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Spell of the Twelve Caves - Cavern II - Tomb of Amonthep II by MrSeanCroft

black horse 2 5 6 5
DJ Full 4 7 5 4
eRIC 4 5 5 4
g12STL 7 8 8 7
JesseG 4 6 5 5
manarch2 3 5 5 4
Ryan 6 6 7 6
Saki Croft 7 7 7 6
release date: 25-Jan-2022
# of downloads: 123

average rating: 5.47
review count: 8
review this level

file size: 368.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"🟩Pros: ● Nice level layout. 🟥Cons: ● No auto aiming ● Soft locking puzzles ● Menu drops fps ● Glitching and clipping ● Lacks on puzzles. ⏹Overall: I like the level design and layout, clear and forward, however I agree with everyone's review here, there are so many ways to get soft lock and lose your progress, the underwater passage again is pain, same clipping and glitching, navigating a maze with timed traps and no breathing gaps, even if you know your way, you'll barely make it in time. Traps has double their models collision, I keep dying without knowing what touched me. Puzzles if we can call them that, require guessing and if guessed wrong you'll soft lock yourself, kept soft locking myself till I gave up. Punishing a players to restart the whole game for builder's poor design isn't fair, and if a level requires walkthrough to complete then that's a failed project imo. ( don't let this review discourage you, take notes for next build :) looking forward for more, good luck! )" - black horse (16-Oct-2023)
"Technically better than the prequel but too much fog, elusive interactions and many climbs of the same path made it more tiring to play, I'm also an anti-fan of the trial and error multiswitch, so again the challenge is not in the game, but in the problems included. The voiced story was a neat touch but, recorded too low in volume, it was hardly understandable. Also watch out for occasional softlocks. Not really recommended." - DJ Full (16-Sep-2022)
"This level didn't click at all with me, and I was really glad to finish it after 45 minutes. There are certainly better parts in the gameplay, like the blade traps and some usages of fires and breaktiles, but most of the rest was not really enjoyable, including a lot of boring backtracking in the large cave and serious bugs than got me stuck for good more than once. The hintless lever puzzle was really a bad touch as well. The design is sometimes okay but sometimes fairly crude, texturing and especially lighting need a lot more care and there were other beginner mistakes like a paper thin wall as well. While some smaller areas look fine, the overall architecture is rather chaotic and that also shows in object and enemy usage that often does not match the Egyptian setting. The four secrets are not very well hidden and one includes another bug... Overall, the messy structure and buggy nature of the gameplay are signs that the builder didn't take the responses from reviewers and testers seriously, which I hope will be changed in his next release." - manarch2 (01-Mar-2022)
"Lara explores an Egyptian temple to collect and use two keys. This will be a challenging trip, but for all the wrong reasons. Raising blocks are missing collision, the use of the first torch is on some random wall crack, the sconces burn Lara, unmarked spike traps, backtracking via arduous climbing, a poorly marked climbable wall over a slide, a torch getting blocked by a door opening, obscure underwater "traps" where Lara is randomly stuck forever, and floor tiles that are not setup properly so they collapse before Lara has a chance to land on them...this is a particular pain point because the last area of the game is a bottomless pit full with nothing but these buggy floor tiles. I ended up using DOZY to complete the game because I couldn't find a way across, and this area isn't even mentioned in the walkthrough (I guess I got the "bad ending"). With the worst issues out of the way, other things I wasn't fond of include a lever puzzle with no camera cues, so it's just a blind trial-and-error, the camouflaged jump switch, and the serpent enemies appearing out of thin air and being dispatched in one hit. The textures are stretched pretty much everywhere. The lighting is decent, although the fog gets a bit too thick to see around large areas. The Rosetta stones are an interesting idea where you can collect and use them to learn parts of a myth, but the execution is chaotic because there's no controlling which receptacles are used first, resulting in jumbled fragments of a story. I did enjoy dodging the various traps, mostly underwater blades, but sadly there isn't much more positive I can say about this adventure. 50 minutes." - JesseG (01-Mar-2022)
"What a strange experience this turned out to be. It undoubtedly has its moments, but an equal number of flaws and frustrating parts. In terms of gameplay, there are some enjoyable sections in the form of tricky trap sequences and plenty of action with the torch, plus some nice enemy combat, but there's also quite a few unfair red herrings, no-way-out situations and a trial-and-error lever puzzle that was a bit tedious to execute. I did like the idea of providing two additional tombs for optional exploration that the player can choose to undertake if they wish. While the enemies were nicely placed, a few of them got stuck in the terrain which was rather odd, and though the Rosetta Stone system was a nice touch, one of them near the very end bugged out for me and I wasn't able to use it. Textures and lighting could also have used some more work, as a few of the main rooms could have looked a little more impressive but instead looked rather bland. Not a bad effort, but not as enjoyable as it should ideally have been." - Ryan (07-Feb-2022)
