Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
73979 reviews (20.4/level)
3606 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1264 levels rated >= 8
release date: |
07-Feb-2007 |
# of downloads: |
290 |
average rating: |
8.76 |
review count: |
26 |
review this level |
file size: |
248.59 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
nc |
Reviewer's comments |
"A slightly smaller level in comparison to the previous two entries in this series but still quite action packed with a lot of enemies to gun down. I liked the level design in itself, I don't really have a whole lot of experience with airports (having only flown twice in my life) but it did feel like what you'd expect, with lots of counters and stores etc, plus the outside areas with a small hotel and the subway access were all pretty well done considering the bizarre scale of the engine grid system. Gameplay was all about hunting down one key after the next, so the walkthrough optimized my time as I didn't have to recall the wheres and how to get there - and on top of that, I don't think I'd have ever discovered the kickable walls in the level, especially considering how both of them were concealed with an overhead camera angle. 30 minutes, 2 secrets. 06/23" - Treeble (18-Jun-2023) |
"This is a beautifully constructed and detailed
level. The attention to detail with the objects
such as the kiosks, passengers, chairs and the
stores. Perfect lighting and textures too.
Little things like that are always guaranteed
to enliven any raiding experience for me.
Gameplay is, as other reviewers have mentioned,
mainly fetch quests and switch pulling, so not
really puzzling, but the realism is what counts
here and it certainly delivers." - Ryan (17-Sep-2016) |
"Like always for linear plots, I rate all levels equally yet with different score combos to highlight ups and downs of each part, links to which are embedded in common text. We begin in Thierry's Parisian Streets and how not to repeat the con remarks for this builder. Why not to take a bike if the streets are so wide? Why not to return Lara with a rapid sewer current? Or maybe why not to put her on the back of a city pigeon for faster travel? Ideas to kill redundancy are numerous and would also work for atmosphere... but no, again we have backtracking, lack of shortcuts and passage repetition. Thankfully as imperfect as in path design, Thierry is brilliant in isolation craft so I didn't mind the extra travel that much. So far. Then we go into Church which sustains the mood despite of dropping the scale, and makes it spookier in return. But this is an exercise in bad combat. Riding a bike under sentry fire. Pulling up onto an edge with a running dog. Getting perforated by a SAS while wading through the water... Of course you want to be smart to avoid health loss but the author made sure to prevent that. Think about it: there's a group of dogs and a bike. It rings a bell to run over the beasts, but the vehicle gets impaled with spikes blocking the passage to break your plan. Then you want to fight these dogs from the entrance corridor but a rollingball forces you into the room. So you escape on the nearby ledge to shoot them from above, but an invisible collision panel feels just like deliberately applied to make that attempt futile as well. The only combat the author approves is direct encounter what instead of challenging is horribly annoying. All this time you only have the pistols and don't even tell me about that red herring revolver. When finishing this part I was absolutely infuriated so it was great to embrace delightful chillout of the following Airport. Again we have a red herring, this time a medikit, and the breakable walls are way too hidden, especially if one of them is secret and the other one isnt, but we can relax among realistic bars, pass through check-in gates, enter metro wagons, climb escalators and explore a secret hotel. In the end I felt ashamed I never tried Leeloo's levels before, and I will soon repair that mistake with The Hangar. But before that we leave France and pass into Egypt, to the plot core. The Temple feels convincingly buried, has neat layout and local visual gems. It's another one of Thierry, but the path design is incomparably better, just like if not his. What may confuse beginners is a quadruple slot which looks like a multi-item combo but in fact requires progressive filling, and the treasure pool challenge which may cause you to save the game just before you die. Next TC enters the stage with his Lava section, as we proceed deeper into the Earth crust to get literally overflown with magma. It's one of these levels where you can feel the heat and play with fire while utilizing loads of cracks, crevices and ladders like this author got us used to. The design is a bit subpar and cramped in comparison to the author's flagship projects, but still very good and enjoyable, however since that moment the project gets confusing as the opportunity to miss or do something wrong appears - for instance I could only solve the statue pushable after multiple corrections and I had to repeat half of the level when the zipline didn't retrigger. But the most serious and easily evitable mistake was the door cube pushable. Once raised, the portals shouldn't close because using the