Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

73976 reviews (20.4/level)
3605 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1264 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Trouble in Rome Rome/Greece 30.20 MB TR4 6.87 15 16-Apr-2003
Inside the Lost City of Gold nc 48.10 MB TR4 7.00 13 11-Dec-2002
Lara Croft and the lost City of Gold 10-11 nc 110.00 MB TR4 7.63 15 26-Jan-2002
Lara Croft and the lost City of Gold 8-9 nc 110.00 MB TR4 7.87 17 21-Jan-2002
Lara Croft and the lost City of Gold 5-7 nc 110.00 MB TR4 7.10 18 14-Jan-2002
Lara Croft and the lost City of Gold 2-4 nc 110.00 MB TR4 7.03 20 10-Jan-2002
Lara Croft and the lost City of Gold 1: Memory Lane Young Lara 110.00 MB TR4 5.52 26 08-Jan-2002
Return for the Amulet 6 - Zazar's Hideout Oriental 99.70 MB TR4 6.88 21 13-Nov-2001
Return for the Amulet 5 - Zazar's Library Library 99.70 MB TR4 7.13 23 02-Apr-2001
Return for the Amulet 4 - The Docks City 99.70 MB TR4 6.48 21 12-Mar-2001
Return for the Amulet 1 - The Temple Of Seth Egypt 99.70 MB TR4 5.99 23 26-Feb-2001
Return for the Amulet 2 - Throne Room Egypt 99.70 MB TR4 5.89 21 26-Feb-2001
Return for the Amulet 3 - The Chase Ship 99.70 MB TR4 5.40 20 26-Feb-2001
name: Bruce Zaremba
country/city: Canada/Vancouver

