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Classic Trilogy Competition - Sabatu's PS1 Raider - The Seer's Stone by Sabatu

BlackWolfTR 9 9 10 10
DJ Full 9 9 10 10
release date: 01-May-2024
# of downloads: 284

average rating: 9.50
review count: 2
review this level

file size: 143.00 MB
file type: TR1
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"We get Sabatu'd but not overdosed with a lot of everything classic in the right place and time (except from Lava ember-assing Lara's butt). For best balance I'd go normal difficulty with free saving or Japanese difficulty with crystal saving. I chose the latter for first, maybe not last play. A worthy and belonging contestant of CtC. I wish Eurovision 2024 was of this quality." - DJ Full (13-May-2024)
"A high quality TR1 level mixing China and Egypt. You can play it in two ways: with PSX and PC saving. The crystals in PSX version are mostly generously scattered. As usually in Sabatu's levels, there are lots of enemies, traps and tricky boulders. Besides enemies and traps there comes also exploration and parkour. Doesn't have many puzzles except some block pushing and fun with water levels. The areas both in Chinese and Egyptian levels are very pretty. There are some huge vertical rooms that look stunning. The lighting is done well except a few rooms in the Egyptian level that I felt had quite flat lighting. Nevertheless the visuals are very good and detailed. The level doesn't have any ambience which in my opinion makes the atmosphere unique. Sometimes we hear some music playing here and there. All in all, I highly recommend the level which is a great entry of this Classic Trilogy Competition!" - BlackWolfTR (02-May-2024)