block every time to unlock them makes no sense especially in a level where it's so easy to commit a mistake and try again. What I particularly liked was a nice touch of the barriers surrounding the rocks sticking out of the lava stream, what made that part of platforming much easier. Then we descend even deeper to cool down in the Underground Lake, but I unfortunately recognized the retextured ship level of TR2, and instead of lukewarm depths of volcanic cavern I kept imagining an overturned rusty vessel no matter how fine TimJ's rendition was. But at least the map was familiar, and tasking got ambitious with the multilevel pushable, though it went too ambitious with the underwater lever. Since the place is huge and the lights draw attention away, I couldn't locate that spot even with the walkthrough in hand, and only thanks to TRGamer's let's play video I could get enough help to breach the gates of sunken Castle of Corpus Fatalis, likely a pun of "over my dead body". This map is made from scratch, outstandingly atmospheric and the most suitable word would be "epic" despite of not so big size and darkness. One nice trick to strenghten its grandeur is the lack of ceiling substituted with progressive fadeout, so we can imagine the central hall much higher than it really is. Then we unlock the City of the Priests, another element of TC's dense world, even more lava-soaked than his other bit made for this game was. Here I noticed external cooperation of the French forum, with MagPlus's Apophis warriors really making this part feel like a sequel to The Rescue. If I missed something in this level and the entire volcanic episode, it was the sound of flowing lava - while we get the Xian ambience for mystery mood, the river of molten rocks is absolutely silent. Eventually, we enter the underworld Kingdom to get some Swedish vibes, for either this has been inspired with QRS's Limbo or vice versa. The part is really open but not confusing at all, and platforming over the floating islands was pure pleasure. This is possibly also the moment of the adventure where the greatest amount of customized objects dwell, including the Obole puzzle making for a serious closure hitpoint and perfect for transition, however in the final scene I missed some music, waves on the river and actually showing Charon's boat sail the waters into the Farplane. Very soon it appears this one holds a very tightly embedded realm of Lost Spirits, filled with randomly arranged floating islands, multiple intersections, start positions and sometimes even requiring the right choice for correct progress, while not even mentioning you are in such situation - seriously, the thunder plain and the final fight of the chapter might remain in my heart forever, but learning fluent French would be less confusing than solving this whole chapter. Often I had no idea what to do, some doors never open, some levers are never pulled, certain things are hard to guess like the monkey swing because no other texture of the kind is grabbable, or the cross puzzle hole because no other object like this is interactive, or the water corridor secret triggered with an invisible shatter - however the last one may be discussable as well as the requirement to grab an uraeus from the active spike trap. As a result I failed multiple times to proceed without a walkthrough and only after a whole day, what is as much time as the whole preceding content took me, I grabbed the key to the Osiris's Pyramid. Here's Thierry again, even better than his previous bit, and possibly in his greatest solo map. Despite of structural simplicity and intense combat, the place feels incredibly calm and relieving while offering total immersion, rewarding tasks and both casual and unusual geometry. Only the crawling part could be shorter but I liked the exploration very much - in the end every square in sight appears accessible. The bike part is really unexpected in such place, and the final teleport flyby is properly satisfying as we teleport into space... or at least I thought we should, but before that we unexpectedly visit an extra pyramid level which is fully unlike the ordinary pyramid design, with each corridor intricate and attractive, and transparent enemies making us sure we're really deep already. The gate to let us out from the first slot with the White Stone is another one which should remain open once open, otherwise it forces passage repetition if we visit the place too early. The transition to alien scenery is made very well but just like in case of the Kingdom boat cutscene, we should really see the shuttle fly as we get ourselves abducted onboard the Osiris's Spaceship. The surroundings are simply breathtaking: the outer space introduction, the hangar section the control room - I have a feeling the author was under impression of the Cygnus from The Black Hole movie, and if the plot wasn't Egyptian this dystopian, almost a derelict-like ship would be a great host for creepy humanoid workers or an evil robot like Maximilian (yeah you need to watch that if you haven't already). Certain design shouldn't occur like the water tank, another place we can save in, unaware of imminent death. Multiple passing through the could be easy reduced either, and I even had to cheat for shells when it appeared they aren't provided for the Horus fight they're crucial for. I eventually hacked Osiris's security system and defeated the guy Somewhere in the Farplane, where a nicely controlled timed challenge may give us two different endings, producing one of these moments worth to die in. SUMMARY: This is a very solid and seriously coherent team work where every participant cared a lot, with original plot, new graphics and even music tracks. Sometimes you may need a walkthrough to deal with annoying mistakes and properly enjoy unforgettable highlights which make this game obligatory to play at certain moment, so why not now." - DJ Full (25-Jun-2016) |
