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Tomb Raider: Captured by MrSeanCroft

Bashar 5 3 6 9
black horse 1 1 1 0
DJ Full 5 6 7 5
eRIC 2 1 1 1
Jason L 2 2 1 1
Jay 2 3 2 2
Jose 2 4 3 2
Kubsy 2 0 1 0
manarch2 1 2 2 2
MichaelP 4 5 2 2
Mulf 3 2 0 2
nerdfury 5 4 1 3
Orbit Dream 2 3 1 3
Ryan 2 3 3 2
ShadowZia 7 7 5 5
Treeble 1 1 1 1
release date: 11-Dec-2020
# of downloads: 92

average rating: 2.66
review count: 16
review this level

file size: 105.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"This one is so much of a mess that you could almost call it some kind of unique form of art. You get two separate levels of less than 15 min each (script is broken and does not connect the two parts) and it starts badly as you look into non-existent textures right from the cage you start in and have to climb an unmarked wall to get out. There are a myriad of texture-, object placement and collision problems. And yet, it is kind of a fun little romp to get through with some obvious tasks along the way. In the second part there are a few soldiers to battle and the brief escape on the motorbike to the waiting helicopter is clearly the highlight of the levels. I really liked the selected Lara model though." - MichaelP (15-Jan-2024)
"It is more like a test of various game elements rather than a full adventure, but still with a nice ending. All genres of mistakes appear here but the level still feels quite enjoyable." - DJ Full (13-Nov-2023)
"🟩Pros: ● Nice model ● Nice menu 🟥Cons: ● Graphical glitches ● Incomplete level design ● Ugly environment ● Random layout ● Clipping and going through walls ● No auto aiming ● Flare last for less than usual ● Flare doesn't brighten up sometimes ● Lara sounds muffled ⏹Overall: Oh man where I start, random and incomplete, there are ladders but don't actually work and you have to climb the wall? You can see level boundary and through textures, crates hanged by air?? Enemies are sad, dinosaurs are just confused waiting for someone to end their miserable life, and the Town is more sad, you can just clip through objects and exit the level. Not sure how to feel about this level. Tho trying dev other levels, hope to see improvement :)" - black horse (09-Oct-2023)
"Two levels that do not connect together lasting a dozen of minutes each when you don't know what to do. Many strange objects scattered through the maps , missing or disappearing textures , thin walls and floors, and not many things to do are common traits to both levels." - eRIC (01-May-2021)
"There's a strange melange of objects and textures in this level, grabbed and applied from seemingly nearly every source, but it doesn't help the atmosphere at all. In fact, this entire two-level set seems very (as Jay said) disjointed. Lara and the custom weapons may look cool, but the textures are applied in a haphazard manner, the lighting is erratic and needed a lot more work, a few of the sound effects are mismatched and the gameplay isn't all that enthralling. That lake area near the end of the "Town" level also caught me by surprise, as it looked more like the inhabitants were swimming on thin air until I realised the surface texture was completely missing. I do commend the builder for trying to be creative in some aspects, but in all honesty this needed a lot more work." - Ryan (24-Jan-2021)
"Very strange this mini-adventure with all kind of objects placed with no sense, missing textures, and another rare features like marked ladders you can't climb. The worst were the black rooms where you can't see anything even if you light a flare. The author should think about a more "compact" or "solid" levels in the future, looking for several betatesters to fix all those odd elements." - Jose (07-Jan-2021)
"That ‘lake’ sure is a sight for sore eyes, in the sense that looking at it for too long may give you some. Well, it looks rather like Mr Sean Croft has bitten off more, way more, than he could possibly chew, but it seems he’s yet to realise the fact. His particular bête noire is joining things together (objects that might conceivably form an ensemble, rooms and other rooms, rhyme and reason), but to be fair, his menagerie includes more than one of those beasts, and few of any other colour. The main feature of this level, it has been said before, is its fierce devotion to randomness. Designwise, TR4 Cairo dominates, but even such objects as would actually fit together are used so indiscriminately that the goal here may well have been to actively annihilate any kind of coherence that may inadvertently occur. It’s like the level is the result of a game, like when you’re given a dozen or so words culled from widely different contexts, such as slob, scrubs, serendipity, sesquipedalian (some rare and highly specific words are usually included to raise the stakes), and your task is to come up with a story that uses all of them at one point or another. The stories that come out of such a game are typically poor (Not to be sesquipedalian, but Joe, who was a slob, wore scrubs because he found some in a case of sheer serendipity). This game is the equivalent of such a story. The remarkable thing is that its gameplay, considered apart, isn’t even all that bad. It’s your garden-variety fetch-quest for keys to be sure; still, lacking in interest though it may be, it somehow manages to achieve a degree of coherence that has no match in any other aspect of the level. Which is a low bar to clear of course, and nobody will seek this level out for its gameplay. If you do play it, approach it with the sense of wonder that you accord the strange creatures produced by nature. The Aardvark. The naked mole rat. The blobfish." - Mulf (01-Jan-2021)
"If I had to use one word to sum up these two levels, it would be ‘disjointed’ (well there could well be other words, but I don’t want to be too unkind). Everything is a strange mish-mash of objects and textures and gameplay mainly involves dealing with a very random lot of enemies, with some strange sound files in part one. The second part is fractionally better than the first, using some pleasing textures, albeit still very randomly used. Overall, it’s very reminiscent of the type of levels produced when the level editor was in its infancy and I beg the builder to practise a bit more before releasing anything else. Don’t give up, there’s plenty of help to be had in the forums from experienced builders, so keep on trying." - Jay (24-Dec-2020)
"These two levels hardly feel like proper levels as both share a similar trait: huge rooms with all sorts of textures and objects thrown in with no reason or rhyme. I don't mean to discourage a newcomer, but a quick glance at the very first room should tell you something is very off. Sorry. 20 minutes. 12/20" - Treeble (20-Dec-2020)
"(5) Gameplay & Puzzles: The gameplay isn't awful, actually. While there were no interesting tasks, there were no frustrating ones either. I have played much fancier-looking levels which neglect the basics of gameplay (e.g. too much backtracking, or allowing a player to proceed without a vital inventory item, etc.); this debut on the other hand shows smooth-flowing gameplay with promise for the future. There's some simple switch-pulling, keys to collect, some traps to avoid, simple platforming, and it's all very goofy and a little bit charming. Gameplay bug: after finishing level 1, you are not taken to level 2, but rather the start of level 1 again. You have to choose level 2 from the main menu. (4) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: Interesting enemy variety, although a lot more could have been done with the friendly female troop, i.e. starting without weapons and having to lead the bad guys to her. I also don't understand the point of having these dead female troop bodies that you can drag, as there is nothing hidden under any of their bodies. Enemy placement is also an issue -- e.g. Lara can just blast away at the aquatic animals in the lake, and it's pretty boring to be doing that without the thrill of them being able to bite Lara. Static object placement is very, very random, although there was some effort with traps. Pickups are named "load". (1) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The area that needs the most work is immersion and cohesion, or in other words, the atmosphere. If the player enjoys hard liquor, may I suggest taking a shot every time they notice objects/textures from different cultures? I spotted Egypt, Greece, Easter island and btb 2006 Asia! Aside from this, something to pay attention to is geometry and objects glitching in and out of visibility. I noted some wrong sounds (including baby dinos making mummy grunts, which was hilarious) but the builder did put in some effort with cameras. (3) Lighting & Textures: Texturing and lighting basics are demonstrated, although I saw many warped textures, and the water surface particularly needs improvement (the pool water was not animated and the surface wasn't visible in the lake). There were some unnecessarily dark shadow blobs that also needed work. Oh, and unmarked climbable tiles, or tiles that show a ladder but are not climbable. Agentxp has a few very useful tutorial videos on youtube regarding texturing, lighting and building realistic geometry.

