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TR5 - 31
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446 Hall of Fame levels
1226 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Chaos (Caos)


release date: 04-Nov-2017

average rating: 6.10
review count: 10
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file size: 66.30 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal

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Lara and Franky cross the Stargate to get back to Earth. But sadly Franky doesnt make it, because of the explosion of his helicopter. Lara is devastated by her great loss. She puts all her energies and all her thoughts back together and, with her usual courage, faces this adventure alone on planet Earth, which is beyond recognition without any more human life. The Stargate, because of a miscalculation in the astronomical coordinates, carries Lara back to planet Earth, but in the future, and that is in the year 4017, where everything is desolation, death and chaos.