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The Power of Shoham Stones (Demo) by DHermogenes

DJ Full 7 9 10 10
Jose 6 8 10 9
Ryan 8 8 10 10
release date: 25-Apr-2024
# of downloads: 383

average rating: 8.75
review count: 3
review this level

file size: 111.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: South America

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Reviewer's comments
"This demo has a good look, so only a few comments: when Lara is underwater in the first areas the lighting is a bit... odd, I coudn't explore very well the areas beause when she is on the surface of the waters and use the look key I can clearly see the bottom, but when she is diving she goes blindly; the puzzle with the movable cages is a bit tedious, I had to drag several cages long distances; some jumps with the quad were hard for me, I had to reload many times; shooting hard enemies only with the pistols is not a good idea; the cutscenes are good, but perhaps there are too many cutscenes and few gameplay for a short part of the level; perhaps the author could take the effort better on the gameplay... Anyway the level is solid and well builded, so looking forward for the final release. Good work." - Jose (21-May-2024)
"This is quite a tantalising little demo and does give a nice glimpse of a possible promising full version. The extended swimming sequence at the start is a bit arduous, but manageable with a bit of practice, and there is a handy air pocket in the second cave so it's not too bad. Apart from a slight overuse of fog underwater, it looks sublime from start to finish, with great texturing and tropical atmosphere. The block puzzle was a bit long-winded but still fun to solve, and there's also a surprisingly challenging quad bike jaunt and boss battle before the ending flyby rounds things off nicely. I enjoyed it." - Ryan (16-May-2024)
"If pushblocks feel slow even with faster animation, it means they are too extensive. They're in fact half of this demo. After the quadblock we get a quadbike and a quadbattle (against four guns) - makes sense, I guess... Very professionally done demo. I would just prevent stacking pushblocks (which may and WILL cause errors) and make the underwater fog appear/disappear gradually instead of momentarily, as sometimes I had to resurface to see things below. Oh hi, Werner." - DJ Full (29-Apr-2024)