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The curious ventures of Larson 2 - Forest Tick Tock


B. Howaito
release date: 29-Jul-2008

average rating: 5.81
review count: 12
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file size: 24.84 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

author profile(s):

Larson awoke with a start; looking around wildly, he wondered where he could possibly be. Suddenly, he realised he was neck-deep in water. Sighing a great relief that he was not drowned he glanced around himself. It was pretty dark, but for some strange reason he was outside.

Just then he heard a great rumbling in front of him, and a light came on all of a sudden. The aeroplane that he had clung onto before was there, and about to take off! Larson was very confused, as the last thing he could remember was exploring a well beneath the White Queen's garden.

Larson quickly jumped out of the pool of water that had broken his fall from somewhere above and ran after the plane... this time he would get that strange wolf creature that wouldn't die.