"So many, many details and objects in this level makes it very,
very pleasant to explore. I rarely play custom so well
'inhabited' with objects - all those phonebooths, photobooths,
plants and furnitures. Great architucture and well-built level
with rather smooth and easy gameplay compared to previous 2
levels from series. But somehow I enjoyed this one the best,
probably because of it's wonderful looks. Recommended though
it might be boring for some as it's not so challenging." - Casual Raider (06-Sep-2013) |
"Starting in the train where the last level (The Church)
ended (but of course in the airport now), I immediately was
amazed by the creative object usage in this level. The quite
huge airport is filled with custom objects (and a lot of
enemies) and they altogether created a very nice atmosphere
in this level. Unfortunately the gameplay couldn't quite get
on par with the other categories, it maybe is even the most
boring of the series up till now, as most of the time you
will be running around heedlessly through the airport
searching keys and levers, killing (too) many enemies. There
are two breakable crawlspace walls, one for a secret which
is OK, but the other one is practically invisible because of
a fixed camera and it is needed to progress in this level.
As I said - the objects are really great in this level -
escalators, counters from many different flight companies,
sleeping and walking passengers, a security checkpoint, ...
and only for these this level is worth a look. Only one
object was a little obscure - the coke machine, one has to
insert a penny in it (that was manageable because of a
camera) but the effect is that another of these machines
lowers - just as a block, which was pretty unrealistic. The
texturing was nice too but also couldn't quite be as great
as the object variety, and even if lighting was existent, it
was pretty flat in some areas and could be a little brighter
in others. This was the shortest and gameplaywise the most
unspectacular level up till now but it had a very
spectacular end with the helicopter. Let's visit Egypt now...
33 minutes." - manarch2 (26-Feb-2012) |
"After the darkness of the last two levels, it's nice to visit a bright and cheerful place, even if it is an airport. I love the attention to detail, especially all the large number of new objects. This really feels like a genuine airport (albeit one with very lax security!), with escalators, phone booths, luggage tracks, coffee shops, magazine stands, waiting lounge, booths for various airlines, etc., as well as a car rental shop, hotel and metro station right outside. The only thing that breaks the illusion of really 'being there' is the blatant invisible walls. Why not use some more realistic barriers like a wall or gate to cordon off the areas that Lara isn't supposed to get into?
This seems like a very empty airport - the only people there apart from Lara and the (inevitable) guards shooting her are one traveller sleeping in a coffee shop (a cute touch) and a woman walking around who intermittently turns invisible (!). While the builder has done an excellent job of creating realistic looking areas, she doesn't seem to have any idea what to do with them. Gameplay is almost nothing more than finding a few keys. Most of the rooms have no gameplay significance at all, and many even lack pickups of any kind. Hunting through all the dozens of drawers, of which only a few have any pickups, also gets old fast. The secrets are far too camouflaged - did anyone find that trapdoor on their own? The number of fixed cameras ranges from the helpful to the actively misleading.
Overall: This is a nice transition level between the Parisian and Egyptian levels of RoO, and an impressive one in terms of objects and setting, but it's rather boring in terms of gameplay." - Mytly (23-Feb-2012) |
"After the apocalyptic atmosphere of the first couple of
levels, this almost feels like a Reign of Chaos style
atmospheric change. Lara enters an amazingly detailed
airport setting (along with a couple of other streets and
buildings). There's even a few civilians around, who don't
seem to take much notice of Lara shooting up bad-guys and vandalising everything in sight. While there are various
enemies the level's serene night atmosphere feels much
calmer than the previous levels. The lighting is great in
the main areas, but feels a little neglected in a couple of
the side-areas. There's also a subway tunnel that ends in a
dead-end wall, which looks odd. The only issue with the
objects is that there are a few strange bugs, like the way
there is no blood when enemies are shot, and a few enemies
seem to disappear out of existence.
