrams.

If you missed 1 of the Pentagrams from the previous three levels, you need to open the golden gate connected to the level where you missed the Pentagram. For instance; if you are missing the Wrath Of The Wraiths Pentagram, you need to open the Wrath Of The Wraiths gate to acquire its Pentagram.

Any Pentagrams you already have from the previous three levels, will not be accessible to you now. You would have seen this happening if you took any of the Pentagrams from the previous three levels.

The golden gate Pentagrams are placed like so...

Wrath Of The Wraiths ~ Right Gate

Lair Of The Serpents ~ Middle Gate

The Aqueduct ~ Left Gate

Placing The Eye Of The Serpent Artefacts

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 north end receptacles Screenshot will open the right side gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 middle receptacles Screenshot will open the middle gate Screenshot

Placing 4 Eye Of The Serpent into the 4 south end receptacles Screenshot will open the left side gate Screenshot

Getting The Pentagrams

Head into the north transporter, zap back to the central island and use the NW floating ledges to get back to the north temple.

The open gates are ahead of you now, and hopefully you have opened the correct gates to the Pentagrams you require.

Right Gate ~ Enter the right side gate, take the Pentagram 1 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Wrath Of The Wraiths level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Middle Gate ~ Enter the middle gate, take Pentagram 2 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you the Lair Of The Serpents level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Left Gate ~ Enter the left gate, take Pentagram 3 and leave the room. As you do so a cut-scene will kick in showing you The Aqueduct level and its Pentagram being concealed.

Go To The Aqueduct

Use the floating ledges to get back to the central island, nip into the west transporter and zap back to The Aqueduct.


Old & New Levels ~ The Aqueduct ~ The Final Chapter

Head Back To The Mirror Room

Make your way out to the top of the glass covered maze and head to the SE corner. Enter the south passage and use the flooded passage to get back to the timed hatch room. Leave via the north passage and head through to the north room (where you picked up the bag of sand earlier). Go left, then drop into the water-hole and swim to the end of the passage. The current will now sweep Lara into the passage to your left. At the end of the passage, do not turn right! Swim up into the hole in the ceiling and climb out into the passage above the Hallway.

Drop down into the Hallway, go R - L and jump over to the south passage. Go R - R and jump over to the west balcony. Head through the west gate and make your way to liquid glass wall at the end of the passage. Now nip through the liquid glass wall and arrive back in the mirror room.

Using The Tinnos Key

Run to the west side of the room and spot the arched liquid glass wall. Use the tinnos key on the keyhole nearby to dissolve the liquid glass wall, and then head through to the small chamber beyond. Don't step into the transporter yet as you now have two options.

If you have 3 x Pentagrams, you can access Bonus Level 3 now and this will be your only chance to do so. If you do not have 3 x Pentagrams, you will not be able to access Bonus Level 3 and you must proceed with the rest of the game.

If you have 3 x Pentagrams ~ Follow the walkthrough from Accessing Bonus Level 3

If you do not have 3 x Pentagrams ~ Place the Dragon Mask in the Receptacle behind the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Runaway Train

Accessing Bonus Level 3

Step into the transporter and zap back to Limbo. On arrival you will be on another floating island with the Pentagram receptacles. Place the 3 x Pentagrams into the receptacles and Lara will be whisked away to Bonus Level 3.


Old & New Levels ~ Bonus Level 3 ~ A Tribute To Luis Martins

1 Secret

Argentina. Peru. Chile. Bolivia. South America Idol 1. South America Idol 2. The Revolver. The Laser Sight. Hand Of The Gods 1.

Hand Of The Gods 2. Hand Of The Gods 3. Jedimaster’s Certificate.

As soon as you arrive in the level, you will hear the sound of the secret bell (this is just a sound effect and nothing to do with a secret pick-up). Press the forward key to bring Lara into the picture, then note the transporter to the west with a banner asking you if you are "Leaving Already?" If you decide to leave, you will be zapped off to the next level and the Bonus Level 3 adventure will be over. So, make your choice.

If you choose to leave ~ Enter the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

If you choose to continue the adventure ~ Follow the walkthrough from Beginning The Adventure

Beginning The Adventure

First, pick up the Flares from the east side of the room, then shoot out the wooden barrier covering the opening in the south wall. Drop down through the opening, slide into a deep shaft and then drop into a water-hole at the bottom of the shaft. Note: Do not hit the "action key" while on the slope or Lara will land in a partitioning room and crash to her death.

Swim to the bottom of the water-hole for some Flares and take note the south and east passages. The south passage leads to a large pool room. The east passage leads a flooded maze. Inside the maze, there is a closed black gate. To open the gate, you need to find five uw-levers. One lever is in the large pool room at the end of the south passage and the other four levers are inside the maze. You also need to pick up the Argentina artefact from the maze.

The South Passage & The Large Pool Room

1st Underwater-Lever

Swim through the south passage and out into an underwater chamber. Swim down through the hole in the floor, then swim into the west passage. Swim ahead until you are nearly at the end of the passage, then swim into the north passage. Swim to the end of this passage, then swim up and out into a large pool room. Swim west until you are at the second pillar at the north wall, then locate the uw-lever on the east side of the pillar and use it. You will see a shot of the closed black gate in the maze.

Swim back eastwards and go back down the hole in the pool floor. Make your way back through the passages and return to the water-hole. Top up with air, and then swim down into the east passage.

The East Passage & The Flooded Maze

2nd Underwater-Lever

Swim into the east passage and make your way to the T-junction at the end. Swim straight ahead and down inside the opening in the east wall. Turn around, spot the uw-lever on the west wall and use it.

The Argentina

Swim out of the opening and head straight on and up for some air. Return to the east passage, then swim to the end of the south passage for a LMP. Return through the passage and swim left to get back for air. Return once again to the east passage, but this time swim north. Keep heading north (without turning off), then at the end of the passage, swim left. Swim right at the next turn, then swim down and pick up the Argentina. You will see a shot of another closed gate elsewhere.

3rd Underwater-Lever

Swim back through the passage and take the second left passage (east). Swim up through the passage and make your way around into the south passage. Locate the hole in the ceiling and swim up into it for some air. Also note the closed ceiling-hatch here. At the end of the south passage, you will find the closed black gate, but ignore it for now as you can't get through it yet. Swim back northwards to the end of the passage, then when you reach the T-junction, swim right (north) and then immediately take a left turn (west). Swim to the area below the higher passage to the south, then light a flare to see a dark wall-tile on the west wall. This is an underwater door. Use the "action key" to open the door, then swim through the door and grab the Flares to your right. Now face south, swim up and to the right and use the uw-lever on the north wall.

4th Underwater-Lever

Swim back through the passage to the underwater door. Swim left, then swim right and up into the east passage. Swim to the right, go down into the south passage and take an immediate left turn into the east passage. Swim around to the right and grab some air from the air-pocket. You now need to head back to the underwater door.

Make your way back down the passage to the T-Junction. Go right (north) then take the next left (west). You are now back at the underwater door, but don't go through it. Swim up into the higher south passage and make your way to the railings at the end of the passage. To the left of the west wall railings, there is another underwater door. Open the door, then swim through and go right for the next uw-lever.

5th Underwater-Lever

Swim out of the passage and down into the north passage. Swim up into the east passage, then swim down into the south passage. Take an immediate left turn into the east passage, then swim around to the south passage and grab some air from the air-pocket. Head back north and make your way back to the T-junction. Turn right, then take the next right into the east passage. Swim to the end of the passage and light a flare to see an underwater door in the west wall. Open the door, swim through and then swim up to the left for the final uw-lever. You will now see a shot of the black gate opening.

The Hand Of The Gods 1

Swim back through the passage and make your way back to the crossroads. Swim south, then swim immediately left into the east passage. Head around into the south passage and take a deep breath from the air-pocket. Now swim south, make your way to the end of the passage and enter the newly opened black gate.

Swim to the end of the following passages, pick the Hand Of The Gods 1 from the pedestal and see a shot of an underwater railed passage back in the large pool room.

The Peru

Return through the passages and make your way back to the air-pocket. Swim north, then take a left turn at the end of the passage. Take another left turn, then swim right and up for some air. You are now back at the water-hole near the start of the level.

The South Passage ~ Large Pool Room ~ Revisited

Enter the south passage and make your way back to the large pool room. Swim to the west end of the pool and note the railed passage inside the north wall. This is what you saw when you picked up the Hand Of The Gods 1. At the end of the railed passage, there is a gate that will open later on. For now though, pull out onto the ledge at the west end of the pool, nip up onto the west block and head left into the passage. Jump the lava-trap and proceed along the passage until you come to a lava-trap with a double-sided slope inside. Stand at the edge of the lava-trap, nip back once and then take one-step back. Run-jump onto the far side of the slope, and then immediately jump to the other side of the lava-trap.

There is now a passage to the left (north) and a higher passage straight ahead (east). Take the left route first. Walk to the edge of the passage, then jump over the spike-trapped bridge, grab the passage on the other side and pull up. Make your way to the end of the passage, enter the north room and take the Peru from the pedestal. You will get another shot of the closed gate you saw earlier.

The Chile

Return up the passage to the spike-trapped bridge and jump back to the previous passage. Climb up into the east passage and make your way along until you come to two lava-traps. Back-drop and grab the edge of the passage, then shimmy left onto the gap in the south wall. Shimmy left until you can pull up onto a central ledge, and then face east, back-drop from the ledge and grab it. Shimmy left onto the gap in the south wall, then shimmy left to the other side of the lava-trap.

Head through the following passage and Lara will arrive out on a long bridge over-looking the pool below. The end of the bridge is broken, and a slope down inside the gap will send Lara plummeting into the pool below, so run-jump over the gap and use the "action key" to glide Lara safely into the passage beyond the gap.

Make your way to the end of the following passage, then jump up to the left. Drop down onto the bridge below and pull up into the passage on the other side of the bridge. Make your way to the end of the passage and you will arrive at a lava pool with a descending slope and a monkey swing. Use the slope to slide-jump and grab the monkey swing, and then make your way to the other side of the lava pool.

Head to the end of the following passage (jumping two lava-traps as you go), then before you drop down to the next level, look up to the right (east) and note a higher passage (you will visit there later on). Drop down to the next level and head to the end of the east passage. Jump the lava-traps, then go right and take the Chile from its resting place.

The Bolivia

Head back through the passage (taking care not to fall into the lava-traps) and pull up into the south passage. Turn around, jump to the upper east passage and then stand-jump to the higher passage. Make your way to the end of the following passage and arrive at a seemingly dead end overlooking the pool.

