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Classic Trilogy Competition - The Iris Borealis by ViridionSama

BlackWolfTR 9 10 10 10
DJ Full 9 10 10 10
release date: 01-May-2024
# of downloads: 263

average rating: 9.75
review count: 2
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file size: 93.20 MB
file type: TR3
class: Ship

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Reviewer's comments
"One of the most creative of the TR3 engine. I think the only polar level I remember coming close to this was Daro's Willard's Hideout (which btw had rendering issues so could be remastered in Tomb Editor as well). We get a chaptered, well executed plot with solid balance of everything. I thought it would be overwhelming but it actually wasn't. Maybe it could also have some polar bears cause why not. Recommended as everything from the CtC event, as we got a high level competition." - DJ Full (06-May-2024)
"An awesome TR3 entry in this Classic Trilogy Competition. Set in snowy environments it consists of three levels. All of them are very well thought out and I like their layout. The first level is quite big; we swim with an inflatable boat around the icebergs and infiltrate the rig. The second level gets us deeper into icy caves with the main attraction being the great pyramid on which we parkour a lot. And the third level is mainly a boss fight with side challenges - I really liked the grandeur area with corridors making up a square. Gameplay is diverse and very enjoyable. I like how the author used the robot from Thames Wharf as traps - it was fun to avoid them. Medipacks are a bit sparsely placed so players should take care not to lose too much health. The environments are very pretty and detailed. I liked the small object icebergs scattered around in the water in the first level. You can really feel the arctic air when playing the game which means the atmosphere and surroundings are well done. All in all, it's great to see more high quality TR3 levels being released. This one is very fun to play. Recommended!" - BlackWolfTR (03-May-2024)