My major suggestion is to find someone to play your level prior to public release and offer feedback (i.e. a beta tester). You can ask for one at the trle forums, or tombraiderforums. Ask any building questions you may have at these forums, too. I hope my thoughts above were helpful for the builder. Getting into trle can be very daunting, especially when you see that most others have been going at this for years. Please don't feel discouraged and don't give up. 5/4/1/3." - nerdfury (17-Dec-2020)
"Builders, please, PLEASE take your time while building a level instead of rushing it and releasing it to TRLE It is not healthy and it will end up like a mess instead of a proper level. The level was ok but It was annoying to get through this level with carelessly placed objects, textures, and rooms being buggy. Hopefully, the Author's next level will be better, and again take your time." - Kubsy (13-Dec-2020)
"I don't regret of wasting my time playing/reviewing this level, but... Yes, it was mostly terrible. It just feels like random objects and stretched textures throwed in a box. I loved the outfit tho... Sad this beautiful Lara was placed into a TRLE chaos xP ...I hope the author keeps getting better and give us someday a good work!" - Jason L (13-Dec-2020)
"This primitive level-set has a certain naive charm,in both it's strange appearance and straightforward gameplay. It looks generally terrible;with a most bizarre choice of anachronistic objects (or,at least,a choice which clearly indicates that the builder had not the slightest idea what it was that the objects were intended to signify);extremely scrappy and speedily built rooms (including possibly the worst attempt at a lake that I've yet encountered in a custom level);and contrived gameplay. And yet,despite all of these shortcomings,the implied storyline combined with the various characters encountered therein (both good and evil) indicate a certain idiosyncratic flair on the part of the builder. Perhaps it can be more effectively harnessed in the implied sequel? I have an ominous feeling,though,that this could be as good as it gets." - Orbit Dream (12-Dec-2020)
"Well if you've got another 12 minutes time to waste, try this level in which hundreds of objects and textures are thrown together without any sense and gameplay is non-existant or dull. Not recommended at all..." - manarch2 (12-Dec-2020)
"Not bad for a first effort. Found shells but no shotgun. Maybe I missed a secret?" - Bashar (11-Dec-2020)
"As wild as it is I actually had fun with it lol Its like a mini Jurassic park with a monkey, luv it. Its all random but I had fun. On the west wall seems to be glitchy. The spikes took me by surprise but I survived, it was clever. The ladder in the room at first gave me the impression to climb but couldn't but on the front was climbable. Perhaps putting the ladder there for climbing or making it so can be climbable? Was kinda misleading for me. The knife blade on top perhaps fix that to where Lara has to avoid it cause seem to easily & useless to be there. It didn't give me the impression of a city more like a preserve for wildlife with baddies that want make money on the black market. Those dinos look under fed, no wonder they want eat Lara. I also felt Lara shouldn't have her guns yet if she is captured. Usually they would take those & she would have to look for em. Which adds to the adventure of exploring. I was surprise seeing a female with a gun other then Lara. Tis good thing there, different. Over all like I said random as it was, I actually had fun with it. Its very rare I give reviews. Just wanted let ya know those things & had fun." - ShadowZia (11-Dec-2020)