Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74058 reviews (20.4/level)
3608 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

name: |
country/city: |
Russia/ |
birthday: |
occupation: |
hobbies: |
homepage: |
email: |
creator_of_worlds@mail.ru |
last reviewed: |
25-Mar-2021 |
1 Review(s) done by this Reviewer (listed in descending order by the release date of the review) |
Overall Average Rating: |
Gameplay & Puzzles |
Enemies, Objects & Secrets |
Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras |
Lighting & Textures |
The Vagrants Test Level |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |