Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3185
TR3 - 181
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 66

73793 reviews (20.4/level)
3593 (99.7%) walkthroughs
457 Hall of Fame levels
1258 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Passage to Mu 4 nc 123.62 MB TR4 9.56 34 23-Jan-2006
BtB2006 - In Xanadu Oriental 37.26 MB TR4 8.70 33 01-Jan-2006
Passage to Mu 3 - Arrival nc 110.74 MB TR4 9.50 25 23-Jul-2005
Isle of the Sun Part 2 nc 106.00 MB TR4 9.11 25 03-Feb-2005
Isle of the Sun Part 1 nc 54.50 MB TR4 8.57 25 11-Nov-2004
Caverns of the Dead Cave/Cat 32.30 MB TR4 8.38 20 27-Sep-2004
Passage to Mu 1/2 nc 41.50 MB TR4 7.93 23 19-Aug-2004
name: Michael Bender
country/city: Canada/Vancouver
builder interview: Tony Tomb

birthday: 05-Dec-1955
occupation: artist, illustrator
hobbies: TR, among many others
