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The Asylum 2 by IvanTRFan

DJ Full 5 8 8 7
Jorge22 8 8 8 9
manarch2 8 8 9 7
requiemsoul 9 9 9 9
Ryan 8 8 9 8
Saki Croft 8 8 9 9
Samu 8 8 9 9
release date: 01-May-2022
# of downloads: 173

average rating: 8.21
review count: 7
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file size: 201.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Mystery/Horror

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Reviewer's comments
"I had intentionally been putting this one off my reviewing schedule because I have never been particularly fond of games which limit your ability to save when you want for the sake of more of a challenge. But I decided to bite the bullet over a year after this level's release, and finally get it completed. In some respects, there were some frustrating segments: being chased by the hooked guy in conjunction with a fixed camera angle, enemies that were too overpowering for Lara's very limited arsenal and a pushblock puzzle that dragged on for far too long. But I actually enjoyed this more than I was expecting too because the limited save system didn't turn out to be as much of a handicap this time round and there were some neat gameplay concepts. The highlights were the effective enemy jumpscares, the code for the lift puzzle, using Lara's ledge jump manoeuvres (always enjoyable) and the flipmap puzzle for the final key. The spooky atmosphere is effectively rendered and music is really well used too. Textures were fine, but nothing too exciting although the darkness wasn't too bad. Surprisingly fun to play, so give it a go." - Ryan (05-Nov-2023)
"All IvánTRFan´s levels are very unique, creative and... underrated. And this one meets these characteristics. I give it a solid 9. A must have horror game with a excellent atmosphere, sound y puzzles. Enhorabuena." - requiemsoul (19-Nov-2022)
"Not my cup of tea at all. Instead of getting scared, I always found all those horror levels boring, maybe because they are done in simplistic fashion and focus entirely on sound effects. Yes of course audio is important but we shouldn't lose the rest of content for sake of it. Spoilers ahead. The elevator puzzle was too clever for me but I appreciate the idea behind it. Then I got into the vents and my "when will this end" mode turned on even before I repeated the same corridor several times because of dying in the checkpoint system (boooooriiiiiiingggg) - in the end being the same gameplay as many times before was an advantage, because I could pass this part a bit quicker, what doesn't change the fact it wasn't horror but a potential ragequitter instead. After that I encountered the most important horror element: a pushblock puzzle... seriously??? At this point I really questioned the point of playing this level... but of course I prevailed, as I always do, and I rarely know why... Then, I got a jumpscare which extends the pushblock even more... Le sigh. Then, a dragging bossfight and a forced run with frontal camera angle which changes right before a spike trap then changes again before the next one, so you are likely to repeat the sequence... are you for real? Then come a few minutes of good gaming, with spinning rooms and nice camera work, but then it's back to long running and crawling, in the meantime either evading or killing dogs with insanely high HP... Next, a painful shimmy sequence, which is horror indeed, since you pray you don't accidentally release action, and even if you don't, then a hard-to-calculate jump follows, so of course I did repeated the climb - is this modern gaming? Everything concludes with a nice flipmap puzzle to get a key, but, combined with the good part mentioned before, there are just five good minutes out of over an hour. The author says he built this level to be streamed - why exactly, so the audience can fall asleep? Oh, one more thing: if you quit the game, the last checkpoint won't count and you will repeat from the last yellow lever where you did a hard save... Sorry, but I cannot even say this level is optional, it's just deliberately nasty and does almost everything it can to be annoying. Just avoid it if you value your time..." - DJ Full (21-Sep-2022)
"This is in my opinion one of the few horror levels, which manages to capture that eerie atmosphere extremely well. The use of audio tracks, lighting, and the blue fog bulbs helped to accentuate the creepiness of the surroundings, and there are also a couple of jump scare moments that really freaked me out. I also think that save stations and the checkpoint system was a good choice, since if the player were allowed to save anywhere, you would basically lose nothing upon death, which would take away from the horror. Moreover, I enjoyed the gameplay, especially the parts where you have to escape the blue mist created by the creepy guy. On the contrary, there are some sections that I found slightly tedious, particularly the push block puzzle, which involves a little too much pushing and pulling around. The idea behind the puzzle was really great though. I would have also preferred if the enemies were not so powerful, since killing them took a lot of time, especially the three monsters after you pick up the gun. Regardless of these few complaints, I thoroughly enjoyed this level and I can recommend it to anybody who likes horror." - Samu (29-Jul-2022)
"That was again something quite different and quirky. I won't quite ever be a fan of the limited save system but it's not a very big issue in this one, except maybe at the start, and some tasks that otherwise had been mundane are made more thrilling this way. There are a lot of creative ideas, many with very clever usage of traps and flipmaps and also very well used enemies of which some might make you jump, but all in all the choice of enemies could be somewhat broader. The pushable puzzle was also quite clever and also has a nice twist but it is a bit too tedious to execute, it took almost 10 minutes to finish; on the other side, the flipmap puzzle with the doors was a quite good idea. Very professional usage of sounds and cameras to enhance the horror atmosphere and texturing and lighting are solid as well (even if not outstanding); the few dark areas are no real issue with the provided flares. All in all very creative raiding and an excellent architecture so despite some shortcomings something you shouldn't miss. Finished in 45 minutes with (sadly!) no secrets to find." - manarch2 (09-May-2022)
"A nice horror level (albeit incomplete, so it seems) with some very tough moments, namely the hook guy scenes, and those poisoning monsters that come in packs at a given moment. The new moves are put to good use. Maybe a bit too dark at times? My main gripe is the saving system, being that the stars are often placed in certain locations so that you have to repeat a few complicated areas over and over. Still, all in all, a cool experience. Thanks for sharing." - Jorge22 (01-May-2022)
"This level has some new features that I've never experienced before! I had ton of jump scares that my heart was almost jumping off my chest! 😱 The flip map part is so brilliant. Even though you can't save whenever you wan't, except if you find gold stars, you have check points in specific points! The mood was so good and appropriate for horror/mistery that I'd like to see more since this one isn't finished yet! Sometimes I don't understand why the SFX of doors are missing or why the switches are pressable if the door doesn't open but it's nothing so serious that ruins your experience or the game! The running 'quick time events' with fixed camera were really interesting. In some areas I felt as if I was playing a Silent Hill TRLE vibes mixed with Outlast. I translated the game from Spanish to English in the 100% complete video walkthrough I've done on my YT channel with the time stamps/shortcut into the infobox! Waiting to see more about The Asylum 3 😍" - Saki Croft (01-May-2022)