Take a running jump SE and land on a small bridge. Climb up from the south end of the bridge into a higher passage, then carefully make your way through the passage (taking care not to fall into the lava-traps). You will eventually come to a floor-hatch. Take note of the floor-hatch, then head continue on through the passage. Jump the following three lava-traps, then at the end of the passage, you will come to a lower room; but don't drop down into it yet! Look down inside the lower room and spot the slope below you leading into a lava-trap. Jump down to the left of the slope, then jump into the north room.

At the far end of the room (on the west side) there is the gate you have been seeing when you picked up the artefacts, but it's still closed. There is also a floor-hatch in the middle of the room and a floor-lever in the west alcove.

Use the floor-lever to open the floor-hatch back in the previous passage, then return to the slope by the lava-rap. Stand-jump from the bottom of the slope into the upper passage, then head west to get back to the floor-hatch. There's a ladder down inside the hatch-hole. Use it to get to ground, then head west through the passage. At the end of the passage, slide down the following two slopes and land in a passage below. Head east up the slope, make your way around to a railed room and take the Bolivia from the pedestal. This will trigger the gate back in the slope and lava-trap room to open.

Using The Artefacts

Climb to the top of the ladder nearby, then head west until you come to the hatch-hole in the ceiling. Climb up through the hole and make your way east to get back to the slope and lava-trap room. Jump down into the room and enter the newly opened west gate.

Take the Flares from the block to your left, then use the lever inside the tiny room to open the floor-hatch back in the previous room. Return to the previous room, drop down through the newly opened floor-hatch and fall into a water-hole.

Pull out to the south and head through the passage to a small room at the end. Go to the NE corner of the room and locate the hole in the floor. There's also a lever on the east wall. If you try to drop through the floor-hole, Lara will fall to her death. So, use the wall lever to open a hatch covering a water-hole at the bottom of the hole, and then drop into the floor-hole and fall safely into the water-hole.

The water passage you are in, is in the underwater maze you visited earlier, but there is no need to explore it again. Pull out to the west and head through to the next room.

You can explore the room if you wish, but all you will find are a lot of empty pedestals. The upper balconies will be explored later on. So for now, head to the west side of the room and note the two receptacles on the wall. Combine the Argentina with the Chile to make the South America Idol 1 and place it in the right side receptacle. Combine the Bolivia with the Peru to make the South America Idol 2 and place it in the left side receptacle. The central west wall will now open and you will have access to the large pool room.

The Hand Of The Gods 3

Walk towards the pool and a cut-scene will kick in showing you the new areas you will be visiting. From the edge of the pool, pull up onto the north block to your right, run-jump to the west pillar in the pool and then run-jump to the next west pillar. The patterned-tile on top of the pillar will trigger a block to rise on a ledge on the south side of the pool (if you look directly south you will see it). The raised block will give you access to a monkey swing, but the block is timed so you need to move fast.

From the trigger-tile, run-jump back to the previous pillar (making sure you land on the left side), then turn towards the timed-block ledge (SW) and run-jump to the ledge. Now nip up onto the timed-block before it lowers and grab the monkey swing above you Video Help

Make your way over the monkey swing and drop down at the end. Climb the wall ladder at the end of the ledge, then climb off to the left and take a look around.

To the west, there is a slope on the south wall. To the right of the slope there is a bridge spanning the room. Beyond the bridge there is a timed-hatch. You will use the slope to get to the bridge, then you will jump to the timed-hatch. The lever for the timed-hatch is at the east end of the ledge you are on. Once you have used the slope to get to the bridge, the only way back to the timed-lever is to drop into the pool and make the long trek up to the ledge again via the timed-block and monkey swing. So, save your game here in case you fail the timed-task.

Go to the end of the east ledge, then jump over to the small east ledge. Use the lever on the south wall to raise the timed-hatch, then race back to the slope and jump onto it with a left curve (so that Lara slides backwards down the slope). Grab the end of the slope, quickly shimmy right as far as you can and then pull up, back-flip with a twist and press the "left directional key" to glide Lara onto the bridge. Head north to the end of the bridge, jump through the break in the railings to the west and land on the timed-hatch. Now stand-jump towards the high west pillar, grab it and pull up Video Help

You can now see a central pillar to the west and you will be heading there shortly, but first you need to lower a block on top of the pillar. Face the north wall, then jump back and grab the pillar. The wall below you is climbable, so make your way down as far as you can go, then drop and grab the ledge beneath the pillar. Use the wall-lever on the north wall to lower the block on top of the central pillar, then face south and run-jump to the south wall ledge. Now jump to the south wall ladder and head up to the top. If you look up westwards, you will see a jump-switch on the pillar ahead, and that's your next destination.

Face NW and jump over to the central pillar. You now need jump and grab the broken pillar to the SW, but it's not an easy task. Although you are heading towards the SW, face Lara slightly SE so that the broken pillar is to her right, then take a right curved running jump towards the pillar, grab the edge of it and pull up Video Help

Climb the south wall ladder and drop off to the right. Note the west ledge, but don't go there yet. Jump over to the small east ledge, then face west, drop back from the ledge and grab it. Line up with the jump-switch below you, then drop and grab the jump-switch. Keep the "action key" pressed as you watch the following cut-scene of a block rising on the upper west ledge, then when you have control of Lara again, she will be falling from the jump-switch towards a slope below her. So, press the "action key" and grab end of the slope. Failing to grab the slope, will result in you having to make the entire trip back up to the high pillars. Now back-flip from the slope and land on the ledge behind you.

Face NW and jump back to the central pillar. Yes, you have to do that tricky jump to the broken pillar again Video Help When you are safely on the pillar again, climb the ladder and drop off to the right. Now take a running jump over to the west ledge, climb onto the newly risen block and then jump to the ledge at the north wall. Face east and note the hanging pillar ahead and the lower ledge beyond the hanging pillar. That's where you need to head to next. Stand Lara at the back of the ledge with her right foot on the edge of the ledge, then side-step left once. Now face slightly SE, take a running banana-jump left around the hanging pillar and land on the lower east ledge.

Pull up onto the east block, face south and run-jump to the south ledge. Use the jump-switch on the south wall to raise a hatch up on the north wall and lower a block on an upper bridge. Now jump back to the north wall ledge, face west and run-jump to the ladder on the hanging pillar. Try to catch the ladder in the middle to avoid the ladder bug. Get Lara into the climbing position, then climb around to the north side of the pillar, head to the top of the ladder and pull up.

If you look west, you can see an item on a pedestal. Run to the east end of the ledge, then run-jump through the break in the fence to the passage in the south wall. Carefully make your way through the passage (avoiding the four lava-traps), then at the end of the passage, jump over to the west ledge and collect the Hand Of The Gods 3. You will get another shot of the flooded passage in the large pool.

The Hand Of The Gods 2

Jump back to the lava pool passage and make your way to the end. Jump back to the north ledge and face east. Run-jump over the fence towards the raised hatch, grab it and pull up. Note the passage up in the north wall, but don't go in there yet. Jump to the block on the bridge, then jump eastwards to the next ledge. Face SE and jump to the central pillar. You can see another item on a pedestal to the east, but you can't reach it yet. Face SW and run-jump to the ladder on the south wall. Climb down the ladder and make your way eastwards as far as you can. Face NE and spot a jump-switch above a triangular ledge in the corner of the room. Face SE and take a running banana-jump right into the passage in the south wall.

Head into the passage and U-turn left. Shoot out the wooden barrier and drop into the lower room. Nip over to the triangular ledge and use the jump-switch to raise a block on top of the central pillar you visited not so long ago. Jump back to the room, then taking care not to fall into the lava-traps, enter the south side of the room. Collect a LMP from the SW corner, then jump the lava-traps to get to the north side of the room. Now jump into the west passage, head to the top and a gate will open as you approach. Go through and find yourself back on the bridge with the block.

As you did before, jump to the east ledge, then jump to the central pillar. Face SE and run-jump to the ledge at the south wall. Still heading east, jump to the next ledge and then jump to the east wall block. As you pull up onto the block, a gate will open to your right. (The gate leads back to the slope and lava-trap room you visited previously; but unless you have forgotten something, there is no need to enter there). Nip down to the left, stand-jump to the top of the north wall block and grab the Hand Of The Gods 2. Taking the artefact will open the gate to the flooded passage in the large pool.

Leaving The Large Pool Room

Jump over the balcony and drop into the pool. Swim west until you reach the newly opened gate in the north wall of the pool, then swim inside the flooded passage and pick up the LMP. Swim back out for air, then return to the flooded passage and swim east. At the end of the passage, go left and head through the following passages until Lara is swept away by the current. At the end of the journey, pull out of the water and slide down eastwards into a small room.


Note the receptacles on the north wall for the 3 x Hands Of The Gods, two pedestals at the east wall with a lever and a floor hatch between them, another floor-hatch at the south wall and a transporter to the west with a banner asking you if you are "Leaving Already?".

First use the lever at the east wall, then immediately jump back from the floor-hatch before it opens or Lara will fall into a lava-trap at the bottom of the hatch-hole. A boulder will then drop into the hatch-hole, a banner will appear nearby asking you to "Take Your Reward" and two items will have appeared on the pedestals Flares ~ SMP.

You can now choose whether to continue the Luis Martins adventure or move on to the next level. Also note, that to proceed with Luis Martins adventure, you need 3 x Hands Of The Gods from the previous areas.

If you choose to leave ~ Enter the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

If you choose to continue the adventure ~ Follow the walkthrough from Continuing The Adventure

Continuing The Adventure

Place the 3 x Hands Of The Gods into the receptacles on the north wall. The floor-hatch will open and a banner will ask if you wish to "Continue The Adventure?" Well of course you do! So, stand at the edge of the floor-hatch, save your game and get ready for a scream of a task.

The Trapped Slope & Collapsible-Tiles Run

Down in the hatch-hole there are a series of slopes with a spike-trap and several lava-traps in-between. After the final slope, there is a spike-trap which you need to clear. You will then land in a passage inside a large lava pool room and two boulders will roll from the top of the passage towards you. You then need to get out of the way of the boulders via a collapsible-tile in the lava pool, and then use the following collapsible-tiles to make your way around the lava pool and back to the boulder passage. When you reach the boulder passage again, another boulder will fall, the west wall gate will open and a hatch will rise in front of the gate. This is the final safe place to land.

