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Shadowy's Cringe April Fools Level by Shadoofus

DJ Full 4 7 6 5
Kubsy 6 6 6 5
manarch2 2 4 2 3
MichaelP 3 4 4 4
Ryan 4 4 4 4
Treeble 6 6 6 6
release date: 01-Apr-2023
# of downloads: 11085

average rating: 4.63
review count: 6
review this level

file size: 110.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Joke

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Reviewer's comments
"So many questions on this one... Who is Jia Fei and do I really want to know? Why would a builder completely mess up the back hopping animation? Where are the upper legs of the playable character? Why not skip that very odd Meme Level in the first place and get right to the Secret level? Which then at least offers about 15 minutes of TR2 Venice style gameplay - but also leads to more questions: Why do you have step on invisble floor tiles and fall and climb right through visible ones? And would any of the 4 keys have been optional in the end and only add to your supplies and a secret? But the overarching question is really just: Why was this built and released? It really should not have been... sorry..." - MichaelP (19-Dec-2023)
"As far as joke levels go this is somewhat elaborate. The first level seems to be built on pushing as many buttons as possible, with cursed animations, missing polygons on Lara, and a song that's as repetitive as the texture that was used for about 99% of the level. It's short though and it's only there to have you work for a password for the second level. It then takes a leap to Venice and feels like a proper level actually, personally I didn't find anything cringe or even related to April's fools in there except, perhaps, for the three fall-through bits and an invisible platform allowing you to retrieve two secrets right next to the end of the world. Lots of firepower so lots of shooting (how very TR2) but ultimately a fun time overall. My stats might not be entirely accurate as I left the game running while doing one errand or the other and I was trying to be as thorough in order to prepare for a second run to write the walkthrough, so time to dive back in because why not. 40 minutes, 6 secrets. 05/24" - Treeble (07-May-2023)
"I will leave out any comments to the first level, as this alone would hardly gather more than a few points if released seperately (especially because of those animations), but even the better second level is just not very fun to play and has dead ends, long key hunts just for the sake of unnecessary items, annoying background audio and missing sounds, missing textures etc.. Well you can provide anything under that title's motto? Not a very well done joke anyway. 15 minutes." - manarch2 (04-Apr-2023)
"A very memetastic level on an April fool's day. 1st level: It's a silly level of course with broken animations, Jiafei texture and Poland's Eurovision entry 2023 as soundtrack (which will totally win the finals kappa). I actually enjoyed the platforming for the red key card because instead of running jump, I had go backward to get to the other side. It was pretty funny. 2nd level: this is the actual level which is unlocked by figuring out the password from level 1. The level is based on venice wad and textures and the level has nice aesthetics to be honest but it was slightly too flat for me. there were also some issues such as being able to go through windows and not being able to get out, or trapdoor not having collision - they are all easy to sort out I am sure. What I liked was the 4 keyholes and you had to choose which one to unlock for pickups. Overall this level was funny and iconic. I guess this is the only April Fool's level out there (or is it? ;) )" - Kubsy (03-Apr-2023)
"The problem isn't being cringe, but being broken/unfinished - e.g. the action key stopped to work so I had to reset the game to enable pickups; the backwards key teleports you for a mile of distance; the pool is a dead end; in the bonus level one trapdoor lacks collision and another is inaccessible, however you can still finish the level if you collected enough items (if you didn't, well softlock, rip, F). Fortunately the entire work is short so if you mess up, you don't repeat much, and I actually overall enjoyed my time here. Recommended." - DJ Full (03-Apr-2023)
"I'm really unsure about how to rate this one. For a joke level it manages to pack a decent amount into its duration, but the majority of the gameplay is either flawed or buggy. I get what the builder was going for in the first segment, but really... the mechanics were so messed up that they became frustrating and tedious to get used to and that dodgy teleportation glitch really should have been avoided. The second part is more meaty, taking place in a somewhat bland depiction of a TR2 Venice setting. I did enjoy the enemy encounters in this section and the hunts for the secrets were nice, as was being able to unlock rooms full of goodies right when you need them, but here it's all too easy to become a cropper if you haven't found the necessary circuit board. After floundering around for a while I consulted Doggett's ever helpful video and managed to get back on track, luckily. Overall, the above mentioned things did spoil whatever fun I might have had here and made me too ill-disposed towards it, but at least it has gameplay... which is something." - Ryan (03-Apr-2023)