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Classic Trilogy Competition - Sabatu's PS1 Raider - The Seer's Stone


release date: 01-May-2024
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 9.50
review count: 2
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file size: 143.00 MB
file type: TR1
class: nc

author profile(s):

Note:Updated May 2, 2024: Fixed start position in level 2 (In case you're playing the initial version, download this one and take from data folder and place it in DATA folder in your downloaded level.

Lara Croft once again goes on a short chase for Seer's Stone. In this short adventure, Lara visits China and Egypt.

> As for the PS1 Feeling, I decided to use Save Crystal.
> Don't worry, the PC save is also available in a ZIP.
> Another PS1 aspect is no ambient music, except specific areas.
> I recommend playing with the Crystals though, as the entire game was designed around the Crystals, which means the PC Saving may be too simple.