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Temple in the Sands (Demo) by Opaque79

DJ Full 7 8 8 9
eRIC 5 5 7 8
Jay 5 5 8 8
John 5 6 7 8
manarch2 4 5 6 7
MichaelP 5 6 8 8
Ryan 5 6 8 8
Treeble 7 8 8 8
tuxraider 7 7 6 7
release date: 13-Mar-2023
# of downloads: 149

average rating: 6.75
review count: 9
review this level

file size: 27.30 MB
file type: TR4
class: Desert

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Reviewer's comments
"I am not sure what made this prolific author of comparably shorter levels release an even shorter demo for this one, but as a demo, it does a nice job for the 15 minutes it lasts. The TR1 style Egypt desert setting works well and aside from a few switches and a few panthers and scorpions to kill, there is a nicely designed water flooding moment. Looking forward now to playing the full version next." - MichaelP (09-Feb-2024)
"Very short level and ends suddenly as you go through a door you just opened, but that's excused because it's a demo. Gameplay is very easy, but still interesting enough that it's not too boring even for medium-experienced players. I think it is or will be well suited for beginners. Some minor mistakes, like when Lara slides down the small waterfall she always gets into a loop instead of falling into the water. Texturing is solid but maybe slightly boring. It's a demo, my conclusion is that it looks promising." - tuxraider (28-Apr-2023)
"So far I've spent the better part of this week going through Blue Spirit, and I needed a relief before going insane. A walkthrough backlog was beginning to form so I figured I might as well try and help on that end while checking out this builder's latest releases. Following the same style as their previous levels, this is a short but sweet and quite straightforward adventure. I liked the environments and the use of TR1 textures took me right back to my youth. A really nice level and a perfect pick to squeeze in between those never-ending adventures. It's missing a proper load camera and there's a work in progress version of the level in the package for some reason (the unnamed ".tr4" file). 25 minutes, 1 secret. 03/23" - Treeble (02-Apr-2023)
"Visually reminding me of the TR1 level sanctuary of the scion, this delightful little demo level hopefully gives us a taster of things to come. Gameplay consists of exploring and platforming with a couple of nasty boulder traps and mummies and scorpions as enemies, i especially enjoyed the task in water canyon area as well as the platforming in the moveable boulder room. The lighting and textures were very good in the environments as you make your way through sandy and rocky areas, canyons and caves so yes overall a great start here but such a shame we literally only get 10-15 mins play." - John (28-Mar-2023)
"Good demo with the approriate duration to discover what the real level could be. This was rather easy , and pleasant gaming time. Good construction and atmospher , maybe some small imperfections could be ironed out for the full scale game (a plant floating in the air , or what seems to be an invisible block under a closed tradoor)." - eRIC (26-Mar-2023)
"It’s always tricky to assess a short demo (and this is pretty short), but it’s good as far as it goes and shows promise. I rather enjoy seeing the original TR1 style Egypt settings, with the attendant enemies and this prolific builder can usually be relied upon to provide entertaining levels." - Jay (21-Mar-2023)
"Sadly too brief in duration to rate too highly, but this is quite a decently constructed demo actually. The TR1 environment is pleasing throughout, the atmosphere is good, the textures and lighting are pleasantly effective and the camera shots are more than helpful. The usage of boulder traps is nicely done, enemies keep things spiced up (no extra weapons are provided so you will have to be extra alert with the giant scorpions) and the sole secret isn't too hard to locate if you keep your eyes open. All in all, 30 minutes of charming raiding from this ever reliable builder. I look forward to more." - Ryan (17-Mar-2023)
"A decent but very short demo raid set in a well designed Egyptian temple area. The looks are clean and the atmosphere is quite good, but the gameplay is fairly simple and straightforward, yet includeds a few nicely used boulders. The single secret is not too hard to find, but I didn't find any weapons to deal with the enemies (not a problem, though). Finished in 10 minutes." - manarch2 (16-Mar-2023)
"A very short yet promising starter. Probably my favourite of the latest released trio." - DJ Full (16-Mar-2023)