There are a few ways to accomplish this next task, so I have included two routes with video help for each route. The first route is the most difficult as you need to do it almost in one go; although there are a few places where you can save your game if you think it's safe to do so. The second route is a tad easier, as you can save your game after the initial slope/boulder run and give yourself some breathing space before starting the collapsible-tile run. Ok, let's make a start.

Route 1

Drop down into the hole and Lara will hit the first slope. Slide-jump from the slope, clear the first spike-trap and Lara will land on a slope beyond the spike-trap. Slide-jump over the next slope, then slide-jump again to clear the next two slopes and land on a slope further down in the passage. Immediately slide-jump to the next two slopes, then slide-jump while pressing the "action key" to clear the next spike-trap. There's no stopping here though because two boulders are heading down the slope ahead. So, quickly side-flip to the right and land on a collapsible-tile in the deadly red lake. Immediately jump to the next collapsible-tile to the south, then jump onto the following collapsible-tile to the south (making sure you land on the right side of it). Now take a curved running jump left, land on the front of the long slope that leads into the deadly lake, and then slide-jump southwards so that Lara lands on the next collapsible-tile. Quickly turn to the right and stand-jump to the collapsible-tile to the SW (you need to land on the very corner of this collapsible-tile), then run-jump to the next collapsible-tile to the south (you need to land on the right hand side of this collapsible-tile and as near to the back of it as you can). Now take a left curved running jump to the collapsible-tile at the south end of the room, then run-jump with a left curve to the small triangular ledge to the east. (You need to land on the very point of the triangular ledge, so do not use the "action key" when you take the running jump). You are safe here for now so save your game!

Face north, run-jump to the next collapsible-tile and then run-jump to the following two collapsible-tiles. Run-jump to the north slope (making sure that you land on the very top of it), then immediately jump (without sliding on the slope) into the passage you started from. As you land in the passage, a hatch will rise on the west wall and a boulder will immediately come crashing down into the passage. So, do not stop when you hit the boulder passage and immediately run-jump to the raised hatch Video Help

Route 2

Turn around so that the opening is behind Lara. Back-drop through the opening and land on the first slope. Slide to the end of the slope, then keep back-flipping to the following slopes until you reach the final slope. Now grab the end of the final slope and you will immediately trigger two boulders from the top of the following passage. Keep hold of the end of the slope and shimmy right as far as you can. When the boulders are in the passage below Lara, they will roll towards her, but not touch her. When the boulders finally come to rest in the passage, pull up onto the slope, then back-flip over the spike-trap below the slope, clear the boulders and land on a safe area in the passage. Now save your game as you are quite safe here Video Help

Walk to the north edge of the passage and spot the collapsible-tile ahead. This the start of the collapsible-tile run. Jump to the first collapsible-tile, then immediately jump to the next collapsible-tile to the south. Run-jump to the following collapsible-tile to the south (making sure you land on the right side of it), and then take a curved running jump left, land on the front of the long slope that leads into the deadly lake, and then slide-jump southwards so that Lara lands on the next collapsible-tile. Quickly turn to the right and stand-jump to the collapsible-tile to the SW (you need to land on the very corner of this collapsible-tile), then run-jump to the next collapsible-tile to the south (you need to land on the right hand side of this collapsible-tile and as near to the back of it as you can). Now take a left curved running jump to the collapsible-tile at the south end of the room, then run-jump with a left curve to the small triangular ledge to the east. (You need to land on the very point of the triangular ledge, so do not use the "action key" when you take the running jump). You are safe here for now so save your game Video Help

Face north, run-jump to the next collapsible-tile and then run-jump to the following two collapsible-tiles. Run-jump to the north slope (making sure that you land on the very top of it), then immediately jump (without sliding on the slope) into the passage you started from. As you land in the passage, a hatch will rise on the west wall and a boulder will immediately come crashing down into the passage. So, do not stop when you hit the boulder passage and immediately run-jump to the raised hatch and save your game Video Help

Phew! Glad that's over. Well, not quite! Leading down from the hatch is another nasty spike-trap and lava-trap passage, but it's not as bad as it looks. Here is the easiest way I found to get through this. Top up with health, hop back on the hatch and take a running jump down into the passage (do not use the "action key"). Lara should land on a slope beyond a spike-tile. Now simply jump from the slope onto the collapsible-tile ahead, then nip around to the right and enter the lower room.

More Decisions

To the west, there is another transporter and a banner asking if you are "Leaving Already?" To the east, there is a spike-tiled area with three levers above it. To the north, there are two empty pedestals and a "Continue Adventure" banner.

If you choose to leave ~ Enter the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

If you choose to continue the adventure ~ Follow the walkthrough from The Revolver & Laser Sight

The Revolver & Laser Sight

Go to the three levers at the east wall (the spikes are not active at this point). The middle lever is trapped, so leave it alone. Use the lever on the right, then use the lever on the left and immediately jump back before the spikes activate on the tile. Success will bring you a nice reward and on the pedestals you will find The Revolver and Laser Sight. Take the goodies and a gate will open between the two pedestals. Enter the gate, it will close behind you and there's no going back!

There's only one route to take in the passage, so make your way through until you come to an upper passage with dicer-doors and collapsible-tiles. If that isn't enough to make your hair curl, below the collapsible tiles, there is a deadly lava pool.

Start by lining up between the dicer-doors and wait for them to close. As soon as they open again, run past them and over the first two collapsible-tiles. Jump past the second set of dicer-doors, then take running jumps over the following collapsible-tiles until you are at the other end of the passage. Jump and grab the edge of the passage ahead. Pull up briefly, then drop back and grab the edge of the passage to allow a boulder to pass over-head. Now pull back up to the passage Video Help

To the right (south), there is a passage with a closed gate at the top and to the east, there is a sloped passage. Look up inside the sloped passage and spot the shootable-ball with a boulder below it. Now load up your revolver and laser sight, shoot the ball to trigger the boulder and open the gate at the top of the south passage, and then immediately roll and run-jump into the south passage to avoid the boulder. Now run to the top of the south passage and stop at the entrance to the new room.

Only walk a few steps into the next room because there is a fire-emitter ahead. The gate will close behind you and you are trapped inside the room.

Note the closed gate in the east wall to your left, then scan the bridge ahead. Not only are there spike-bags swinging across the bridge, but fire-emitters are active between the spike-bags. At the other end of the bridge, there are active spike-traps guarding a closed gate and a wall-lever. Also note the ledge in the lava pool to the right and the niche opposite it in the side of the bridge.

Start by waiting for the first flame to lower, then nip forwards and stop between the flame and the spike-bag. Stand Lara on the right hand side of the bridge like so Screenshot and wait for the flame to lower on the other side of the spike-bag. Time the spike-bag, then do a left banana-jump around the spike-bag. Walk forwards to avoid the next flame, then repeat the jumping process until Lara is one spike-bag away from the end of the bridge. Now do the same thing again, but this time wait for the spikes retract, then jump around the spike-bag and run to the end of the bridge.

Use the wall-lever to your right to raise the pillar in the lava pool. Face the spikes, wait for them to retract and then run-jump around the following spike-bag and flame. Wait for the flame behind you to lower and the following spike-bag to sway to the right, then run-jump down to the niche in the side of the bridge. Pull up onto the bridge and face the pillar. Run-jump towards the pillar, grab the top of it and pull up. Face the bridge and look up. There's a jump-switch between the tops of the spike-bags. Run-jump towards the jump-switch, grab it and pull it down. This will open the gate in the east wall.

Lara will now drop into the niche in the bridge. Pull up onto the bridge again and make your way towards the newly opened east wall gate. Face the east wall gate, run-jump to it and grab the edge of the doorway, but don't pull up yet. As soon as you pull up into the doorway, there's a small descending slope ahead with a collapsible-tile at the end. So, shimmy right as far as you can, then pull up and immediately jump forwards so that Lara jumps down onto the collapsible-tile at the bottom of the slope. Don't slide onto the collapsible-tile or Lara will stumble and you won't have time to align yourself. Immediately run left and take a left curved running jump up into the alcove in the north wall.

Note the wall-lever and the monkey swing above you, then use the wall-lever to raise a hatch on the monkey swing. This will allow you to pass over the monkey swing and enter the next room. Now jump to the monkey swing and make your way across the room until you reach the area with a spike-trapped slope to the right and a wall ladder and collapsible-tile to the left. Now spot the safe area on the spike-trapped slope and swing around to it. Line Lara up at the back of the safe area so that she is facing the wall ladder, and then drop onto the slope and slide-jump to the wall ladder. Climb up to the collapsible-tile, then shimmy right so that Lara is above the tile (but keep on the left side of it). You can still hear the spikes popping out of the slope, so wait for them to retract and then drop to the collapsible-tile. Now quickly roll, run-jump left grab the wall ladder at the end of the spike-trapped slope. This is quite difficult to do as you need to grab the wall ladder about half way along, then quickly climb up before the spikes pop up again. You will also lose a small amount of health. When you are safely above the spikes, shimmy left onto the following wall and Lara will be safe Video Help

Continue to shimmy left until the camera angle changes and you will see a spike-trapped slope behind Lara with a passage above it. Opposite the spike-trapped slope there is another passage (west) and that's where you need to head to next. So, wait for the spikes on the slope to retract, and then back-flip onto slope and make a left curved jump into the west wall passage. Now head to the end of the passage and enter the gate that opens as you approach.

More Decisions

Note the transporter to your left with a banner asking you if you are “Leaving Already?” and the closed gate ahead with a jump-switch above it.

If you choose to leave ~ Enter the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

If you choose to continue the adventure ~ Follow the walkthrough from Moving On

Moving On

Run-jump to the jump-switch and pull it down to open the gate. A hatch will also open below you and you will fall into a deep water-hole. Swim through the underwater tunnel and climb out at the end. Head to the end of the following passage and pickup the Flares ~ LMP x 2. You are now in the passage you noted earlier with the spike-trapped slope below it. Time the spikes, then use the slope to jump back to the west wall passage. Now head back to the transporter room and enter the newly opened gate.

The Rocky Ledge Room

The gate will close behind you now, so there’s no going back. Pick up the Revolver Ammo and walk towards the next room. Ahead of you now, is a deep room with rocky ledges scattered around the walls and you need to negotiate the ledges to get to the other side of the room.