The gameplay is mostly about being methodical and checking
every room for items to get, this wouldn't be so good
normally but in the context of how great this level looks
the slower-paced gameplay feels fitting. The use of
invisible walls to block off ways out the area is pretty
arbitrary though; some gates would have worked much better.
The only issue I had with general progression was one
ridiculously hidden crawlspace that must be kicked open;
outside of that progress is fine if you check all the
shelves and drawers. While more of a visual showcase than a
"gameplay" map it feels like a step-up from the previous
levels in the setting and atmosphere." - Mman (15-Feb-2011) |
"An impressive level in which the author manages to make a rather realistic commercial airport - well, realistic if you can put aside the fact that there hasn't been a lock-down due to the appearance of a crazy pistol-wielding woman at the scene. Very nice use of objects and textures here. I have to admit I chuckled at the name O RLY but after reading the other reviews it looks like I misinterpreted those signs. The many rooms and corridors may be overwhelming, so do not feel bad if you seem to have a memory lapse or two along the way. Unfortunately the gameplay suffers from the large focus on the environment. There is nothing much in terms of action - you just find a puzzle or key, use it, and find the next one. I liked the hotel secret but that trapdoor is simply too elusive. Still I think most players will find this modern labyrinth to be quite a remembrance." - SSJ6Wolf (07-May-2009) |
"The author has made a very interesting work to (re)create a believable Orly airport , with a lot of pertinent details , there is even a couple of passengers. Enemies are gunmen , guards and dogs. The gameplay is mainly based on exploration and sometimes on observation to spot a few subtle things. Great use of objects through out the level." - eRIC (28-Jan-2009) |
"A very impressive setting overall is what you get here with three floors of an airport with plenty of objects that make it such an authentic location. Gameplay as such was not so much to my liking though, as you have to run around and back and forth very much to find the needed objects to eventually reach your helicopter that will take you to Egypt. Enemies are a few guards and dogs. 45 min., 2 secrets." - MichaelP (12-May-2008) |
"Well, this obviously is more of a gimmick level with the main purpose being showing off the (undeniably well constructed) airport setting. In comparison with the church level before this one - the gameplay is more bearable - a bit confusing due to the sheer size of the area you get to explore, but the enemies - consisting of guards and guard dogs - come in a more moderate dosage. That said - there isn't really all that much to do here in terms of task diversity - as your quest in this level is a mere object hunt - thus not really my cup of tea. To be fair to the author - she does include a number of helpful camera hints so you wouldn't be completely on your own, but during all the time I spent here - searching the drawers and cabinets, crawling through ducts and baggage carousels and shooting whatever poor men were supposed to be working that night got old soon - despite that you don't really spend that much time in here if you know where you're going. While I didn't find it particularly exciting in terms of gameplay, you can't deny that the setting is masterfully done to numerous details, and while the lighting could've been much better, as could've been some individual areas or setting ideas (like the walls that were supposed to give the illusion of the tunnels and streets going on for example) it's still a great experience to have the whole airport at your disposal for all the exploration you need. Found 2 secrets." - eTux (26-Nov-2007) |
"Building a common public place is really hard and Leeloo did this really superbly. There was a lot of beautiful details in this airport which I loved. It is also hard to have a good gameplay in this kind of levels because you can't really put spikes or big knifes in an airport... But the non-linear gameplay was really good! You need to search some keys, to battle with enemies and to crawl in aeration pipes or luggage conduits in order to reach some closed part of the airport and even more. The atmosphere was really good. The two secrets were really well hidden and hard to find. It's an excellent level. Bravo Leeloo ! ;-)" - TimJ (20-Jul-2007) |
"Beautifully textured, lighted, and laid out airport level. A real gem. And
so realistic you feel like you are there. Amazing details, i.e. textures on
escalator steps, the girl waiting in the cafe, the roads that carry on even
if we can't go there, lovely glass doors to open in airport building, lady
walking into the rest rooms, check-in desks, brilliant looking subway
trains. Although we can't see out some windows (fixed cameras) if we use the
binoculars we see Leeloo has created lovely outside scapes that are very
finished. Lots of drawers to rummage in but only a few produce something,
like the coin in the cash register. The oddity here, among all this realism
is the magic coke machine! You'll see! Enemies are security guards and dogs.
