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Silent Venice, Deadly Venice by Shadoofus

DJ Full 8 8 9 8
manarch2 6 7 8 7
Ryan 7 8 8 8
release date: 01-Apr-2024
# of downloads: 672

average rating: 7.67
review count: 3
review this level

file size: 83.90 MB
file type: TR4
class: Venice

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Reviewer's comments
"It made a plesant change visiting Venice during sunset, even if Lara's reasons for being there did seem a little contrived (and I'd no idea Larson and Pierre's relationship had reached such levels). The hazy lighting did cast somewhat of a darkish scene upon the level, but the darkness isn't too bad and the textures are quite pleasing. The gameplay can get a little roundabout, as you can end up quite far along without a necessary item, so a couple more shortcuts would have been appreciated. It's otherwise fairly entertaining, with some decent platforming and trap sequences, and the limited ammo feature wasn't too much of a handicap as long as you ration it carefully. Not a bad raid." - Ryan (18-Apr-2024)
"Gameplaywise maybe not heavily inspired but the horror atmosphere in this level is rather convincing, supported by the sound, lighting and enemies very nicely. The limited ammo concept actually works as a decent gameplay element here and while there are no real novel ideas the game plays out well enough for the time it lasted. Pushable puzzles, exploration and a plethora of traps will keep you engaged, though there is a little too much of repeating the same routes again and again so maybe some shortcuts could've been nice. There are minor problems in animations and lighting on objects, but overall the visuals are very solid despite the overall gloomyness. Finished in 25 minutes with no secrets to find." - manarch2 (14-Apr-2024)
"Mind the latest update, improving what was a decent escape map already. If you're tired with sunny Venice, here's a spooky one instead. I'd trim the sewer a bit but maybe cause I played too slow as always. I missed some neat cutscene in the end, or at least pouring the fuel in. Get to the choppa!" - DJ Full (02-Apr-2024)