The first ledge is around the wall to your left on south the wall. Take a left curved running jump to the ledge, then face NE and jump forwards so that Lara lands on a small triangular ledge below. Face the south wall, look down and spot a sloped pillar on the south wall. Face north, back-flip onto the slope, then slide-jump while using the "action key" so that Lara glides inside the railed passage Screenshot

Walk to the end of the passage and jump to the west ledge. Stand on the highest part of the ledge and grab the monkey swing above you. Swing to the other end of the room and drop off from the monkey swing. Walk out to the edge of the ledge and look up in the ceiling for a shootable-ball. Shoot the ball to raise a hatch nearby, then use the hatch to get to the far south ledge. Run-jump to the ladder on the east pillar, then climb to the top of the pillar and back-flip to the ledge behind you. Now climb the south wall ladder and back-flip off to the next high ledge. Walk towards the north wall passage, but don’t jump over to it yet! Look down and spot an item in an alcove below the passage. Step back from the edge of the ledge, then run off the ledge towards the alcove and press the "action key" to glide Lara into the alcove. Pick up the Flares, then face SW and jump down onto the hatch. Now head back up to the highest ledge and jump over to the north passage.

Spiked-Trapped Slopes & Collapsible-Tiles

Walk to the edge of the new room and take a look around. To your right (east) there is a long slope and to your left there is a sloped pillar. On top of the sloped pillar there is a spike-trap and beyond the sloped pillar there are two collapsible-tiles. In the west wall there is a passage, which is your next destination.

Slide down the slope in front of you and curve right, so that Lara lands on the long slope to the right and slides down it backwards. Grab the end of the slope and shimmy left until the sloped pillar is behind you. Wait until you hear the spikes on the pillar retract, then pull up, back-flip with a twist and land on the sloped pillar. Slide-jump to the first collapsible-tile, then run-jump with the "action key" pressed so that Lara grabs the edge of the following collapsible-tile. Shimmy around the collapsible-tile until Lara is facing the west wall, then place Lara in the middle of the collapsible-tile. Now pull up, quickly face the west wall passage and stand-jump without using the "action key"  so that Lara glides inside the west wall passage Video Help

As soon as you arrive in the passage, two fire-emitters will activate and in the upper passage to your right, there are three more fire-emitters. Step back into the corner of the passage where Lara is safe from the flames, then wait for the flames to subside and run to the end of the passage. Pull up in the corner of the upper passage and keep very still. Wait for the following three flames to subside, then run to the end of the passage, curve-jump left onto the sloped pillar and grab the edge of it (hopefully the spikes on top of the slope will be down). Shimmy right as far as you can, and then wait for the spikes on the slope to retract, pull up, back-flip to the slope behind you and curve-jump right onto the corner ledge. Do not save your game here because a fire-emitter will activate almost as soon as you land here. So, immediately side-jump up to the collapsible-tile to your left, and then turn left and run-jump into the west wall passage Video Help

Beware of the fire-emitters below the grated floor and run to the end of the passage. Jump or shimmy over the lava-tap and enter the next room.

The Shootable-Ball Task

To the east there is a closed gate, to the north there is a sloped sequence with five shootable-balls and at the top of the slopes there is a closed gate in the south wall.

You can see the first shootable-ball if you look up to the north, so shoot it now. Now face the south wall and back-flip onto the slope behind you. Keep only the "jump key" pressed and Lara will spring from slope to slope (you will see the other balls in the alcoves as you bounce your way up the slopes), make her way to the top of the room and land on a flat grated ledge.

Jump over to the closed south gate and face north. Shoot the next shootable-ball down in the north alcove, then face the gate and select your pistols. Stand in the middle of the ledge and drop back onto the slope below you. As you fall, keep the "forward directional key" pressed and fire your pistols to break the shootable-ball in the alcove below. Keep the "forward directional key" pressed and Lara will hop safely down the slopes to ground level.

Face the south wall again, back-flip to the slope behind you while firing your pistols and break the next shootable-ball in the south wall alcove. Proceed in this manner (making sure that you keep the "forward key" pressed when dropping down the slopes) until all five shootable-balls are broken and the east gate opens.

Now jump the lava-trap to get into the east room, head to the lever on the east wall and save your game for a timed-run to that newly opened gate at the top of the slopes.

The Timed-Run To The Transporter Room

Use the lever to open the gate at the top of the slopes, and then roll and hit the "look key" to kill the camera shot of the gate. Run to the lava-trap outside the gate and run-jump over to the sloped area. Quickly face the south wall, then back-flip to the slope behind you and keep the "jump key" pressed so that Lara bounces to the safe ledge at the top of the slopes. Now run-jump to the south gate and get through before it closes Video Help

You are now in another transporter room with four pedestals. There's a lever on the south wall and a closed gate at the north wall. The banner above the lever reads “Take Your Reward” so lets do just that. Use the lever to conjure up some goodies on the pedestals, and then take the LMP x 2 ~ Flares ~ Revolver Ammo. The north gate will now open and you have access to the next part of the adventure; should you choose to continue that is!

If you choose to leave ~ Enter the transporter and follow the walkthrough from Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

If you choose to continue the adventure ~ Follow the walkthrough from I Want More

I Want More

Head through the west gate and it will close behind you. Run up the stairs, then take a right turn into the next passage. Head through the passage and Lara will arrive in a catacomb of railed rooms. There are eight rooms in all and they are separated by small lava-traps.

Enter the first room and run-jump over the lava-trap into room two. Enter the room to your left (east), take the Flares from the pedestal and then return to room two. Jump the next lava-trap into room three, take the LMP from the pedestal and then jump into room four. There’s nothing in this room, so jump the lava-trap into room five, then jump to room six. Note the closed gate to your left (east), then jump into room seven. Take the Shotgun Ammo from the pedestal, then jump to the eighth room.

The Timed-Run To The Slopes Room

There’s a lever on the north wall which is timed to the gate in room six. Use the lever then quickly head to the gate, but don’t run through it or you will slide into a lava-trap on a slope. As soon as you reach the gate, run-jump diagonally left so that Lara lands on a flat ledge inside the gate.

You now face a lava-trapped slope; and although it looks harrowing, it isn’t really. Slide down the slope, then as soon as you see a lava-trap ahead, jump right so that Lara lands on the next slope. Slide down until you see another lava-trap ahead, then jump right and land on the next slope. Slide again until you see the next lava-trap ahead, then jump left. Slide to the bottom of the slope, then just as you reach the hole at the end, jump to the right so that Lara lands on the south wall slope. Slide and grab the end of the slope and note the lava-trapped passage below you. Hit "F5" to save your game here because the following tasks are quite difficult. There’s also a rather tricky secret to get on the way.

The 52nd Secret

Drop down onto the slope below, then slide-jump to the collapsible-tile at the end of the passage. Run left onto the next slope, then slide-jump with a right curve onto the next slope. Slide-jump with a right curve so that Lara lands on the right hand corner of the following collapsible-tile, and then roll and take a left curved running jump around the wall to a collapsible-tile in the north passage. Slide down the east slope, then when you see an alcove in the wall to your right (south), jump without using the "action key" so that Lara lands inside the alcove. Use the lever on the west wall to open a gate up in the north wall, and then stand-jump inside the gate Video Help

Head left and climb up into the next room. Climb again to the upper room, then jump up SW. Pull up into the upper north passage and make your way to the end. Jump the lava-tap to get to the west passage, then make your way to the room at the end and collect the 52nd Secret ~ Crossbow ~ 20 x Explosive Arrows ~ 2 x LMP.

Slopes & A Shootable-Ball

Leave via the east passage and drop down one level at the end. Below you are the slopes you started this task from and you now need to get to the lowest area of the room. There is more than one way to achieve this task, but I will only give instructions for one route.

Top up with health and line up northwards. Slide down the slope ahead and drop onto the small slope. Slide-jump with a slight right curve so that Lara lands on the next slope ahead, then bounce towards the long slope to the east and curve slightly left and grab the top of the slope. Shimmy right as far as you can, then pull up onto the slope and slide down. As soon as you reach the end of the slope, jump and land on the next slope, then slide to the end of the slope and jump with a right curve onto the slope at the south wall. Bounce back from the slope and Lara should land on a slope at the south wall. Now bounce to the next north slope, and then bounce once more, grab the safe central ledge and pull up Video Help

Turn around, face west and look up in the ceiling for a shootable-ball. Shoot the ball to open a gate in the north wall at the east end of the room, and then turn around and jump to the east end of the room. Jump up to the side of the right hand column, then jump up into the east wall alcove and pick up the LMP ~ Revolver Ammo.

If you look NW you can see the open gate in the north wall and that’s where we need to head for next. Face NW, take a right curved standing jump around the column and grab the ledge below the north gate. Now pull up and walk carefully into the new passage.

The Lava Pool Room

Jump over the lava-trap and walk to the slope ahead. There is a large lava pool room over the following slope and you need to get to the other side of it. It’s no easy task, so there is of course some video help at the end of this section.

Stand-jump over the slope ahead, then slide and grab the next slope ahead. Shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up, slide-jump to the next slope and immediately jump to the next slope. Bounce and grab the ladder on the pillar, then climb up about half way. Shimmy left to the other side of the pillar, then climb up about half way and shimmy left as far as you can. Back-flip with a twist from the ladder and press the "left directional key" so that Lara curves to the left and lands on the following slope. Slide-jump to the next slope, then slide-jump and grab the next ladder. Climb up about half way, back-flip with a twist and slightly curve right so that Lara lands on the slope behind her. Slide-jump with a slight right curve, grab the ladder ahead and shimmy around to the left until Lara is on the other side of the pillar. Climb up about half way up, then back-flip with a twist while pressing the "action key" so that Lara grabs the top of the slope behind her. Shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up and slide-jump with a left curve onto the next slope. Slide-jump with a right curve the next slope, then slide-jump with a right curve to the next slope. Now slide-jump with a left curve and land on the collapsible-tile at the south wall. Quickly turn right, stand-jump forwards and grab the gap in the west wall. Shimmy right and make your way around the wall to the ladder on the other side. Step down the ladder once, then shimmy left as far as you can (keep Lara in the climb position). Back-flip with a twist, land on the slope behind and slide-jump with a slight left curve to the next slope. Slide-jump with a slight left curve onto the far side of the triangular slope, then slide-jump with a right curve onto the right hand side of the next triangular slope. Slide-jump to the penultimate slope, then slide-jump to the final slope. When you land on the final slope, slide-jump to the broken part of the west ledge, then keep bouncing back and forth while pressing the "right directional key" so that Lara moves to the right and eventually lands on the safe flat area on the west ledge Video Help

Note the closed gate here. It's a timed-gate that you will be heading for in a short while. Now shoot out the wooden barrier in the north wall and take a running jump into the north passage. Make your way to the room at the end of the long passage, then save your game at the wall-lever on the south wall and get ready for a timed-run back to the lava pool room. Use the lever to temporarily open the gate back in the lava pool room, then sprint back through the passage to the lava pool room.

