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Race against Time (Demo) by theGRG1999

DJ Full 6 6 8 9
manarch2 3 4 5 5
MichaelP 6 5 6 6
Phil 6 6 8 7
Ryan 5 5 7 7
Treeble 6 6 8 7
release date: 01-May-2022
# of downloads: 135

average rating: 6.13
review count: 6
review this level

file size: 213.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"A somewhat misleading title as you can play this level at whatever leisurely pace you want, there is really no notion of racing against time here and not even a single timed task included. What you get instead is about 45 minutes of switch hunting and mild back and forth tracking. Which I actually enjoyed for the first half, but then it does get a little old quickly, especially also because the setting keeps repeating as you run through winded greenish caves multiple times. Still, it works quite ok overall, manages to create a certain atmosphere and is generally well guided with cameras, except for one time, where the camera is missing and had me search quite a bit for the door that a lever opened, so keep your eyes peeled and memorize the closed doors you see to get back to them later. Secrets are a bit meaning less and one is even in an empty room and enemies and traps are not a factor at all, as completely harmless. Solid enough effort to give it a go - and as it has now been more than 18 months since the demo release, my guess is that a full version will not be coming out anymore." - MichaelP (02-Jan-2024)
"This builder chose to release a beta version of his first level, which predictably resulted in negative reviews. Four years later he has released a demo with a threat to revise it in light of what the reviews may say about it. Well, this reviewer recommends that he incorporate any changes into the finished product and leave the demo alone, as any revisions would almost certainly render obsolete the video and written walks that have already been posted. As for the level itself, my reaction is consistent with the opinions expressed in the earlier reviews. The game essentially consists of finding levers that open doors here and there that allow you to progress until you reach a slope that brings you to the finish trigger. The only enemies along the way are several bats, a sleeping dog and a mummy that's easy to evade, yet you're provided far more weaponry than you need. There are no flare pickups until near the end when they appear in profusion, by which time it's too late for them to be of much use. The uneven, craggy, winding, connecting tunnels were a major annoyance, and I suggest that they be removed or at least minimized in the final version. Aside from these observations, the level is visually appealing and a fairly enjoyable raid that takes about an hour to play if you're guided by Treeble's excellent walkthrough. The only thing I saw he missed was the shotgun ammo in the middle portion of that small outdoor lake. A good time-filler to play between the longer levels." - Phil (22-Nov-2022)
"Quite competent textures-wise for a demo and the atmosphere isn't too bad (aside from an unfortunate absence of music files which would have been a nice addition), but (somewhat inevitably) the gameplay is rather lacking in excitement. The actual size of the map is quite small, but combine this with an overdose of lever pulling, arduous backtracking segments and a severe lack of camera hints and it does become wearying and repetitive very quickly. Enemies are very few and secrets aren't too bad, but overall I was underwhelmed." - Ryan (22-Nov-2022)
"Last year I'd made a promise to Phil that I'd write more walkthroughs to share the workload, and I realized this one has been out for a while and only two reviews (one of which states this might have been a half an hour affair) later, nobody had come forward yet. I suspect the "work in progress and subject to change" note might be a tad discouraging, but at any rate, here I am. In a lot of ways, this reminded me of The Pagan Reaction because here you have a maze on top of another. They're not as narrow and claustrophobic, but you get an alarming high number of levers to find scattered around these rooms and a whole lot of backtracking to be done through these areas which all look alike and lack landmarks to help you navigate. On top of that, a lot of levers don't offer camera clues (and even when they're present you still might find yourself at a loss as to the door's location). On the flip side I liked how this feels like TR2, the audio effects are perfect (the bats sound like bards though) and the TR2 Great Wall textures help drive that home when they're present, for the most part you're running through man-made and somewhat sterile environments. At any rate, I don't mean to scare away either the builder or potential players, in fact I hope for the excat opposite of that when I submit the walkthrough. 60 minutes, 4 secrets. 11/22" - Treeble (20-Nov-2022)
"Oh how damaging one review can be. This isn't so bad. Has better lighting than some 9+s. Map is solvable even without many hints (still, I'd like one for the far door after the cave). Rooms have soul, platforming is nostalgic, sound is ASMRish. To fix: drafty cracks/text on textures, random doors, random enemies, pacing drag in the late part. And more flares in the beginning, please. Release prohibition in the inventory and lack of pickups in one secret make me wonder if this level's release was permitted. Recommended." - DJ Full (29-Aug-2022)
"If I had only one thing for the builder to update for the full version: Just don't make it that tedious and annoying to navigate through this level. Basically a huge maze with a lot of backtracking involved, several missing camera clues for doors almost at the other end of the map make this a pain to explore. Otherwise, the gameplay is also not very engaging, as you just use a lot of levers and there are no puzzles and the few traps are not really serious (and you can survive the pitfall in one of them). The visuals are decent and e.g. the outside area looks rather nice, but architecture is rather strange at times and texturing and lighting are fairly repetitive, there are also oddly used textures and paper thin walls. Enemies do not play a larger role here and the mummies are rather odd additions. I found four secrets but without any secret sound I don't know where and when. It's all in all a debut showing some skills but there is more to be done especially in order to create a fun experience. Finished in 25 minutes." - manarch2 (08-May-2022)