It was brilliant searching areas like the bar, the security scanners,
baggage conveyors, outside buildings, storage rooms, shop, cafe and subway
station. And we are looking for keys, cards and discs. Having acquired her
pass, illegally, Lara runs through the terminus seating area and the covered
tunnel to the helicopter waiting on the tarmac. Again, very real scene
through the terminus windows. We now watch the flyby of Lara's flight to
Egypt and Return to the Temple...." - CC (07-Jul-2007) |
"Wow what an airport. Apart from exploring, as you have to search every drawer or cupboard there are so many authentic objects in this level that I took my time to get through here. Don't know how many times I saw that stewardess going to the bathroom LOL. Finding keys to get you out of the airport into other buildings and getting through customs to see what is behind there, just great. Visual a stunning level and as for gameplay this was at times mighty confusing." - Gerty (11-Jun-2007) |
"I don't particularly favour levels that are based on looking for keys to open gates to find more keys to open more gates etc, so I'm afraid I'm somehow biased on this one. Exploring the (heavily guarded) airport was enjoying at first, and the setting was good; I liked the look of the rooms with the airline counters - they gave a realistic feel, and so did the aeroplane sounds - but there were so many closed doors around that the fun ended quite soon as I was trying to find a key and then search the whole place so as to locate the keylock that was right for it and start from somewhere. The city textures work well, but there are too many wafer-thin walls and Lara could pass through several of them. Another thing that I liked was the AOD music that was accompanying Lara all along; that was a nice addition and offered a touch of mystery. I found the cameras inconvenient though; some of them were far from being helpful and it would have been better if they weren't put there at all; it would have been easier if I had to look around on my own to find which wall was kickable. There are lots of enemies that keep things going, but in general the action is a bit incoherent and I grew impatient with this level rather easily." - Ravenwen (12-Apr-2007) |
"This segment seemed to have better ambient lighting than the first two, and the gameplay was fairly straightforward--search cabinets and drawers until you find what you're looking for, then find out where to place them while being distracted by guards and dogs (usually working in pairs). There's even a requirement to spend a little money in order to progress. Along the way you find a key that allows access to a secret. All in all, a charming level, reminiscent of the similar Reign of Chaos level. I've already spent more than three hours in three levels of Osiris, so even with a walkthrough it's easy to tell that I'm taking my time and stopping to smell the roses as I enjoy the gaming experience." - Phil (02-Apr-2007) |
"This is the most no-lineal level I've ever played I think. Prepare yourself for a huge exploration work and to go back a lot of times; use flares often to discover hidden things in walls and floors too. The airport is very well builded with its glass doors, photo-machines, mechanical stairs,... a lot of good details which envolve the game in a real ambience. At least this time there's not a banana jump and at last I found another weapon! (uzis). Although gameplay is too much no-lineal you'll not have much problems if you play continuous all at once and remember the doors you let behind, there are only three floors. A lot of cabinets to open, most of them empty, some keys and disks to find, a lot of dogs and guards to shoot, but no puzzles to solve, only discover and advance. Even so, an entertaining level." - Jose (28-Mar-2007) |
"Now this is one quite confusing level but the worse are yet to come. At first I thought I would give up with so many drawers and searching the entire area by going up and down between rooms. I didn't, obviously, and I even found the two secrets in this level that were evilly hidden. I have to confess that the factor luck was catalytic though so I can't get all the credit for the secrets. The tasks are simple enough as mentioned above like find a key here or there by searching the various places around the airport. I liked the booths with the airlines around but since the Greek one was missing I deducted a point from the gameplay (just kidding). Nothing more to say about this level, you just have to play it." - Kristina (19-Mar-2007) |