When you reach the end of the passage that over-looks the lava pool room, take a right curved running jump around the wall and land on the west ledge in front of the timed-gate. Do not run onto the slope beyond the gate! The slope will decrease your jumping distance and you won't make it onto the following slope. Instead, run-jump from the timed-gate and try to land on the on the slope ahead so that Lara is facing north. If you land facing south, back-flip on the slope and twist in mid-air so that Lara is facing north. Slide-jump between the slopes and press the "left directional key" so that Lara moves left along the slopes. When you are at the end of the slopes, press the "left directional key" to land on the smaller slope at the end of the long slopes, then slide-jump left and grab the ladder on the pillar.

Note the closed gate in the north wall (which we will be opening soon), then shimmy left onto the next ladder. Climb up on the right side of the ladder and stop when Lara is about one tile away from the ceiling. Back-flip with a twist, press the "left directional key" so that Lara lands on the south slope behind her, and then slide-jump to the next slope. Slide-jump left and catch the next ladder, then shimmy all the way around to the other side of the pillar. Back-flip with a twist and grab the ladder behind you, then shimmy right as far as you can. Now drop onto the slope below you and slide-jump left onto the east ledge.

Use the skeleton-lever to open the gate in the north wall. Face west, stand-jump towards the west slope and grab the top of it. Shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up and slide-jump left onto the next slope. Slide-jump onto the next north slope, then slide-jump left onto the next slope. Slide-jump right onto the next north slope, and then slide-jump left and grab the ladder. Shimmy around the pillar to the next ladder (don’t go all the way around to the other side), then back-flip with a twist and land on the double slopes at the north wall. As you did before, bounce left to the end of the slopes, and then jump to the small slope, bounce to the small west slope and then back-flip to the slope behind you and slide-jump right to and land inside the north gate Video Help

Inside the tiny room, go to the wall-lever on the north wall and save your game for another timed-run! The lever is timed and it will temporarily open a gate on the west wall outside. Use the lever, then hit the "look key" to kill the shot of the gate. Roll and run to the entrance of the room, then face right and jump around to the right so that Lara lands on the far side of the small slope down to your right. Slide-jump left to the next west slope, then slide-jump right to the next slope and curve-jump right onto the next slope. Jump left onto the next slope, then slide-jump with a twist so that Lara lands on the flat block and is facing the west wall. Run-jump around to the left, then grab the south pillar and pull up. Now run-jump to the west gate and head inside before it closes. When you approach the lava pool at the end of the path, a boulder will fall and roll towards you. So, quickly turn around, run back through the gate and hang-drop from the ledge. Wait for the boulder to pass over-head, then pull up and head back through the gate Video Help

Walk ahead to the end of the path, then turn around to face east (so that Lara’s back is to the slope). Back-flip over the gap in the path so that Lara lands on the first slope, then immediately run back down the slope and jump back to the path because another boulder is on its way. Keep running, then head out of the gate and hang-drop from the ledge outside until the boulder has passed over-head.

Return through the gate and jump over to the first slope. Run to the end of the slope, then jump diagonally right over the lava-trap and onto the second slope and immediately back-flip back to the first slope and wait for another boulder to fall (which will place itself inside the lava-trap). Return to the second slope and make your way up until you come to a lava-trap to your left. Turn around so that Lara’s back is to the slope, and then hop back to trigger the next boulder and run-jump back to the first slope.

Return to the second slope, keep to the right and make your way to the top. Go right, grab the monkey swing above the lava-trap and make your way to the other side. Drop off the monkey swing and run-jump over the small lava-trap while pressing the "action key" so that Lara grabs the edge of the lava-trap. Now pull up and roll, then quickly run-jump over the lava-trap to avoid another boulder. Walk towards the lava-trap with the boulder rolling inside it, then carefully run-jump over it as the boulder can still kill Lara if it touches her. Now head up the following slope, keep to the right to avoid another boulder that’s sitting up in the ceiling to the left, and then enter the room at the top of the slope.

Drop down into the central water-hole and swim through the passage. There’s only one way to go, so just follow the passage through until Lara is able to pull out of the water. Now run through the following passage and watch the cut-scene that kicks in showing you a block rising in the room where you placed the South America Idols.

The gate will now slam shut behind you and you will find yourself on the outer balconies of the room where you placed the South America Idols. Make your way around the balcony until you come to a lava-trap, then jump over it and continue on until you come to a block. Jump up onto the block and run-jump over the gap ahead to get to the next balcony. Don’t worry if you fall into the gap, the block you saw rising in the cut-scene is down below and you can use it to jump back up to the balcony. Continue on around the balcony to the room at the end, then head left onto the balcony. Use the skeleton-lever at the end of the balcony and some goodies will appear on the pedestals in the South America Idol room.

Return to the gap in the balcony and drop down into the South America Idol room. Climb over the block, take LMP x 4 ~ Revolver Ammo x 2 ~ Arrows x 2 from the pedestals, then grab the Jedimaster’s Certificate from the central pedestal. Taking the certificate will activate a transporter to the north, so nip into the transporter and jump aboard the Runaway Train.

Old & New Levels ~ Runaway Train

2 Secrets

Circuit Board 1. Circuit Board 2. Holy Statue 1. Holy Statue 2.

Watch the cut-scene showing you the runaway train, which consists of eight carriages and the engine. Lara needs to place two circuit boards to detach seven of the carriages, then make her escape via the engine. It's rather chilly on this train, so Lara has changed her outfit and is now wearing her warm leather jacket to combat the cold climate.

The 1st Circuit

Open the door in front of you, enter the first carriage and shoot the crate on the left for a SMP. There’s nothing inside the other crate, so walk towards the next carriage and stand-jump to the ladder on the next carriage. Climb to the top of the carriage, then turn around and jump to the top of the first carriage. Now run to the end of the carriage and pick up the 1st Circuit.

The 1st Holy Statue & The 53rd Secret

Return to the top of the second carriage, but don’t run to the other end. Turn to face south, then back-drop from the side of the carriage and grab it. You will see a ladder below you, so climb down and then climb right and drop off inside the carriage. Shoot the MP, then shoot the box on the west wall to reveal a wall-lever. Use the lever to open a hatch on the other side of the carriage, then back-drop from the carriage and grab it. Shimmy left onto the ladder and climb back up to the top of the carriage.

The hatch you have just opened is to your right. Drop down inside, shoot the crate to your left for a LMP and then open the door and jump over to the next carriage. Now open the door to the next carriage and head through.

Grab the Flares from the top of the crate to your right, then walk through to the next part of the carriage. Note the jump-switch up on the west wall, then use the "action key" on the crate below the jump-switch to open the way to the next carriage. Go through to the next part of the carriage and note the patterned floor-tile to your right. Nip up onto the south crate and use the crowbar on the east crate to open it. Nip inside the crate and shoot the box on the wall to reveal a wall-lever, and then use the lever to open the doors at the end of the carriage.

Jump over to the next carriage, then climb onto the first crate and face east. Take a running jump to the ladder above the door on the previous carriage, then pull up to the top of the carriage. Make your way to the hole in the roof of the carriage, then face west and hang-drop down the hole (but don't release your grip yet). Spot the jump-switch below you, then drop and grab the jump-switch to pull it down. This will raise a white crate on the patterned floor-tile you noted earlier. Quickly turn and shoot the MP who sneaks up behind you, and then walk through to the west end of the carriage. The white crate is to your right. Climb onto the crate, then use the crowbar on the east crate to open it and take the 1st Holy Statue.

We’re not done here yet. Open the next east crate and take the 53rd Secret ~ LMP. Want to see some cartoon humour? Save your game first, then open the crate to the left. I’ll say no more!

The 2nd Holy Statue

Nip back down into the carriage and proceed to the next west carriage. As you enter the central area of the carriage, a cut-scene will kick in showing you a truck load of MP’s arriving. The MP’s will then jump onto the carriage with Lara. You’ll lose a bit of health from these guys as you wait for the cut-scene to end, but then you can take them out quite quickly with your revolver or shotgun. When the coast is clear, head to the next west carriage and jump over to it.

Enter the first half of the carriage and note the white crate ahead and the white crate and patterned floor-tile to the right (which you will come back to in a short while). Now face east and climb the ladder above the doorway to get to the top of the carriage. Run to the end of the carriage and face south. Back-drop from the carriage and grab the edge of it, then drop and grab the opening in the side of the carriage.

Climb inside the carriage and shoot the two crates. One contains a SMP and the other one you need out of the way for your next task. Move the white crate in the north wall to reveal a crowbar-lever, then use the lever to lower the white crate in the east wall. You have now opened the way to the carriage with the white crates and patterned floor-tile that you noted not so long ago.

You now need to move the white crate in the west carriage, onto the patterned floor-tile in the east carriage. Pull the crate back three times (so that it’s sitting in the east carriage), then turn around and climb the ladder to get to the top of the carriage. Head west to the end of the carriage, then as you did before, face south, back-drop and grab the carriage, drop and grab the opening in the side of the carriage and climb inside the carriage. Push the east crate forwards once, then push it north once so that it's sitting on the patterned floor-tile. The white crate to your left will now lower and reveal the 2nd Holy Statue.

The 2nd Circuit

Return to the top of the carriage via the ladder and make your way to the west end. Jump down onto the lower west cargo carriage, then run-jump the cargo piles to get to the other end of the carriage. Now run-jump to the ladder on the next carriage and climb up.

Run to the west end of the carriage and take note of the closed hatch on the way. At the end of the carriage, face east, hang-drop from the carriage and grab the edge of it. Climb down the ladder on the carriage, then back-flip to the next carriage. Now open the door to the next carriage and head through.

You are now inside a carriage with multiple crates. Go to the second crate on the right (north) and shoot the crate above it for LMP ~ Flares. Now note the crate behind you (south). This crate can be opened, but not by Lara! So, ignore the crate for now and go to the crate at the end of the west passage. There’s another crate to your right (north), but ignore that for now because Lara will need help opening this crate too.  Open the crate at the end of the passage, then quickly turn around and gun down the MP who arrives behind you. Take the SMP that the MP drops, then use the crowbar-lever in the south alcove. This will open the hatch on top of the carriage you noted earlier. Head back east down the carriage and jump back to the ladder on the previous carriage. Climb up to the top of the carriage, then climb down the ladder that’s inside the newly opened hatch.

