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Tomb of Thutmose by Bali C

DJ Full 6 8 6 4
JesseG 6 6 6 5
MichaelP 7 6 7 6
Ryan 7 7 7 6
Treeble 6 7 7 7
release date: 11-Apr-2023
# of downloads: 305

average rating: 6.35
review count: 5
review this level

file size: 91.90 MB
file type: TR1
class: Egypt

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Reviewer's comments
"This TR1 adventure has actually more going for it than the comparably low scores and low count of reviews to date indicate. As others have mentioned, softlocks are a problem if you do things not as intended by the builder, so save often and in different slots to not block yourself along the way. But figuring out the way intended by the builder is actually good fun with some clever ideas. And there are some nice scare moments with enemies built in and I liked the use of audio cues along the way. On the downside, most rooms are rather too bare and square, which kills a lot of the atmosphere and due to very few medipacks while having quite a few lions, panthers and mutants to battle, the balance is a bit off and makes the game harder than it maybe needed to be. Overall though, I was well enetertained and quite positively surprised with this offering." - MichaelP (01-Jan-2024)
"Bugs/Functional Issues
  • There's a lot of opportunities for getting softlocked in this level. Lara can drop into several pits without being able to leave them. A cruel trap switch will close a trapdoor on Lara until she slowly drowns. Boulders can block locks or switches. A block puzzle can get stuck if Lara pulls a switch after moving the block. Keep a lot of separate saves for this level.
  • The visuals are not going to give a great sense of immersion. Many rooms are wallpapered and you're lucky if the walls of a room contain more than one texture. There isn't much attempt at lighting either.
  • Unfortunately the lack of immersion also extends to the gameplay. The majority of the time spent here boils down to opening a bunch of random doors (I counted 31 of them), and if you miss a switch it may lead to a fair amount of backtracking, as no shortcuts are given to return to previous areas.
  • While most of the rooms are boxy in structure, there are some nice little architectural moments such as the pyramid that you explore inside and out.
  • There are some more intense moments to give Lara some excitement between her switch hunting, usually involving boulders. One particularly tricky sequence involves a boulder following so closely that it blocks the camera as Lara must safely land in a specific spot to avoid her demise.
  • There's a nice variety of enemies to contend with, but this may be difficult for some raiders as medpacks are few and far in between, so manage your inventory carefully.
Time: 1 hour 13 minutes | Difficulty: Hard | Rating: 5.75/10" - JesseG (09-Dec-2023)
"A fairly decent offering for both a TR1 and seemingly a first-timer too. Construction- wise, it is rather solid but quite bland texture-wise and a few of the larger rooms do look a bit repetitive and boxy, plus background audio also seemed a little lacking too. Gameplay does have its fair share of challenges, most of which are fairly easily passable with a bit of practice and the variety is certainly to be appreciated, but I wasn't particularly fond of the bungled breakable tile sequence mentioned by the previous two reviewers (I didn't get caught out, but the jump back from the Pyramid Key was a little too difficult for its own good), nor of the boulder trap near the end of the level where the camera is obscured by the boulder itself which made things needlessly frustrated. Still, if you fancy a TR1 jaunt, you could do worse." - Ryan (22-May-2023)
"For a debut level this is not half bad, and even though I will forever love TR1 the most in the entire series, I can't deny Lara's way too clunky to move around. Case in point there was a slightly curved jump to be done here that took me more tries than I care to admit lol. The very first area, under a pitch black sky, was dark and that had me worried, but funnily enough it's much brighter in the underground areas. For the most part the rooms in this level are massive and boxy, generally empty too, I mean there's a whole underground pyramid so you get a sense of scale. This in turn leads to a wallpaper effect rather often. Gameplay is engaging enough though, and there's a remarkable lack of medipacks which had me limping rather often, so be conscious and put those extra weaponry to use. The author has supplied a complete walkthrough with the download so there wasn't much second guessing and I avoided the one softlock situation that DJ Full mentions in his review: you need to jump across a spike pit leaving one of the two breakaway tiles for your way back. The other possible situation could be when the author warns you that a boulder might stop in front of a keylock, but if you've been playing Tomb Raider for a while (and chances are, if you're playing TRLE levels in 2023, that you definitely have) you know you can glitch your way through boulders by jumping on them. Two jumps and you'll be inside the boulder and just within range of the keylock, then a simple sideflip out and merrily on your way you go. Although there were a few action music here and there, there was an unnerving lack of background audio. Ah, and yes... underwater mazes, always a "no, thanks." 60 minutes, 3 secrets. 05/23" - Treeble (21-May-2023)
"Not a fan of puzzles which softlock when done wrong, but once I realized that's how it is, it stopped being a problem. Just take care and use multiple slots and you should be fine. The lighting is a different thing - for the first time I saw a level which had only traps illuminated but nothing else (how is this even technically possible). So yep, please build with more care next time." - DJ Full (12-Apr-2023)