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The curious ventures of Larson 2 - Forest Tick Tock by B. Howaito

Bene 7 7 7 6
DJ Full 6 5 7 4
eRIC 5 7 8 6
Gerty 3 4 5 4
herothing 5 3 4 5
Jay 6 6 7 6
Jose 6 6 5 6
MichaelP 5 6 7 6
Orbit Dream 6 6 8 8
Oxy 7 7 8 5
Ryan 5 5 7 6
Treeble 3 6 6 6
release date: 29-Jul-2008
# of downloads: 75

average rating: 5.81
review count: 12
review this level

file size: 24.84 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"The adventures of Larson continue and this time he has found himself in a surreal forest setting populated by chickens, mercenaries and grandfather clocks (presumably alluding to the title). The setting is more refined than the first episode, texturing is better although still simplistic compared to other levels and the gameplay is more enjoyable with a couple of conveyor belt sequences, multiple boulder traps and a couple of simple puzzles. The massed chicken attack was hilarious, but the multiple mercenaries were a poor choice in my opinion for an otherwise generally serene level." - Ryan (03-Mar-2018)
"At first looking oversized, at second You know where to... but that green key among green trees was a grain of sand between my brain clockwork cogs. Anyway Benjamin's progress can be clearly seen in this level. Even though we need luck to choose which path won't lead us to a puzzle hole instead to an item fitting in it, we have, for the first time, a trapdoor, opening a new path to an already visited place. This reduces intended backtracking to only one take, while - guessing by the level structure - it COULD have been worse, maybe even as bad as both lighting and weapon usability, which are NONE again - there's no shotgun, even though we get plenty of ammo for it, and therefore our careful searrch for pickups is wasted, and we're forced to fight 6 or 7 soldiers armed with pistols only. Fortunately, Oldfield music appear for the first time in the works of this builder, hilariously accompanying a chicken fight and other two action moments, including a nice flyby intro. I hope there will be more of this music used in the future, as Benjamin started to do it rather late in his levelbuilding career, so we only got two of those Miked levels. SUMMARY: Clocks on the trees deserve an extra point, but the trees themselves could have been created with methods better than copying/pasting dozens of times - and so that point I've just given has to be substracted. Anyway, recommended. Tick... tick... tick..." - DJ Full (19-Jul-2012)
"This level was a fair disappointment. For one, the costume looks horrible, it looks like a over stocky man on rollerskates, he looks as wooden as a table and a chair. I didn't really like the atmosphere, some textures looked very old and the white sky looked very weird. The lighting was inevitable, there wasnt really any but where there was it was fairly good. The puzzles very fairly easy, i wouldnt say they were complicated. Good Try! Overall - 4.25/10" - herothing (01-May-2009)
"This was the first of my adventures with Larson and I thought it was amusing. I particularly liked the turkeys as I thought it appropriate to the American Thanksgiving Day which is soon approaching. Not what the builder intended but funny, nonetheless. Sounds were also amusing: enemies say something like 'don't ever leave me' and Larson says 'damn' when hurt. There's a tile that acts like a spring-board and a moving walkway. Although the trees are now dated there is a lot to recommend in this very short little level that is different than most." - Bene (10-Nov-2008)
"I think this is the first custom level I play where the lead character is Larson (even though the idea exists ever since the first wad customizations were possible). The plane crash works, but the white skyline was a little disturbing. I particularly enjoyed the ticking clocks in these woods. There are a few other features that were new to me, such as the 'conveyor belt' and the jump propeller, they added a little spice to an otherwise bland adventure. Finding the green key on the tree branches was a bit of a torture, and then all you'd have to do was to use it to finish the level. I'll make sure to play the first part of this series soon. 20 minutes. 10/08" - Treeble (20-Oct-2008)
"This is little adventure in green forest, where Larson's aeroplane crashed. I admired architecture, game seems like fairy-tale. Textures could be placed better, to get more realistic atmosphere. Some areas are very repetitive and you will need some time to find everything. I liked lava room with trees and rolling-balls, areas with flowers, surprising music sequences, assembly line and jumping square, where you can jump very high. Game-play is easy, a lot of searching, exploring the area, no big frets, recommended also to beginners. Enemies are chickens and terrorists. I liked this game, I wasn't bored a bit. :-)" - Oxy (14-Oct-2008)
"You play with Larsen again, but this time you'll have to revisit the same places several times. Similar than the previous level, simple architecture and easy tasks. This time I liked the moving walkway and the fan in the lava room which allows you to jump higer than normal. Enemies come all together in some places getting you in trouble but not too much. Poor cameras and sounds, another playable level but not very interesting. Playable anyway." - Jose (23-Sep-2008)
"Pleasant too and a bit less straightforward , the sequel of Larson's ventures is also quite recommended. It is well introduced too, with the illusion of the plane crash. The setting is rather unique , without being brilliant it is solidly done with a touch of surrealism. More enemies than in the first episode , with a bunch of mercenaries and a horde of poultry :] The moving walkway and the tile that allows Lara to jump higher are pretty impressive innovations. Larson's short ventures are very enjoyable. I can't wait for episode III." - eRIC (23-Aug-2008)
"Without a doubt, the levels by this author keep getting better and if not for my seemingly endless wandering in the forest without finding the receptacle for the cross and then the long search on the tree branches for the green key, I might have scored gameplay even higher. The plane crash at the start is simplistic but still nicely done, the choice of audio is suitable for the quirky atmosphere, the clocks in the forest give it all a surreal feel and then you get a few rooms with a bit of gameplay, like the nice room with the boulders dropping, some cool effects like the conveyor belt and a few enemies (chickens and guards) to shoot. 30 minutes." - MichaelP (04-Aug-2008)
"This one you can end up the creek without a paddle if you haven't found the key way up in the trees. You cannot go back to look for it at least I couldn't. Still wonder why I couldn't enter the opening in the big tree in the middle; there was an invisible block in front of it. Also the two, what looked like trapdoors, in the water stayed closed. Oh well I hit the finishing trigger and I am not playing this one over. There are still texture issues and although some person might like the Larson figure, I don't as you can still see very clearly Lara's movements in what he does." - Gerty (04-Aug-2008)
"Undoubtedly the best of this authors levels so far,this is a surprisingly expansive non-lineal (although straightforward) outing in a typically original and surreal landscape.Enemies are rather clumsily placed(they attack non too subtly in bulk) but there are several quirky little moments that are well put-together (particularly the conveyor-belt floor and the springy tile) and the audio is appropriately used.Progression throughout is well measured (and the back-tracking is not as tedious as you would think)and only the somewhat abrupt ending disapoints.Nonetheless this is amusing and fun,and I even gave a bonus point for the use of music from that underrated work of genius that is 'Amarok'.Give it a go." - Orbit Dream (02-Aug-2008)
"Blimey, that was quick; I didn't think we'd be seeing Larson again so soon. This time, he's in a surreal forest full of long case clocks (hence the title) and meeting more strange enemies (chickens, anyone?). If you played the first curious ventures, you'll know exactly what to expect from the continuation. It's never going to find itself in the Hall of Fame, but it has a certain amusing quirkiness and some of the gameplay is actually quite enjoyable." - Jay (01-Aug-2008)