First move the crate below the ladder and pick up the 2nd Circuit. Now place the 2 x holy statues on the pedestals (Lara will say “no” when you place them, but ignore her, she’s just having a bad day) and a hatch will open on top of the final carriage. Two MP’s will also show up, so gun them down and take the LMP ~ SMP that they leave. Note: Try not to kill the MP’s too close to the pedestals or one of them might not leave you a pick-up.

The 54th Secret

Return to the top of the ladder, head west, jump to the final carriage and drop down through the hatch. You now need to use two levers to open the door at the west end of the carriage, then also locate another lever to access the final secret from the train.

Remember the crates you saw earlier that Lara was unable to open? There are some more in here, but you still need some assistance in breaking them open. Your little helpers; although they will not be happy to see you, are hiding in one of the crates in the north wall; but don’t disturb them just yet! Walk to the east end of the carriage and use the crowbar to open the crate in the east wall. This will give you access to the multiple crate carriage you visited earlier, but don’t go through to it yet!

We are now going to release our little helpers; but be warned, they will not be happy to see Lara! Shoot the crate to your left (north) to release two YRP’s. You can’t kill these guys and neither do you want to, because they are going to batter down the crates that Lara was unable to open. The first crate is the upper south crate diagonally right of the YRP’s hiding place Screenshot Just stand by the crate, let the guys take a swing at you, then side-flip out of the way and let them hit the crate instead. Nip up inside the crate, use the lever inside and then drop down and head to the east carriage. To your right (south) you will see the floor-lever you used earlier, but there’s no need to touch it again. Get the YRP’s to smash the second crate left of the floor-lever, then use the secret lever that’s inside the crate to raise a ledge on the side of the train. This is how you will get the final secret.

Now get the YRP’s to break the crate diagonally right of the floor-lever Screenshot and the west end door will finally open. Don’t head through there yet if you want to get the final secret.

Head back to the west end of the carriage and climb up the ladder. Make your way east to the next carriage and jump over to it. Run east to the end of the carriage and jump down to the cargo carriage. Head east to the end of the cargo carriage, then jump to the ladder on the following carriage and climb up. Run to the east end of the carriage, jump down to the low carriage with the three crates and then run-jump into the next carriage.

Climb up onto the white crate to the north, then head to the right. This is where you picked up the 1st holy statue and the secret. Open the crate to the left (north). It's safe to do so now because a hatch will save Lara from falling from the train. On the hatch, face SE, take a running jump into the opening in the side of the train and pick up the 54th Secret ~ 2 x LMP ~ Revolver Ammo ~ Flares. Now jump back to the hatch, climb the ladder on the side of the carriage and return to the final carriage.

Drop down inside the final carriage, then jump over to the engine (west) and place the 2 x circuit boards into the receptacles. The final carriage and engine will uncouple from the other carriages and Lara will be taken to the next level.


Old & New Levels ~ The Tinnos Tower

4 Secrets

4 x Golden Key. The Torch. Mechanical Scarab. Winding Key. 3 x Prayer Wheel.


Brrr! It's freezing here. Luckily though, Lara is wearing her warm leather jacket, which will be a god send in the snowy hills outside the Tinnos Tower.

Start by sliding down into the first snowy courtyard, then run left (east) for some Revolver Ammo. Head on south and collect a LMP, and then continue on westwards through the rocky gorge and run down to the right of the central rocks for a pack of Flares. Now make your way south and you will eventually come to an opening in the temple wall (west).

Run-jump to the top of the slope to the right of the opening, then make a right curved running jump into the opening. Walk forwards, slide down the slope ahead and arrive on a ledge above a lava filled passage.

You now need to get across the lava passage via some collapsible-tiles. It's not an easy task by any means, so I suggest you save your game now!

Lava Passages & Collapsible-Tiles

Stand on the right side of the ledge, drop down onto the slope below you and slide down. When you are nearing the end of the slope, curve-jump left onto the collapsible-tile ahead, then run-jump to the next collapsible-tile and press the "action key" to grab the edge of it. Shimmy to the right side of the collapsible-tile, then pull up and perform an running S-jump to the next collapsible-tile. Note: A running S-jump is where you curve-run to the left (or right) then curve-run right (or left) and jump to the destination. Now run-jump to the next collapsible-tile and keep the "action key" pressed so that Lara grabs the collapsible-tile. Shimmy to the right hand side of the collapsible-tile, then pull up and run-jump with a right curve to the slope in the next passage. Slide-jump to the next slope, then slide-jump and catch the ladder on the pillar ahead. Climb around to the other side of the ladder (all the way around) and the camera view will show you your next destination; which is another collapsible-tile behind you. Line Lara up here Screenshot and back-flip with a twist while pressing the "action key" so that Lara grabs the next collapsible-tile. Shimmy left as far as you can, then pull up and run-jump with a right curve to the next collapsible-tile. Now run-jump with a left curve to the next collapsible-tile, then quickly face the ladder on the pillar to your right and stand-jump to it. Shimmy all the way around to the other side of the pillar, then back-flip with a twist and grab the edge of the south wall passage. There’s no need to enter the passage, but you can see a nice little stash of goodies behind the railings which you will come to later on. For now though, drop back from the passage and grab the edge of it, and then shimmy left to the end of the wall and drop onto the block below you.

Crashing-Walls & The 55th Secret

Arriving on the block will trigger some crashing-walls up in the north passage. Stand at the front of the block, time the first wall, jump up into the passage and nip forwards to clear the crashing-wall. Be careful not to fall into the small lava-trap ahead.

Time the next crashing-wall and jump to the right of it as it passes to the left. Run into the alcove to the right, locate the wall-lever and use it to open the secret gate. You can see this happening through the railings to your left. Time the crashing-wall, then run right of it and run-jump over the lava pool while pressing the "action key" so that Lara grabs the edge of the lava pool. Pull up and time the spike-trap with the crashing-wall at the end of the passage. When you think you can pass both traps unscathed, run over the spike-trap, run-jump past the crashing-wall, and then run-jump while pressing the "action key" towards the triangular opening in the north wall and grab the opening. Now pull up inside the opening and head around to the right for the 55th Secret ~ Flares.

Return to the opening, then hang-drop from it and grab the edge. Shimmy right as far as you can, then drop onto the block below you. Face south and note the spike/slope sequence ahead.

Stand at the back of the block and on the right-hand side. Time the spikes, then stand-jump to the first slope, slide-jump to the next slope and then slide-jump right onto the slope in the following passage. Slide-jump right onto the next slope, then slide-jump and catch the east wall ladder. Now climb the ladder and pull up into a beautiful frozen pool room.

The Frozen Pool Room

Start by taking down the tinnos wasp that shows up to greet you, then take a look around. There is a keyhole at each end of the east wall, and a central closed door. In the west wall to your left there is a closed gate, which is timed to an uw-lever beneath the frozen pool. At the south end of the room, there is a pool with a closed gate above it and to the right of that there is an unlit floor-pot with a gate behind it (SW corner). The gate behind the floor-pot is timed and it leads to the next secret. Take note of the unlit floor-pots because you are going to be lighting them later on. There are four of them in all.

Start by heading to the pool at the south end of the room. Drop into the pool and swim down through the opening in the north wall. Swim to the north end of the pool, then go R - R and swim inside the underwater alcove. Locate the uw-lever just inside the alcove and use it to temporarily open the gate above the pool. Quickly swim back to the start of the pool and climb out onto the west ledge. Climb the central part of the west wall ladder (make sure you climb central to avoid having to shimmy left on the ladder), then run to the west wall gate at the north end of the room and stop just inside the gate.

The Frozen Pool Room ~ The 1st Golden Key & The 56th Secret

You will now find yourself over-looking the lava filled passage with the spike/slope task you did a moment ago. Stand-jump towards the opening in the railings ahead and press the "action key" to glide Lara inside the passage. Go left, make your way to the room at the end of the passage and collect the 56th Secret ~ The Crossbow. If you missed the secret lever in the crashing-wall passage, the gate to this secret will be closed.

The 1st Golden Key

Head back to the other end of the passage. When you stand on the final tile, a gate will open in the railings to the west. Stand-jump with the "action key" pressed to glide Lara inside the gate, then head left and make your way to the end of the passage. A gate will open as you approach the end of the passage and a block will lower in the west wall over the lava passage. Run-jump to the west wall opening and press the "action key" to glide Lara inside. Walk forwards, look to the right and spot another opening in the west wall of the next lava passage. Run-jump to the opening and enter the room ahead.

Before you do anything, let's take a look around. You can see the Golden Key on a pedestal straight ahead of you (west), and in the NW corner there is an unlit floor-pot. To the left (south), there is a room with a wall-lever (you can also see a prayer wheel behind the railings in the west wall), and to the right (north) there is a room with a closed gate. The wall-lever in the south room has two functions. 1 ~ It will open the gate above the pool in the frozen pool room. 2 ~ It will open a timed-gate behind the floor-pot in the frozen pool room. The gate above the pool will remain open regardless of how long it takes you to reach the pool room again, but the timed-gate is a one off shot. Miss it and you will lose the secret that lies behind it. So, don’t touch the wall-lever until you have picked up the key and you are ready to head back to the frozen pool room. Ok, lets move on now.

Take the 1st Golden Key from the pedestal and you will attract the attention of two large mutants, who will attack from behind. The south room gate will slam shut and a block will rise at the entrance to the room; giving you no option but to stand and fight. So, whip out your guns and take the enemy down. When the enemy have fallen, the south gate and the entrance will re-open.

A Timed-Run For The 57th Secret

Enter the south room and save your game at the wall-lever. Using the wall-lever is going to open two gates in the frozen pool room. 1 ~ The secret gate, which is timed. 2 ~ The gate above the pool, which will remain open however long it takes you to get back to the frozen pool room. So, use the lever, then watch the cut-scene showing you the timed-gate and the gate above the pool opening. As soon as the cut-scene ends, roll and sprint to the entrance of the previous room, then face SE and take a right curved running jump while pressing the "action key" and glide Lara into the opening in the east wall. Run-jump SE and press the "action key" to glide Lara inside the east passage, and then sprint left through the passage and make your way to the end. Run-jump slightly SE and hit the "action key" to glide Lara inside the next passage, and then run to the right and take a left curved jump eastwards into the frozen pool room. Sprint to the south end of the room and run through the timed-gate behind the floor-pot (SW corner). Now head through the passage and pick up the much deserved 57th Secret ~ SMP ~ 10 x Explosive Arrows ~ Revolver Ammo ~ Flares ~ LMP.