"After a rather strange transition from the church to the airport, you can breathe a sigh of relief as there aren't as many enemies here to deal with. This was quite a fun level with lots to do. It never gets boring and you won't get stuck if you search every nook and cranny of areas before moving on. I also thought the level had a realistic design to it with the many offices and other amenities you are likely to see in an airport. Though at the end, I wonder how Lara was able to persuade the enemy helicopter's pilot to fly her to Egypt, but in Tomb Raider anything can happen I guess." - Relic Hunter (04-Mar-2007) |
"I am not a big fan of Airport levels in any game so when I saw this was part of the series I thought OH NO! But WOW the detail was fantastic. Gameplay was nice not too hard. A lot of exploring & searching to find the items needed. Secrets were difficult to find, but nothing is ever suppose to be easy is it? I stood at the window gazing out at the tarmac admiring the detail the builder put forth in creating this level(made me think I was in a real airport)and thinking I need a vacation. Little sneaky with the medi-pack that I couldn't attain. One complaint, my knees were sore from crawling through crawlspaces that led to dead ends. But alas isn't that what Tomb Raider is all about to search every little nook & cranny for hidden treasures? I really enjoyed this level." - guss18 (01-Mar-2007) |
"Beautifully rendered airport and surrounding area. Quite realistic, including a unisex bathroom. Fun to wander around and explore, if at times, not sure of the correct course. Once you realise the drawers are opened by taking a step away, the gameplay flows more evenly." - Bene (28-Feb-2007) |
"Wow! This level blew me away - outstanding venue, beautifully crafted (please give me lessons). This airport is just about as authentic as it gets and I loved exploring the place. This is a "do not miss" level! You will be searching for some keys so check all of those drawers. Well Done !" - Mugs (24-Feb-2007) |
"This is probably one of the most realistic levels I have ever played.
Textures are laid very carefully and objects are used also very well to
decorate the level. The fact is that this level looks just like the airports in
real life. There are even other people among Lara and bad guys in the
airport like the woman who's sleeping and the one who's just walking in
the corridor. Maybe this level could be even better if there were more
thinking and puzzles to solve because most of your time you spend on
finding items and running around. Top level needs to have also good
gameplay because mere good looking environment just isn't enough.
However, this level is created well in every ways and it was a pleasure to
play." - Samu (24-Feb-2007) |
"What an effort and mastery in object building. And how this is all put together to create and convincing airport atmosphere. This has to be seen! There are so much nice details to explore and exploring is, what you have to do intensively. All this drawers you have to open. Ok, gameplaywise not so much my taste, but it doesn't get boring, because the level is relatively small and it's so excellently designed. Nice cut sequence in the end on the airfield!" - Raymond (20-Feb-2007) |
"Oh, this is just wonderfully well put together. I was wandering round the fabulous airport gawking like a real tourist, the realism and attention to detail in the surroundings being so superb. It's a big airport and you get to do a lot of exploring, including the outside area that has a rent a car and hotel building. I really just wanted to explore the entire city I could so teasingly see in the distance but alas it was not to be. The gameplay is straightforward (although it's easy to get lost) and there are guards and dogs to fight whilst you make your way around collecting keys, computer disks and swipe cards. Definitely a real visual treat." - Jay (20-Feb-2007) |
"This is only the third level in this huge adventure and I have already found myself a"winner"! At least in this category. I have not played many similar levels (and I don't know if there is that many so they can get their own category hehe) Anyway, this level has it all. Huge areas filled with tons of things to do. The objects are superb and so are the puzzles. It might be hard from time to time to understand what to do as some of the puzzles/objects are not really"ordinary"...but you get the hang of it after a while. I especially liked the"coke-wending machine-raising block" object hehe. The enemies are well placed and the music is actually eerie and creepy! I like that. The layout of the map, the conveyer belts, the toilets etc. Everything is done to perfection! I do wonder who wants to hide a small medipak in a toilet though...and I wonder even more how Lara would even think of using it! HAHA. All in all this is one of those rare gems that really make you believe you are in this for real *lol* In tombs it might be easier to convince the players but in realistic places like an airport, it demands extreme skill by the builder. Way to go, Leeloo! All tens from me!" - QRS (13-Feb-2007) |