The Secret Temple of Karnak

Level by Bruno Kurc (November, 2002)

Walkthrough by Harry Laudie

You start by sliding down a slope to stop in front of a pool of water. Kill the crocodile in the pool and the four scorpions that march towards you. There is an underwater tunnel in the south-east corner of the pool but it ends with a closed door right now. Go west towards the temple and kill another two scorpions. Go to the south outside wall and press a button on the far end of the wall. Turn and kill another two scorpions. Go into the temple and shoot the vase at the entrance for Uzi ammo. Go further west and shoot two vases for revolver ammo and the revolver. Notice a hole in the floor in the north-west corner for later reference. Go west into the doorway and kill two ninjas. Pick up the Uzi's from one dead body. Shoot a vase in the north-east corner for Uzi ammo. Shoot a vase in the north-west corner for revolver ammo. There is a climbable wall in the south-east for later.

Go west through the open gate and face a pool. On the south ledge is an item behind a cage and a closed door around the corner. On the north ledge is a receptacle for an item around the corner. Dive into the water and open the underwater door. Swim in and up into a small triangular space on the right. On the other side, pick up blue shotgun shells, red shotgun shells, crossbow explosive ammo (Traits explosifs) and a large medipack from the floor. Swim back out to the room for air. Swim back and follow the tunnel to the end. Swim to the right into another triangular opening. Follow to a room to get secret #1 and pick up revolver ammo, shotgun, small medipack and a large medipack. Swim back and pull up into a tunnel. Go north over the grates to a junction. The side tunnels are blocked by closed doors. Jump into the water and swim south-west to pull up onto a ledge. Kill the crocodile and press a button on the wall. You hear a door opening. Dive into the water and swim into a crawl space in the north-east corner.

Swim and pull up into a split tunnel. Take either tunnel and emerge into an open area with water and an item on a deadly ledge. Kill the two crocodiles and dive into the water. Swim to the west side of the ledge and into a crawl space. Follow the underwater tunnel to a room. Pull up and carefully go to the back wall to press a button. Swim back to the pool and pull up. Hop onto the safe ledge to pick up Canopic Jar 1 (Vase Canope de Seth 1). The camera view changes showing you the underwater door opening. Kill a crocodile and swim into the open doorway. At the end pull up into a room and get a cut scene of a door opening. The floor is deadly fire but jump the safe columns to the south. Jump over the fire and exit the door. Follow the tunnel back to the junction and now the west door is open. Follow the west tunnel to a room with statues. Jump into the water to pick up the Golden Vraeus (L'oiseau d'Or). Exit and swim back to the room with the cage.

Pull up on the north ledge and use the Canopic Jar and hear a door open. Swim to the south ledge and pass the open door. Press the button on the wall on the wall and the cage lowers behind you. Go there to pick up the Guardian Key (Clef d'Horus) from the pedestal. You hear a gate open somewhere. Exit east to go to the south-east corner to climb a ladder. On the second level, go west and enter the open gate. Use the reach-in switch and safety drop to the ground. Go outside, where you started, and dive into the south-east pool to follow the underwater tunnel. You swim into a room and quickly pull up to the closest ledge. Kill the four crocodiles in the water. Get onto the ledge at the west wall and jump east to pull up into the central structure. Use the Golden Vraeus and the door opens. Grab the ceiling and monkey swing to the crawl space. Get inside and follow until you can stand up. Go up the ramps and avoid at least four scissors traps. You arrive in a room with a deadly floor.

It is a simple matter of a lot of jumps over the safe tiles to get around the room. Pick up Canopic Jar 2 (Vase Canope de Seth 2) and the door opens beside you. Follow the tunnel and emerge on a balcony over the temple. Safety drop onto the roof and go east. Press a button on the side of a central pillar and hear a door open somewhere. Safety drop to the ground and kill four ninjas. Enter the temple and drop into the hole in the north-west corner. Kill a scorpion and enter the open door. Slide down the slopes and stop in an outdoor area in front of a large building. Go east and kill two scorpions. Go north to find the door. Further north there is a pool of water.

Use the Guardian Key and the door opens. Kill two scorpions and then enter to kill four ninjas. Climb the ladder at the south wall and shimmy to the right to get into an opening. Follow the ramps to a higher ledge. Monkey swing to the ledge on the north side. There is a fire that appears and disappears beside the ledge for some strange reason. Enter the opening and follow the ramps to a higher walkway. Jump east and follow the walkways around the corner to an alcove. Climb the ladder and very carefully back flip to the roof. Go north to pick up a second Canopic Jar 2 and press the button on the pillar. The cage in the north-east drops and a ninja appears. Kill the ninja and step on the tile at the cage location. The fire goes out at the pedestal. Go there and pick up a Golden Vraeus from the pedestal. Go back down the ladder and to the entrance to these walkways.

Go to the west side and safety drop onto the ledge below. Go south to get secret #2, crossbow and crossbow explosive ammo. Go north to climb down a wall to the ledge below. Then safety drop back to the floor. Go behind the south-west statue and use a Canopic Jar. The door opens in the north-west corner. Enter the room and use the other Canopic Jar in the north statue.
You will hear a door open. Climb down into the hole by the north wall. Go to the north-east corner and use the Golden Vraeus to open the door. Enter and follow the tunnel to a room with deadly water. Run, jump, and grab the ceiling to monkey swing around the room to a safe area. Follow the tunnel to a room and kill two scorpions and a ninja.

This room has many caged items and doors. There is a corridor to the west with three caged openings. Go to the north-west corner to pick up a Guardian Key and press a button. Go to the north-east corner and enter the open door behind the block. Shot a vase and the door opens beside you. Go inside to pick up a shotgun and shoot a vase. Step on the tile and go to the west corridor. A last cage is down so enter the last opening and shoot a vase. Step on a tile and exit into the first opening in the west corridor. Shoot a vase and step on the tile. Exit and go back to the north-east tunnel and another door is open. Go to the end and shoot a vase. Step on the tile and go the west corridor for the middle opening. Shoot a vase and step on a tile. Go to the north-east tunnel for the last door. Use the reach-in switch and exit back to the main room.

Go to the south-west corner to pick up a Guardian Key and press a button. Go to the north-east corner to pick up a Guardian Key and press a button. Go to the south-east corner to pick up a Guardian Key and press a button. Go north and enter the open gate. Shoot the vase and step on the tile. The cage drops in the center of the main room. Press the button on the wall and the door in the west wall opens. Notice the pool of water inside the room. Go to the main room, step into the fire and pick up the Canopic Jar 2. Now sprint to the water and run into it to put out the fire. It takes a lot of health packs but it can be done. I never found a way to stop the central fire.

Go north into a tunnel and use the Canopic Jar to open the door. Enter the next room and use the four Guardian Keys. The door in the north wall opens. Slide down the slope and the level ends by crashing to the desktop.