The 2nd Golden Key & The Torch

Return to the frozen pool room and jump into the south wall passage. Run to the room at the end and pick up the 2nd Golden Key. Note the unlit floor-pot in the corner of the room, and also the mechanical beetle behind the railings. You'll get that later on.

Return to the frozen pool room and use the 2 x Gold Keys on the keyholes that are located at each end of the east wall. This will open the central gate up in the east wall between the two keyholes. Pull up inside the newly opened gate, enter the room at the end of the passage and grab a Torch. There are three Torches in case you lose one. Also note the unlit floor-pot in the corner of the room.

Lighting Four Floor-Pots

1st Floor-Pot

Go to the burning floor-pot, light the Torch and then light the unlit floor-pot (1/4), but don’t stand too close to the floor-pots or Lara will burn. You will now see a shot of the closed gate back in the room where you killed the two mutants.

2nd Floor-Pot

Keep the Torch with you from now on and return to the frozen pool room. Head to the SW corner and light the next floor-pot (2/4).

3rd Floor-Pot

Jump into the south wall opening, run through to the room at the end of the passage and light the next floor-pot (3/4).

4th Floor-Pot

Return to the frozen pool room and enter the furthest west wall gate. Jump over to the west passage and head right. Jump to the next west passage and make your way to the end. Face NW, run-jump to the opening in the west wall, and then face NW again and run-jump with a left curve to land inside the opening in the west wall. You are now back in the mutant room. Head to the NW corner and light the final floor-pot (4/4). The gate in the north room will now open.

Take your Torch with you and enter the gate. Run to the top of the slope, then drop down into the snowy area below. Pick up the LMP from the far side of the room, then throw the Torch onto the wooden floor. The floor will now burn and break and a flooded chamber is revealed.

The Flooded Chamber

Drop down into the flooded and take a look around. Note the closed gates in the north and east walls. You will open the north gate shortly, but the east gate needs to be opened via five skeleton-levers. You will locate the five skeleton-levers later on when you visit the areas beyond the north gate.

Open The North Gate

Swim down inside the hole in the NE corner and grab a pack of Flares. Now swim down inside the hole in the SW corner, locate the uw-lever and use it to open the north gate.

The Inner Passages Of The Flooded Chamber

Swim through the north gate. There is a long underwater passage ahead with a closed room at the end. Leading off from the long passage, there are four other passages. Two north and two south. At the end of each passage, there are one or more rooms with various tasks. Your objective here, is to locate 3 x Prayer Wheels to gain access to the next level.

Flooded Chamber Gate ~ Skeleton-Lever 1

Swim ahead into the north passage, then swim right and go down into the east passage. Swim through until you come to a crossroads with a passage leading north (which is tinted green) and a passage leading south (which is tinted red). Ignore these passages for now and swim through the east passage until you come to another crossroads with a passage leading north (which is tinted blue) and a passage leading south (which is tinted yellow). At the end of the east passages there is a room, but it's closed off by a hatch for the time being, so ignore that for now.

Swim north into the blue tinted passage, then when you are about half way up, keep an eye on the walls behind you and spot an uw-lever. Use the lever to open a gate in the room at the end of the north passage, then swim up through the north passage and pull up into the room at the end.

Use the skeleton-lever (1) and see a shot of the closed gate back in the flooded chamber.

The Five Levers Puzzle & The 1st Prayer Wheel

Note the west passage (which is blocked by five gates) and then enter the east gate. Note the hint from the author to “Save Your Game In A Different Slot”. This is because you are going to do a lever-puzzle which can not be re-set.

You need to use all five levers, but it doesn't matter which one you use first. Each lever is triggered to a rolling spike-drum that is placed on a slope (you will see a shot of this when you use the levers). The spike-drums are currently static, but when you use each lever, you will trigger the spike-drums to roll up and down the slopes. Each spike-drum must be stopped on the patterned-tiles on the slopes. You can stop the spike-drums by re-using the lever. When each drum is placed correctly on a patterned-tile, a gate will open in the west passage outside. When all five drums are in place, all of the gates will be open in the passage. That's not all though! Inside the west passage, there are five spike-traps. When each drum is in place, the corresponding spike-trap will be activated. This is why you need to save in different slots, because if you move any of the spike-drums off their patterned-tile, the corresponding gate will close, but the spike-trap will remain active and may cause problems. This is not always the case, but it's best not to take the risk. Ok so let's open the gates.

Pick your first lever and use it to start the first spike-drum rolling. As soon as you think the spike-drum will stop on the patterned-tile, press the "action key" and Lara will use the lever again. The spike-drum will now stop rolling on the slope. Hopefully you have timed it correctly and it will sit on the patterned-tile. If not, then try again. If the spike-drum is properly in place, you can move on to the next lever. Repeat this procedure until all five drums are in place Screenshot and then return to the first room.

The west passage gates should now be open and the spike-traps inside the passage will be popping up and down. Time the spikes, sprint through the passage to the room at the end and take the 1st Prayer Wheel from the pedestal.

Flooded Chamber Gate ~ Skeleton-Lever 2

Return to the previous room, drop into the water and swim back down inside the passages until you come to the crossroads. Swim up westwards to the next crossroads, then swim into the red tinted (south). Swim to the end of the passage and pull out into the room at the end.

Use the skeleton-lever (2) at the south wall (taking care not to go too close to the fire) and you will get another shot of the closed gate in the flooded chamber.

Flooded Chamber Gate ~ Skeleton-Lever 3

Note the closed floor-hatch, the open east gate with a lava pool beyond and the closed west gate with a keyhole. You will come back to here later to deal with those. Use the wall-lever to the left of the open gate and see a hatch open at the end of the long east passage. Drop back into the water and swim back to the crossroads. Swim right (east) and continue to the end of the passage. There’s the newly opened hatch above you now, so swim up and climb out of the water.

Enter the passage to your right, use skeleton-lever (3) and see the next shot of the closed gate back out in the flooded chamber.

The Mechanical Scarab

Continue on through the passage, then when you are nearing the end, grab your guns and take down the large mutant that springs out from behind the wall. When the area is secure, continue to the end of the passage and drop into the water-hole.

Swim through the passage and keep to the right. On the way through the passage, you will see a Prayer Wheel behind a closed gate (but you can't take it yet). Continue on through the passage, then just before you reach the end, note the closed hatch above you (which you will be opening shortly), then head to the end of the passage and pull out of the water.

Make your way through to a small cave at the end of the passage, collect the Flares from the east side of the room and light one. Search the NW corner for a movable-block in the west wall and pull it out to reveal a skeleton-lever. Use the lever to open the hatch back in the water passage that you noted a moment ago, and then head back to the water passage and swim up through the newly opened hatch. Take the Mechanical Scarab from the pedestal and you will see a shot of a closed gate.

The Winding Key

Return to the cave and go to the south end of the room. Note the closed floor-hatch, then light another flare. Search the east wall for another movable-block and pull it out twice. Move the block to the south wall, enter the passage that was exposed after moving the block and take the Winding Key from the pedestal. You will see a shot of the gate you saw earlier and this time it will open.

Flooded Chamber Gate ~ Skeleton-Lever 4

The floor-hatch nearby is also open now, providing you with a quick route to your next location. Walk towards the open floor-hatch, look down inside it and spot the slope leading down. Face south, drop onto the slope inside and immediately jump forwards and grab the alcove in the south wall. Now pull up for a LMP.

Drop down from the pick-up alcove and Lara will fall into the water-hole. Swim through the following passage and let the current take Lara to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water and head through the gate that opens on your arrival.

You are now in the room where you need to use the mechanical scarab and skeleton-lever (4) is to your right. Use the skeleton-lever and see another shot of the closed gate in the flooded chamber.

Using The Mechanical Scarab & Winding Key

Head through the west gate and it will close behind you. Combine the Mechanical Scarab with the Winding Key to make the Mechanical Scarab & Key, then select it from the inventory and place it on the scarab-tile you are standing on. The Mechanical Scarab will now run under the gap in the west wall and trigger the gate to your left to open. Head through the gate, make your way around the passage and pick up the Mechanical Scarab.

Use the mechanical scarab on the next scarab-tile and head through the next gate. Run around the passage to the next scarab-tile, then use the Mechanical Scarab once more to open the final gate. You will now see a shot of an underwater gate opening with a Prayer Wheel inside. This is the Prayer Wheel you saw earlier when swimming through the passage on the way to the Mechanical Scarab and Winding Key pick-up.

Now, you can enter the newly opened gate to your right and get the Mechanical Scarab back, but you won’t be able to use it again and neither do you need to. So, you can leave it there or take it with you as a keep-sake.

The 2nd Prayer Wheel

Return to the start of the passage and the exit gate will open as you approach it. What, the gate keeps closing when you try to run through it? Well, the Mechanical Scarab is of no use to you now, so you need find another way to get through the gate. Nip back into the previous passage and the exit gate will open again. Turn around and walk to the T-junction (so that the exit gate is to your right), then nip forwards to close the exit gate to close it, immediately hop back into the previous passage to open the gate again, then immediately run through the exit gate as it's in the process of opening.

You can't use the east water-hole to get back to the Prayer Wheel passage as it's a one-way only passage. So, drop into south water-hole and swim back to the crossroads. Swim east and make your way to the end of the passage. Pull out of the water, head back through the passage you visited earlier with the large mutant and drop into the water-hole. Swim through the passage until you come to some railings to your left, and then swim left behind the railings and go right for the 2nd Prayer Wheel.

Flooded Chamber Gate ~ Skeleton-Lever 5

Swim out of the Prayer Wheel alcove and go L - L - R. Swim down into the lower passage, then swim up into the air-pocket and replenish your oxygen levels. Now swim to the end of the passage (pass under the hatch where you collected the mechanical scarab) and pull out at the end of the passage. Head through the passage to the cave where you collected the Mechanical Scarab and Winding Key and drop down the floor-hole. Let the current take Lara to the end of the passage, then pull out of the water and head back through to a familiar room.

Drop into the south water-hole and swim back to the crossroads. Swim down east to the next crossroads, and then swim into the yellow tinted (south) passage. Swim to the end of the passage and pull out of the water.

Be very careful when you pull up into this room because there is a deep central floor-hole. Now use the final skeleton- lever (5) to open the gate in the flooded chamber. Leave this gate alone for now and we will visit there later on.

Locate The 3rd Golden Key

Note the closed north gate with a key behind and the wall-lever above a floor-hatch in the east wall alcove. Use the wall-lever to open the floor-hatch and Lara will drop onto a slope. Slide to the bottom of the slope, then slide down the following slope and arrive in a dimly lit passage.