"GAMEPLAY PUZZLES : It began well but in the first section the player can be taken in several softlocks. Firstly you can jump into an opening with the torch and not be able to come back (there is no spare torch). Then in the central room with the artefact and demigod , if you go first for the switch and pick up the artefact only after there is no way to continue, you are stuck for good. In the underwater corridors with blades if you go too far after collecting a timeless sands you are stuck for good as a gate has closed behind you , maybe this one was a red herring but even if it is the case this is no fun. Aside from these possible problematic situations this first part was rather pleasant. In the second part spent in and around a gigantic high cave, there is some confusion and you need to redo more than once the climbing to the top. Also i am not sure that placing a jump switch behind some greenery in such a gigantic area was the idea of the century. Worth mentionning is the good idea for the access to two optionnal areas to get rewards ; i did only one of them : this one where you flood the bottom of a rocky area was designed in such a way that Lara can get stuck in rocks at different places before the flooding. The torch just before the room with another demigod had disppeared after i came back later, it seems it is only for a secret so i did not mind that much but i hated the following puzzle with 7 switches as it was boring trial and error. The ending section could have been fun but given the darkness i could not distinguish the breakable tiles from the fall_through tiles, that is where i used the non disabled flycheat for the first and only time. OBJECTS ENEMIES SECRETS. There is some smart use of objects here like for the first torch puzzle and the underwater trapped corridors. But the placement of some objects used for decoration don't go well in the setting (what are there objects of the City of the dead doing hanged on the walls of a cave ?). Can't say much about secrets as i found only one and got it by routine exploration. Some of the enemies are well placed , a couple of dogs appeared out of thin air , and others got easily stuck in walls or in triangularly shaped blocks, in the room with the artefact almost all enemies including the demigod got stuck quickly. ATMOSPHERE SOUNDS CAMERAS. The atmosphere generally was convenient for the setting and what happened on screen, a couple of sounds seemed to be wrong , the hydras had a sound of some kind of bird , and there was a strange sound when Lara swims. Excellently made flybys. Too many fixed cameras , some make sense and some are annoying ones triggered at the worst moment gameplay wise. The time for the regular cameras should be increased a bit (5 seconds instead of 3 is better). Good point : the story telling system ; given the fact that after the first section gameplay is not quite straightforward anymore some players can have some parts of the telling in the wrong order though. LIGHTING TEXTURES. Lighting is not very good generally. In some rooms there is no work on it, in others too strong shadows , in some places Lara can appear sometimes very dark or coloured which was strange. Same for texturing it was ok and coherent in the first section, then in the very tall cave the textures can be very stretched, more rooms should be stacked to avoid that, and there is sometimes strange mix of textures. In the underwater area after using the two keys , there is cracks everywhere. Bottom line : even if a bit more ambitious and longer and having some new features, honestly i am not sure that Tomb of Amonthep II is a better level than Cavern deities, it has problems that the previous episode has not. Maybe a second look at the basics of levelbuilding could be a good thing (stacking rooms & walls segmentation for example) ; also to think more about players : what they like and what they don't (darkness , booby traps, get stuck for no good reason)." - eRIC (06-Feb-2022)
"After testing out this level a few times before playing the official, it had exponential improvements. The level was well designed and kept you from getting lost, as well as minimum backwards-and-forwardness traveling. The "Rosetta Stone" element was a nice touch as well, giving you a bit of a history lesson while playing this game. The enemies were well-placed and do a lot more damage than you'd think or see in other TRLE's or even official TR games for that matter. The TR:A music was very appropriate for this level as well, giving the player a sense of danger or a heavy task of a puzzle. This was a great level and I encourage all skill levels to try out! Cheers!" - g12STL (03-Feb-2022)
"Gameplay & Puzzles: Gameplay & Puzzles are ok because you undestarnd what to do and they are not so hard for me since I'm a veteran of the saga. Enemies, Object & Secrets: I don't think that some of them fits the Egypt ambient, for example the shark or the dragon from TR5. While the other mobs are fine. Objects & Secrets fits the level. Only one thing the Rosetta Stone that it should be used on the 3rd secret unfortunately doesn't work. I tried to insert it but I couldn't as if there is an invisible wall in front of the pedestal. So, please fix it. But in my video walkthrough on my YT I was able to record it taking the track from the folder. Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: are good no complaints here. Lightning & Textures: I have to say that the big area, has large platforms which I suggest you to do smaller in height so that you don't use stretched textures. Lightning are fine but in some areas it's too dark as if the lightning wasn't properly placed but it's ok. In the end the level was smoother and enjoyable to play. Thanks to the builder for creating it and as always I've done the complete video walkthrough with all items and secrets collected on my YT channel! 🙂" - Saki Croft (02-Feb-2022)