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Another Temple by Opaque79

billie2001 7 8 9 10
DJ Full 8 8 9 9
John 7 7 8 8
Ryan 8 8 9 9
Sponge 8 8 8 8
Treeble 8 8 9 8
tuxraider 7 6 7 6
release date: 02-Apr-2024
# of downloads: 581

average rating: 7.96
review count: 7
review this level

file size: 28.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"In this easy, short custom level, Lara is off to explore an Egyptian tomb. The level designer presents us with a map that makes it easy to find your way without seeming too simplistic. There are hints here and there when Lara's view is directed in a certain direction, or via helpful camera hints. The puzzles are well-known from the Cleopal original but assembled in a slightly different way. Like the puzzles, the enemies and other resources, too, are familiar from the Cleopal level in TR4. The way Opaque seemingly made an effort to give every section of the map its own flair, be it the underwater ruins, the narrow temple hallways, or the pool area, was refreshing to me. Over all, the usage of skeletons was a bit strong for me, altough a more trigger-happy player would probably just have shot them off an edge to do away with them. The game took me about 3/4 of an hour to complete, which I believe is an ideal duration for a little Cleopal reprise such as this one. Thank you for taking us back there!" - Sponge (07-May-2024)
"I'm often knee-deep in playlists made up of older releases for reasons (currently going through levels from 2008), but I made some time to write a walkthrough for this level and in a lot of ways it surely felt like a time capsule from simpler times; perhaps, happier times, even. It captures the Cleopatra's Palaces atmosphere very well, even the layout feels a bit maze-like at times with lots of side passages, and relying solely on the original assets help drive that nostalgia feeling home. Good and simple fun. 30 minutes, 1 secret. 04/24" - Treeble (05-May-2024)
"From the pictures this looked like it had TR4 cleopatras palaces vibes, which I do like so I thought I’d give it a go and yes there’s both textures and gameplay elements which are implemented from that level here. The level consists of a lot of exploration and backtracking across a large amount of indoor tan looking rooms as we search for beetle artefacts and other items/switches with some platforming, a few good traps here and there and some very annoying skeletons to battle with. Overall I found it a bit pedestrian with only the trap areas and the four statues of Lara task evoking much interest for me, but definitely a substantial raid none the less." - John (16-Apr-2024)
"A pleasant little runaround in a well constructed Cleopal environment. The gameplay is rather easygoing as is to be expected from this builder (which isn't at all a bad thing) and the way forward is generally clear. Things tend to flow in a linear fashion. The four-beetle puzzle makes a welcome appearance, alongside the mechanical scarab and both are nicely integrated into the gameplay. Enemies don't pose too much of a threat, as both the shotgun and Uzis are provided in short order (although the harpies are quite fierce). Pleasant, entertaining and good-looking, a good all-rounder." - Ryan (14-Apr-2024)
"Relatively simple and easy, but not bad. While it looks like a standard TR4 level, it's consistent and well-decorated, never looks bad or too simple. The gameplay is on the same level. While it never got challenging for me, I found it enjoyable to play. It's a nice, relaxing short level." - tuxraider (06-Apr-2024)
"Straight forward gameplay, beautiful environment and top-notch texturing/lighting. Not a stand-out, but surely a fully entertaining one. Recommended for a short, relaxing raid." - billie2001 (04-Apr-2024)
"Though it feels too default to me, it could be an official tutorial level from Eidos. You get a relaxing sightseeing tour with some easy puzzles. Early version had Lara hologram challenge too tough, and the release version has it too soft - I would leave at least two harpies alive and it would be more balanced. I would also add some ghost blocks on pillars where the harpies can get stuck on. Recommended." - DJ Full (02-Apr-2024)