Pick up the Flares at Lara’s feet and light one. Search on the nearby west wall for a movable-block and push it through to reveal a wall-lever. Use the lever to open the gate back up in the previous room, then head to the end of the passage and stand-jump to the upper passage.

Note the Prayer Wheel behind closed railings to your left (east) a key-hole to the right of the railings and a closed gate opposite the railings (west). The key for the keyhole is the one you saw a moment ago up in the previous room, so now you need to get it and bring it back here.

Run through to the end of the passage, jump over the lava pool and save your game at the wall-lever. Look up and spot the multiple slopes leading up to the top of the room. You are going to use the slopes to exit the room, but it's not an easy take so I have placed a help video at the end of the section. Oh, and if you want to get the final secret, you’re going to have to do the slope sequence twice!

The Multiple Slopes Sequence

Use the wall-lever and see a shot of a gate opening at the top of the room. Grab the slope behind the wall-lever and shimmy left as far as you can. Pull up, back-flip onto the slope behind you, then only use the "jump key" and Lara will hopefully hit the slope and spring towards the next slope. Still using only the "jump key", allow Lara to bounce back onto the next slope, then she will spring to the next slope. Spring from here with a left curve and press the "action key" so that Lara grabs the following slope. Shimmy right as far as you can, then pull up and back-flip to the corner slope behind you. Lara will spring onto a wide slope. Bounce with a left curve and press the "action key" so that she grabs the next slope. Shimmy left as far as you can, then back-flip to the next slope and then bounce to the next slope. Bounce with a left curve so that Lara lands on the left side of the triangular slope, and then bounce forwards with a right curve so that Lara slides down backwards on the next slope. Now grab the end of the slope. Shimmy right as far as you can and then pull up and back-flip to a final triangular ledge Video Help

Note the closed gate in the south wall. You will open it later on and come back here for the final secret if you choose to do so. For now though, take a curved running jump to the open gate in the east wall and head into the room beyond. Now nip over the water-hole into the north passage and take the 3rd Golden Key from the pedestal at the end.

The 3rd Prayer Wheel

Enter the east alcove again, use the wall-lever and drop down through the floor-hatch. Slide into the lower passage and make your way through to the keyhole. Use the Golden Key to open the gate to your left, then head through the gate and collect the 3rd Prayer Wheel.

The 58th Secret

As you take the Prayer Wheel, the gate behind you (west) will open and give you access to an elevator and the secret gate at the top of the multiple slopes room will also open. The elevator will take you back up the previous room, but if you want the final secret, do not use the lift! Instead, go through the passage and back into the multiple slopes room. Use the wall-lever again to re-open the upper east gate, and then repeat the slope sequence to get to the top of the room. The south gate is now open, so jump through the gate, collect the 58th Secret ~ Revolver Ammo ~ Flares ~ LMP and then jump over the slopes room into the east room.

The 4th Golden Key

Drop into the north water-hole and swim back to the crossroads. Swim west and make your way back to the flooded chamber. Grab some air, then swim into the east room (that should now be open if you have used the five skeleton-levers) and take the 4th Golden Key from the pedestal.

Preparing To Leave The Tinnos Tower

Return to the chamber and swim back through the north gate. Swim to the crossroads, then swim south down the red tinted passage and Pull out into the room at the end. Use the Golden Key on the west wall keyhole to open the gate, then step cautiously into the new room and stop by the entrance.

The Spike-Drum Maze

Before you make any notes about the room ahead, look behind you and take note of the central floor-hatch with a lava-trap below it and the lava pool in the east wall. You will be dropping a spike-drum into the lava pool later on, then the floor-hatch will open and another spike-drum will be placed into the lava-trap below the hatch. Now let's talk about the new room ahead. This room contains a small maze of passages. Inside the passages there are some wall-levers, jump-switches, lava-traps and spike-traps in various locations, two closed gates at the top of the passages and rolling spike-drums. Your objective, is to use the various levers to drop the spike-drums into the lava-traps. The completed task will open the gates in the top of the passages.

Walk towards the first spike-trap, wait for the spikes to lower then run into the passage to the left. To your left you will see a lava-trap with a jump-switch above it. Use the jump-switch to activate a spike-drum at the top of the west passage, then side-flip to the right to avoid the spike-drum. The spike-drum will roll into the lava-trap in the east wall and you will see a shot of the closed gates at the top of the passages.

Time the spike-trap again and run into the north passage. To the right you will see the next lava-trap behind a closed gate. Run left to the top of west the passage and note the open ceiling-hatch with a jump-switch below it. Use the jump-switch to activate the next spike-drum and close the ceiling-hatch. The spike-drum will roll onto the closed ceiling-hatch and you are safe for now. Now head back down the passage towards the lava-trap, then as you reach the end of the passage, the lava-trap gate will open and so will the ceiling-hatch. The spike-drum will now be heading down the passage towards Lara, so quickly run left or right to avoid the spike-drum, and then wait for the spike-drum to place itself inside the lava-trap. You will get another shot of the closed gates at the top of the passages.

Time the spike-trap and return to the start of the passage. Face west up the central passage, time the spike-trap and run to the other side of it. When you arrive on the other side of the spike-trap, another spike-drum will fall from the top of the passage. So, quickly roll, run down the passage, hope that the spikes are down and head left or right to avoid the spike-drum. The spike-drum will now roll into the lava pool in the previous room and this will trigger the floor-hatch to open. You will also get another shot of the closed gates at the top of the passages.

Re-enter the central west passage, run over the spike-trap again then run ahead to the next spike-trap. Note of the safe passage to your left because you are going to escape into it shortly, then run over the next spike-trap to activate the next spike-drum (which will immediately be heading towards you from the top of the passage). Quickly roll, nip into the safe passage and ait for the spike-drum to place itself into the lava-trap inside the floor-hatch. You will now get a shot of one of the gates opening at the top of the passages.

Return over the spike-trap, head up the central passage and make your way to the top. You can see the final gate at the end of the passage. Run over the floor-hatch to your right, then go L - L and find a wall-lever. Use the lever to release the next spike-drum and open up the floor-hatch (which has the next lava-trap below it) and then run back down the passage to trigger the next spike-drum, jump over the now open floor-hatch and wait for the spike-drum to place itself inside the lava-trap below the open floor-hatch.

Right, you're nearly there. Head to the top of the passage, time the spike-trap and go left. Stop before entering the next passage to the left and take a look around the wall into the passage. There's a lava-trap with a safe alcove to the left of it. Run down towards the lava-trap to activate the final spike-drum, then jump left into the safe alcove and wait for the spike-drum to fall into the lava-trap. The second gate at the top of the passages will now open and you can enter the final room.

Goodbye Tinnos Tower

All you need to do now is activate the central elevator. Place the 3 x Prayer Wheels into the receptacles in the north, south and west alcoves to activate the elevator, then nip into the elevator and ride to the top of the temple. Now enter the west room and use the slope to exit the level.

Old & New Levels ~ Back To Egypt

5 Secrets

The Torch. 3 x Golden Key. 2 x Ankh. 3 x Eye Of Ra. Iris. Pupil. 4 x Sanctuary Gem.


Lara slides her way back into Egypt and will arrive in a small cave outside the main temple. Start by jumping up the rocks in the SW corner for a LMP, then do the same in the NE corner and collect a pack of Flares. There's a doorway up in the north wall. Jump the rocks to get up to the doorway and head through to the temple.

The only thing to do in this first room is to use the wall-lever on the north wall, but a rather nasty surprise awaits you when you do. So, save your game and get ready for a particularly naughty spike/slope run.

Note the floor-hatch under the wall-lever, then use the wall-lever to open the floor-hatch. Lara will now fall into a perilous sloped passage below the floor-hatch. Immediately press the "jump and forward keys" so that Lara bounces from the very top of the first slope, avoids the following spike-trap and lands on another slope lower down in the passage, and then keep the " jump and forward keys" pressed so that Lara immediately bounces to the next slope. Slide-jump with the "forwards directional key" pressed so that Lara bounces from the top of the next slope, then slide-jump again onto the final slope, jump the spike-trap at the end of the slope and land in the lower passage Video Help

Head through the passage to the small room at the end and note the closed gate. Nip up into the opening in the east wall, drop down into another small room and take the LMP from the ceremonial-table in the east alcove. Remember this place because you will be back here later to light the Torch. Now use the wall-lever on the west wall to open the gate in the previous room, and then head exit the room and head through the newly opened gate.

The 1st Temple Room

Straight ahead to the north, there is a central pool with a closed floor-hatch, a doorway in the north wall and an upper balcony split into two sections. To the east, there is a room with a closed gate. To the west, there is a room with two closed gates, a crawl space and a ceremonial-table. On the left (west) balcony, there are two floor-levers, a closed gate, a lowered hatch and a jump-switch on the side of the balcony. On the right (east) balcony, there is a small room, two floor-levers, two wall-levers and two lowered hatches. Up to the south, there is a high passage with a chain-pulley, a ledge with a chain-pulley and lowered hatch, another passage that can only be accessed via a rope.

The Pool Hatch

First you need to open the hatch in the pool. Head through the north wall door and face the pole eastwards. Note the circular-blade up inside the pole-hole, then climb the pole and quickly back flip-off into the upper passage. Now make your way through the passage and run out onto the balcony.

At the east end of the balcony, there are two floor levers. The right side lever will lower the hatch above the ladder at the end of the balcony, the left lever will transform itself into a hideous mummy. You can either avoid the mummy, or you can blow it away with your crossbow and explosive arrows if you have them. When the hatch is lowered, go to the west end of the balcony, note the closed gate in the west wall and then use the jump-switch that's hanging on the side of the balcony to open the floor-hatch at the bottom of the pool.

Opening The Gate To A Golden Key

Drop into the pool and swim down into the lower chamber. Grab the Shotgun Ammo from the floor of the chamber, then swim through the triangular gap in the SE corner. Swim through the following passage (there's only one way to go) and pull out at the end. Head to the end of the passage and use the chain-pulley to open a gate inside another pool.

De-Activate A Spike-Trap

Drop down into the main room, head to the west room and take the LMP from the ceremonial-table. You will light the ceremonial-table later when you have the Torch, so remember this place. Enter the crawl space in the south wall, and then turn around at the end, hang-drop from the edge of the crawl space and spot a jump-switch below you. Use the jump-switch to de-activate a spike-trap surrounding a pedestal with a Golden Key, then drop into the water-hole below.

The Torch

The west passage will take you back to the crawl sp